Product Owner Certification & Exam Prep + Scrum Master & AI
Product Owner Certification & Exam Prep + Scrum Master & AI, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 141 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 6152 reviews, and has 48577 subscribers.
You will learn about Essential skills to become a great Product Owner and pass your PO certification quickly All the preparation necessary to take level 1 Product Owner certification assessments My UNOFFICIAL course will help you to prepare for the Scrum PSPO I® exam How to use AI and ChatGPT as a Product Owner How AI can be used for your Product and Business How to get the Scrum team ready for their first Sprint and how to run the first Sprint Tried and tested advice on applying the Scrum theory in practice All Scrum theory covering the Scrum Team, Scrum Events, Scrum Artifacts, Empiricism and Evidence-based Management How to use popular Scrum based software products such as Jira, Trello and Retrospective Boards Exam simulators for certification exams, both for Product Owner and Scrum Master exams This course is ideal for individuals who are People wanting to progress their career in management and product development or Former Project Managers looking to reskill with the Scrum Framework or Entrepreneurs looking to get the most value out of their Developers and developed products or Anyone interested in Agile or Scrum or Developers looking for a side ways move into Product Ownership or Anyone looking obtain a certification in Scrum as a Product Owner or People wanting to take Professional certifications in PO or SM It is particularly useful for People wanting to progress their career in management and product development or Former Project Managers looking to reskill with the Scrum Framework or Entrepreneurs looking to get the most value out of their Developers and developed products or Anyone interested in Agile or Scrum or Developers looking for a side ways move into Product Ownership or Anyone looking obtain a certification in Scrum as a Product Owner or People wanting to take Professional certifications in PO or SM.
Enroll now: Product Owner Certification & Exam Prep + Scrum Master & AI
Title: Product Owner Certification & Exam Prep + Scrum Master & AI
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 141
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 137
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 152
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 148
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: £199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Essential skills to become a great Product Owner and pass your PO certification quickly
- All the preparation necessary to take level 1 Product Owner certification assessments
- My UNOFFICIAL course will help you to prepare for the Scrum PSPO I® exam
- How to use AI and ChatGPT as a Product Owner
- How AI can be used for your Product and Business
- How to get the Scrum team ready for their first Sprint and how to run the first Sprint
- Tried and tested advice on applying the Scrum theory in practice
- All Scrum theory covering the Scrum Team, Scrum Events, Scrum Artifacts, Empiricism and Evidence-based Management
- How to use popular Scrum based software products such as Jira, Trello and Retrospective Boards
- Exam simulators for certification exams, both for Product Owner and Scrum Master exams
Who Should Attend
- People wanting to progress their career in management and product development
- Former Project Managers looking to reskill with the Scrum Framework
- Entrepreneurs looking to get the most value out of their Developers and developed products
- Anyone interested in Agile or Scrum
- Developers looking for a side ways move into Product Ownership
- Anyone looking obtain a certification in Scrum as a Product Owner
- People wanting to take Professional certifications in PO or SM
Target Audiences
- People wanting to progress their career in management and product development
- Former Project Managers looking to reskill with the Scrum Framework
- Entrepreneurs looking to get the most value out of their Developers and developed products
- Anyone interested in Agile or Scrum
- Developers looking for a side ways move into Product Ownership
- Anyone looking obtain a certification in Scrum as a Product Owner
- People wanting to take Professional certifications in PO or SM
This is an UNOFFICIAL course and is not endorsed by, or affiliated with Scrum org
This course will help to prepare you for taking beginner-level Product Owner and Scrum Master certifications, for example, Scrum .org’s Professional Product Owner® level 1 and Professional Scrum Master® level 1 (PSPO I®, PSM I®) assessment, but it is not official training for PSPO I® or PSM I®. Please see the end of this description for more information.
Newly updated to leverage AI and ChatGPT to assist you in your Product Owner role. I show you how to use Large Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT and Gemini to assist you as a Product Owner. I also provide ideas on how AI can disrupt your industry and how you can leverage AI to improve your products and automate operations, keeping ahead of your competition.
Do you need to prepare for entry-level Scrum certifications?Become a great Professional Product Owner and understand the role of the Scrum Master with my training, and examples and software demonstrations.
If you want to learn how to become a great Product Owner in practice using management techniques and software, and you are ready to learn about Agile and Scrum.
Then this course is for you!
This unofficial course is for anyone who wants to rapidly improve their career prospects in the booming industry of software development without learning how to code.
It is also for anyone that wants to make the most of their Development Team, improve their management skills and create higher-value products for their business.
If you are an entrepreneur with an idea, this course will teach you how to manage a team to turn your vision into a reality ready for the marketplace.
After taking this course, you will have a good understanding of the skills necessary for effective leadership in Product Ownership and be well prepared to take level I Product Owner and Scrum Master certifications.
Until now, you might have struggled to manage a team to build the right product or solution
Or, you might have finished a project and the item developed was over budget, delayed and once launched it didn’t get as many users as you hoped.
If this sounds familiar, then this course will help!
What students are saying:
“I have been a product owner in a scrum team for almost two years now, without certification, and he is really showing me how to be better at it. I am enjoying this course and I think I will be in a great position to write my exams when I am done.”
“Very good course thus far. It is honestly exceeding expectations and is super easy to follow. Great Job!”
“Very help, easy to understand, and appreciate the examples to work through and apply information taught”
“I took the test and PASSED! thanks for this wonderful course”
Who is your instructor?
Michael James is a UK Business and Leadership Instructor who has over a decade of experience in management and leadership in the corporate environment and has been working in product development for over 10 years as both a private consultant and for one of the largest organizations in the UK. Michael James has also managed and built many private entrepreneurial mobile app and website products with 1000s of downloads and users.
This course covers the entire Scrum theory essentials focusing on the Product Owner. It also includes software practicals and advice from tried and tested experience:
Agile and Scrum history
Info about PO and SM certification exams
Practice quizzes and tests based on the certification exams
PO & SM Certification assessment tips
Leveraging AI and ChatGPT for Product Ownership
Leveraging AI LLM for development and Product improvement
Scrum work management tool demonstrations (Jira, Trello, Asana and more)
The Product Owner role
The Scrum Master role
The Developer role
The Scrum Events
The Scrum Artefacts
Multiple Scrum Teams
The Scrum Guide
The Sprint
Sprint Planning
Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective
Sprint Retrospective software demonstrations
Backlog refinement
Tips on Work Estimation
User Stories
Burndown Charts
Evidence-based management
Empirical process
Product Vision formulation tips
Leadership tips
and more with content continuing to be added!
Anyone who is looking to build a career as a professional Product Owner must understand the above. If you don’t, then this course is perfect for you.
Go ahead and enroll, and I’ll see you in lesson 1!
The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to Michael James and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Agile and Scrum Overview
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: AI ChatGPT Update
Lecture 3: This is an Unofficial course not endorsed by
Lecture 4: Agile History and Explanation
Lecture 5: Scrum History
Lecture 6: Scrum in under 5 mins
Lecture 7: My Scrum Summary Booklet (Downloadable PDF)
Lecture 8: Join the Student Group
Lecture 9: The Scrum Values
Lecture 10: Product Owner in Scrum 1 – Workflow
Lecture 11: Product Owner in Scrum 2 – WIP
Lecture 12: Product Owner in Scrum 3 – Value
Lecture 13: Product Owner in Scrum 4 – Trade-offs
Lecture 14: Agile and Scrum – What we have learned
Lecture 15: Follow me on LinkedIn
Lecture 16: Agile Principles Exercise
Chapter 2: The Scrum Certifications
Lecture 1: The Scrum Guide 2020
Lecture 2: Where to buy the PSPO I ® and PSM I ® Certifications
Lecture 3: Should I take level 1 PSPO I ® and PSM I ® certification exams? 1 & 2
Lecture 4: You can take both PSPO I ® & PSM I ® with my unofficial course (PSPO 1 & PSM 1)
Lecture 5: Essential Reading and course content
Chapter 3: Scrum Team and Accountabilities
Lecture 1: The Product Owner
Lecture 2: Product Owner continued and bad practices
Lecture 3: The Developers
Lecture 4: The Scrum Master part 1
Lecture 5: The Scrum Master part 2
Lecture 6: The Scrum Team – What we have learned
Lecture 7: Scrum Team Exercise
Chapter 4: Scrum Events
Lecture 1: Scrum Events Introduction
Lecture 2: Scrum – The Sprint
Lecture 3: Scrum – Sprint Planning
Lecture 4: Scrum – The Daily Scrum
Lecture 5: Scrum – Sprint Review
Lecture 6: Scrum – Sprint Retrospective
Lecture 7: Scrum Events – What we have learned
Lecture 8: Scrum Events Exercise
Chapter 5: Scrum Artifacts
Lecture 1: Scrum Artifacts Introduction
Lecture 2: Artifact Transparency
Lecture 3: The Product Backlog Part 1
Lecture 4: The Product Backlog Part 2
Lecture 5: Product Backlog Refinement
Lecture 6: The Definition of Done
Lecture 7: Definition of Done Example
Lecture 8: Sprint Backlog Part 1
Lecture 9: Sprint Backlog Part 2
Lecture 10: An Increment
Lecture 11: Scrum Artifacts – What we have learned
Chapter 6: Other important things to know
Lecture 1: Evidence Based Management
Lecture 2: Scrum Theory Empiricism
Lecture 3: Cone of Uncertainty
Lecture 4: Feature and Component Teams
Lecture 5: The bullet point Items you must remember
Lecture 6: Uses of Scrum
Chapter 7: Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT
Lecture 1: AI for Product Owners Introduction
Lecture 2: AI for new insights from data
Lecture 3: AI for internal automation
Lecture 4: AI for new product features
Lecture 5: New products from AI
Lecture 6: My Interactive sheet of AI ideas by industry and AI type
Lecture 7: Product Owner AI Gemini LLM Demonstration
Lecture 8: AI User Personas, Marketing Plan, Budgets, OKRs, Backlog tasks, User Stories etc
Lecture 9: AI for Risks, Legal Docs, SWAT, and priming AI
Lecture 10: AI for Dev roadmap, Estimates on time and Costs, Pricing, Profit, Sales Forecast
Lecture 11: AI for USP, Project Documents, Team and Resources needed
Lecture 12: AI for Sprint Backlog, Dev Skills, Job Descriptions
Lecture 13: AI for Draft Emails, Tables, Pie Charts
Lecture 14: AI what we have learned
Lecture 15: AI ChatGPT time for you to experiment
Chapter 8: Jira – Practical and Software Demonstration
Lecture 1: Practicals Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Other Software Tools to consider
Lecture 3: Sometimes decisions are tough to make
Lecture 4: Making calculated decisions with a Decision Matrix
Lecture 5: Going Faster
Lecture 6: Making a Jira account
Lecture 7: Inviting Users to Jira
Lecture 8: Managing account, Billing and connecting other applications
Lecture 9: Creating a team
Lecture 10: Changing the project name
Lecture 11: Adding tasks
Lecture 12: Atlassian Epic Definition
Lecture 13: Spikes for exploring work
Lecture 14: Story Points explained
Lecture 15: Detail of the Spike, risks and expected output
Lecture 16: Epics colours, flitering and adding tasks
Michael James (PSM I, PSM II, PSM III, PSPO 1, PSPO II, SPS certified)
Business and Leadership Instructor -
Learn Management Online
Pass Management Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 31 votes
- 2 stars: 57 votes
- 3 stars: 497 votes
- 4 stars: 2163 votes
- 5 stars: 3404 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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