Operations Management. Strategy, Process design and supply.
Operations Management. Strategy, Process design and supply., available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4, with 36 lectures, 18 quizzes, based on 40 reviews, and has 199 subscribers.
You will learn about What operations management is. Primary and secondary functions of an organization. The differentiation between a product and a service. The Characteristics of an operation What the Triple bottom line means to an organization Operation management indicators. Stake holder expectations. Understand the five key performance indicators quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. Understand what a strategy is. Understand how strategies are created, how can ops management support or create a strategy. Learn about order winning and order qualification characteristics of a product or process. What is the product lifecycle and how it impacts strategies. Learn about flow metrics of cycle time, Takt time, lead time, Work in progress & utilization via exercises. Understand process design in the context of standardization and environment. How process design is impacted by the volume and variety of product. Understand how process mapping and process chart can help to improve and develop a process. How process layout can be created and how it is correlated to the volume and variety of product to be made. Line balancing. How to ensure that a process is ran as efficiently as possible. How human resource management can help and aid operations management. Learn how to design a job through Scientific management. Method Study, work measurement, work sampling and Time study will be understood through worked examples Understand how important ergonomics and environment is in relation to job design. Understand how job design has developed to include motivation theory which includes the behavioral approach. Learn how to deliver product to the customer via operations scheduling. Understand the principles of loading, sequencing, scheduling and monitoring and control. How to manage capacity in operations management. Which includes Long, medium and short term planning. Understand capacity planning measurement of Utilization and overall equipment effectiveness. Understand different types of capacity planning. Level demand, Chase demand or manage it. Why is inventory important, what is it, cycle counts and the positives and the negatives of inventory. The cost of inventory, Economic Order quantity, managing inventory, the bin system, the ABC system, measuring inventory and inventory management systems. Understand what supply chain management is and perform exercises on how to choose a supplier. Material requirements planning (MRP), Manufacturing resources planning (MRP II), Enterprise resource planning (ERP). Bill of Materials (BOM). This course is ideal for individuals who are Operation managers. or Operator who want to learn and progress. or Supervisor. or Production managers. or Front line managers. or Engineer Managers. or Quality Managers. or Research and development Managers. or Sales and Marketing Managers. or Supply chain managers. or Planners. or Quality Engineers. or Process Engineers. or Manufacturing Engineers. or Equipment Engineers. or Process Validation Engineers. or Process Improvement Engineers. or Lean Improvement Engineers. or Project Managers. or Human Resource Managers. or Supplier Engineer Managers. or Logistic suppliers. or Warehouse managers. or Suppliers. or Original Equipment Manufacturers. or Service providers for example managers of retail, hospitals, educational facilities and entertainment. or Entrepreneurs. or Small and Medium size organisations. or Students of operations management. or Public Service providers for example the Health service. It is particularly useful for Operation managers. or Operator who want to learn and progress. or Supervisor. or Production managers. or Front line managers. or Engineer Managers. or Quality Managers. or Research and development Managers. or Sales and Marketing Managers. or Supply chain managers. or Planners. or Quality Engineers. or Process Engineers. or Manufacturing Engineers. or Equipment Engineers. or Process Validation Engineers. or Process Improvement Engineers. or Lean Improvement Engineers. or Project Managers. or Human Resource Managers. or Supplier Engineer Managers. or Logistic suppliers. or Warehouse managers. or Suppliers. or Original Equipment Manufacturers. or Service providers for example managers of retail, hospitals, educational facilities and entertainment. or Entrepreneurs. or Small and Medium size organisations. or Students of operations management. or Public Service providers for example the Health service.
Enroll now: Operations Management. Strategy, Process design and supply.
Title: Operations Management. Strategy, Process design and supply.
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Quizzes: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 36
Number of Published Quizzes: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: €219.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What operations management is.
- Primary and secondary functions of an organization.
- The differentiation between a product and a service.
- The Characteristics of an operation
- What the Triple bottom line means to an organization
- Operation management indicators.
- Stake holder expectations.
- Understand the five key performance indicators quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost.
- Understand what a strategy is.
- Understand how strategies are created, how can ops management support or create a strategy.
- Learn about order winning and order qualification characteristics of a product or process.
- What is the product lifecycle and how it impacts strategies.
- Learn about flow metrics of cycle time, Takt time, lead time, Work in progress & utilization via exercises.
- Understand process design in the context of standardization and environment.
- How process design is impacted by the volume and variety of product.
- Understand how process mapping and process chart can help to improve and develop a process.
- How process layout can be created and how it is correlated to the volume and variety of product to be made.
- Line balancing. How to ensure that a process is ran as efficiently as possible.
- How human resource management can help and aid operations management.
- Learn how to design a job through Scientific management. Method Study, work measurement, work sampling and Time study will be understood through worked examples
- Understand how important ergonomics and environment is in relation to job design.
- Understand how job design has developed to include motivation theory which includes the behavioral approach.
- Learn how to deliver product to the customer via operations scheduling. Understand the principles of loading, sequencing, scheduling and monitoring and control.
- How to manage capacity in operations management. Which includes Long, medium and short term planning.
- Understand capacity planning measurement of Utilization and overall equipment effectiveness.
- Understand different types of capacity planning. Level demand, Chase demand or manage it.
- Why is inventory important, what is it, cycle counts and the positives and the negatives of inventory.
- The cost of inventory, Economic Order quantity, managing inventory, the bin system, the ABC system, measuring inventory and inventory management systems.
- Understand what supply chain management is and perform exercises on how to choose a supplier.
- Material requirements planning (MRP), Manufacturing resources planning (MRP II), Enterprise resource planning (ERP). Bill of Materials (BOM).
Who Should Attend
- Operation managers.
- Operator who want to learn and progress.
- Supervisor.
- Production managers.
- Front line managers.
- Engineer Managers.
- Quality Managers.
- Research and development Managers.
- Sales and Marketing Managers.
- Supply chain managers.
- Planners.
- Quality Engineers.
- Process Engineers.
- Manufacturing Engineers.
- Equipment Engineers.
- Process Validation Engineers.
- Process Improvement Engineers.
- Lean Improvement Engineers.
- Project Managers.
- Human Resource Managers.
- Supplier Engineer Managers.
- Logistic suppliers.
- Warehouse managers.
- Suppliers.
- Original Equipment Manufacturers.
- Service providers for example managers of retail, hospitals, educational facilities and entertainment.
- Entrepreneurs.
- Small and Medium size organisations.
- Students of operations management.
- Public Service providers for example the Health service.
Target Audiences
- Operation managers.
- Operator who want to learn and progress.
- Supervisor.
- Production managers.
- Front line managers.
- Engineer Managers.
- Quality Managers.
- Research and development Managers.
- Sales and Marketing Managers.
- Supply chain managers.
- Planners.
- Quality Engineers.
- Process Engineers.
- Manufacturing Engineers.
- Equipment Engineers.
- Process Validation Engineers.
- Process Improvement Engineers.
- Lean Improvement Engineers.
- Project Managers.
- Human Resource Managers.
- Supplier Engineer Managers.
- Logistic suppliers.
- Warehouse managers.
- Suppliers.
- Original Equipment Manufacturers.
- Service providers for example managers of retail, hospitals, educational facilities and entertainment.
- Entrepreneurs.
- Small and Medium size organisations.
- Students of operations management.
- Public Service providers for example the Health service.
The course is broken into 3 main sections.
Section 1 Direction:
Operations Management: What is operations management?
What is ops management.
Primary functions in an organization.
Support functions in an organization.
What is operations.
Differentiate between a Service & Product.
Process Hierarchy.
Characteristic of an operation.
Operations Management: Operations Performance Part 1.
Triple Bottom line.
Operations Indicators.
Stakeholder expectations.
We will look at some case studies to illustrate these learning objectives.
Operations Management: Operations Performance Part 2.
Understand the five key metrics in operations
Operations Management: Strategy.
What is a strategy
What are the four perspectives on an operations strategy.
Understand each perspective with real world case studies.
What is meant by order winning and order qualifying
Product life cycle impact on strategies
Section 2 Designing the process
Operations Management: Process design Part 1
Flow Metrics
Relationship between product design and process design.
Understand flow in process design.
Fundamental metrics of flow.
Cycle time.
Takt time.
Lead time.
Work in progress (WIP)
Operations management: Process design Part 1 exercise on Flow metrics
Flow Metrics
We will demonstrate some simple calculations of Takt time, cycle time and lead time.
We will get an understanding on how these indicators can influence the operations manager
Operations Management: Process Design Part 2:
We will understand was is meant by standardization in the design of a process.
We will understand that we need to consider environment when designing a process.
Operations Management: Process Design Part 3.
Types of Processes
We will understand that the amount of a product a manufacturer makes and
the variety of product has an influence on the type of process.
Operations Management: Process Design Part 4.
Process Mapping & Process charts.
We will understand what process mapping is .
We will understand what a process chart is.
We will understand what the benefits are.
Operations Management Process Design Exercise: Process Mapping
Go through an example of a process map.
Operations Management Process Design Part 5:
What is a layout.
What incorporates a good layout.
Understand the different types of layout.
Operations Management Process Design. Exercise on Line Balancing.
What is line balancing.
Work through an example of a line balance.
Operations Management Process Design Part 6 Job Design. Human resources.
Human Resource management.
Stress in the work place.
Operations Management Process Design Part 7. Job Design. Allocation of tasks.
Design of a job.
Allocating tasks
Scientific Management.
Operations Management Process Design. Part 8. Job Design. Work measurement.
Understand how to carry out a work measurement.
Why work measurement important?
Work Sampling.
Time Study.
Operations Management Process Design. Part 8. Exercise on Method Study
What will we learn?
How to perform a time study.
Operations Management Process Design. Part 9. Job Design. Designing the working Environment
Learn about Ergonomics in job design.
Understand how important work environment is within the context of job design.
Operations Management Process Design. Part 10. Job Design.
Motivation Theory.
Design a job to increase productivity.
Behavioral approach to design a job.
Operations Management Process Design. Part 11. Exercise on a Time Study.
What will we learn?
How to execute a time study.
Section 3 Delivery
Operations Management. Operations Scheduling.
We will understand Operations Scheduling.
We will understand what is meant by Planning & Control.
How does an organization break up it’s planning into Short, Medium and long term planning.
We will understand what Loading, Sequencing, scheduling, Monitor & Control is
Operations Management. Capacity Planning.
Understand what capacity is.
Capacity planning.
Long, medium and short term planning.
Making a capacity plan.
Impact to demand
Operations Management. Capacity Planning. Measurement.
Understand what utilization is.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness as a measure for capacity.
Operations Management. Capacity Planning. Measurement. Exercise
How to calculate Utilization.
How to calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Operations Management. Capacity Planning. How to deal with demand.
Level Capacity.
Chase demand.
Management of demand.
Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Part 1
We will understand what is inventory.
What is inventory in ops management.
Why do we have inventory.
Cycle inventory.
Negatives of inventory.
Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Part 2.
Cost of inventory.
Economic Order Quantity.
When to place an order.
Bin System.
Managing inventory.
ABC system.
Other items to consider.
Measuring the inventory.
Inventory management systems.
Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Exercise on Economic Order Quantity.
What will we learn?
We will do exercises on how to calculate the economic order quantity.
From this calculation we will understand how many times does an organization make an order in a period for example a year.
We will do exercises on what is the total cost of inventory management this includes cost of order inventory, cost of storing inventory and the cost of the inventory itself.
Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Exercise on ABC analysis.
What will we learn?
How to calculate an ABC analysis.
How to create an ABC analysis graph.
How to analysis the ABC graph
Operations Management. Supply Chain Management.
What is a supply chain.
An example of supply chain.
Activities of a Supply Chain Management.
Operations Management. Supply chain management. Exercise on choosing a supplier.
How to do a weighting exercise.
How to locate warehouse.
Operations Management. Enterprise Resource Planning.
What will we learn?
Exercise on MRP.
Inventory Status.
MRP report
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Understanding Operations Management.
Lecture 1: Operations Management: What is operations management?
Lecture 2: Operations Management: Operations Performance Part 1
Lecture 3: Operations Management: Operations Performance Part 2
Lecture 4: Operations Management: Strategy
Lecture 5: Operations Management: Exercise: Key metrics
Chapter 3: Section 2 Design the process
Lecture 1: Operations Management: Process design Part 1
Lecture 2: Operations management: Process Design exercise on flow metrics
Lecture 3: Operations Management: Process Design Part 2
Lecture 4: Operations Management: Process Design Part 3.
Lecture 5: Operations Management: Process Design Part 4.
Lecture 6: Operations Management Process Design Exercise: Process Mapping
Lecture 7: Operations Management Process Design Part 5.
Lecture 8: Operations Management. Process Design. Exercise on Line Balancing.
Lecture 9: Operations Management Process Design Part 6. Design the Job. Human resources.
Lecture 10: Operations Management Process Design Pt 7. Design the Job. Allocation of tasks.
Lecture 11: Operations Management Process Design Pt 8. Design the Job. Work Measurement
Lecture 12: Operations Management. Process Design. Exercise on Method Study
Lecture 13: Operations Management: Process Design. Part 9. Design the working environment.
Lecture 14: Operations Management: Process Design Part 10. The Behavioral Approach
Lecture 15: Operations management Process Design Part 11. Exercise on Time Study
Chapter 4: Section 3 Manage Supply and Demand
Lecture 1: Operations Management. Operations Scheduling.
Lecture 2: Operations Management. Capacity Planning.
Lecture 3: Operations Management. Capacity planning. Measurement
Lecture 4: Operations Management. Capacity planning. Measurement. Exercise.
Lecture 5: Operations management. Capacity Panning. How to deal with demand
Lecture 6: Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Part 1
Lecture 7: Operations Management. Managing inventory. Part 2.
Lecture 8: Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Exercise on Economic Order Quantity
Lecture 9: Operations Management. Managing Inventory. Exercise on ABC analysis.
Lecture 10: Ops Management. Supply Chain Management.
Lecture 11: Operations Management. Exercise on choosing a supplier
Lecture 12: Operations Management. ERP, MRP and MRPII.
Lecture 13: Operations Management. Exercise on Material requirements planning.
Chapter 5: Section 4: What else ?
Lecture 1: What else?
Chapter 6: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Martin Conneely
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
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