Piping Isometrics demystified through practical examples
Piping Isometrics demystified through practical examples, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.09, with 55 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 207 reviews, and has 979 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand and evaluate the purpose, content, and importance of Piping Isometrics to the construction, commissionning, operation and maintenance of a plant Learn how to READ, INTERPRET and successfully UNDERSTAND ALL Piping Isometrics through numerous real industrial examples Learn how to DRAW your own Piping Isometrics through numerous real industrial examples Download our valuable sizing tables and dimensioning charts, essential to properly draft and issue your own Piping Isometrics Identify the 5 key sections of your Piping Isometrics (title block, grid system, revision block, notes and legend, engineering drawing block) Know and identify valve symbols on your Piping Isometrics (gate, globe, ball, butterfly, needle…) Know the standards and conventions for valve status (open, closed, throttled) Identify valve position and failure mode on your Piping Isometrics when applicable (LO, LC, FO, FC, FAI…) Know and identify process equipment symbols on your Piping Isometrics when applicable (pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, columns, furnaces, reactors…) Determine specific information about a process piping including type of material in the line, line size, line number and type of insulation when applicable Know and identify pipe fitting symbols on your Piping Isometrics (flanges, reductions, caps, spool pieces, unions…) Know and identify the Piping Isometric symbols of safety devices that are used to safely isolate, vent & drain process equipment for ease of maintenance Know and identify instrumentation symbols on your Piping Isometrics (flow meters, temperature transmitters, pressure gauges…) Know the lettering and numbering standards for piping, instruments and equipment designation on your Piping Isometrics Trace the flow of a process stream into your Piping Isometrics, through the pipes and equipment, and out of the Piping Isometrics Test your knowledge with our 50+ QUIZ QUESTIONS This course is ideal for individuals who are This training course is designed to benefit all levels of technical personnel in the Oil & Gas industry as well as in chemical and process industries but will greatly benefit : or Personnel involved in calculation, design, selection, manufacturing, safety, quality and maintenance of piping systems in industrial processes or Plant Operators and engineers in the Process and Power Plant Industries as well as Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants or Pipe drafters or Design engineers & technicians or Piping engineers & technicians or Construction workers such as pipe fitters, welders and plumbers or Maintenance engineers & technicians or Mechanics or Instructional designers and those involved in writing manuals and operational procedures or Anyone else with an interest in how Piping Isometrics should be created, maintained and used in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of industrial plants It is particularly useful for This training course is designed to benefit all levels of technical personnel in the Oil & Gas industry as well as in chemical and process industries but will greatly benefit : or Personnel involved in calculation, design, selection, manufacturing, safety, quality and maintenance of piping systems in industrial processes or Plant Operators and engineers in the Process and Power Plant Industries as well as Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants or Pipe drafters or Design engineers & technicians or Piping engineers & technicians or Construction workers such as pipe fitters, welders and plumbers or Maintenance engineers & technicians or Mechanics or Instructional designers and those involved in writing manuals and operational procedures or Anyone else with an interest in how Piping Isometrics should be created, maintained and used in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of industrial plants.
Enroll now: Piping Isometrics demystified through practical examples
Title: Piping Isometrics demystified through practical examples
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.09
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 58
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 58
Original Price: €44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand and evaluate the purpose, content, and importance of Piping Isometrics to the construction, commissionning, operation and maintenance of a plant
- Learn how to READ, INTERPRET and successfully UNDERSTAND ALL Piping Isometrics through numerous real industrial examples
- Learn how to DRAW your own Piping Isometrics through numerous real industrial examples
- Download our valuable sizing tables and dimensioning charts, essential to properly draft and issue your own Piping Isometrics
- Identify the 5 key sections of your Piping Isometrics (title block, grid system, revision block, notes and legend, engineering drawing block)
- Know and identify valve symbols on your Piping Isometrics (gate, globe, ball, butterfly, needle…)
- Know the standards and conventions for valve status (open, closed, throttled)
- Identify valve position and failure mode on your Piping Isometrics when applicable (LO, LC, FO, FC, FAI…)
- Know and identify process equipment symbols on your Piping Isometrics when applicable (pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, columns, furnaces, reactors…)
- Determine specific information about a process piping including type of material in the line, line size, line number and type of insulation when applicable
- Know and identify pipe fitting symbols on your Piping Isometrics (flanges, reductions, caps, spool pieces, unions…)
- Know and identify the Piping Isometric symbols of safety devices that are used to safely isolate, vent & drain process equipment for ease of maintenance
- Know and identify instrumentation symbols on your Piping Isometrics (flow meters, temperature transmitters, pressure gauges…)
- Know the lettering and numbering standards for piping, instruments and equipment designation on your Piping Isometrics
- Trace the flow of a process stream into your Piping Isometrics, through the pipes and equipment, and out of the Piping Isometrics
- Test your knowledge with our 50+ QUIZ QUESTIONS
Who Should Attend
- This training course is designed to benefit all levels of technical personnel in the Oil & Gas industry as well as in chemical and process industries but will greatly benefit :
- Personnel involved in calculation, design, selection, manufacturing, safety, quality and maintenance of piping systems in industrial processes
- Plant Operators and engineers in the Process and Power Plant Industries as well as Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Pipe drafters
- Design engineers & technicians
- Piping engineers & technicians
- Construction workers such as pipe fitters, welders and plumbers
- Maintenance engineers & technicians
- Mechanics
- Instructional designers and those involved in writing manuals and operational procedures
- Anyone else with an interest in how Piping Isometrics should be created, maintained and used in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of industrial plants
Target Audiences
- This training course is designed to benefit all levels of technical personnel in the Oil & Gas industry as well as in chemical and process industries but will greatly benefit :
- Personnel involved in calculation, design, selection, manufacturing, safety, quality and maintenance of piping systems in industrial processes
- Plant Operators and engineers in the Process and Power Plant Industries as well as Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Pipe drafters
- Design engineers & technicians
- Piping engineers & technicians
- Construction workers such as pipe fitters, welders and plumbers
- Maintenance engineers & technicians
- Mechanics
- Instructional designers and those involved in writing manuals and operational procedures
- Anyone else with an interest in how Piping Isometrics should be created, maintained and used in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of industrial plants
We have added a quiz at the end of each section to help you test your knowledge and emphasize the key learning points. The quiz includes:
True/False questions
Multi-choice questions
Images, cross-sectionnal views
Solved problems
and much more…
When you think you’ve got a good grasp on a topic within the course, you can test your knowledge by taking the quiz. If you pass, wonderful ! If not, you can review the videos and notes again or ask us for help in the Q&A section.
Piping Isometrics, commonly referred to as Isos, are encountred nowadays throughout all process industries such as Oil & Gas, chemical, pharmaceutical or food industries.
These engineering drawings are used worldwide in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of industrial plants.
They provide clear information on the configuration and routing of piping systems.
As a potential actor in these industries, it is therefore vital that you have a thorough understanding of Piping Isometric components and construction.
Piping Isometrics don’t have to be a complicated ! It isn’t rocket science ! This course will make you a Piping Isometric expert and you will know how to read, interpret and successfully understand all of those many lines and piping symbols.
The knowledge gained in this course will help you to understand ALL Isos so that you can draw the correct information from them.
This will set you apart from your peers, whether you are an operator, engineer, or manager and will give you an edge over your competitors when seeking employment at one of these industrial facilities.
This training course starts by initiating you to basic blueprint reading (which is also used in electrical, hydraulic and mechanical fields of expertise), then moves on to familiarize you with simple to complex isometric features, such as isometric offsets.
Symbols are also discussed thoroughly with all the isometric standards, conventions and designation codes that apply to them. These include :
valves (gate, globe, ball, butterfly…)
process equipment (pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, reactors…)
instrumentation (flow meters, temperature transmitters, pressure gauges…)
piping and fittings
Included in the course are access to numerous downloadable resources, real industrial examples of Piping Isometrics and the keys to interpret them in high quality video lectures. You will be able to practice and become even more proficient with these bonus items that you will find throughout the course.
So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.
Hope to see you there
WR Training
Spread the wings of your knowledge
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Before you start this online course
Lecture 1: What is an isometric ?
Lecture 2: Why is an isometric so important ?
Lecture 3: How do isometrics look like ?
Lecture 4: Intro to isometric piping symbols
Lecture 5: Isometric orientation
Lecture 1: Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Introduction to piping isometric reading
Lecture 3: Anatomy of a piping isometric drawing
Lecture 4: The title block
Lecture 5: The drawing scale
Lecture 6: The grid system
Lecture 7: The revision block
Lecture 8: Changes
Lecture 9: Notes and legend
Lecture 10: Section wrap-up
Lecture 1: Basic piping isometric symbols : Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Valve symbols
Lecture 3: Valve actuator symbols
Lecture 4: Control valve designations
Lecture 5: Standards and conventions for valve status
Lecture 6: Process equipment symbols
Lecture 7: Piping symbols
Lecture 8: Pipe fitting symbols
Lecture 9: Isolating, venting & draining symbols for ease of maintenance
Lecture 10: Instrumentation
Lecture 11: Sensing devices and detectors
Lecture 12: Location symbols
Lecture 13: Modifiers and transmitters
Lecture 14: Indicators and recorders
Lecture 15: Controllers
Lecture 1: Piping isometric codes : Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Piping designation code
Lecture 3: Equipment designation code
Lecture 4: Instrument designation code
Lecture 5: Miscellaneous designation codes
Lecture 1: Drawing piping isometrics : Learning objectives
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: The drawing procedure
Lecture 4: Isometric coordinates
Lecture 5: Dimensions, notes and callouts
Lecture 6: Isometric offsets
Lecture 7: Dimensioning offsets
Lecture 8: Multi-angle offsets
Lecture 9: Rolling offsets
Lecture 10: Dimensioning rolling offsets
Lecture 11: Simplifying the calculations
Lecture 1: Piping isometric example #1
Lecture 2: Piping isometric example #2
Lecture 3: Piping isometric example #3
Lecture 4: Piping isometric example #4
Lecture 5: Piping isometric example #5
Lecture 1: Downloadable resources
Lecture 2: Bonus
WR Training
Petroleum Petrochemical & Chemical Engineering
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 65 votes
- 5 stars: 116 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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