Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance
Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.19, with 55 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 635 reviews, and has 1986 subscribers.
You will learn about Make a clear distinction between privacy and data protection Apply 10 different GDPR principles of processing personal data Apply an option to get a personalized EU Certificate and EU Registration upon completion of this course Clarify 6 steps to become data protection compliant (work plan basic design) based on GDPR Work Plan Architecture Distinguish between all important data subject rights Apply the test of 'appropriateness' of data protection measures Decide on the most suitable way to transfer data outside the EU Indicate which fines can be enforced by which data protection authority Distinguish between 6 steps of a GDPR Work Plan List the most important ways (mechanisms) for data controllers to become compliant Have access to official GDPR publications of the European Commission Have access to templates of GDPR Documents Have a complete overview of all relevant Articles of the GDPR Prepare more efficiently and effectively for official exams like IAPP CIPP/E and EADPP Exams Contribute to quality GDPR debates at work and in your personal life Request for GDPR related information or GDPR related advise of Data Protection Officers (DPO's) inside or outside your organisation This course is ideal for individuals who are Students (legal, and non-legal) who want to get a proper, well-structured introduction to basic compliance obligations of the data controller, learn key terms and concepts used in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or Students who want to bolster their general privacy and GDPR data protection knowledge or Students who want to refresh and check their present state of data protection knowledge or Students who want to get familiar with key concepts like privacy and data protection or Students who are not yet active in the field of GDPR data protection and looking for practical guidance as how to set up a basic design of a GDPR compliance work plan to be used as work or Students who do not want to spend much time to understand the key rationales behind different ‘principles for processing personal data’. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘principles of processing personal data’ are. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘data subject rights’ are. or Students who want to obtain insights in different compliance mechanisms. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main difference is between technical and organizational compliance measures. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main methods are for transfer of international data outside the European Union. or Students who feel overwhelmed (or even maybe intimidated) by GDPR terms and definitions and want to this to get demystified. It is particularly useful for Students (legal, and non-legal) who want to get a proper, well-structured introduction to basic compliance obligations of the data controller, learn key terms and concepts used in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or Students who want to bolster their general privacy and GDPR data protection knowledge or Students who want to refresh and check their present state of data protection knowledge or Students who want to get familiar with key concepts like privacy and data protection or Students who are not yet active in the field of GDPR data protection and looking for practical guidance as how to set up a basic design of a GDPR compliance work plan to be used as work or Students who do not want to spend much time to understand the key rationales behind different ‘principles for processing personal data’. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘principles of processing personal data’ are. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘data subject rights’ are. or Students who want to obtain insights in different compliance mechanisms. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main difference is between technical and organizational compliance measures. or Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main methods are for transfer of international data outside the European Union. or Students who feel overwhelmed (or even maybe intimidated) by GDPR terms and definitions and want to this to get demystified.
Enroll now: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance
Title: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.19
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 65
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 65
Original Price: €19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Make a clear distinction between privacy and data protection
- Apply 10 different GDPR principles of processing personal data
- Apply an option to get a personalized EU Certificate and EU Registration upon completion of this course
- Clarify 6 steps to become data protection compliant (work plan basic design) based on GDPR Work Plan Architecture
- Distinguish between all important data subject rights
- Apply the test of 'appropriateness' of data protection measures
- Decide on the most suitable way to transfer data outside the EU
- Indicate which fines can be enforced by which data protection authority
- Distinguish between 6 steps of a GDPR Work Plan
- List the most important ways (mechanisms) for data controllers to become compliant
- Have access to official GDPR publications of the European Commission
- Have access to templates of GDPR Documents
- Have a complete overview of all relevant Articles of the GDPR
- Prepare more efficiently and effectively for official exams like IAPP CIPP/E and EADPP Exams
- Contribute to quality GDPR debates at work and in your personal life
- Request for GDPR related information or GDPR related advise of Data Protection Officers (DPO's) inside or outside your organisation
Who Should Attend
- Students (legal, and non-legal) who want to get a proper, well-structured introduction to basic compliance obligations of the data controller, learn key terms and concepts used in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Students who want to bolster their general privacy and GDPR data protection knowledge
- Students who want to refresh and check their present state of data protection knowledge
- Students who want to get familiar with key concepts like privacy and data protection
- Students who are not yet active in the field of GDPR data protection and looking for practical guidance as how to set up a basic design of a GDPR compliance work plan to be used as work
- Students who do not want to spend much time to understand the key rationales behind different ‘principles for processing personal data’.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘principles of processing personal data’ are.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘data subject rights’ are.
- Students who want to obtain insights in different compliance mechanisms.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main difference is between technical and organizational compliance measures.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main methods are for transfer of international data outside the European Union.
- Students who feel overwhelmed (or even maybe intimidated) by GDPR terms and definitions and want to this to get demystified.
Target Audiences
- Students (legal, and non-legal) who want to get a proper, well-structured introduction to basic compliance obligations of the data controller, learn key terms and concepts used in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Students who want to bolster their general privacy and GDPR data protection knowledge
- Students who want to refresh and check their present state of data protection knowledge
- Students who want to get familiar with key concepts like privacy and data protection
- Students who are not yet active in the field of GDPR data protection and looking for practical guidance as how to set up a basic design of a GDPR compliance work plan to be used as work
- Students who do not want to spend much time to understand the key rationales behind different ‘principles for processing personal data’.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘principles of processing personal data’ are.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘data subject rights’ are.
- Students who want to obtain insights in different compliance mechanisms.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main difference is between technical and organizational compliance measures.
- Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main methods are for transfer of international data outside the European Union.
- Students who feel overwhelmed (or even maybe intimidated) by GDPR terms and definitions and want to this to get demystified.
Unique course, instructed by Top EU Expert (Chairman EU Certification Committee of EADPP), made available for larger audience at affordable cost (commercial EU value of this course is € 3,500 ex VAT). In this resourceful course, beginners in the fields of privacy and data protection will learn the foundations of privacy and data protection compliance key concepts and the 6 components of a basic GDPR work plan in plain English for career boosting and personal development. With this course, students can opt for official EU certification and registration.
Why this course?
Competition in today’s job market is fierce. Regardless of the industry, those who can clearly and immediately illustrate their knowledge and expertise will have a distinct advantage over other potential job applicants. In the field of European Data Protection, nothing shows your qualifications better than official EU certification sought by top employers.
Secure your place in the data protection economy. Show off your knowledge and skills by adding an official certificate to your CV. Everybody on this planet is directly or indirectly connected to subjects of privacy and data protection and needs to know the foundations of data protection in our modern digital society.
There is an ever growing internationally recognized demand and need for employees of companies (data controllers) to know at least the basics of privacy and data protection and the meaning of this in daily practices. This applies for everyone, not only in his/her role as an employee, but also as a ‘citizen’ and as a private individual (parent, child). The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be explained from a practical lens of the data controller who needs to implement appropriate measures to protect personal data. The GDPR is influential for data protection practices around the globe.
Based on more than 25+ years of practical experience as a data protection professional (as business manager and lawyer), the instructor – who has been involved in many European initiatives in the field – will guide you through the main pillars of the GDPR (at introductory level 1) which will help to boost your insights, right from the start.
Unlike many other courses in the field of GDPR data protection, in this course the instructor, a seasoned professor and advisor both in academia and in practice (at private, public and semi—public EU institutes) maintains a very practical hands-on approach of ‘FAIR’ and ‘EASY’ learning.
Although privacy and data protection are relevant for our daily lives and can be used in many practical ways, in literature and in many publications by so called ‘top specialists’ these concepts are usually presented as ‘vague and complex’. In practice this leads to many misunderstandings or miscommunications. How to fix this? Part of the solution is to provide clear answers to fundamental questions. That is basically the philosophy behind this course.
This course will provide you with the foundational knowledge to think as a (employee of a) data controller who is responsible and liable for processing personal data.
This introductory course will start with a solid, clear understanding of the key concepts (such as the difference between privacy and data protection, privacy by design and default, technical and organisational measures et cetera) as used in the GDPR (and most other international data protection best practices) and what a data controller is supposed in order to comply with GDPR obligations.
You don’t need to have any prior knowledge of privacy and data protection
Some of the provided materials you may wish to print
Unique learning: FAIR and EASY
This foundation course is designed to encourage students to get a proper and sound understanding of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) based on two learning techniques.
FAIRas an acronym for ‘Fast learning by Asking Iterating Relevance’ by repeatedly asking the question of ‘why?’.
EASY as an acronym for ‘Educated Answers Suit You’ by repeated asking the question of ‘what does this mean in practice’?
Paramount technique for this is using the SMART check for any action in practice which should be (Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Realistic and Time restricted)
Fair and easy learning has been developed and applied by the instructor during his 25+ years of experience in education and training of many privacy and data protection professionals providing for:
Demystification of complex issues
Learning to be aware of distinguishing between ‘facts’ and ‘opinions’
Discussing bare essentials (by sticking to the core rationales)
Structured overviews for comprehensive understanding
The course content is based on the learning principles of the European Institute for Privacy Audit, Compliance and Certification (EIPACC) and is agnostic of disciplinary backgrounds of students (law, IT, security or any other discipline) and will discuss certain terms and definitions using ‘lay men language.’ In this way, we will get to the bare essentials of what is discussed.
Unique course resources for Udemy students
Free online access to relevant parts of GDPR Resources (official GDPR related texts), value: € 100
Discount VIP code (10%) for several GDPR online learning materials (upon availability) with a value of: € 100
Course Goals
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Make a clear distinction between privacy, data protection and data subject rights compliance
List the most important ways (mechanisms) for data controllers to become compliant
Check if implemented data protection measures are ‘appropriate’
Clarify 6 steps to become data protection compliant (work plan basic design)
Target Students and Starting Practioners
Primarily meant for students (legal, and non-legal) and starting practitioners who want to get a proper, well-structured introduction to basic compliance obligations of the data controller, learn key terms and concepts used in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and learn about a GDPR Work Plan Design in plain English and want to get an official European Certification for this to boost their careers.
Throughout this course references are made to the legal text of the GDPR (attached as course material) and is explained in ‘layman terms.’
This course is especially interesting for students and starting practitioners for businesses:
Studentswho want to bolster their general privacy and GDPR data protection knowledge.
Students who want to scan the field of privacy and data protection for future careers
Students who want to refresh and check their present state of data protection knowledge.
Students who want to get familiar with key concepts like privacy and data protection.
Students who are not yet active in the field of GDPR data protection and looking for practical guidance as how to set up a basic design of a GDPR compliance work plan to be used as work.
Students who do not want to spend much time to understand the key rationales behind different ‘principles for processing personal data’.
Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what ‘data subject rights’ are.
Students who want to obtain insights in different compliance mechanisms.
Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main difference is between technical and organizational compliance measures.
Students who want to get explained (in layman terms) what the main methods are for transfer of international data outside the European Union.
Students who feel overwhelmed (or even maybe intimidated) by GDPR terms and definitions and want to this to get demystified.
This introductory course is especially interesting for starting practitioners for businesses:
Starting specialists in the field of privacy and data protection
Starting privacy officers
Starting data protection officers
Starting compliance specialists
Starting privacy and data protection compliance managers
Starting data protection specialists (Law, IT, Security, Compliance & Ethics)
Starting information managers
Starting privacy and data protection representatives
Starting privacy and data protection auditors
Starting privacy and data protection managers
Starting privacy and data protection project managers
Starting privacy and data protection risk officers
Starting privacy and data protection security officers
Starting privacy and data protection auditor
Starting general managers who need to know the basics of privacy and data protection compliance
Anyone else who (professionally or privately) wants to grow his/her basic knowledge of certified privacy and data protection and wants to get certified in these fields (as holder of an official EU certificate).
Pursued level of training for this course
This course is designed to acquire basic knowledge and comprehension (level 1) to get the student familiarized with theoretical and practical key compliance concepts and definitions used in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Although this course is based on official EU or EU related primary resources (such as official texts, official guidelines and official certification schemes) the course instructor might share practical insights based on more than 25+ years of practical experience that may not exactly be in line with these primary resources. However, students who complete this course are eligible for official certification and registration in the European Union.
Any Queries?
In case of any queries, please feel free to send an email to the instructor.
About the Instructor
Professor mr drs Romeo F. Kadir MA MSc LLM LLM (Adv) EMBA EMoC – Chairman of the EU Certification Committee of the European Association of Data Protection Professionals (EADPP) and Chairman of the Academic Quality Management Board (AQMB) of the European Institute for Privacy Audit, Compliance and Certification (EIPACC)- is a much respected European industry expert in the field of privacy and data protection. Based on his vast practical experience in the European Union – Professor Kadir has trained many data protection professionals and advanced their careers, based on one ideological passion: sharing practical expert knowledge in the field of privacy and data protection with as many as people as possible. Why? As an ideologist (founder of several EU foundations and associations) combined with more than twenty years of corporate compliance experience he firmly believes in the quintessential role of knowledge-sharing with masses to bring across the societal value of fundamental privacy and data protection principles for which companies are responsible (and liable). Professor Romeo Kadir has one practical compliance passion throughout his data privacy compliance career. How to reduce complex issues to practical solutions? Are you also excited to experience this? Welcome to a unique classroom designed for your interesting learning curves.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: Brief Introduction to Privacy and Data Protection
Lecture 3: Introduction to Data Protection Compliance
Lecture 4: Three levels of training
Lecture 5: Course Goals: finding clarity from theory to practice
Lecture 6: Success factors for finishing this course
Lecture 7: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory) | EC & EDPS
Chapter 2: Section 2 GDPR Work Plan: From Theory to Practice
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: GDPR compliance lines of defence
Lecture 3: GDPR Compliance requirements and controls
Lecture 4: What is a GDPR compliance Work Plan?
Lecture 5: Basic design of a GDPR Work Plan
Lecture 6: Wrap Up & Evaluation Section 2
Chapter 3: Section 3 Principles of Processing: From Theory to Practice
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency
Lecture 3: Purpose Limitation, Data Minimisation
Lecture 4: Necessity, Storage Limitation, Integrity and Confidentiality
Lecture 5: Accountability and Administrative Fines
Lecture 6: Wrap Up & Evaluation Section 3
Lecture 7: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory) | EDPS
Chapter 4: Section 4 Data Subjects Rights Compliance: From Theory to Practice
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: Data Subject Rights, Right to Information
Lecture 3: Right to Access, Rectification & Right to be Forgotten
Lecture 4: Right to Restriction, Notification and Portability
Lecture 5: Right to Object, Object to Direct Marketing and Automated Decision Making (ADM)
Lecture 6: Wrap Up & Evaluation Section 4
Lecture 7: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory)| EDPS
Chapter 5: Section 5 GDPR Compliance Mechanisms: From Theory to Practice
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: Definition of Compliance Mechanisms
Lecture 3: Auditing(Planning & Reporting) & Monitoring
Lecture 4: Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Lecture 5: Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Lecture 6: Wrap Up & Evaluation Section 5
Lecture 7: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory) | EDPB & EDPS
Chapter 6: Section 6 Technical and Organisational Measures: From Theory to Practice
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: Definition of Technical and Organisational Measures (TOMs)
Lecture 3: Test of Appropriateness of TOMs
Lecture 4: Risk Based Approach (GDPR Risk Matrix)
Lecture 5: Information Security Compliance
Lecture 6: Wrap Up & Evaluation Section 6
Lecture 7: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory) | CNIL & EDPS
Chapter 7: Section 7 Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries: From Theory to Practice
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: General principle for transferring personal data outside the EU and Adequacy
Lecture 3: Appropriate Safeguards
Lecture 4: Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) and Processor Binding Corporate Rules (PBCR's)
Lecture 5: Not Authorised Transfers and Specific Situations (and Exemptions)
Lecture 6: Wrap Up & Evaluation Section 7
Lecture 7: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory) | EDPS
Chapter 8: Section 8 Damages compensation, Fines and Work Plan Design
Lecture 1: Privacy and Data Protection, Certified GDPR Compliance Overview
Lecture 2: Damages and Liability for not being GDPR compliant
Lecture 3: Data Protection Authority (DPA) & Role of European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
Lecture 4: 6 Steps of a Basic GDPR Work Plan Design
Lecture 5: Wrap Up, Closure & Continuing Learning
Lecture 6: Additional GDPR Useful Resources for Self-Study (non-mandatory) | EDPS
Chapter 9: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Professor Romeo Kadir
Chairman of European Certification Committee | VP of EADPP
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 18 votes
- 3 stars: 84 votes
- 4 stars: 244 votes
- 5 stars: 283 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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