Management Skills – Build Employee Engagement & Performance
Management Skills – Build Employee Engagement & Performance, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.58, with 39 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 2541 reviews, and has 8333 subscribers.
You will learn about Get a better performance from your employees Create better alignment of employees personal and the organizational goals Manage your team successfully and meet your objectives Improve your management & leadership abilities and facilitate change Close the gaps between current and desired performance and outcomes Encourage employee’s independence and initiative Higher levels of Employee Engagement and Motivation in your team Improve your Management skills and Communication Skills This course is ideal for individuals who are I designed this course for (upcoming) Supervisors, Managers, Leaders, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Management, Business, IT and Finance who want to get more out of themselves and out of their teams. It is particularly useful for I designed this course for (upcoming) Supervisors, Managers, Leaders, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Management, Business, IT and Finance who want to get more out of themselves and out of their teams.
Enroll now: Management Skills – Build Employee Engagement & Performance
Title: Management Skills – Build Employee Engagement & Performance
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.58
Number of Lectures: 39
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 39
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 40
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 40
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Get a better performance from your employees
- Create better alignment of employees personal and the organizational goals
- Manage your team successfully and meet your objectives
- Improve your management & leadership abilities and facilitate change
- Close the gaps between current and desired performance and outcomes
- Encourage employee’s independence and initiative
- Higher levels of Employee Engagement and Motivation in your team
- Improve your Management skills and Communication Skills
Who Should Attend
- I designed this course for (upcoming) Supervisors, Managers, Leaders, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Management, Business, IT and Finance who want to get more out of themselves and out of their teams.
Target Audiences
- I designed this course for (upcoming) Supervisors, Managers, Leaders, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Management, Business, IT and Finance who want to get more out of themselves and out of their teams.
Could your team be performing at a higher level?
Do you feel as though your employees are unmotivated and dissatisfied in the office?
Would you like to learn more management skills and techniques to help your employees be more motivated and engaged?
For most managers, the idea of improving performance (performance management) and promoting employee engagement in the workplace can be daunting.
This management skills program provides 8 practical, easy-to-apply Management Skills and Techniques to motivate and engage your team to get the best performance out of them.
You will learn:
What employee engagement is
The difference between employee motivation and employee satisfaction, and how they link to employee engagement
The current state of employee engagement in the workplace
The barriers to growing employee engagement and employee performance
8 practical Management tactics(management skills and methods) to help you grow employee motivation, employee engagement, and employee performance in your workplace.
The 8 tactics we’re going to focus on are:
Accelerate daily progress and remove obstacles
Set clear expectations
Connect the dots to the big picture
Be a coach and help develop your employees’ skills
Give feedback, and reward & recognize good performance
Provide on-the-job opportunities for your employees to develop themselves
Be open to innovative ideas
Successful change management involves employees
Regardless of which level of management you’re at..
This performance management program: 8 Practical Ways to Motivate and Engage Your Team For High Performance will provide you with skills, tools, and techniques so that you can take action today and make a difference in your workplace.
+ you will receive a Free E-Book (30 pages) which contains all the course content, the assignments, management skills and more…
“This course wasfull of extremely useful information that I plan to incorporate it daily in my job and outside of my job as well. The information was clearly outlined and logically structured. The instructor was also verymotivated about the topic and I look forward to going through his additional coaching course. I’d like to thank him for putting out this information as it will be extremelyhelpful in my future.” – Gary G.
“This is avery practical and valuable course for anyone who is trying to improve their leadership and employee management skills. The lessons, concepts are clear and well presented. Highly recommended.” – Alex A
“It iseasy to follow and understand. Clear and concise. Actually, I already got some ideas forming in my mind and I know it will really help with our business and team.” – April V.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: What is this program about and what will you learn
Lecture 1: Program Introduction and Current Engagement problem
Lecture 2: What are you going to learn…
Chapter 2: The Basics: Employee Engagement, Motivation and Satisfaction
Lecture 1: Introduction of employee satisfaction, motivation and engagement
Lecture 2: Explanation employee satisfaction, motivation and engagement
Lecture 3: Download your Ebook: 8 Practical Ways To Motivate and Engage Your Team
Chapter 3: Current employee engagement and motivation in companies around The world
Lecture 1: Introduction Employee Engagement around the world
Lecture 2: A few shocking statistics that show why we need to improve employee engagement
Lecture 3: The Barriers to Growing Employee Engagement
Lecture 4: Insight exercise
Chapter 4: Change Starts From The Top and your role as a Manager
Lecture 1: Your role as a (upcoming) Manager
Lecture 2: What does engaged senior leadership look like?
Chapter 5: How To Get the Most Out of This program
Lecture 1: How to get the most out of this program
Chapter 6: Tactic #1: Accelerate daily progress and remove obstacles
Lecture 1: Introduction: Accelerate daily progress and remove obstacles
Lecture 2: Tactic #1: Accelerate daily progress and remove obstacles
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 7: Tactic #2: Set clear expectations
Lecture 1: Introduction: Set clear expectations
Lecture 2: Tactic #2: Set clear expectations
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 8: Tactic #3: Connect the dots to the big picture
Lecture 1: Introduction : Connect the dots to the big picture
Lecture 2: Tactic # 3: Connect the dots to the big picture
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 9: Tactic #4: Be a coach and help develop your employees’ skills
Lecture 1: Introduction: Be a coach and help develop your employees’ skills
Lecture 2: Tactic #4: Be a coach and help develop your employees’ skills
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 10: Tactic #5: Give feedback, and reward & recognize good performance
Lecture 1: Introduction: Give feedback, and reward & recognize good performance
Lecture 2: Tactic #5: Give feedback, and reward & recognize good performance
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 11: Tactic #6: Provide on-the-job opportunities for your employees to develop
Lecture 1: Introduction: Provide on-the-job opportunities for your employees
Lecture 2: Tactic#6: Provide on-the-job opportunities for employees to develop themselves
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 12: Tactic #7: Be open to innovative ideas
Lecture 1: Introduction: Be open to innovative ideas!
Lecture 2: Tactic #7: Be open to innovative ideas
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 13: Tactic #8: Successful change management involves employees
Lecture 1: Introduction: Successful change management involves employees
Lecture 2: Successful change management involves employees
Lecture 3: Insight exercise
Chapter 14: Summary and what’s Your Next Step?
Lecture 1: What's your next step….
Lecture 2: Summary and What's your next step…
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture: Available Management Courses
Ramon Janssen
MBA, Management & Leadership Coach, Author, Entrepreneur -
Management Mavericks
Boost Your Leadership!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 14 votes
- 2 stars: 45 votes
- 3 stars: 369 votes
- 4 stars: 1008 votes
- 5 stars: 1105 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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