Membership Site: Membership Recurring Home Business Model
Membership Site: Membership Recurring Home Business Model, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 63 lectures, based on 81 reviews, and has 39117 subscribers.
You will learn about Why Membership Sites Are Perfect For Passive Income The Different Types of Membership Sites and Some Successful Examples How to Build a Membership Site Membership Plans, Structures and Pricing The Best Contents to Offer In A Membership Site Increasing the Value of Your Membership Site to Retain Members Longer How to Promote Your Membership Site How to Maintain Your Membership Site Advanced Concepts and Strategies for Membership Sites This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online or Anyone preferring captioned videos or This course is not for students who wants "On-Screen show how" – The course is strictly 100% informational or Anyone who wants to build recurring income or Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards or Anyone who wants to make a bigger difference by getting their expertise online or Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors who want to impact the lives of a wider audience! or • 9-5 workers who want to make side income. It is particularly useful for Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online or Anyone preferring captioned videos or This course is not for students who wants "On-Screen show how" – The course is strictly 100% informational or Anyone who wants to build recurring income or Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards or Anyone who wants to make a bigger difference by getting their expertise online or Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors who want to impact the lives of a wider audience! or • 9-5 workers who want to make side income.
Enroll now: Membership Site: Membership Recurring Home Business Model
Title: Membership Site: Membership Recurring Home Business Model
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Why Membership Sites Are Perfect For Passive Income
- The Different Types of Membership Sites and Some Successful Examples
- How to Build a Membership Site
- Membership Plans, Structures and Pricing
- The Best Contents to Offer In A Membership Site
- Increasing the Value of Your Membership Site to Retain Members Longer
- How to Promote Your Membership Site
- How to Maintain Your Membership Site
- Advanced Concepts and Strategies for Membership Sites
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online
- Anyone preferring captioned videos
- This course is not for students who wants "On-Screen show how" – The course is strictly 100% informational
- Anyone who wants to build recurring income
- Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards
- Anyone who wants to make a bigger difference by getting their expertise online
- Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors who want to impact the lives of a wider audience!
- • 9-5 workers who want to make side income.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online
- Anyone preferring captioned videos
- This course is not for students who wants "On-Screen show how" – The course is strictly 100% informational
- Anyone who wants to build recurring income
- Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards
- Anyone who wants to make a bigger difference by getting their expertise online
- Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors who want to impact the lives of a wider audience!
- • 9-5 workers who want to make side income.
Two Certificates for the Price of One! Finish your Udemy course and Contact us to get your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificate!
Why Membership Sites Are Perfect For Passive Income?
If you’re interested in making money online, then it’s probably because you like the idea of having more freedom to live and work wherever and however you want. The benefits of working online are many and varied and
extend into every aspect of your life.
But in order for you to make the very most from this way of working, you also need to make sure you choose the perfect business model. Working online on its own does not necessarily equate to an ideal lifestyle; rather
the benefits come when you work online in the right way. And let me tell you: creating a membership site is definitely the right way.
Working online is easy. If you are in a job that’s fairly flexible, then you should be able to ask your employer if you can work from home and simply log into the company’s network whenever you start working. And sure, this will bring some benefits: you’ll be able to stay in bed longer and stop commuting and you’ll have the luxury of being able to drink tea, listen to music and generally create a comfortable environment.
But you’re still ultimately a slave to your job. You’re still trading ‘time for hours’ and you’ll still need to be available for the hours between 9am-5pm.
You’ll probably also need to be near the phone and you’ll be expected to output a certain amount of work every day. That means you probably can’t leave the house and work outdoors in case you lose your internet connection. And it means you can decide to stop working for the day and visit a friend instead. Worst of all, you can still be ‘told off’ by your boss – reprimanded like a child!
The same goes for creating your own online business. If you’re a web designer for example, then you have the freedom to decide when you work on projects. But you probably still have deadlines and to all extents and purposes, your clients are your bosses. If you fail to complete
This is why so many people find the idea of blogging desirable. All you have to do is to create and manage a website that you hopefully find fascinating and really enjoy writing about. You’ll get to experience a lot of the satisfaction that comes from running your own business. And you get passive income, meaning that you’ll earn money while you sleep. But even this isn’t perfect. Because one day, you might earn $200 and the next day you might earn $10.
It only takes a change to Google’s search algorithm and you can lose all of your progress. What’s more, is that it takes actually a huge amount of time to build up the amount of traffic that you need to make a big profit from a blog. This is especially true if you are planning to use pay-per-click advertising but it’s equally the case if you are selling your own product.
Think about it: how often do you click ads on other websites? This is why it typically takes 1K visitors for you to generate just one or two clicks and the same goes for sales of products. It’s a huge amount of work before you start earning anything and there’s no guarantee it will ever get to the point where it can provide a livable salary.
Enter: Recurring, Passive Income
This is where membership site come in and offer an incredibly appealing alternative. Essentially, a membership website is a site that users pay to subscribe to. This normally works by first enticing the reader with some free content and showing them the kind of entertainment/information/value that you’re capable of providing. Once they’re hooked, you then make sure they know that they need to subscribe in order to gain access to your very best content and to get frequently updated.
So what’s so different about this? Well for starters, it means that you can much more easily convert visitors to paying customers seeing as they’re not having to put down a large amount of money and seeing as they know what they’re getting right away.
More importantly, though, it means that the money is recurring and much more predictable. Unlike a regular blog that can very much fluctuate, having subscribers means you probably have some kind of agreement or standing order set up. This means that you can practically guarantee that you’ll be able to earn a set amount of money each week, month or quarter.
And that very quickly starts to add up…
So say you currently have people subscribing for $5 membership a month. If your content is good, then you could realistically convince one in every 1-10,000 people to sign up. But it’s very possible the very first person who visits might sign up! There’s an element of luck but as soon as you get that first membership you’re in business – and $5 membership a month quickly adds up to $60 a year.
Eventually, you can work whenever you like and add as much content as you like (we’ll look at how later on) and still know for sure that you’ll be able to earn X amount of money per month and per year. This is very much living the dream – all the freedom of passive incomes but with all the security of a well-paid job!
Can people unsubscribe? Sure they can! But the likelihood of everyone unsubscribing all at once is incredibly slim and in most cases you’ll have more new visitors signing up than old visitors leaving.
What You Will Learn
This course is going to explain in great detail exactly how you go about creating your own membership website.
We’ll see how to build a membership website, how to make sure that people want to subscribe, how to implement a recurring fee and how to thrive in this market space.
What we’ll also see is that there are multiple membership business models that can work online when you know how.
We’ll look at a selection so that you can decide on the perfect type of membership site/content for you.
Ultimately, we’re going to give you the tools to take the subjects that you love and then turn them into a stable source of income that will pay out even while you’re sleeping.
Specifically, you will learn:
How to create a membership website or blog
How to turn your site into a membership site
How to make content that will make people want to subscribe
How to promote your membership site
How to price your membership site
How to add extra monetization to your offering
How to create a membership app
How to create membership video
The importance of building a community
How to use quizzes and other forms of media
What you can learn from the best membership sites
The strategies and tools you can learn to succeed even beyond those…
And much more!
Kindly note that this is a 100% informational guide, there are no “On-Screen how to steps”.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Must Read Intro
Lecture 3: Membership Empire
Lecture 4: Explaining the Membership Business Model
Lecture 5: Point-By-Point Checklist
Lecture 6: Resource Cheat Sheet
Lecture 7: This is How You Earn Your CPD Accredited Certificate!
Chapter 2: Tools of Trade!
Lecture 1: Eleator.Store | Handpicked deals on the best business tools will save you $500
Chapter 3: Types of Membership Site
Lecture 1: Types of Membership Site
Lecture 2: Alternatives to Websites
Lecture 3: Examples of Successful Membership Sites
Chapter 4: Building Your Membership Site
Lecture 1: How to Build Your Membership Site
Lecture 2: More Tools
Chapter 5: Membership Strategies
Lecture 1: Membership Plans, Structures
Lecture 2: Pricing and Payment Models
Lecture 3: Removing Risk
Chapter 6: Valuable Content = Retaining Members
Lecture 1: What to Offer
Lecture 2: Retaining Members
Chapter 7: Promotions and Maintenance
Lecture 1: Promoting Your Membership Site
Lecture 2: Maintaining Your Membership Site
Chapter 8: Wrapping Up
Lecture 1: Advanced strategies
Lecture 2: Conclusion And Summary
Chapter 9: Over the Shoulder: How to Build A Membership With Your Chosen Platform
Lecture 1: File and Content Hosting for Your Membership
Lecture 2: Content Protection
Lecture 3: Collecting Names and E-Mail Addresses
Lecture 4: Video Streaming
Lecture 5: Page and Content Protection Course Platforms
Lecture 6: Page Protection WordPress
Lecture 7: Page Protection From Shopping Carts
Lecture 8: Recurring Payments – Affiliate Network
Lecture 9: Recurring Payments – Affiliate Network
Lecture 10: Recurring Payments – Course Platform
Lecture 11: Recurring Payments – Shopping Cart System
Lecture 12: Recurring Payments – Shopping Cart Integrations
Lecture 13: Recurring Payments – Integrations with Member Area
Lecture 14: Collecting the Contact E-Mail Address
Lecture 15: Bundling Products for Your Members
Lecture 16: Content Archiving in Wishlist Member
Lecture 17: Independence of Process
Lecture 18: Content Dripping Schedule
Lecture 19: Membership Component Tagging
Lecture 20: Components of a Membership
Chapter 10: Ext: WP Membership Plugin
Lecture 1: The Right Mindset
Lecture 2: Mapping Out Your Product Menu
Lecture 3: Mapping Out Your Membership Site Funnel
Lecture 4: Which WordPress Membership Plugin?
Lecture 5: Access, Install, and Getting Started
Lecture 6: Creating A Product/Membership Level
Lecture 7: Content & File Protection
Lecture 8: Completion
Chapter 11: Extra Resources
Lecture 1: 10 Internet Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Membership Site
Lecture 2: 100 Mmbership Site Marketing Tricks
Lecture 3: How to Create Content That Will Sell a Website
Lecture 4: How to Price Your Membership Site
Lecture 5: Membership Site Case Study: Why Does Hashtag Nomads Work So Well?
Lecture 6: Some Great Examples of Alternative Membership Sites and Tools
Lecture 7: The Biggest Mistake That Most Blog Owners Make (Don’t Make This One!)
Lecture 8: Top Ways to Promote a Subscription Site in the Real World
Lecture 9: Understanding Human Psychology in Order to Sell More Memberships
Lecture 10: Verifying the Market so Your Membership Blog Simply Cannot Fail
Lecture 11: Why a Tiered Membership System Works So Well for Membership Sites
Lecture 12: Why Choosing Your Niche is the Most Important Part of Marketing
Lecture 13: Bonus Lecture
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Kareem Mostafa
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 41 votes
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