New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader
New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.57, with 163 lectures, 18 quizzes, based on 14665 reviews, and has 56033 subscribers.
You will learn about A step by step guide to your first 94 days as a manager Communicate directly and clearly Give and receive constructive feedback Recognize different stages in a group's development Adjust own behavior related to the development stage of the group Understand the need for and use of different leadership styles Set clear and effective guidelines for team behavior Distinguish between management and leadership Understand and manage conflicts Clarify expectations and focus efforts of the team Acknowledge colleagues in a way that supports healthy work relationships Understand how values influence relationships and leadership Motivate individuals and teams in a productive way Build trust and successful work relationships Excel in the management role with its unique demands and expectations Planning the operations of your team Coaching your coworkers to better performance, well-being and results Effective delegation of tasks Make great decisions by yourself or with a group Manage time effectively Work with reflection and learning, individually and in a team This course is ideal for individuals who are If you will be promoted to manager in the near future, just got promoted to your first management position or have been a manager for say 1-2 years, then this course is intended for you. or This is a new manager training for developers, designers and others. It is not limited to a certain industry or occupation. or No prior management or leadership knowledge is required. or If you have been a manager for more than 2 years and have attended several other courses on management and leadership then this course is probably not for you. Or if you are looking for a course on how to create an engaging slideshow presentation or how to plan the budget of a project, then it is not for you either. It is particularly useful for If you will be promoted to manager in the near future, just got promoted to your first management position or have been a manager for say 1-2 years, then this course is intended for you. or This is a new manager training for developers, designers and others. It is not limited to a certain industry or occupation. or No prior management or leadership knowledge is required. or If you have been a manager for more than 2 years and have attended several other courses on management and leadership then this course is probably not for you. Or if you are looking for a course on how to create an engaging slideshow presentation or how to plan the budget of a project, then it is not for you either.
Enroll now: New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader
Title: New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.57
Number of Lectures: 163
Number of Quizzes: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 155
Number of Published Quizzes: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 181
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 173
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- A step by step guide to your first 94 days as a manager
- Communicate directly and clearly
- Give and receive constructive feedback
- Recognize different stages in a group's development
- Adjust own behavior related to the development stage of the group
- Understand the need for and use of different leadership styles
- Set clear and effective guidelines for team behavior
- Distinguish between management and leadership
- Understand and manage conflicts
- Clarify expectations and focus efforts of the team
- Acknowledge colleagues in a way that supports healthy work relationships
- Understand how values influence relationships and leadership
- Motivate individuals and teams in a productive way
- Build trust and successful work relationships
- Excel in the management role with its unique demands and expectations
- Planning the operations of your team
- Coaching your coworkers to better performance, well-being and results
- Effective delegation of tasks
- Make great decisions by yourself or with a group
- Manage time effectively
- Work with reflection and learning, individually and in a team
Who Should Attend
- If you will be promoted to manager in the near future, just got promoted to your first management position or have been a manager for say 1-2 years, then this course is intended for you.
- This is a new manager training for developers, designers and others. It is not limited to a certain industry or occupation.
- No prior management or leadership knowledge is required.
- If you have been a manager for more than 2 years and have attended several other courses on management and leadership then this course is probably not for you. Or if you are looking for a course on how to create an engaging slideshow presentation or how to plan the budget of a project, then it is not for you either.
Target Audiences
- If you will be promoted to manager in the near future, just got promoted to your first management position or have been a manager for say 1-2 years, then this course is intended for you.
- This is a new manager training for developers, designers and others. It is not limited to a certain industry or occupation.
- No prior management or leadership knowledge is required.
- If you have been a manager for more than 2 years and have attended several other courses on management and leadership then this course is probably not for you. Or if you are looking for a course on how to create an engaging slideshow presentation or how to plan the budget of a project, then it is not for you either.
Learn the basic concepts, tools and skills that you will need to become successful as a manager. Learn how to build and lead effective teams through both the easy and the hard times.
Build a strong foundation for your successful leadership with this comprehensive course
Get a great start with a detailed guide to your first 94 days as a manager
Learn to communicate clearly and how to work with constructive feedback.
Recognize and use group dynamics for better results.
Manage conflicts and relationships in a productive, energy efficient way.
Build motivated and self-learning teams with a high level of trust.
Learn how to best manage the demands and expectations of the management role.
Learn practical skills such as operations planning with your team, delegation, coaching, decision making, time management and conducting performance reviews.
Time and Energy Saving Knowledge and Skills at Your Disposal
This course is built on more than 25 years experience with training new and experienced managers from all corners of the world.
Successful managers have all invested in their leadership skills. These skills are often what makes or breaks a new manager.
Content and Overview
I designed this course to be easily understood and applied by absolute beginners. The course has over 35 downloadable resources that you can use for future reference, including guides, checklists, textbooks, illustrations and assessments.
It is complete with easy-to-digest theories, models and practical examples. A total of 18 sections with over 130 lectures filled with proven tips and tricks. And there is a quiz at the end of each section to help you grasp the key concepts.
You will walk away from this course with a solid toolbox of skills and knowledge that you can use to succeed in your new management role.
You will be able to communicate more clearly, give and receive constructive feedback and manage conflicts. You will understand group dynamics and be able to adjust your leadership to the development stage of your team.
You will avoid energy drains by clarifying expectations, guidelines for behavior and working with values. You will be able to motivate yourself and others, build trusting and effective relationships while managing the challenges related to the management role.
You will be able to plan and execute the work of yourself and your team, both in the day to day operations and in the long-term.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 2: Course Overview
Chapter 2: The First 94 Days
Lecture 1: Download: New Manager Checklist
Lecture 2: First Things First – Getting a Good Start
Lecture 3: The First Important Meetings
Lecture 4: Address the Shift in Relationship
Lecture 5: Tips and Tricks for Remembering Names
Lecture 6: The Boss Contract
Lecture 7: What to Do Next
Lecture 8: A Mindset for Success
Lecture 9: To Go Fast – Go Slow with People
Lecture 10: Exercise
Chapter 3: The Shift – From Specialist to Manager
Lecture 1: Introduction: One of the Most Challenging Transitions in Business
Lecture 2: Ask Yourself
Lecture 3: Three Psychological Obstacles and Their Solutions
Lecture 4: Exercise: Assess Your Leadership Skills
Lecture 5: A New Skill Set and A New Focus to Succeed
Lecture 6: Myth vs Reality
Chapter 4: The Difference Between Management and Leadership
Lecture 1: The Two Dimensions of Teamwork
Lecture 2: Using the Two Dimensions
Lecture 3: Definition of Management and Leadership
Lecture 4: Exercise
Chapter 5: Giving and Receiving Feedback
Lecture 1: The Science and Art of Feedback
Lecture 2: Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Giving Feedback
Lecture 3: Seven Tips for Giving Feedback
Lecture 4: How Much "Positive" and "Negative" Feedback to Give
Lecture 5: Understand the All Important Relationship Account
Lecture 6: I-Statements for Effective Feedback
Lecture 7: Receiving Feedback
Lecture 8: Exercise
Chapter 6: Communication
Lecture 1: The Four Levels of Communication
Lecture 2: Having a Clear Outcome
Lecture 3: The Arrow of Credibility
Lecture 4: Using Responsible Language
Lecture 5: Active Listening
Lecture 6: Exercise
Chapter 7: Group Dynamics
Lecture 1: A Group is Made Up of Relationships – Duh!
Lecture 2: Three Preferences in Groups
Lecture 3: Group Development – Stage 1: Inclusion
Lecture 4: Group Development – Stage 2: Control
Lecture 5: Group Development – Stage 3: Openness
Lecture 6: Real Life Example: Group Development Stages at Work
Lecture 7: Real Life Example 2: A Romantic Relationship
Lecture 8: How to Lead During the Different Group Stages
Lecture 9: Practical Tips – Leadership in the Group Stages
Lecture 10: Exercise
Lecture 11: Ground Rules for Behavior in Groups
Lecture 12: Exercise
Lecture 13: Differences and Similarities and the Effect on the Group
Lecture 14: Exercise
Chapter 8: Conflict Management
Lecture 1: The Definition of Conflict
Lecture 2: The Five Conflict Styles
Lecture 3: Conflict Styles: Relationship Example
Lecture 4: Conflict Styles: Workplace Example
Lecture 5: Two Attitudes: Harmony View and Conflict View
Lecture 6: Exercise
Lecture 7: How You Can Manage Expectations Effectively
Lecture 8: Exercise
Lecture 9: The Vital Importance of Acknowledgement
Lecture 10: The Acknowledgement Scale
Lecture 11: Exercise
Chapter 9: Trust and Openness
Lecture 1: What is Trust?
Lecture 2: The Trust and Openness Spiral
Lecture 3: The Magic of Small Talk
Lecture 4: The Border Between What is Personal and What is Private
Lecture 5: Exercise
Chapter 10: Values and Ethics
Lecture 1: What Are Values and Why Should You Care?
Lecture 2: How Values Influence Your Decisions and Actions
Lecture 3: Personal Values and How They Influence Your Life
Lecture 4: Organizational Values and How to Use Them
Lecture 5: A Story about Working with Organizational Values
Lecture 6: Ethical Decision Making
Lecture 7: Exercise
Chapter 11: Motivation
Lecture 1: Two Real-Life Stories about How You Can Create Motivation
Lecture 2: Communicating the Big Picture
Lecture 3: Clarify What is Lacking to Help Others Improve
Lecture 4: Use the Dynamics of Pain and Pleasure
Lecture 5: Real Life Example 1: Pain and Pleasure in Personal Life
Lecture 6: Real Life Example 2: Pain and Pleasure with Your Team
Lecture 7: Make Your Colleagues Feel Seen
Markus Amanto
Author. Speaker. Trainer.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 40 votes
- 2 stars: 119 votes
- 3 stars: 1300 votes
- 4 stars: 5475 votes
- 5 stars: 7731 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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