OKR Goal Setting 101 – Achieve more goals than ever! Faster!
OKR Goal Setting 101 – Achieve more goals than ever! Faster!, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.47, with 63 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 9447 reviews, and has 33331 subscribers.
You will learn about #1 OKR course on Udemy (including 41-page workbook, real examples, BEST practices) – you will know exactly how to use OKRs in your business (35,000+ attendees) You confidently set and achieve your goals by writing purposeful, measurable key results (and have more success) AI powered OKR validator (ChatGPT) will help you define better OKRs You clearly communicate OKR-based goals and cascade them up and down the organisation You avoid the 10 most common mistakes when setting and working towards goals You write strong, metric-driven, motivating OKR to manage yourself and your team Your remote, virtual, or hybrid team is perfectly aligned using OKRs You lead your team, project, or company using Googles success principle and achieve your goals You master the OKR framework and are a role model in using Objectives and Key Results This course is ideal for individuals who are Employees, team managers, executives, entrepreneurs who want to master the OKR-method and benefit by using OKRs them from day 1 or For you, if you want to achieve (more) goals in life and business or For you, if you want to benefit from using OKRs, the most effective goal setting tool in the world or For you as a leader, if you want to cascade your goals and align your organisation to focus on the right priorities or For you, if you are tired of ineffective goal setting tools like SMART It is particularly useful for Employees, team managers, executives, entrepreneurs who want to master the OKR-method and benefit by using OKRs them from day 1 or For you, if you want to achieve (more) goals in life and business or For you, if you want to benefit from using OKRs, the most effective goal setting tool in the world or For you as a leader, if you want to cascade your goals and align your organisation to focus on the right priorities or For you, if you are tired of ineffective goal setting tools like SMART.
Enroll now: OKR Goal Setting 101 – Achieve more goals than ever! Faster!
Title: OKR Goal Setting 101 – Achieve more goals than ever! Faster!
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.47
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 68
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- #1 OKR course on Udemy (including 41-page workbook, real examples, BEST practices) – you will know exactly how to use OKRs in your business (35,000+ attendees)
- You confidently set and achieve your goals by writing purposeful, measurable key results (and have more success)
- AI powered OKR validator (ChatGPT) will help you define better OKRs
- You clearly communicate OKR-based goals and cascade them up and down the organisation
- You avoid the 10 most common mistakes when setting and working towards goals
- You write strong, metric-driven, motivating OKR to manage yourself and your team
- Your remote, virtual, or hybrid team is perfectly aligned using OKRs
- You lead your team, project, or company using Googles success principle and achieve your goals
- You master the OKR framework and are a role model in using Objectives and Key Results
Who Should Attend
- Employees, team managers, executives, entrepreneurs who want to master the OKR-method and benefit by using OKRs them from day 1
- For you, if you want to achieve (more) goals in life and business
- For you, if you want to benefit from using OKRs, the most effective goal setting tool in the world
- For you as a leader, if you want to cascade your goals and align your organisation to focus on the right priorities
- For you, if you are tired of ineffective goal setting tools like SMART
Target Audiences
- Employees, team managers, executives, entrepreneurs who want to master the OKR-method and benefit by using OKRs them from day 1
- For you, if you want to achieve (more) goals in life and business
- For you, if you want to benefit from using OKRs, the most effective goal setting tool in the world
- For you as a leader, if you want to cascade your goals and align your organisation to focus on the right priorities
- For you, if you are tired of ineffective goal setting tools like SMART
‘It’s very clear and interactive, with practical examples of OKR setting.I worked at Google, using OKRs, for 10 years, and I still learned new things with this course.’,said Chris, attendee of our OKR 101 course
‘I expected this to be a rather basic course, but indeed it touched up on all of the questions I still had, andgave practical implementation tips. Wouldhighly recommendit!’,Alena V.
The comprehensive 41-page workbook of our globally most popular OKR 101 coursewill be your guide throughout the course and your reference in your daily practice.
Take the shortcut from 0 to OKR-Herowith this bestselling OKR course – you will set OKRs in the most effective way, lead yourself and your team based on real-world best practices, and have fun along the way.
What you should know: Our OKR-Experts answer your individual OKR-related questions!
What attendees say about the #1 most popular OKR course on Udemy:
“This course is very helpful and knowledgable. I literally found all what I was looking for there and even more ? It is really AWESOME to learn from the experts. I like the examples and how the course tackle everything related to OKR such as performance management and SCRUM. Thank you and well done.”
“The course and tips were helpful to set your goals you wanted to achieve or make a difference, it changes your mindset to improve yourself and other people around you.”
“Claridad y enfoque. Con ejemplos prácticos en un mundo real. Presentación amena que facilita la comprensión.”
“After reading 3 OKR’s books I can tell this is a very clear, concise and direct introduction to OKRs”
“Muy bien abordado!!! super concreto con ejemplos muy claros.”
*** 35,000+ attendees ***
More than 35,000 attendees(English, German, and Mandarin versions combined) so far, the OKR Goal Setting 101 course is a compulsory course in many small, medium, and large organisations worldwide. Benefit from the #1 OKR course worldwide focusing on practical tips you can implement immediately.
### And even experienced OKR users love the checklists, examples, and hands-on tips for making OKRs successful and sustainable! ###
After visiting this course you confidently define and thrive using OKRs and benefit from the best goal-setting process for individuals, teams, and large organizations.
If you use our
step-by-step guide,
deepen your knowledge with our real-world examples,
and use the downloadable documents as templates for your business, you will be the OKR pro in your organisation. Even if you have no goal setting- or OKR-experience so far.
This course is perfect for leaders, team members, and individuals.
“The course is more in-depth than John Dooer’s book, ‘Measure What Matters.’ It has checklists and lays out plans of action, steps to follow.” says one of our course participants.
In this online course you are going to learn:
What are OKRs and WHY they help you to really achieve your goals
What are the best practices of OKRs and how are OKRs used in different industries
How can I set goals with OKR in my business life / job
How can I lead my team, how can I lead my company with OKRs
How to use OKR for goal setting on a company level as an executive
How do I align department, team and individual OKR with company OKR (your path for consistent and aligned goal setting through the company)
How can I use OKR s to set long term / annual and BIG goals
Many practical examples for different environments: for yourself, for a small team or for a global corporate
Which are the 10 biggest mistakes people make when defining goals and how can I avoid them
How do I make sure to actually do the work and take the steps necessary to achieve my goals – instead of defining them and waiting for a miracle to happen (or “the right time to come”)
This course is facilitated by Axel Rittershaus, Executive Coach, who supports individuals, teams, and organizations around the globe to write strong goals and benefit from the value of OKRs.
It is designed for people at all levels, from individual team members to managers, who achieve their targets (and more) by writing strong goals for themselves and cascade goals within their organization.
If you are new to OKRs:
Forget everything you heard about goal setting. Ditch SMART.
Go for the champion and set your goals using OKR at our OKR bootcamp.
In this bestsellingOKR 101 course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to set goals with OKRs, incorporate them into your life, and improve your future in both business and life.
Goal setting is great, but that’s only the first step. Achieving a goal is much harder and takes much longer.
Most goal setting techniques fail completely when it comes to helping you achieve your goals.
OKRs is most likely the number one ‘goal-setting-and-achieving-method’the world is talking about. Google used Objectives and Key Results (OKR) almost from day one (they started with OKR in 1999 and still use it, helping them grow their employee base from 60 to more than 160,000 in 23 years) and they still use it – from the intern to the CEO.
No matter if you work on your own, in a small team, or a corporate environment:
OKRs are your way to more productivity and better results – no matter your business!
With OKRs you’re going to achieve goals you always struggled with or never dared to approach.
In this course you’ll get
Examples for personal and business OKR
Working materials
Templates for your own goal setting
to use OKRs effectively.
After completing this course
You’ll know exactly what OKRs are, how they work, and how you will benefitfrom them
You’ll define your professional and private goalbased on the OKR principle
You’ll implement the simple but highly effective steps to take action to realize your goals
And, if you’re a leader, you’ll know exactly how to use OKRs as a leadership tool
The earlier you define your OKR, the sooner you will achieve your goals.
The Q&A board will assist you on your path from beginner to OKR master!
Your coach, OKR expert Axel Rittershaus, is working with highly successful executives, corporates, and individuals in 30 countries as a leadership coach and advisor. The most successful of them use OKR.
Let’s get started and make you more successful and happy by setting and achieving your goals with OKR.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: You, your current goals, and the 10 biggest mistakes you avoid with OKRs
Lecture 1: Welcome to your journey of setting and achieving goals with OKRs
Lecture 2: Your 41 page OKR 101 Workbook
Lecture 3: How good are your goals? (Warm-up exercise)
Lecture 4: Let's look at your results from the warm-up exercise
Lecture 5: The 10 biggest mistakes when setting goals and what you need to avoid
Chapter 2: Everything about OKRs and how you can use them to achieve more and be happy
Lecture 1: OKRs – this is how they work
Lecture 2: Step 1: What are OKRs and how do you define goals according to OKRs?
Lecture 3: Step 2: Follow up, updates and new OKRs (this is THE key success factor of OKRs)
Lecture 4: Example Sales: How to define your individual OKRs in business/in your job
Lecture 5: Example HR: How to define your individual OKRs in business/in your job
Lecture 6: Example Presales Team: How to define OKRs for a presales team
Lecture 7: Example: How to define OKRs for goals in private life (money)
Lecture 8: Example: How to define OKRs for goals in your private life (sports)
Lecture 9: OKR Validator (experimental CustomGPT – AI assisted OKR validator with ChatGPT)
Chapter 3: Time to take action: Define your own OKRs now
Lecture 1: Time to take action: Define your own OKRs now
Lecture 2: Step by step exercise to define your own OKRs for your business life
Lecture 3: Dos and Don'ts when using OKRs for goal setting
Lecture 4: Are OKRs just a hype? Are OKRs at Google just an exception? Or will they last?
Chapter 4: Top 10 OKR-related questions from 20,000 attendees and consulting clients
Lecture 1: Top 10 OKR questions – answers from our Linkedin Live session
Lecture 2: OKR-Question 1: How do I know, if I defined the correct Key Results?
Lecture 3: OKR-Question 2: What‘s the difference between tasks and Key Results?
Lecture 4: OKR-Question 3: Who is responsible for a KR? Could it be multiple people?
Lecture 5: OKR-Question 4: What happens to Objectives I did not achieve in one quarter?
Lecture 6: OKR-Question 5: What are we doing wrong, if we can't achieve our OKRs?
Lecture 7: OKR-Question 6: My Key Results are hard to measure. Can I define a metric?
Lecture 8: OKR-Question 7: I completed all KRs, but the Objective has not been achieved?
Lecture 9: OKR-Question 8: How can I use OKRs, if I lack the discipline for updates?
Lecture 10: OKR-Question 9: How can I introduce OKRs for all 250 employees at once?
Lecture 11: OKR-Question 10: How do I know, if a Key Result is a KR and not an Objective?
Lecture 12: Your questions?
Chapter 5: OKRs as a management and leadership tool/principle
Lecture 1: OKRs as a management and leadership tool/principle
Lecture 2: How to lead your people using OKRs – step by step-guide to define OKRs in teams
Lecture 3: Benefits for leaders using OKRs as a leadership tool for goal setting
Lecture 4: How to use OKRs company-wide: The process
Lecture 5: Example: Defining company-wide OKRs
Lecture 6: Example: Defining department OKRs based on company OKRs (HR)
Lecture 7: Example: Cross-team OKRs for IT, marketing and sales teams
Chapter 6: Types of OKRs – aspiring and committed OKRs
Lecture 1: Types of OKRs – aspiring/challenging and committed OKRs
Lecture 2: The 70% challenge of OKRs – 'Aspiring OKRs'
Lecture 3: Committed OKRs – the 'must-have' goals
Lecture 4: Examples of committed OKRs
Chapter 7: OKRs in the real world environment
Lecture 1: OKRs in the real world environment (KPIs, SCRUM, Performance Management)
Lecture 2: KPIs and OKRs – what's the difference?
Lecture 3: OKRs and SCRUM – do they match or is this overkill?
Lecture 4: OKRs & HR / Performance Management
Lecture 5: OKRs for routine and daily tasks – define OKRs or not?
Chapter 8: Further OKR examples
Lecture 1: Further OKR examples
Lecture 2: OKR example for a Non Profit Organisation
Lecture 3: OKR example for an engineering team
Lecture 4: OKR example for a Startup
Chapter 9: OKR tools and free OKR templates
Lecture 1: OKR tools
Lecture 2: OKR tool: Google Sheets (including template)
Lecture 3: OKR tool: Gtmhub (since 2023: Quantive)
Lecture 4: OKR tool: Perdoo
Lecture 5: OKR tool: Weekdone
Lecture 6: OKR tool: Asana
Chapter 10: OKR tools and final tips to implement OKRs
Lecture 1: From course to practice
Lecture 2: Bonus and final tips for your future with OKRs
Axel Rittershaus
Executive & Leadership Coach, OKR expert, AI for business
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 35 votes
- 2 stars: 111 votes
- 3 stars: 1066 votes
- 4 stars: 3828 votes
- 5 stars: 4407 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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