Pre-underwrite a Mortgage with DU & LP
Pre-underwrite a Mortgage with DU & LP, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.34, with 31 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 259 reviews, and has 1502 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to read and interpret Desktop Underwriter & Loan Product Advisor findings. You will learn what DU is and why it's so important to loan processors, loan originators, or mortgage underwriters. You will learn what a Desktop Underwriter & Loan Product Advisor recommendation is and what it means. You will learn learn how to think like an underwriter when reviewing DU & LP messages. You will review and master 4 examples of instructor-explained DU & LP findings. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to start a career as a loan processor, loan originator, or mortgage industry in general. or Anyone who wants to learn more about underwriting and DU & LP in general. or Anyone who wants to master DU & LP findings and their purpose. or Anyone who wants to advance in their career by showing potential employers they are capable of even higher level mortgage positions. or Anyone who wants to start a mortgage business or loan processing business. or Anyone who wants to increase their income potential by closing more loans or by getting the job they want. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to start a career as a loan processor, loan originator, or mortgage industry in general. or Anyone who wants to learn more about underwriting and DU & LP in general. or Anyone who wants to master DU & LP findings and their purpose. or Anyone who wants to advance in their career by showing potential employers they are capable of even higher level mortgage positions. or Anyone who wants to start a mortgage business or loan processing business. or Anyone who wants to increase their income potential by closing more loans or by getting the job they want.
Enroll now: Pre-underwrite a Mortgage with DU & LP
Title: Pre-underwrite a Mortgage with DU & LP
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.34
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to read and interpret Desktop Underwriter & Loan Product Advisor findings.
- You will learn what DU is and why it's so important to loan processors, loan originators, or mortgage underwriters.
- You will learn what a Desktop Underwriter & Loan Product Advisor recommendation is and what it means.
- You will learn learn how to think like an underwriter when reviewing DU & LP messages.
- You will review and master 4 examples of instructor-explained DU & LP findings.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to start a career as a loan processor, loan originator, or mortgage industry in general.
- Anyone who wants to learn more about underwriting and DU & LP in general.
- Anyone who wants to master DU & LP findings and their purpose.
- Anyone who wants to advance in their career by showing potential employers they are capable of even higher level mortgage positions.
- Anyone who wants to start a mortgage business or loan processing business.
- Anyone who wants to increase their income potential by closing more loans or by getting the job they want.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to start a career as a loan processor, loan originator, or mortgage industry in general.
- Anyone who wants to learn more about underwriting and DU & LP in general.
- Anyone who wants to master DU & LP findings and their purpose.
- Anyone who wants to advance in their career by showing potential employers they are capable of even higher level mortgage positions.
- Anyone who wants to start a mortgage business or loan processing business.
- Anyone who wants to increase their income potential by closing more loans or by getting the job they want.
Have you ever wanted to start learning underwriting skills that will open future job opportunities?This course goes over one of the most important steps in the underwriting process which is running, reading, and interpreting Desktop Underwriter and Loan Product Advisor findings.
This is the course you need to start closing loans!
This course teaches you how to pre-underwrite a loanbefore it’s reviewed by the underwriter. If you are a loan processor, loan originator, or underwriter, you will use this important skill on every single loan you do. There’s no way around this! DU and LP findings will need to be on every loan filethat’s completed by the lender to be compliant and to be able to sell the loan in the future. The truth is, underwriters can’t approve a loan unless they get an approve/eligible or accept/eligible status from DU or LP (some banks or lenders do manual underwrites but they are very few of them and is not the normal way you will get loans approved).
You can’t easily find content on this subject online because it’s information that’s taught to underwriters when they are being trained to underwrite loans!
What will I learn in this course?
You’ll learn what DU and LP are and how they affect the entire loan process.
You’ll become much more knowledgeable when it comes to reading and analyzing DU and LP findings.
You’ll learn to think like an underwriter by better interpreting the messages and the numbers that come back when you run the loan through Desktop Underwriter and Loan Product Advisor.
You’ll be able to save more loans and close more loans.
Also, you’ll become more confident when speaking to an underwriter about specific conditions.
Finally, you’ll be better prepared for future job opportunities that can come up.
What’s included in this course?
4 real DU and LP examples explained in detail by the instructor.
Specialized knowledge you won’t find commonly online
Lifetime access to the course
Access to the course instructorin case you have any questions
Course certificate upon 100% completion
30 day money back guarantee
This is a more specialized course that does require some basic mortgage knowledge so I recommend you take either of these courses on Udemy before starting this course so that you understand what is being explained:
“Become a Mortgage Loan Processor”
“Start a Profitable Career as a Mortgage Loan Originator”
“Conditional Loan Approval Mortgage Training”
Who will benefit the most from this course?
Loan processors that want to prepare to do their best and get hired for higher paying positions.
Loan Originators that want to close more loans by pre-underwriting loans before hand and provide DU or LP findings to realtors with the pre-qualification letter.
Anyone who wants to start a career in underwriting.
Mortgage business owners that want to increase their turn over ratio and close more loans.
Realtors who want to understand if a potential buyer has a high probability of closing on the loan.
A course diploma will be available to you when all sections have been completed at 100% which you can save or print. For instructions on downloading your course diploma you can go to Udemy support.
Who is your instructor?
Joe Correa has closed hundreds of mortgage loans and owns his own mortgage company based in Orlando, Florida. He has over 24,000 students on Udemy, from beginners to advanced mortgage experts. Joe uses a simple and clear teaching technique that everyone will enjoy and benefit from.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to pre-underwriting a mortgage with DU and LP
Lecture 1: Course structure
Lecture 2: What is an AUS and why is it important to you?
Lecture 3: How do DU and LP affect your capacity to get more loans approved?
Lecture 4: Who should take this course?
Lecture 5: How do you submit a loan to DU or LP?
Lecture 6: Is there a way to guarantee a loan will be approved?
Lecture 7: Going from 0 to 1 by starting a career in the mortgage industry
Lecture 8: Once you submit the loan to underwriting, can you make changes on DU or LP?
Lecture 9: The difference between a manual underwrite and an automated underwrite
Lecture 10: What are overlays?
Lecture 11: Using creativity to solve common mortgage problems
Chapter 2: Instructor overview of examples of DU and LP scenarios
Lecture 1: Example #1 for DU underwriting findings with an approve/eligible recommendation
Lecture 2: Example #1 for DU underwriting findings Credit and liabilities
Lecture 3: A quick interruption
Lecture 4: Example #1 for DU underwriting findings Employment, income, and assets
Lecture 5: Example #1 for DU underwriting findings Property, appraisal, and observations
Lecture 6: Example #1 for DU underwriting findings underwriting analysis report
Lecture 7: Example #2 for DU underwriting findings with a refer/ineligible recommendation
Lecture 8: Example #3 LP findings with an accept/eligible recommendation on a refinance
Lecture 9: Example #3 LP findings calculated values, borrower information, transaction info
Lecture 10: Example #3 LP findings employment, income, assets, and reserves
Lecture 11: Example #3 LP findings credit, liabilities, property, and appraisal
Lecture 12: Example #3 LP findings general messages
Lecture 13: Example #4 LP Accept/eligible recommendation summary, credit, mortgage
Lecture 14: Example #4 LP Accept/eligible calculated values, borrower information, feedback
Lecture 15: Example #4 LP Accept/eligible employment, income, assets, and reserves
Lecture 16: Example #4 LP Accept/eligible credit, liabilities, property, appraisal
Chapter 3: Important things to take into account when running DU and LP
Lecture 1: Always double check AUS findings for errors
Lecture 2: If I run a loan too many times on DU or LP will that affect my approval?
Lecture 3: Quick tips to get more DU and LP approvals
Lecture 4: Thank you
Joe Correa
Entrepreneur and Technology Innovator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 88 votes
- 5 stars: 143 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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