Planning & Scheduling: Be the Professional from Scratch
Planning & Scheduling: Be the Professional from Scratch, available at $27.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 204 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 787 reviews, and has 4197 subscribers.
You will learn about Take the next step toward Your Career Goals, or change to the planning career. Earn Your planning and scheduling professional (PSP) and PMI-SP Certification. You will explain Planning and Scheduling Processes with Confidence Think Different. Think Planning Create, Review and Edit Project Plans and Schedules. Do the planning for your projects. Stand out from the crowd by becoming a uniquely skilled professional planner. Build a team buy-in for the plan you have created and assure it is achievable through your planning skills. Understand the true value of TIME – the most valuable and finite commodity on Earth by planning right. Work as a professional planning and scheduling engineer Add value for yourself and your employer. Create new job market opportunities for yourself to work in the planning field. This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineers from all disciplines who are willing to shift their career into planning and scheduling. or Engineers from all disciplines who need to understand planning and the role of a planning engineer, and who want to add a major and significant skill to their skill set or Planning Engineers who wants to enhance their professionalism by acquiring a unique set of skills and knowledge or Planning Engineers who desire to be accredited by the most prestigious institutes (the AACEI – PSP Exam or the PMI-SP exam) or New graduates seeking bigger and more lucrative job opportunities. or Engineers on the lookout for a PROMOTION and a RAISE because they’re willing to learn how to plan and schedule their work effectively. or Any Engineer who’s been stressed and punished by missed deadlines and desperately wants to change his situation or Any Engineer who lacks focus in his work and is unaware of the goals he’s trying to achieve. or Anyone who wants to acquire LIFE-CHANGING planning skills so he can meet each and every one of his deadlines. or Anyone who has the big picture in mind and wants to see it through their manager’s point of view. It is particularly useful for Engineers from all disciplines who are willing to shift their career into planning and scheduling. or Engineers from all disciplines who need to understand planning and the role of a planning engineer, and who want to add a major and significant skill to their skill set or Planning Engineers who wants to enhance their professionalism by acquiring a unique set of skills and knowledge or Planning Engineers who desire to be accredited by the most prestigious institutes (the AACEI – PSP Exam or the PMI-SP exam) or New graduates seeking bigger and more lucrative job opportunities. or Engineers on the lookout for a PROMOTION and a RAISE because they’re willing to learn how to plan and schedule their work effectively. or Any Engineer who’s been stressed and punished by missed deadlines and desperately wants to change his situation or Any Engineer who lacks focus in his work and is unaware of the goals he’s trying to achieve. or Anyone who wants to acquire LIFE-CHANGING planning skills so he can meet each and every one of his deadlines. or Anyone who has the big picture in mind and wants to see it through their manager’s point of view.
Enroll now: Planning & Scheduling: Be the Professional from Scratch
Title: Planning & Scheduling: Be the Professional from Scratch
Price: $27.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 204
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 204
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 210
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 210
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: A$37.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Take the next step toward Your Career Goals, or change to the planning career.
- Earn Your planning and scheduling professional (PSP) and PMI-SP Certification.
- You will explain Planning and Scheduling Processes with Confidence
- Think Different. Think Planning
- Create, Review and Edit Project Plans and Schedules. Do the planning for your projects.
- Stand out from the crowd by becoming a uniquely skilled professional planner.
- Build a team buy-in for the plan you have created and assure it is achievable through your planning skills.
- Understand the true value of TIME – the most valuable and finite commodity on Earth by planning right.
- Work as a professional planning and scheduling engineer
- Add value for yourself and your employer.
- Create new job market opportunities for yourself to work in the planning field.
Who Should Attend
- Engineers from all disciplines who are willing to shift their career into planning and scheduling.
- Engineers from all disciplines who need to understand planning and the role of a planning engineer, and who want to add a major and significant skill to their skill set
- Planning Engineers who wants to enhance their professionalism by acquiring a unique set of skills and knowledge
- Planning Engineers who desire to be accredited by the most prestigious institutes (the AACEI – PSP Exam or the PMI-SP exam)
- New graduates seeking bigger and more lucrative job opportunities.
- Engineers on the lookout for a PROMOTION and a RAISE because they’re willing to learn how to plan and schedule their work effectively.
- Any Engineer who’s been stressed and punished by missed deadlines and desperately wants to change his situation
- Any Engineer who lacks focus in his work and is unaware of the goals he’s trying to achieve.
- Anyone who wants to acquire LIFE-CHANGING planning skills so he can meet each and every one of his deadlines.
- Anyone who has the big picture in mind and wants to see it through their manager’s point of view.
Target Audiences
- Engineers from all disciplines who are willing to shift their career into planning and scheduling.
- Engineers from all disciplines who need to understand planning and the role of a planning engineer, and who want to add a major and significant skill to their skill set
- Planning Engineers who wants to enhance their professionalism by acquiring a unique set of skills and knowledge
- Planning Engineers who desire to be accredited by the most prestigious institutes (the AACEI – PSP Exam or the PMI-SP exam)
- New graduates seeking bigger and more lucrative job opportunities.
- Engineers on the lookout for a PROMOTION and a RAISE because they’re willing to learn how to plan and schedule their work effectively.
- Any Engineer who’s been stressed and punished by missed deadlines and desperately wants to change his situation
- Any Engineer who lacks focus in his work and is unaware of the goals he’s trying to achieve.
- Anyone who wants to acquire LIFE-CHANGING planning skills so he can meet each and every one of his deadlines.
- Anyone who has the big picture in mind and wants to see it through their manager’s point of view.
Planning and Scheduling is a major and vital activity when it comes to managing the project successfully. As per AACE International there is less than 2000 planning and scheduling professionals worldwide and the same number goes for scheduling professionals as per PMI standards!. Imagine that!!. It means that you rarely have met one. How about becoming one?
We are from the top 2000 worldwide professional planners that are successfully managing more than 1 BILLION $ projects on hand today. In this course, we reveal how are we doing it.
There are lots of project management, planning and scheduling books and courses out there. We have tried most, combined the best practices and methods into this course.
To be recognized as a professional planner (PSP – Planning and Scheduling Professional) by AACE International or PMI (PMI-SP – Scheduling Professional)is given after a rigorous exam of 5 hours and 3.5 hours respectively. So, how about to become one of the few? – That’s why this course came to life and to LOVE what you learn.
>What is planning ?
>What is Scheduling?
>What makes the perfect plan?
>What is the difference between planning and scheduling?
>Is there even a difference between planning and scheduling?
>When you say the plan, are you taking a project management plan, time plan, cost plan or what?
>Is Planning and Scheduling a skill?
This is all answered in this course and tailored to make you of the planning and scheduling professionals.
This course is the Planning and Scheduling Definitive Guide.
The skill and the knowledge of planning and scheduling are really way underappreciated and unrecognized. We have seen a lot throughout our career life that does not know what the planner should do? How to do? And how important is he or she to the success of the project? Finding a professional planner to handle out the project time, saves the company rights, allocate the costs right is something so hard. That’s why this course is created, to cover this huge knowledge gap and even to make you more confident when applying to a job as a planner or even if you are working in a different position or a project manager to know how the planner works? And how to pick the best ones from the market? – Planning and Scheduling is a vital skill.
The contribution of a planner to projects is huge.It can totally affect the project’s goals, believe it or not, a project could fail miserably if planned wrong. We have seen projects that took twice its planned time and cost because it has not been planned correctly. Imagine the frustration! Here comes the motto of “Fail to plan is planning to fail”. There should be a considerable effort in planning the project and then schedulingthe project.
I personally after graduation with a Bsc of engineering and before joining the workforce in construction section, I never knew what is a Planner? I even thought that it is not important and the most important thing is to make the right drawings and do it right on site, that’s it. I never knew that the efforts of all the project team might go different ways and every one might be working in a different direction if they are not planned correctly. I also never knew that to be a planner you have to study for it or it was just initiative. I always thought that all I have to do is to learn commercial software such as Primavera P6 and that’s it, I will be professional. I also never knew that there is a lot of knowledge, skill and, books about planning. I always thought what these books are going to write. I was exactly like many of you. The importance of perfect planning and scheduling to any project has valuable benefits to the project. I have seen how mega construction projects fail not due to poor construction methodology but due to no proper planning and scheduling. Learn in this course to produce a full construction project plan and schedule, and manage construction projects.
Seeing all of that I was lucky enough to meet one of the professional planners in my first working years in the construction industry. I have decided that I would pursue the career of planning and started studying management and contract administration that took 3 years to complete 2 professional degrees and then to be certified from PMI as a Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) and AACE International as a Planning and Scheduling Professional (PSP) and read a lot of books. What initiated this course is this. I was really looking for some kind of help, a summary of all the books out there. I was looking for a guide. I wanted something to be special and include all the information that was scattered everywhere. Something that I could refer to, and because the professional planners are not much so this type of info is not anywhere. That’s why the course was created to fill this gap and help you to achieve what you want. If you ever think that planning is JUST using software, then this course is exactly what you want. It is to show you that the last thing you want is the software. The software acts as a tool where you use to create the output you require. The tool will never help you to find the inputs even if you are the best one in the world in using this tool. SO that’s why we are here to make you UNDERSTAND PLANNING AND SCHEDULING.
The course is divided to two main sectionsto take you to be the professional you wanted to be. The first section is to make you understand the project management fundamentals, the different knowledge areas and interaction with planning and the second is then taking you from having a general knowledge scattered there and there to a more organized way of thinking and in order. Your first section ends at the lecture named “Your Road to Your Profession”and all the excitement starts from here. Up to this point, the course is developing you and giving you the basic knowledge for becoming the planning and scheduling professional.
From here Section 2 begins and you are going to get the information as a professional would do. You will know what is planning and schedulingwith the exact stepsto produce the perfect plan and schedule. You are going to know what is planning and what is scheduling, what are the considerations, constraints and the inputs for each stage. Each lecture is made to be easily reverting to later on whenever you need it in your lifetime. Lectures are made fun and as explaining simply to make you get the most with a summary at the end of the major lectures. Make sure to preview the lectures before enrolling. Scheduling is the art of making a schedule that is realistic and gets the buy-in from the team. Scheduling is done right after considerable studies have been done in the planning. As the main instructor of the course is a construction professionals, there are a lot of examples on construction projects
There is no other course even similar to that course. It is a guide and a guru in the planning and scheduling field. It has been done with care to add a value to you.At the end even if you wish to get recognized by one of the prestigious institutions as a professional planner there are exams to help you practice before going to the real exam.
If you have ever investigated the reasons behind the failed projects, You would most probably find that neither planning nor scheduling is given much care.
Upon completion of this course, you will realize how any project will extremely benefit with the right planning and scheduling application.
If you wish to pass the Scheduling Professional Exam from PMI (PMI-SP) or the Planning and Scheduling Professional Exam (PSP) from AACE International, this course will be your Definitive Guide.
Learn to love planning and scheduling,and apply it as a pro.
Covering Topics:
Planning, Project Planning, Planning Professional, Scheduling, Project Scheduling, Construction Planning, Construction Scheduling, Construction Time management, Construction Schedule, Construction time schedule, Construction Project Management, Planning and Scheduling Professional (PSP) Exam from AACE International, Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) Exam from PMI, Planning Course, Scheduling Course, Planning and Scheduling Course, PSP Exam, PMI-SP Exam, PSP exam preparation course, PMI-SP exam preparation course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Start Here
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How This Course Is Made – And Why
Lecture 3: How to Get the Most Out of this Course
Chapter 2: Understanding Main Projects Definitions & Characteristics
Lecture 1: Project Vs. Operation. What are they??
Lecture 2: Sub-projects, Projects, Program and Portfolio interrelations
Lecture 3: Project life Cycle
Lecture 4: Project life Cycle relation with cost and staffing with time
Lecture 5: Variables Impact based on its timing on the project
Lecture 6: Project Management Process Interaction
Lecture 7: Periodic Interim Evaluations
Lecture 8: Stakeholders
Lecture 9: Examples of the Key Stakeholders
Lecture 10: Stakeholders – Influence/Interest Grid
Chapter 3: Process groups, Roles & Responsibilities
Lecture 1: Initiation process group
Lecture 2: Project position in the organization
Lecture 3: Project Management Main Terminologies
Lecture 4: Collecting Requirements
Lecture 5: Gathering Techniques
Lecture 6: Gathering Techniques – Brainstorming Technique
Lecture 7: Roles and Responsibilties
Lecture 8: The project sponsor role and concerns
Lecture 9: End User or Customer roles and concerns
Lecture 10: The Project Manager role
Lecture 11: The Project Manager Key Competencies
Lecture 12: The Functional Manager – Who are they and What do they do?
Lecture 13: The project team
Lecture 14: Sellers
Lecture 15: Organization Charts & RACI Matrix
Lecture 16: Control & Control Accounts
Lecture 17: Control Account Matrix
Chapter 4: Schedule Components – What makes a schedule?
Lecture 1: Project Budget Components
Lecture 2: Schedule Introduction & Main Terminologies
Lecture 3: Project Constraints
Lecture 4: Project Assumptions
Lecture 5: Activity Characteristics
Lecture 6: Activity Characteristics – Continued
Lecture 7: Activity Estimates
Lecture 8: Work Package
Lecture 9: Progressive elaboration
Lecture 10: Rolling Wave Planning
Lecture 11: Sequence Activity Diagramming Technique – ADM
Lecture 12: Sequence Activity Diagramming Technique – PDM or AON
Lecture 13: Lags & Leads
Lecture 14: Precedence Diagramming Method- Example
Lecture 15: Activity Node Sample – PDM
Lecture 16: Types of dependencies
Lecture 17: Logic Considerations
Lecture 18: PERT & GERT
Lecture 19: Resources Attributes
Lecture 20: Estimate Activity Resources
Lecture 21: Resource Breakdown Structure
Lecture 22: Estimate Activity Durations
Lecture 23: Productivity Fluctuations
Chapter 5: Create a schedule
Lecture 1: Develop a Schedule
Lecture 2: Critical Path Method (CPM)
Lecture 3: Critical Path Method (CPM) – Part 2
Lecture 4: Critical Path Method (CPM) – Part 3
Lecture 5: Critical Path Method (CPM) – Part 4
Lecture 6: CPM Example
Lecture 7: Another CPM Example
Lecture 8: Baselines – Schedule & Cost
Lecture 9: Cost Reserves
Chapter 6: Tips & Tricks of the schedule
Lecture 1: Critical Path Vs. Longest Path
Lecture 2: Near-critical Activity, Critical Activity & Schedule Activity
Lecture 3: Driving & Non-Driving Relationships
Lecture 4: Path Convergence, Divergence and HUB
Lecture 5: Calendars, Logic & Constraints
Chapter 7: Shortening the project duration – Acceleration
Lecture 1: How to shorten a project duration?
Lecture 2: How to shorten a project duration? – Part 2
Lecture 3: Crashing Detailed Example
Lecture 4: The best method for project acceleration
Lecture 5: Direct & Indirect Costs & the relation with acceleration
Lecture 6: Effect of Acceleration on project costs
Chapter 8: Resources – Interaction with Time Schedule
Lecture 1: What are the RESOURCES?
Lecture 2: Resources Main Terminologies
Lecture 3: Resource Leveling & Resource Smoothing
Lecture 4: Why Level Resources?
Lecture 5: Resource Leveling & Resource Smoothing Example
Lecture 6: Critical-chain Method
Chapter 9: Quality Management – Interaction with Planning & Scheduling
Lecture 1: Quality Management Main Terminologies
Lecture 2: Cost of Quality
Lecture 3: Quality Checklists
Lecture 4: Schedule Specifications
Chapter 10: Communications- Interaction with Planning & Scheduling
Lecture 1: Communications Introduction
Lecture 2: Communications Considerations
Lecture 3: Communication Technology
Lecture 4: Communication Model
Lecture 5: Communication Methods
Lecture 6: Performance Reporting – Your key to the mind of others
Lecture 7: Communication Characteristics
Construction Project Management Guru (PSP, PMI-SP, PMP, Excel Charts, Excel Dashboard, Excel Analytics, Excel Shortcuts
Promoting Professionalism in Planning and Scheduling.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 45 votes
- 2 stars: 55 votes
- 3 stars: 180 votes
- 4 stars: 220 votes
- 5 stars: 287 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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