Mastering ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
Mastering ISO/IEC 17025: 2017, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.44, with 51 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 498 reviews, and has 1753 subscribers.
You will learn about The fundamental concepts of quality, quality assurance, management and improvement and how this relates to a laboratory environment The relationship between ISO/IEC 17025 and other quality standards and the concept of laboratory accreditation The detail requirements of each clause of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 Pointers relating to documentation and implementing a Laboratory Quality Management System with a view to obtaining accreditation This course is ideal for individuals who are This course provides training in the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories'. It commences with an overview of the principles of Quality Management and improvement in the context of a calibration or testing laboratory. We then look at the relationship with other ISO standards and the concepts of certification and accreditation. An overview of the content and structure of the standard is then provided, followed by a detailed discussion of the specific requirements and implications of the standard. The course also provides an overview of typical quality management system structures and on the steps required to implement the standard and to obtain accreditation. Short quizzes are included at the end of each modules as part of the video presentation to test your knowledge. It would be useful if participants have a copy of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 when taking the course. Unfortunately this can not be provided as part of the course materials for copyright reasons. It is particularly useful for This course provides training in the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories'. It commences with an overview of the principles of Quality Management and improvement in the context of a calibration or testing laboratory. We then look at the relationship with other ISO standards and the concepts of certification and accreditation. An overview of the content and structure of the standard is then provided, followed by a detailed discussion of the specific requirements and implications of the standard. The course also provides an overview of typical quality management system structures and on the steps required to implement the standard and to obtain accreditation. Short quizzes are included at the end of each modules as part of the video presentation to test your knowledge. It would be useful if participants have a copy of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 when taking the course. Unfortunately this can not be provided as part of the course materials for copyright reasons.
Enroll now: Mastering ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
Title: Mastering ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.44
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: £59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The fundamental concepts of quality, quality assurance, management and improvement and how this relates to a laboratory environment
- The relationship between ISO/IEC 17025 and other quality standards and the concept of laboratory accreditation
- The detail requirements of each clause of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
- Pointers relating to documentation and implementing a Laboratory Quality Management System with a view to obtaining accreditation
Who Should Attend
- This course provides training in the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories'. It commences with an overview of the principles of Quality Management and improvement in the context of a calibration or testing laboratory. We then look at the relationship with other ISO standards and the concepts of certification and accreditation. An overview of the content and structure of the standard is then provided, followed by a detailed discussion of the specific requirements and implications of the standard. The course also provides an overview of typical quality management system structures and on the steps required to implement the standard and to obtain accreditation. Short quizzes are included at the end of each modules as part of the video presentation to test your knowledge. It would be useful if participants have a copy of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 when taking the course. Unfortunately this can not be provided as part of the course materials for copyright reasons.
Target Audiences
- This course provides training in the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories'. It commences with an overview of the principles of Quality Management and improvement in the context of a calibration or testing laboratory. We then look at the relationship with other ISO standards and the concepts of certification and accreditation. An overview of the content and structure of the standard is then provided, followed by a detailed discussion of the specific requirements and implications of the standard. The course also provides an overview of typical quality management system structures and on the steps required to implement the standard and to obtain accreditation. Short quizzes are included at the end of each modules as part of the video presentation to test your knowledge. It would be useful if participants have a copy of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 when taking the course. Unfortunately this can not be provided as part of the course materials for copyright reasons.
A comprehensive training course on the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 to provide participants with a detail understanding of the concepts and requirements of the standard together with an overview of the steps required to implement the standard with a view to becoming independently accredited. The course covers basic quality concepts such as customer focus, the process approach, continual improvement and risk management. The course addresses the relationship between ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001; the difference between certification and accreditation, an overview of the content of ISO/IEC 17025 followed by an in depth examination of each clause of the standard. These include impartiality, confidentiality, organisation and responsibilities, personnel, facilities and environment, equipment, traceability, purchasing, subcontracting, contract review, methods, sampling, measurement uncertainty, quality control, reporting, complaints, nonconformance handling, IT systems, records, document control, risks and opportunities, corrective action, improvement, internal audit and management review.
The course also covers typical management system documentation structures and a roadmap of the steps required to implement the standard. The course also covers the role of accreditation bodies and the process of obtaining independent recognition as well as the subject of scopes of accreditation.
The course is supported with key pdf slides, a useful graphic representing the standard and features quizzes to allow participants to test their understanding of the content of the standard. Practical exercises are also included in the course for participants to apply specific concept to their own organisations.
We are unable to provide a copy of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for copyright reasons, but it would be useful if participants could obtain their own copy for reference during the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Quality Concepts
Lecture 1: Quality and Customer Focus
Chapter 3: Quality Concepts
Lecture 1: Core, Support and Management Processes
Chapter 4: Quality Concepts
Lecture 1: Quality Assurance
Chapter 5: Quality Concepts
Lecture 1: Inputs, Processes and Outputs
Chapter 6: Quality Concepts
Lecture 1: Non-conformance, Corrective Action, Risk and Improvement
Chapter 7: ISO/IEC 17025
Lecture 1: ISO and ISO/IEC 17025
Chapter 8: ISO/IEC 17025
Lecture 1: Related standards
Chapter 9: ISO/IEC 17025 and related standards
Lecture 1: The ISO 9000 'Series'
Chapter 10: Certification and Accreditation
Lecture 1: Certification and Accreditation
Chapter 11: Structure of ISO/IEC 17025
Lecture 1: Introduction and Management Requirements
Chapter 12: Structure of ISO/IEC 17025
Lecture 1: 'Core Business' requirements
Chapter 13: Structure of ISO/IEC 17025
Lecture 1: 'Support' Processes
Chapter 14: Structure of ISO/IEC 17025
Lecture 1: Quality Assurance and Improvement Processes
Chapter 15: ISO/IEC 17025 Detail Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 4: Impartiality and Confidentiality
Chapter 16: ISO/IEC 17025 Structural Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 5: Structural Requirements
Chapter 17: ISO/IEC 17025 Resource Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 6: General and Personnel
Chapter 18: ISO/IEC 17025 Resource Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 6: Facilities and Environment
Chapter 19: ISO/IEC 17025 Resource Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 6: Equipment
Chapter 20: ISO/IEC 17025 Resource Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 6: Metrological Traceability
Chapter 21: ISO/IEC 17025 Resource Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 6: Externally Provided Products and Services
Chapter 22: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Review of Requests, Tenders and Contracts
Chapter 23: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Method Selection, Verification and Validation
Chapter 24: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Method Selection, Verification and Validation (cont'd)
Chapter 25: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Sampling
Chapter 26: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Handling of Test or Calibration Items
Chapter 27: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty
Chapter 28: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Statistical Concepts, the Mean and Standard Deviation
Chapter 29: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty (cont'd)
Chapter 30: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Ensuring the Validity of Results
Chapter 31: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Ensuring the Validity of Results (cont'd)
Chapter 32: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Reporting of Results
Chapter 33: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Reporting of Results (cont'd)
Chapter 34: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Complaints
Chapter 35: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Nonconforming Work
Chapter 36: ISO/IEC 17025 Process Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 7: Data and Information Management
Chapter 37: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Policies and Objectives
Chapter 38: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Management System Documentation
Chapter 39: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Risks, Opportunities and Improvement
Chapter 40: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Improvement
Chapter 41: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Corrective Action
Chapter 42: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Options
Chapter 43: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Internal Audits
Chapter 44: ISO/IEC 17025 Management System Requirements
Lecture 1: Clause 8: Management Review
Chapter 45: Documentation
Lecture 1: Quality Management System Documentation
Chapter 46: Implementation
Tim Alcock
Director, Qualimetric Ltd, UK
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 61 votes
- 4 stars: 181 votes
- 5 stars: 248 votes
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