Organization Development – How to Diagnose Organizations
Organization Development – How to Diagnose Organizations, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 116 lectures, based on 169 reviews, and has 984 subscribers.
You will learn about How to diagnose an organisation in order to get a thorough understanding of the strengths and weaknesses to be able to develop OD interventions to improve overall organisational performance. Utilize interviews, observations, questionnaires and unobtrusives measures in a structured manner. Understand the importance of systemic assessments of different organizational dimensions, such as shared values, structures, strategy, systems, style, staff, and skills. This course is ideal for individuals who are People who are working as juniors in consulting firms and want to broaden their knowledge and skills on organizational diagnosis activities. or People who want to join internal change agent teams involved in organisation development. or Organization development practitioners who want to expand their know-how and get to know additional tools and methods. It is particularly useful for People who are working as juniors in consulting firms and want to broaden their knowledge and skills on organizational diagnosis activities. or People who want to join internal change agent teams involved in organisation development. or Organization development practitioners who want to expand their know-how and get to know additional tools and methods.
Enroll now: Organization Development – How to Diagnose Organizations
Title: Organization Development – How to Diagnose Organizations
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 116
Number of Published Lectures: 116
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 116
Original Price: €219.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to diagnose an organisation in order to get a thorough understanding of the strengths and weaknesses to be able to develop OD interventions to improve overall organisational performance.
- Utilize interviews, observations, questionnaires and unobtrusives measures in a structured manner.
- Understand the importance of systemic assessments of different organizational dimensions, such as shared values, structures, strategy, systems, style, staff, and skills.
Who Should Attend
- People who are working as juniors in consulting firms and want to broaden their knowledge and skills on organizational diagnosis activities.
- People who want to join internal change agent teams involved in organisation development.
- Organization development practitioners who want to expand their know-how and get to know additional tools and methods.
Target Audiences
- People who are working as juniors in consulting firms and want to broaden their knowledge and skills on organizational diagnosis activities.
- People who want to join internal change agent teams involved in organisation development.
- Organization development practitioners who want to expand their know-how and get to know additional tools and methods.
Have you ever wondered what organizational development practitioners really do during the first weeks when diagnosing an organization? The books all say: Interviews, Observations, Questionnaires, and Unobtrusive Measures. But how can you really create a comprehensive and systemic understanding of an organization, and that all within a few weeks.
This course will provide you with Tools and Methods just as we also apply them when organization diagnosis.
You will be able to go out and do semi-structured interviews to gain understanding of the organizational values, the organizational structure, the vision and mission of the organization, or gain knowledge of the day-to-day problems managers and employees face.
I will also provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to do structured observations to know more about how supervisors spend their time, analyze the effectiveness of meetings, or also how effective employees organize their daily activities.
You will have the opportunity to learn and try out various types of surveys to gain understanding of the organizational culture, employee values, or leadership styles.
There are many more tools and methods you will get to know and be able to apply.
Providing structure to the course I used the McKinsey 7S Model, which leads to following design of the course:
Section 1 will provide you an overview of the course outline and objective, the McKinsey 7S framework, as well as the context by taking a quick look at Kurt Lewin’s change model, and the action research model.
Section 2 shortly presents an overview of the fours main methods used during an organization diagnosis: interviews, observations, questionnaires, and unobtrusive measures.
Section 3 is all about Shared Values and will show you how you can take a culture walk, do interviews, use survey tools to gain an understanding of the underlying values.
Section 4is looking at Structures and you will learn on how to analyze an organizations structure, the formal as well as the informal one.
Section 5 will look at Strategy, and you will get to know how to gain an understanding of the oganizations strategy and long term goals, as well as the alignment and the goal agreement within the organization.
Section 6 will provide you with the tools and methods to analyze and visualize Systems and processes, mainly by learning more about the brown paper methods or flow charts. Some real life examples will help you to develop a better understanding of these methods.
Section 7 is all about Style– leadership and management style, and how you can utilize interviews, observations and surveys to gain good understanding.
Section 8 provides you with tools and methods to diagnose all you need to know about Staff. Like surveys to understand values, interviews, observations to know labor and time utilization. Also learn to map human capital and evaluate the effectiveness of the talent management in place.
Section 9 is about Skills, and will provide you with the know-how in how to develop a skills matrix and further on gauge the skills with the training needs.
Section 10 is about Unobtrusive Measures and will provide you with some real life examples to support your next search for data.
Section 11 will provide you with knowledge about content and characteristics of the information you should present during this final Feedback meeting. And how you manage the energy in such a way that the organization gets ready for the change.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction – Who I am – and where I am coming from . . .
Lecture 2: Course Outline and Objectives
Lecture 3: Framework for Diagnosis -McKinsey 7S Model
Lecture 4: Activity: What would you like to know?
Lecture 5: Course Context – Kurt Lewin's Change Model
Lecture 6: Course Context – Action Research Model
Chapter 2: Methods
Lecture 1: Overview of Methods
Lecture 2: Methods – Interviews
Lecture 3: Methods – Observations
Lecture 4: Methods – Questionnaires
Lecture 5: Activity: How would you analyze?
Lecture 6: Methods – Unobtrusive Measures
Chapter 3: Shared Values
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section: Shared Values
Lecture 2: Taking a Culture Walk – Part 1 of 2
Lecture 3: Taking a Culture Walk – Part 2 of 2
Lecture 4: Activity: Take a Culture Walk
Lecture 5: Culture Interviews
Lecture 6: Activity: Culture Interview
Lecture 7: Utilizing Survey Instruments – the Competing Values Framework
Lecture 8: Utilizing Survey Instruments – Example Using OCAI
Lecture 9: Utilizing Survey Instruments – Reading Recommendations
Lecture 10: Activity: Execute OCAI
Lecture 11: Interpretations and Reflections
Lecture 12: Thank You!
Chapter 4: Structures
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section: Structures
Lecture 2: Analysing Organization Charts
Lecture 3: The Process Map
Lecture 4: How about Strategy and Technology?
Lecture 5: Activity: Analysing an Organization Chart
Lecture 6: The Informal Organization
Lecture 7: Which Information Can We Expect to Gain from Organizational Network Analysis?
Lecture 8: Why Would We Want to Do an Organizational Network Analysis?
Lecture 9: How Would We Do an Organizational Network Analysis?
Lecture 10: Some Tools to Do an Organizational Network Analysis
Lecture 11: Activity: Understanding Social Networks
Lecture 12: Interpretations and Reflections
Lecture 13: Thank You!
Chapter 5: Strategy
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section: Strategy
Lecture 2: Vision and Mission
Lecture 3: Competitiveness and Environment
Lecture 4: Analyzing Alignment
Lecture 5: The Strategy Matrix
Lecture 6: Activity: Creating a Strategy Matrix
Lecture 7: Analyzing Goal Agreement Part 1 of 2
Lecture 8: Analyzing Goal Agreement Part 2 of 2
Lecture 9: Interpretations and Reflections
Lecture 10: Thank You!
Chapter 6: Systems
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section: Systems
Lecture 2: Overview of Processes
Lecture 3: The Process Map
Lecture 4: Brown Paper Method Part 1 of 3
Lecture 5: Brown Paper Method Part 2 of 3
Lecture 6: Brown Paper Method Part 3 of 3
Lecture 7: Brown Paper Method Example Part 1 of 2
Lecture 8: Brown Paper Method Example Part 2 of 2
Lecture 9: Flow Chart Example Part 1 of 2
Lecture 10: Flow Chart Example Part 2 of 2
Lecture 11: Floor Layouts
Lecture 12: Results of System Analysis
Lecture 13: Benefits of Visualization
Lecture 14: Activity: Analyzing a Process
Lecture 15: Interpretations and Reflections
Lecture 16: Thank You!
Chapter 7: Style
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section: Style
Lecture 2: Before Going Into Detail . . .
Lecture 3: Utilizing Interviews
Lecture 4: Activity: Interviews with Managers
Lecture 5: Observations Meeting Effectiveness
Lecture 6: Activity: Observations Meeting Effectiveness
Lecture 7: Observations Supervisors Part 1 of 2
Lecture 8: Observations Supervisors Part 2 of 2
Lecture 9: Activity: Observations Supervisors
Lecture 10: Assessing Style Utilizing Leadership Surveys
Lecture 11: Goleman: Six Leadership Styles
Lecture 12: Activity: Assess Style Utilizing Leadership Surveys
Lecture 13: Interpretations and Reflections
Lecture 14: Thank You!
Chapter 8: Staff
Lecture 1: Introduction to the section: Staff
Lecture 2: Utilizing Survey Instruments – Example Work Values Test
Lecture 3: Activity: Take the Work Values Test
Lecture 4: Doing Interviews Part – 1 of 2
Lecture 5: Doing Interviews Part – 2 of 2
Lecture 6: Activity: Interview Employees
Lecture 7: Observations – Labor Utilization Part – 1 of 2
Lecture 8: Observations – Labor Utilization Part – 2 of 2
Lecture 9: Activity: Observations Labor Utilization
Lecture 10: Observations – Effective Time Utilization
Lecture 11: Activity: Observations Effective Time Utilization
Lecture 12: Mapping Human Capital Part – 1 of 2
Lecture 13: Mapping Human Capital Part – 2 of 2
Lecture 14: Activity: Mapping Human Capital
Lecture 15: Talent Management Effectiveness Part – 1 of 2
Maria Veronika Surboeck
Organization Development Practitioner ⎮ University Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 18 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 45 votes
- 4 stars: 45 votes
- 5 stars: 46 votes
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