Power Pivot Excel 365 – From Zero to Hero
Power Pivot Excel 365 – From Zero to Hero, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 64 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 62 reviews, and has 2321 subscribers.
You will learn about How to navigate PowerPivot How to import data to a PowerPivot data model How to set up relationships and overcome relationship problems How to create pivot tables and charts How to use basic DAX calculations How to use Time Intelligent DAX functions This course is ideal for individuals who are Excel users looking to upskill in PowerPivot It is particularly useful for Excel users looking to upskill in PowerPivot.
Enroll now: Power Pivot Excel 365 – From Zero to Hero
Title: Power Pivot Excel 365 – From Zero to Hero
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 72
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 72
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to navigate PowerPivot
- How to import data to a PowerPivot data model
- How to set up relationships and overcome relationship problems
- How to create pivot tables and charts
- How to use basic DAX calculations
- How to use Time Intelligent DAX functions
Who Should Attend
- Excel users looking to upskill in PowerPivot
Target Audiences
- Excel users looking to upskill in PowerPivot
This course has been designed to take novice, Powerpivot users, to a level where they are comfortable working with Power Pivot Models, using Pivot tables and charts along with carrying out DAX calculations and using DAX time intelligence functions.
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in, available in Excel 2010 and certain versions of Excel 2013 and later. You can use Power Pivot, with its own DAX functions to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily. Power Pivot is the gateway to business intelligence and data all within Excel.
This course consists of 5 modules, each with learning activities, and workbooks to download. To make sure you get the most out of this course, the learning material is made up of both videos and articles to reinforce what is covered.
Module 1
Get your head around the basics of Powerpivot, learn how to link a table, and work with that table and find out how you can get data into PowerPivot to work with it. If you are new to Power Pivot this module will show you around, so you become more familiar with the user interface and become more confident adding data to a power pivot model.
· What is Power Pivot?
· How do I create a linked table from Excel to Power Pivot?
· What other ways can I get data into Power Pivot?
· How do I find my way around Power Pivot?
· How do I work with tables in Power Pivot?
Module 2
Powerpivot allows you to perform calculations across different tables of data. In order to do this, you must link the tables together by means of relationships. Relationships can be difficult to understand at first and they are a big change to working in Excel. In this module, you will learn
· What are relationships?
· How do I create a relationship in PowerPivot?
· How do I overcome many to many relationships?
– How to set up a bridging table
Module 3
The pivot table is by far one of the most useful ways to analyze and visualize your data in Excel. Powerpivot allows you quickly insert a pivot table or chart from multiple tables to analyze or slice and dice like never before. In this module, you will learn
· How do I insert a pivot table from Power Pivot?
· How do I work with a pivot table?
· How do I insert a pivot chart from Power Pivot?
· How do I work with and format a pivot chart?
· How do I insert and work with slicers and timelines?
Module 4
Powerpivot allows basic to complex data modeling and calculations to be carried out across multiple tables of data. It does this via its powerful calculation engine using Data Analysis eXpressions. Understanding the basics of DAX is a necessity for the use of Powerpivot. In this module, you will learn
· What is DAX
· What are calculated Columns?
· What are Measures?
· What are the X Expressions?
· How do I work with related tables?
Module 5
How often do you see comparisons in accounts and reports such as Same period last year and running totals over time? DAX is equipped with a suite of time intelligence functions that are not found in excel. These functions will allow you quickly analyze your data over different time periods. By the end of this module, you will learn
· What are time intelligent functions?
· What is the purpose of a date and calendar table and how do I set one up?
· How do I use Total Month Todate and related Functions?
· How do I use Same period last year and related functions?
· How do I use Opening closing balances?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Power Pivot Orientation
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Before you forget
Lecture 3: Demonstration – Overcoming limitations of Standard Pivot tables-
Lecture 4: Module 1 Introduction
Lecture 5: What is Power Pivot?
Lecture 6: How to turn on the Powerpivot ribbon
Lecture 7: How do I create a linked table from Excel to Power Pivot?
Lecture 8: Creating Linked Tables
Lecture 9: How do I find my way around Power Pivot?
Lecture 10: Power Pivot Orientation
Lecture 11: What other ways can I get data into Power Pivot?
Lecture 12: Connecting to other data sources
Lecture 13: How to connect to a CSV or TEXT file from Powerpivot
Lecture 14: How do I change data types and formatting of Power Pivot tables?
Lecture 15: How can I work with tables in power pivot?
Lecture 16: Working with Tables
Chapter 2: Relationships
Lecture 1: Module 2 Introduction
Lecture 2: What are relationships?
Lecture 3: What are fact and dimension tables?
Lecture 4: How do I create a relationship in Power Pivot?
Lecture 5: Setting up relationships in PowerPivot
Lecture 6: How do I overcome a many to many relationships?
Lecture 7: Solving the many to many relationship problem
Lecture 8: How to create a unique list in Excel that can be used as a bridging table
Chapter 3: Creating PowerPivot tables and Charts
Lecture 1: Module 3 Introduction
Lecture 2: Refresher on Pivot Tables 1
Lecture 3: Refresher on Pivot tables 2
Lecture 4: How do I insert a pivot table from Powerpivot?
Lecture 5: Inserting Pivot tables from Power Pivot
Lecture 6: How do I work with a Pivot table?
Lecture 7: Working with Pivot tables from power pivot
Lecture 8: How do I insert a pivot chart from Power Pivot?
Lecture 9: Inserting Pivot Charts from Power Pivot
Lecture 10: How do I work with and format a pivot chart?
Lecture 11: Chart Elements
Lecture 12: How do I insert and work with Slicers and timelines
Lecture 13: Slicers and Timelines
Chapter 4: Introduction to DAX for PowerPivot Users
Lecture 1: Module 4 introduction
Lecture 2: What is DAX?
Lecture 3: What data types are found in DAX and what is DAX syntax like?
Lecture 4: What are calculated Columns & Measures?
Lecture 5: Adding DAX calculations
Lecture 6: Adding measures from Excel
Lecture 7: How do I use SUM and SUMX?
Lecture 8: SUM and SUMX in DAX
Lecture 9: How do I use COUNT and COUNTX?
Lecture 10: COUNT and COUNTX – understanding measures and columns
Lecture 11: How do I work with related tables?
Chapter 5: Time Intelligence Expressions
Lecture 1: Module 5 Introduction
Lecture 2: What is time Intelligent functions?
Lecture 3: What is the purpose of a date and calendar table and how do I set one up?
Lecture 4: How to set up a date table
Lecture 5: How do I use TOTALMTD, TOTALQTD and TOTALYTD Expressions ?
Lecture 6: TOTALYTD and similar functions
Lecture 7: How can I compare to previous period?
Lecture 9: How do I calculate moving/rolling totals?
Lecture 11: Time Intelligence Activity
Lecture 12: Time Intelligence Solutions
Lecture 13: Adding KPI's
Lecture 14: Course Conclusion
Lecture 15: BONUS TIME
Paula Guilfoyle CPA
CPA Accountant, & Life Long Learner
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 23 votes
- 5 stars: 27 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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