Managing Employees Young & Old (Multi-Generation Mgmt)
Managing Employees Young & Old (Multi-Generation Mgmt), available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 51 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 369 reviews, and has 1649 subscribers.
You will learn about After having completed this course, you will be familiar with the four distinct age demographic groups and their general behavioral characteristics. You will know how to manage and get the best out of a staff made from different generations. You will understand the distinctiveness of the generation that grew up using technology and know how to leverage it to its full extent. You will be familiar with the different behaviors, attitudes, characteristics and priorities of each of the four generational groups. And you will know how to build generational bridges that drive better results. This course is ideal for individuals who are Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them. or Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers. It is particularly useful for Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them. or Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.
Enroll now: Managing Employees Young & Old (Multi-Generation Mgmt)
Title: Managing Employees Young & Old (Multi-Generation Mgmt)
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- After having completed this course, you will be familiar with the four distinct age demographic groups and their general behavioral characteristics. You will know how to manage and get the best out of a staff made from different generations.
- You will understand the distinctiveness of the generation that grew up using technology and know how to leverage it to its full extent. You will be familiar with the different behaviors, attitudes, characteristics and priorities of each of the four generational groups. And you will know how to build generational bridges that drive better results.
Who Should Attend
- Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them.
- Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.
Target Audiences
- Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them.
- Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.
Welcome to Managing Employees Young & Old (Multi-Generation Mgmt)
If you’re interested in becoming an accomplished project manager, this training will give you valuable real-life project management techniques. Learn the skills you need to be an effective project manager.
Course Overview:
At no other time in U.S. history has the workforce been as generationally diverse as it is currently, comprising four distinct age demographics across numerous ethnic and racial lines — the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Next. Learn all about the workforce generations as you dive into generational behavior in the workplace and how you can leverage the talents and skills of all four generational work forces to boost the motivation, morale, and job performance of everyone in your organization. See the benefits of understanding and appreciating the generational mix and how to best to work as team and develop these unique workplace environment that is conducive to bringing out the best that they have to offer.
Course Breakdown:
Section 1: In the pre-assessment quiz you’ll face questions from all sections of this project management training. Test your current knowledge and know your strengths and weaknesses.
Section 2: Understand the clear breakdown of the four distinct age demographics across numerous ethnic and racial lines — the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Next.
Section 3: It only takes a little conscientious effort to bridge generational gaps before you start experiencing positive results. Developing Generations will show you the benefits of understanding and appreciating the generational mix between the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomer Generation, as well as the attributes and attitudes that each generation brings into the workplace.
Section 4:Now that virtually every business has “gone digital,” we are even more reliant upon those who grew up with the technology, and can use it to do more – better and faster than we ever thought imaginable. In this section, you will see how best to work with Generations X and Next, to establish a workplace environment that is conducive to bringing out the best that they have to offer. In many ways, you have access to tomorrow’s experts today, and that is an opportunity that should not go to waste.
Section 5: Cross-generational teams, or those made up of members of different generations, have a unique set of benefits and challenges. Ultimately, as the manager, it is up to you to help ensure that team members are able to work together effectively.
Section 6: When you understand the basic distinctions of the workforce generations comprising your employed staff, you can begin reaping the benefits by putting that knowledge to good use. It only takes a little conscientious effort to bridge generational gaps before you start experiencing positive results. Developing Generations will show you the benefits of understanding and appreciating the generational mix, as well as the attributes and attitudes that each generation brings into the workplace.
Section 7: As a short Final Exam, these questions ties all the above sections in a quick review of key concepts.
Learn from others! Here are some reviews from the participants enrolled in this course (Click on reviews to see full list of reviews)
Smart method to learn – This course is helpful and using smart way to motivate thinking and understanding. The instructor has a professional delivery method, and the he materials are interesting and creative specially the flashcards and the exercises — Ibrahim Alsayed
This course is of high quality – This course will help you become a PMP and CAMP master and it will explain you every concept. The instructor is highly engaging and highly motivating. Can’t be better. Thank you — Saber Tlili
® PMI, PMP, and CAMP are a registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Orientation Video
Chapter 1: Pre-Assessment
Chapter 2: Workforce Generations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Workforce Generations
Lecture 2: Understanding Generational Behavior
Lecture 3: The Silent Generation
Lecture 4: Baby Boomers
Lecture 5: Generation X
Lecture 6: Generation Next
Lecture 7: Summary
Chapter 3: Leading Silents and Boomers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Working with the Silent Generation
Lecture 3: Silent Generation Learning Styles
Lecture 4: Training the Silent Generation
Lecture 5: Developing Business Relationships with the Silent Generation
Lecture 6: Baby Boomers
Lecture 7: Baby Boomer Learning Styles
Lecture 8: Training Baby Boomers
Lecture 9: Developing Business Relationships with Baby Boomers
Lecture 10: Integrating Older Generations with Other Employees
Lecture 11: Effects of Age Discrimination on Older Generations
Lecture 12: Resolving Work Conflicts of Silents and Baby Boomers
Lecture 13: Benefits of Teaming Silents and Baby Boomers
Lecture 14: Future Trends of Silents and Baby Boomers
Lecture 15: Summary
Chapter 4: Multi-Generational Leadership (GenX and Next)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What Younger Workers Value Most
Lecture 3: Benefits of Working with Generation X
Lecture 4: Generation X Learning Styles
Lecture 5: Training Generation X
Lecture 6: Developing Business Relationships with Generation X
Lecture 7: Benefits of Working with Generation Next
Lecture 8: Generation Next Learning Styles
Lecture 9: Training Generation Next
Lecture 10: Developing Business Relationships with Generation Next
Lecture 11: Providing Job Flexibility
Lecture 12: Managing Generations X and Next
Lecture 13: Bringing Out the Best in Generations X and Next
Lecture 14: Summary
Chapter 5: Cross-Generational Teams
Lecture 1: Benefits of Cross-Generational Teams
Lecture 2: Issues of Cross-Generational Teams
Lecture 3: Protocols to Guide Team Interaction
Lecture 4: Resolving Cross-Generational Team Challenges
Lecture 5: Future Trends Specific to Cross-Generational Teams
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 6: Developing Generations
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Examining the Generational Mix
Lecture 3: Motivations, Work Habits, Contributions
Lecture 4: Generational Motivations
Lecture 5: Building a Multi-Generational Workforce
Lecture 6: Tailored Development Approach
Lecture 7: Effective Development Techniques
Lecture 8: Summary
Chapter 7: Final
LearnSmart LLC
Smarter Training. Never Open a Textbook.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 17 votes
- 3 stars: 50 votes
- 4 stars: 146 votes
- 5 stars: 152 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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