Pharmaceutical Project Management
Pharmaceutical Project Management, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.73, with 36 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 128 reviews, and has 444 subscribers.
You will learn about Basic understanding of Pharmaceutical Project Management Role of Project Manager in Pharmaceutical Industry Research & Development Fundamentals Pharmacy and Regulatory Affairs Drug Regulatory Affairs, R & D , Quality Assurance , Quality Control. B pharmacy, Biotechnology, Science LinkedIn Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Company Canada, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai. Preparation and submission of IND Clinical Trial Registration Pharma Project Lifecycle Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Handling of Orange Book This course is ideal for individuals who are Are you looking to work in Pharmaceutical Industry in 2022? and want to excel your career without paying huge amount of money? Then you are at right platform. or Pharmaceutical Manager, Pharmacy Manager, Clinical Trials, Regulatory Affairs, or Quality Assurance Pharmaceutial Industry, Regulatory Affairs, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, World Pharmaceutical Industry. or Students and Working Profesional in Pharmacy School or Pharmaceutical Industry or Pharmacy store. or Canada, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai. or Drug Regulatory Affairs, R & D , Quality Assurance , Quality Control, Project Charter and Gannt Chart. or Pharmaceuticals project managers should fine-tune their critical thinking, analytical, budgeting, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to be ready for anything. or I bet you after completing this course, you will get a very clear idea and knowledge about Why Project Management has become important for Pharmaceutical Industry, How we can apply learned project management skills in Industries. It is particularly useful for Are you looking to work in Pharmaceutical Industry in 2022? and want to excel your career without paying huge amount of money? Then you are at right platform. or Pharmaceutical Manager, Pharmacy Manager, Clinical Trials, Regulatory Affairs, or Quality Assurance Pharmaceutial Industry, Regulatory Affairs, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, World Pharmaceutical Industry. or Students and Working Profesional in Pharmacy School or Pharmaceutical Industry or Pharmacy store. or Canada, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai. or Drug Regulatory Affairs, R & D , Quality Assurance , Quality Control, Project Charter and Gannt Chart. or Pharmaceuticals project managers should fine-tune their critical thinking, analytical, budgeting, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to be ready for anything. or I bet you after completing this course, you will get a very clear idea and knowledge about Why Project Management has become important for Pharmaceutical Industry, How we can apply learned project management skills in Industries.
Enroll now: Pharmaceutical Project Management
Title: Pharmaceutical Project Management
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.73
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 36
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 40
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 40
Original Price: ₹799
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basic understanding of Pharmaceutical Project Management
- Role of Project Manager in Pharmaceutical Industry
- Research & Development Fundamentals
- Pharmacy and Regulatory Affairs
- Drug Regulatory Affairs, R & D , Quality Assurance , Quality Control.
- B pharmacy, Biotechnology, Science LinkedIn
- Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Company
- Canada, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai.
- Preparation and submission of IND
- Clinical Trial Registration
- Pharma Project Lifecycle
- Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
- Handling of Orange Book
Who Should Attend
- Are you looking to work in Pharmaceutical Industry in 2022? and want to excel your career without paying huge amount of money? Then you are at right platform.
- Pharmaceutical Manager, Pharmacy Manager, Clinical Trials, Regulatory Affairs,
- Quality Assurance Pharmaceutial Industry, Regulatory Affairs, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, World Pharmaceutical Industry.
- Students and Working Profesional in Pharmacy School or Pharmaceutical Industry or Pharmacy store.
- Canada, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai.
- Drug Regulatory Affairs, R & D , Quality Assurance , Quality Control, Project Charter and Gannt Chart.
- Pharmaceuticals project managers should fine-tune their critical thinking, analytical, budgeting, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to be ready for anything.
- I bet you after completing this course, you will get a very clear idea and knowledge about Why Project Management has become important for Pharmaceutical Industry, How we can apply learned project management skills in Industries.
Target Audiences
- Are you looking to work in Pharmaceutical Industry in 2022? and want to excel your career without paying huge amount of money? Then you are at right platform.
- Pharmaceutical Manager, Pharmacy Manager, Clinical Trials, Regulatory Affairs,
- Quality Assurance Pharmaceutial Industry, Regulatory Affairs, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, World Pharmaceutical Industry.
- Students and Working Profesional in Pharmacy School or Pharmaceutical Industry or Pharmacy store.
- Canada, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai.
- Drug Regulatory Affairs, R & D , Quality Assurance , Quality Control, Project Charter and Gannt Chart.
- Pharmaceuticals project managers should fine-tune their critical thinking, analytical, budgeting, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to be ready for anything.
- I bet you after completing this course, you will get a very clear idea and knowledge about Why Project Management has become important for Pharmaceutical Industry, How we can apply learned project management skills in Industries.
Are you looking to work in Pharmaceutical Industry in 2022? and want to excel in your career without paying a huge amount of money?
Then you are on the right platform.
This course has beendesigned forr anyone who wishes to start their career in Pharmaceutical Industry or anyone who wishes to upgrade their skills and knowledge and excel and grow in their career.
Have you ever thought about why project management skills are becoming more popular in every sector? Acquiring project management skills too succeeded in t pharmaceutical lndustry now has become very much crucial especially in the R & D and Regulatory Affairs Department.
I bet you after completing this course, you will get a very clear idea and knowledge about Why Project Management has become important for Pharmaceutical Industry, How we can apply learned project management skills in Industries.
After completing this course you will get a very clear idea about how Project Management skills and knowledge are used in Pharmaceutical Industry.
This is the course which will upgrade your knoeledge and we will also keep our content opdated so that you do not miss any important information anytime.
Without any delay, let’s start and learn something which no course or curriculum has ever offered.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Basic understanding of Project Management
Lecture 1: Course Cirriculum
Lecture 2: Introduction and Definition
Lecture 3: Project Management Triple constraints
Lecture 4: What created demand for Project Management in Pharmaceutical Industry?
Lecture 5: Phases of Project Management (Initial,Planning,Execution,Monitoring&C & Closure)
Lecture 6: Project Charter (Example)
Lecture 7: Gantt Chart
Lecture 8: Definitions and Terminologies
Chapter 2: Pharmaceutical Project Manager
Lecture 1: Introduction to Pharmaceutical Project Manager
Lecture 2: Qualities of a Project Manager
Lecture 3: What is Project Tracking?
Chapter 3: R & D Fundamentals and Biopharma:
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of R & D
Lecture 2: What is the relationship between spending on pharmaceutical R&D and new drugs?
Lecture 3: How much does it cost to bring a new drug to market?
Lecture 4: NDA (New Drug Application)
Lecture 5: IND (Investigational New Drug) U.S
Lecture 6: TYPES OF IND (Investigational new drug)?
Lecture 7: How to submit an IND application
Lecture 8: Basic concept and understanding of Generic Drugs
Lecture 9: Handling of Orange Book
Chapter 4: Project Management and Regulatory Affairs
Lecture 1: Step-wise approach for IND application
Lecture 2: TPP (Target Product Profile), QTPP (Quality Target Product Profile) and QbD
Lecture 3: Clinical Trials
Lecture 4: Global Regulatory Affairs
Lecture 5: Meetings with USFDA
Lecture 6: Preparation and Submission of IND application
Lecture 7: IND Review Cycle
Lecture 8: Clinical Trial Registration
Chapter 5: Medical Devices
Lecture 1: Medical Device according to MDR (part-1)
Lecture 2: Medical Device according to MDR (Part-2)
Chapter 6: Skills of a Pharmaceutical Project Manager (Few in detail)
Lecture 1: Quality Management
Lecture 2: Communication Management
Chapter 7: Pharma Project Lifecycle
Lecture 1: Pharma Product Lifecycle
Lecture 2: Conclusion
Lecture 3: Congratulations!
Lecture 4: Certificate Of Completion
Sohail Ahmed
Pharmaceutical Industry Professional
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 33 votes
- 4 stars: 29 votes
- 5 stars: 51 votes
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