New Thinking in Life & Business > Prospering in 21st Century
New Thinking in Life & Business > Prospering in 21st Century, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 25 lectures, based on 52 reviews, and has 4130 subscribers.
You will learn about Appreciate some of the new knowledge and skills for business success Understand the importance of the knowledge that 'you don't know you don't know' Understand and practice a four quadrant model of knowledge Use models of the brain to understand good business practice Reflect upon these 'New Skills and Knowledges' and put forward alternative thinking in discussion thread A new ‘Cash Flow Quadrant’ for Soloprenuers A new approach to Business 'Health Insurance' Mind Mapping as an important business skill Determine "how much TIME have you got?" This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, SMEs, already successful in business and those that want to be or The ambitious professional: Maybe you’ve been in your industry for a while or you are just starting out, and you are ready to accelerate your career and start building for your future. or The determined entrepreneur: You are out on your own struggling with others in highly competitive niches and if you want to be truly successful, you need a slight edge. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a way to improve your overall effectiveness this course could be the answer or The creative artist: Perhaps you are an artist with a vision and need the mental space and creativity to make your dreams come true. Whether musician, painter, or dancer, optimising your knowledge and thinking skills is great for your personal improvement or The overworked employee: You may not love what you do for work and have plans to make a change in your life and this course will open up your thinking to give you a much larger ‘canvas’ in which to forge a possible new career or The university student: Education is important to you and getting good grades is your mission. (in which case my other course on Learning-toLearn and Mind Mapping will be very helpful). However you also need to look beyond your degree and widen your Knowledge about Knowledge to help you forge your future success and this course willer a ‘wake-up’ call or Business Commentators, Think Tanks, Economists or If you have ambition and appreciate that there maybe important knowledge that remains hidden from you that could be important for future business and personal success It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, SMEs, already successful in business and those that want to be or The ambitious professional: Maybe you’ve been in your industry for a while or you are just starting out, and you are ready to accelerate your career and start building for your future. or The determined entrepreneur: You are out on your own struggling with others in highly competitive niches and if you want to be truly successful, you need a slight edge. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a way to improve your overall effectiveness this course could be the answer or The creative artist: Perhaps you are an artist with a vision and need the mental space and creativity to make your dreams come true. Whether musician, painter, or dancer, optimising your knowledge and thinking skills is great for your personal improvement or The overworked employee: You may not love what you do for work and have plans to make a change in your life and this course will open up your thinking to give you a much larger ‘canvas’ in which to forge a possible new career or The university student: Education is important to you and getting good grades is your mission. (in which case my other course on Learning-toLearn and Mind Mapping will be very helpful). However you also need to look beyond your degree and widen your Knowledge about Knowledge to help you forge your future success and this course willer a ‘wake-up’ call or Business Commentators, Think Tanks, Economists or If you have ambition and appreciate that there maybe important knowledge that remains hidden from you that could be important for future business and personal success.
Enroll now: New Thinking in Life & Business > Prospering in 21st Century
Title: New Thinking in Life & Business > Prospering in 21st Century
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 25
Number of Published Lectures: 25
Number of Curriculum Items: 26
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 25
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Appreciate some of the new knowledge and skills for business success
- Understand the importance of the knowledge that 'you don't know you don't know'
- Understand and practice a four quadrant model of knowledge
- Use models of the brain to understand good business practice
- Reflect upon these 'New Skills and Knowledges' and put forward alternative thinking in discussion thread
- A new ‘Cash Flow Quadrant’ for Soloprenuers
- A new approach to Business 'Health Insurance'
- Mind Mapping as an important business skill
- Determine "how much TIME have you got?"
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, SMEs, already successful in business and those that want to be
- The ambitious professional: Maybe you’ve been in your industry for a while or you are just starting out, and you are ready to accelerate your career and start building for your future.
- The determined entrepreneur: You are out on your own struggling with others in highly competitive niches and if you want to be truly successful, you need a slight edge. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a way to improve your overall effectiveness this course could be the answer
- The creative artist: Perhaps you are an artist with a vision and need the mental space and creativity to make your dreams come true. Whether musician, painter, or dancer, optimising your knowledge and thinking skills is great for your personal improvement
- The overworked employee: You may not love what you do for work and have plans to make a change in your life and this course will open up your thinking to give you a much larger ‘canvas’ in which to forge a possible new career
- The university student: Education is important to you and getting good grades is your mission. (in which case my other course on Learning-toLearn and Mind Mapping will be very helpful). However you also need to look beyond your degree and widen your Knowledge about Knowledge to help you forge your future success and this course willer a ‘wake-up’ call
- Business Commentators, Think Tanks, Economists
- If you have ambition and appreciate that there maybe important knowledge that remains hidden from you that could be important for future business and personal success
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, SMEs, already successful in business and those that want to be
- The ambitious professional: Maybe you’ve been in your industry for a while or you are just starting out, and you are ready to accelerate your career and start building for your future.
- The determined entrepreneur: You are out on your own struggling with others in highly competitive niches and if you want to be truly successful, you need a slight edge. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a way to improve your overall effectiveness this course could be the answer
- The creative artist: Perhaps you are an artist with a vision and need the mental space and creativity to make your dreams come true. Whether musician, painter, or dancer, optimising your knowledge and thinking skills is great for your personal improvement
- The overworked employee: You may not love what you do for work and have plans to make a change in your life and this course will open up your thinking to give you a much larger ‘canvas’ in which to forge a possible new career
- The university student: Education is important to you and getting good grades is your mission. (in which case my other course on Learning-toLearn and Mind Mapping will be very helpful). However you also need to look beyond your degree and widen your Knowledge about Knowledge to help you forge your future success and this course willer a ‘wake-up’ call
- Business Commentators, Think Tanks, Economists
- If you have ambition and appreciate that there maybe important knowledge that remains hidden from you that could be important for future business and personal success
This course is based on a number of talks given to the business and health-conscious community by the author.
The course outlines some new thinking for Business and Life Success in the 21st Century. If you are a leader, manager, or even a solopreneur this course gives you new ways to look at what you do. Many of the ideas here are deliberately provocative and thought stimulating, so if you take the course, please chip in with your own thoughts, concepts and new thinking in the discussion thread!
So, are you already a successful in your chosen career or would you like to become successful? Are you following traditional thinking and guidance about how to become a success in your chosen subject area, or are you looking for new and better ways to live your life and to do your business?
Taken from a series of live lectures delivered by the author, the Course gets you to look differently at business that is fit for the 21st Century. Although full of insights for those working in big companies, this course is especially relevant for smaller more nimble companies (including solopreneurs and freelancers)who want to help take their business to the next ‘level’. There are also insights for anyone thinking of starting their own business and wanting to become an entrepreneur.
Although we still need to continue with many of the business processes of the past (which are not covered here) it is important to take stock and consider how new thinking, new knowledge and new skills will enhance your business longevity, wellbeing and success. The course is not about the things that lead to short-term transient success, but is about the things you need to THINK about and take ACTION on, in order to achieve long-term meaningful ‘success’.
The course comprises several live recorded talks that have been delivered to various professional/networking groups in the UK and the content includes:
How Premature Organisation prevents Conception
A Four Quadrant model of Knowledge
A new approach to your ‘Health Insurance’
Mind Mapping introduced as an important business skill
Expert Frame of Mind v the Learner Frame of Mind (and the fall of the expert)
A ‘Cash Flow Quadrant’ – to get you thinking about your personal value
My FIVE Knowledges for Business Success
The rise of the Millionaire Teachers (something to think about)
A different perspective about TIME (How much have you got?)
The importance of Sleep time, Downtime and Brain Time
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Purpose of the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Outline
Chapter 2: Section 2 – Turning Business on its Head
Lecture 1: Turning Business on its Head – Less is More and SLOW is the new Fast
Lecture 2: Turning Business on its Head (continued) – Less is More ..
Chapter 3: Section 3 – The New Knowledges for Business Success
Lecture 1: Quick browse through the slides to accompany The New Knowledges Lectures
Lecture 2: The New Knowledges (Live Talk Part 1)
Lecture 3: The New Knowledges (Live Talk Part 2)
Lecture 4: ACTIVITY: Identify examples of your knowledge from each of the four domains
Chapter 4: Lectures from the Workshop "Fall of the Expert"
Lecture 1: The fall of the Expert (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Fall of the Expert (Part2)
Lecture 3: Fall of the Expert (Part 3)
Chapter 5: Why is Mind Mapping an important new skill?
Lecture 1: Mind Mapping for Effective Business (Part 1) Webinar Recording
Lecture 2: Mind Mapping for Effective Business (Part 2) Webinar Recording:
Lecture 3: Mind Mapping or Spaghetti Diagrams? (One is effective one isn't)
Lecture 4: An interview on Mind Mapping
Chapter 6: More on the thinking required for creativity, wellness, and longevity
Lecture 1: A Brain Perspective on how to solve the chronic problems of today
Lecture 2: 100 Year Longevity and Wellness Plan (Live Long and Prosper)
Lecture 3: Insights on thinking and knowledge from an autistic child prodigy
Chapter 7: Other talks
Lecture 1: How to solve the chronic problems of today (draft TEDx talk with slides added)
Chapter 8: BONUS SECTION & DISCOUNT CODES- additional lectures that may be of interest
Lecture 1: HR CONFERENCE IN CAIRO – outline of my keynote conference talk
Lecture 2: Bonus Material: to accompany the FALL OF THE EXPERT videos
Lecture 3: BONUS Lecture – Things you can do next
Lecture 4: How to Think for Yourself (7 Tips from Sofo Archon)
Lecture 5: Science v Scientism
Lecture 6: FalloftheExpert:How the science has been distorted for the Climate Change Agenda
Barry Mapp
Mind Mapping, Wellness, and Learning Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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