Powerful Performance Management Skills For Leaders
Powerful Performance Management Skills For Leaders, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.49, with 65 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 247 reviews, and has 1104 subscribers.
You will learn about Please note that the following outcomes vary from manager to manager, depending on individual circumstances. Develop the knowledge to identify brewing issues that, if unchecked, could escalate. Nip performance and behavioural issues in the bud and prevent them from escalating. Master the skills needed to conduct an effective performance improvement discussion when wanting an employee to improve behaviour and/or performance. Understand the performance management cycle and how to implement each of the sequential steps. Gain valuable insights to help you better understand and coach your staff Become aware of the hidden pitfalls that managers often fall into that create staff discontent Learn how to avoid these hidden pitfalls Enjoy less conflict, less mistakes, less tardiness and absenteeism Decreased apprehension regarding the often ‘dreaded’ annual review Easily identify training gaps Delight in having your staff achieve their performance targets Happier staff Greater team work Improved employee engagement, motivation and productivity Enjoy greater respect from your peers Decrease in personnel related costs thanks to increased staff retention Achievement of department objectives Shareholders may benefit financially All up, less stress, and more success! This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is intended for those in management who are wanting to become skillful at minimizing performance and attitude problems and also developing a committed top performing team. It is particularly useful for This course is intended for those in management who are wanting to become skillful at minimizing performance and attitude problems and also developing a committed top performing team.
Enroll now: Powerful Performance Management Skills For Leaders
Title: Powerful Performance Management Skills For Leaders
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.49
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 65
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 75
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 75
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Please note that the following outcomes vary from manager to manager, depending on individual circumstances.
- Develop the knowledge to identify brewing issues that, if unchecked, could escalate.
- Nip performance and behavioural issues in the bud and prevent them from escalating.
- Master the skills needed to conduct an effective performance improvement discussion when wanting an employee to improve behaviour and/or performance.
- Understand the performance management cycle and how to implement each of the sequential steps.
- Gain valuable insights to help you better understand and coach your staff
- Become aware of the hidden pitfalls that managers often fall into that create staff discontent
- Learn how to avoid these hidden pitfalls
- Enjoy less conflict, less mistakes, less tardiness and absenteeism
- Decreased apprehension regarding the often ‘dreaded’ annual review
- Easily identify training gaps
- Delight in having your staff achieve their performance targets
- Happier staff
- Greater team work
- Improved employee engagement, motivation and productivity
- Enjoy greater respect from your peers
- Decrease in personnel related costs thanks to increased staff retention
- Achievement of department objectives
- Shareholders may benefit financially
- All up, less stress, and more success!
Who Should Attend
- This course is intended for those in management who are wanting to become skillful at minimizing performance and attitude problems and also developing a committed top performing team.
Target Audiences
- This course is intended for those in management who are wanting to become skillful at minimizing performance and attitude problems and also developing a committed top performing team.
If you are struggling to deal with unacceptable performance or behavioural issues, if you dream of a committed and motivated, top performing team, then this course if for you.
Not only does this course address how to successfully engage, evaluate, provide feedback, encourage, and motivate staff to maximize their productivity via effective performance management, this course also teaches valuable strategies to identify and minimize performance problems, and better still – how to avoid them happening in the first place.
The course includes quizzes so you can test your understanding of the course content, a tip at the end of each of the sections, plus exercises and an Action Plan.
Section 1: Introduction
I provide you with an overview of the course, highlighting the many benefits – the short and long-term payoffs – of effectively performance managing your staff. I also share a little about myself and my knowledge
and expertise in this area.
Section 2: Progressive Performance Management
Performance management. What is it? What’s involved? What are the benefits? Well, you are about to find out. In this section you will gain an understanding of what performance management is, the key components
of the performance management cycle and what’s involved in implementing this vital management process.
Section 3: Ongoing Communication: Your Essential Performance Management Tool
Communication plays a vital role within the effective performance management cycle. Learn what percentage of your time you need to communicate, how to go about doing this and what you must avoid at all costs, what steps to take so that your staff understand your motivation., and how to apply this approach with home-based staff. Use these tools to evaluate staff performance, identify where improvements need to be made, foreshadow brewing problems -both performance and behavioural issues – and nip them in the bud before they escalate.
Section 4: The Importance of Clarity
One of the main reasons employees fail is because they are unclear about their roles. There are a number of things you can do to ensure your expectations are crystal clear. Learn how to ensure that your messages are clearly understood by your team members.
Section 5: Delegation Failures – And What To Do Instead
Effective delegation is one of the many skills that play a powerful role in performance management. In this section I highlight some of the common delegation mistakes made by managers, so that you don’t fall into
the same trap. Get it wrong and you will be doing more harm than good. You will be provided with a list of tasks that are inappropriate to delegate. Another list details the steps for effective delegation, while
highlighting which one’s are often overlooked by managers. Fall into either of these traps and you may be inadvertently creating a rod for your own back in terms of unacceptable staffing issues.
Section 6: Harness The Power Of Staff Motivation
Praise is a highly effective employee recognition tool that also helps to reinforce desired behaviours. Workers thrive on being appreciated and praised. When you express appreciation for good work, and motivate you staff with performance incentives and rewards you will be rewarded with a committed, enthusiastic, and top performing team. It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it, but get it wrong and you will do more harm than good. You will learn the do’s and don’ts that are crucial for effective performance management.
Section 7: Pay Attention to the Warning Signs
So, you are doing all the right things, you’ve set achievable objectives for your staff, you are monitoring their progress, making yourself available, rewarding effort and achievements. Unfortunately, this is does not guarantee the absence of poor performance or unacceptable behaviour. Undesirable behaviour and poor performance usually go hand in hand with warning signs. In this truly valuable lesson you will learn to
identify these warning signs and and take immediate steps to act upon them.
Section 8: Diagnose and Address the True Cause of Behaviour and Performance Issues
Don’t just deal with the symptoms, because if you do, improvements will probably only be short term, and they will re-surface again down the track. What you need to do is drill down and diagnose the true cause of
behaviour and performance failures. Do this, and then address the core issue. Learn which communication skills will aid you in identifying the underlying factors, including the right questions to ask. I will also
share numerous core reasons for many of the staff performance challenges and poor attitude, that managers have to deal with.
Section 9: Constructive Feedback Framework
Access your step-by-step guide for giving feedback to your employees with the aim of changing problem behaviour or to improve performance. This section walks you through each of these steps and also includes
valuable phrases to use when you need to clarify and probe to get the employee to open up instead of clamming up.
Section 10: Interpersonal Communication Skills
As an effective leader you should have excellent interpersonal communication skills. However, despite the best of intentions, managers sometimes create situations where their approach to performance
management has negative consequences. Sometimes, staff can become defensive. They may feel that they are being interrogated, attacked, criticized, intimidated, put down, and more. Essential to performance
managing staff, is addressing performance problems without upsetting the employee. Learn skills to be adept at questioning and have the employee engage in conversation in a positive and constructive manner.
Section 11: It’s Time for Action
Gather together all strategies, tips, guidelines, that you have taken on board during this course, and review your answers to the exercises you were invited to complete. These will form the foundation for your
detailed Action Plan that is available for download and completion.
Once your Action Plan has been completed, there is only one final step, which is… TO TAKE ACTION. Put into action what you have learned and you will be rewarded with less conflict, less stress, and a positive,
motivated, and high performing team.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Course
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Course Overview
Lecture 3: So Many Benefits
Lecture 4: Meet Your Instructor
Lecture 5: Housekeeping Notes And Your Workbook
Lecture 6: Exercise Section 1
Chapter 2: Progressive Performance Management
Lecture 1: Helping Staff Succeed
Lecture 2: What Are Your Thoughts?
Lecture 3: What Is Performance Management?
Lecture 4: Setting Clear Objectives
Lecture 5: The Performance Management Cycle
Lecture 6: It's Time To Plan Performance.
Lecture 7: Track Progress And Evaluate Performance
Lecture 8: Mid-Year Review
Lecture 9: Continue To Track Progress
Lecture 10: Yearly Review
Lecture 11: Performance Management: The Next Steps
Lecture 12: Escalation
Lecture 13: Your Section 2 Exercise
Chapter 3: Ongoing Communication Essentials
Lecture 1: Your Essential Performance Management Tool
Lecture 2: Be Accessible To Your Staff
Lecture 3: The Importance Of Informal Communication
Lecture 4: Formal Communication
Lecture 5: Performance Managing Home Based Staff
Lecture 6: Personalities And Understanding What Makes People Tick
Lecture 7: The Dangers Of Favouritism
Lecture 8: It's Story Time!
Lecture 9: Your Section 3 Exercise
Chapter 4: The Importance of Clarity
Lecture 1: Being Clear Is Vital
Lecture 2: How Clearly Do You Communicate?
Lecture 3: Support Clarity With Systems
Lecture 4: Your Section 5 Exercise
Chapter 5: Delegation Failures – And What To Do Instead
Lecture 1: Don't Mismanage!
Lecture 2: Your Delegation Step-by-step Guide and More
Lecture 3: Delegating These Tasks Is A No-No
Lecture 4: Possible Causes Of Issues
Lecture 5: The Moral Of The Story
Lecture 6: Your Section 4 Exercise
Chapter 6: Staff Motivation
Lecture 1: Staff Motivation
Lecture 2: Motivating Your Team
Lecture 3: How Do You Feel?
Lecture 4: Reinforcers
Lecture 5: Recognition Options For The Modern Workforce
Lecture 6: Your Section 6 Exercise
Chapter 7: Pay Attention to the Warning Signs
Lecture 1: Nip The Issue In The Bud
Lecture 2: Potential Red Flags
Lecture 3: Your Section 7 Exercise
Chapter 8: Diagnose and Address the True Cause of Behaviour and Performance Issues
Lecture 1: Proper Diagnosis Is Essential
Lecture 2: Potential Underlying Causes
Lecture 3: Put The Spotlight On Yourself
Lecture 4: Ask The Right Questions
Lecture 5: Unintentional Demotivation
Lecture 6: Your Section 8 Exercise
Chapter 9: Constructive Feedback Framework
Lecture 1: Constructive Feedback -Preparation
Lecture 2: Constructive Feedback Guide
Lecture 3: Constructive Feedback – Steps 1 and 2
Lecture 4: Constructive Feedback – Steps 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Lecture 5: Your Section 9 Exercise
Chapter 10: Critical Interpersonal Communication Skills
Lecture 1: The Art Of Questioning
Lecture 2: Positive Communication
Lecture 3: More Interpersonal Communication Guidelines
Lecture 4: Your Section 10 Exercise
Chapter 11: It's Time For Action
Lecture 1: Putting It All Together.
Lecture 2: Your Action Plan
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture: Enhancing Your Skills
Silvia Wright-Davies
Business Skills Corporate Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 26 votes
- 4 stars: 93 votes
- 5 stars: 121 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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