Professional Diploma in Omnichannel Sales&Service Management
Professional Diploma in Omnichannel Sales&Service Management, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.16, with 16 lectures, based on 164 reviews, and has 26262 subscribers.
You will learn about Omnichannel Sales & Service Management with AI & Chat Bots Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Apple, Wechat, Web, Bots and Chats Usage at Sales, Service, Digital Marketing From calls to texting. Why digital channels become vital for literally any b2c business Introduction to the world of chatbots AI chatbots: what they can and can’t do Best practices: contact center Best practices: ads, sales, loyalty and more The most popular apps pt1: whatsapp, facebook, instagram The most popular apps pt2: telegram, apple messages, wechat Livechat: messaging on a company’s website An Ideal customer journey framework Interactive Part This course is ideal for individuals who are Course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others or Hello everyone and welcome to the online-course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others. This course might become your first step to acquire skill set, knowledges and maybe even a whole new profession, that is appearing right now. Learning it today, gives you advantages tomorrow! I’m talking about digital transformation. In terms of customer communications in basically any meduim or big enterprises. And for small businesses, the most succesfull ones, they are already doing it in a modern way from the first day. This transformation – it is a moving away from old way of communications, like phone calls, email, or even fax – to new way – whatsapp, facebook messenger, instagram direct messages, telegram – any messaging apps that people are using in their everyday life. And now they are starting to usу it to talk to businesses. To chat with an online store, with a bank, medical clinic – with any organization out there. or All of these companies need employees or contractors who understand how to make this shift, this transition. New channels on the one hand bring a lot of new possibilities, such as chatbots and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand, require a rebuilding of current business workflows. For example agent’s KPI in a contact centre based on whatsapp, is very different from a voice-based CC. And somebody need to know how to deal with it. But the contact center is not the only place where apps like whatsapp are taking over. It affects pretty much every customer related departpent: sales, marketing and loyalty, support, customer experience, automation and online services. So, Whether you plan to tie your career or business entirely to this feild, this knowledge will help you achieve your professional goals in a variety of ways. Because communication – is the essential part of business. I started this journey seven years ago, when it was hardly even existed. Since then, I have worked with some of the world's biggest clients, such as Societe Generale, British american tobacco and others. Now I’m a founder of a startup called brandy. im I invite you to my course where you will learn the basics about communications of the future. Welcome! or Before we start I want to give a quick intro of myself and also let’s take a look on the course plan. So without further ado, here is what we will discuss The course consists of 2 parts: In a first one, everything down lesson 4, we are talking about the key benefits for business in general. And then learning the basics of chatbots and AI. The second part is becoming more specific. We will see how exactly it implies to different departments. Discuss business application of particular messaging channels. And with all of that we are getting ready to meet the main framework – of ideal customer journey in modern channels. Which will be useful tool to any of your further projects. And briefly about me. You can call me Slava. For a last 7 years I’ve been running chat platform startup. For these years we made a lot of stuff, worked with some worldwide clients. We have become official provider of apple messages for business. Not sure if this is my most significant achievement, but personally, the most pleasant one. A chance to work directly with apple team is really cool and I have been honoured to become one of the business experts at the Retail banking school, where we are right now. Feel free to connect or ask me anything on linkedin. And, let’s jump in! So I hope this online course will be a good start on mastering this new world of digital communications and happier customers It is particularly useful for Course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others or Hello everyone and welcome to the online-course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others. This course might become your first step to acquire skill set, knowledges and maybe even a whole new profession, that is appearing right now. Learning it today, gives you advantages tomorrow! I’m talking about digital transformation. In terms of customer communications in basically any meduim or big enterprises. And for small businesses, the most succesfull ones, they are already doing it in a modern way from the first day. This transformation – it is a moving away from old way of communications, like phone calls, email, or even fax – to new way – whatsapp, facebook messenger, instagram direct messages, telegram – any messaging apps that people are using in their everyday life. And now they are starting to usу it to talk to businesses. To chat with an online store, with a bank, medical clinic – with any organization out there. or All of these companies need employees or contractors who understand how to make this shift, this transition. New channels on the one hand bring a lot of new possibilities, such as chatbots and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand, require a rebuilding of current business workflows. For example agent’s KPI in a contact centre based on whatsapp, is very different from a voice-based CC. And somebody need to know how to deal with it. But the contact center is not the only place where apps like whatsapp are taking over. It affects pretty much every customer related departpent: sales, marketing and loyalty, support, customer experience, automation and online services. So, Whether you plan to tie your career or business entirely to this feild, this knowledge will help you achieve your professional goals in a variety of ways. Because communication – is the essential part of business. I started this journey seven years ago, when it was hardly even existed. Since then, I have worked with some of the world's biggest clients, such as Societe Generale, British american tobacco and others. Now I’m a founder of a startup called brandy. im I invite you to my course where you will learn the basics about communications of the future. Welcome! or Before we start I want to give a quick intro of myself and also let’s take a look on the course plan. So without further ado, here is what we will discuss The course consists of 2 parts: In a first one, everything down lesson 4, we are talking about the key benefits for business in general. And then learning the basics of chatbots and AI. The second part is becoming more specific. We will see how exactly it implies to different departments. Discuss business application of particular messaging channels. And with all of that we are getting ready to meet the main framework – of ideal customer journey in modern channels. Which will be useful tool to any of your further projects. And briefly about me. You can call me Slava. For a last 7 years I’ve been running chat platform startup. For these years we made a lot of stuff, worked with some worldwide clients. We have become official provider of apple messages for business. Not sure if this is my most significant achievement, but personally, the most pleasant one. A chance to work directly with apple team is really cool and I have been honoured to become one of the business experts at the Retail banking school, where we are right now. Feel free to connect or ask me anything on linkedin. And, let’s jump in! So I hope this online course will be a good start on mastering this new world of digital communications and happier customers.
Enroll now: Professional Diploma in Omnichannel Sales&Service Management
Title: Professional Diploma in Omnichannel Sales&Service Management
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.16
Number of Lectures: 16
Number of Published Lectures: 16
Number of Curriculum Items: 16
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 16
Original Price: €24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Omnichannel Sales & Service Management with AI & Chat Bots
- Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Apple, Wechat, Web, Bots and Chats Usage at Sales, Service, Digital Marketing
- From calls to texting. Why digital channels become vital for literally any b2c business
- Introduction to the world of chatbots
- AI chatbots: what they can and can’t do
- Best practices: contact center
- Best practices: ads, sales, loyalty and more
- The most popular apps pt1: whatsapp, facebook, instagram
- The most popular apps pt2: telegram, apple messages, wechat
- Livechat: messaging on a company’s website
- An Ideal customer journey framework
- Interactive Part
Who Should Attend
- Course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others
- Hello everyone and welcome to the online-course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others. This course might become your first step to acquire skill set, knowledges and maybe even a whole new profession, that is appearing right now. Learning it today, gives you advantages tomorrow! I’m talking about digital transformation. In terms of customer communications in basically any meduim or big enterprises. And for small businesses, the most succesfull ones, they are already doing it in a modern way from the first day. This transformation – it is a moving away from old way of communications, like phone calls, email, or even fax – to new way – whatsapp, facebook messenger, instagram direct messages, telegram – any messaging apps that people are using in their everyday life. And now they are starting to usу it to talk to businesses. To chat with an online store, with a bank, medical clinic – with any organization out there.
- All of these companies need employees or contractors who understand how to make this shift, this transition. New channels on the one hand bring a lot of new possibilities, such as chatbots and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand, require a rebuilding of current business workflows. For example agent’s KPI in a contact centre based on whatsapp, is very different from a voice-based CC. And somebody need to know how to deal with it. But the contact center is not the only place where apps like whatsapp are taking over. It affects pretty much every customer related departpent: sales, marketing and loyalty, support, customer experience, automation and online services. So, Whether you plan to tie your career or business entirely to this feild, this knowledge will help you achieve your professional goals in a variety of ways. Because communication – is the essential part of business. I started this journey seven years ago, when it was hardly even existed. Since then, I have worked with some of the world's biggest clients, such as Societe Generale, British american tobacco and others. Now I’m a founder of a startup called brandy. im I invite you to my course where you will learn the basics about communications of the future. Welcome!
- Before we start I want to give a quick intro of myself and also let’s take a look on the course plan. So without further ado, here is what we will discuss The course consists of 2 parts: In a first one, everything down lesson 4, we are talking about the key benefits for business in general. And then learning the basics of chatbots and AI. The second part is becoming more specific. We will see how exactly it implies to different departments. Discuss business application of particular messaging channels. And with all of that we are getting ready to meet the main framework – of ideal customer journey in modern channels. Which will be useful tool to any of your further projects. And briefly about me. You can call me Slava. For a last 7 years I’ve been running chat platform startup. For these years we made a lot of stuff, worked with some worldwide clients. We have become official provider of apple messages for business. Not sure if this is my most significant achievement, but personally, the most pleasant one. A chance to work directly with apple team is really cool and I have been honoured to become one of the business experts at the Retail banking school, where we are right now. Feel free to connect or ask me anything on linkedin. And, let’s jump in! So I hope this online course will be a good start on mastering this new world of digital communications and happier customers
Target Audiences
- Course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others
- Hello everyone and welcome to the online-course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others. This course might become your first step to acquire skill set, knowledges and maybe even a whole new profession, that is appearing right now. Learning it today, gives you advantages tomorrow! I’m talking about digital transformation. In terms of customer communications in basically any meduim or big enterprises. And for small businesses, the most succesfull ones, they are already doing it in a modern way from the first day. This transformation – it is a moving away from old way of communications, like phone calls, email, or even fax – to new way – whatsapp, facebook messenger, instagram direct messages, telegram – any messaging apps that people are using in their everyday life. And now they are starting to usу it to talk to businesses. To chat with an online store, with a bank, medical clinic – with any organization out there.
- All of these companies need employees or contractors who understand how to make this shift, this transition. New channels on the one hand bring a lot of new possibilities, such as chatbots and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand, require a rebuilding of current business workflows. For example agent’s KPI in a contact centre based on whatsapp, is very different from a voice-based CC. And somebody need to know how to deal with it. But the contact center is not the only place where apps like whatsapp are taking over. It affects pretty much every customer related departpent: sales, marketing and loyalty, support, customer experience, automation and online services. So, Whether you plan to tie your career or business entirely to this feild, this knowledge will help you achieve your professional goals in a variety of ways. Because communication – is the essential part of business. I started this journey seven years ago, when it was hardly even existed. Since then, I have worked with some of the world's biggest clients, such as Societe Generale, British american tobacco and others. Now I’m a founder of a startup called brandy. im I invite you to my course where you will learn the basics about communications of the future. Welcome!
- Before we start I want to give a quick intro of myself and also let’s take a look on the course plan. So without further ado, here is what we will discuss The course consists of 2 parts: In a first one, everything down lesson 4, we are talking about the key benefits for business in general. And then learning the basics of chatbots and AI. The second part is becoming more specific. We will see how exactly it implies to different departments. Discuss business application of particular messaging channels. And with all of that we are getting ready to meet the main framework – of ideal customer journey in modern channels. Which will be useful tool to any of your further projects. And briefly about me. You can call me Slava. For a last 7 years I’ve been running chat platform startup. For these years we made a lot of stuff, worked with some worldwide clients. We have become official provider of apple messages for business. Not sure if this is my most significant achievement, but personally, the most pleasant one. A chance to work directly with apple team is really cool and I have been honoured to become one of the business experts at the Retail banking school, where we are right now. Feel free to connect or ask me anything on linkedin. And, let’s jump in! So I hope this online course will be a good start on mastering this new world of digital communications and happier customers
Welcome to course: Professional Diploma in Omnichannel Sales & Service Management with AI & Chat Bots
You will know about: Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Apple, Wechat, Web, Bots and Chats Usage at Sales, Service, Digital Marketing
Course provided by MTF Institute of Management, Technology and Finance
MTF is the global educational and research institute with HQ at Lisbon, Portugal, focused on business & professional hybrid (on-campus and online) education at areas: Business & Administration, Science & Technology, Banking & Finance.
MTF R&Dcenter focused on research activities at areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, WEB3, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets, Metaverses, Digital Transformation, Fintech, Electronic Commerce, Internet of Things.
MTF is the official partner of: IBM, Intel, Microsoft, member of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
MTFis present in 208 countries and has been chosen by more than 380,000 students.
Course Instructor: SLAVA POPKOV,Experienced Entrepreneur, CEO & Co-founder of Brandy. im
Modern customer communications expert.
After finishing of a course you will get: Double Diploma (UDEMY & RBS), Access to Interactive session and chat with Instructor and other students, ability to consider your real business and work questions and cases.
Course Plan:
1. About the coursre, topic and author
2. From calls to texting. Why digital channels become vital for literally any b2c business?
3. Introduction to the world of chatbots
4. AI chatbots: what they can and can’t do
5. Best practices: contact center
6. Best practices: ads, sales, loyalty and more
7. The most popular apps pt1: whatsapp, facebook, instagram
8. The most popular apps pt2: telegram, apple messages, wechat
9. Livechat: messaging on a company’s website
10. An Ideal customer journey framework
11. Interactive Session and Part
Course Author:
Entrepreneur, CEO & Co-founder of Brandy. im
Modern customer communications expert
• Master of Applied Mathematics and computer science, The Saint-Petersburg State University
• Serial entrepreneur with 12 years various business experience: founder of several companies: from local manufacture to b2b-SaaS startup
• Founder of Brandy. im – official message service provider of Apple Messages for business
• Experience of projects with global worldwide companies and banks
• Multiple Startup award winner
Course Full Description and Welcome Letter:
Hello everyone and welcome to the online-course created for any current or potential corporate managers from junior to executive level, that will make you stand out from the others.
This course might become your first step to acquire skill set, knowledges and maybe even a whole new profession, that is appearing right now. Learning it today, gives you advantages tomorrow!
I’m talking about digital transformation. In terms of customer communications in basically any meduim or big enterprises. And for small businesses, the most succesfull ones, they are already doing it in a modern way from the first day.
This transformation – it is a moving away from old way of communications, like phone calls, email, or even fax – to new way – whatsapp, facebook messenger, instagram direct messages, telegram – any messaging apps that people are using in their everyday life. And now they are starting to usу it to talk to businesses. To chat with an online store, with a bank, medical clinic – with any organization out there.
And here lies the opportunity!
All of these companies need employees or contractors who understand how to make this shift, this transition. New channels on the one hand bring a lot of new possibilities, such as chatbots and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand, require a rebuilding of current business workflows.
For example agent’s KPI in a contact centre based on whatsapp, is very different from a voice-based CC. And somebody need to know how to deal with it.
But the contact center is not the only place where apps like whatsapp are taking over. It affects pretty much every customer related departpent: sales, marketing and loyalty, support, customer experience, automation and online services.
So, Whether you plan to tie your career or business entirely to this feild, this knowledge will help you achieve your professional goals in a variety of ways. Because communication – is the essential part of business.
I started this journey seven years ago, when it was hardly even existed. Since then, I have worked with some of the world’s biggest clients, such as Societe Generale, British american tobacco and others. Now I’m a founder of a startup called brandy. im
I invite you to my course where you will learn the basics about communications of the future. Welcome!
Before we start I want to give a quick intro of myself and also let’s take a look on the course plan.
So without further ado, here is what we will discuss
The course consists of 2 parts:
In a first one, everything down lesson 4, we are talking about the key benefits for business in general.
And then learning the basics of chatbots and AI.
The second part is becoming more specific.
We will see how exactly it implies to different departments. Discuss business application of particular messaging channels.
And with all of that we are getting ready to meet the main framework –
of ideal customer journey in modern channels. Which will be useful tool to any of your further projects.
And briefly about me.
You can call me Slava. For a last 7 years I’ve been running chat platform startup. For these years we made a lot of stuff, worked with some worldwide clients.
We have become official provider of apple messages for business. Not sure if this is my most significant achievement, but personally, the most pleasant one. A chance to work directly with apple team is really cool
and I have been honoured to become one of the business experts at the Retail banking school, where we are right now.
Feel free to connect or ask me anything on linkedin.
And, let’s jump in!
So I hope this online course will be a good start on mastering this new world of digital communications and happier customers
Linked topics:
Business Fundamentals
Marketing & Business Strategy
Online and Digital Business
Digital transformations / Strategy
Product Management
Continuous Process Improvement
Business and Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
Digital Marketing
Sales Skills
B2B Sales
B2C Sales
Customer Relationship Management
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction Part (Optional)
Lecture 1: Onboarding to Learning Process
Lecture 2: Course Introduction
Lecture 3: School Introduction
Chapter 2: Course Main Part
Lecture 1: Omnichannels Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to the world of Chat-Bots
Lecture 3: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) at Bots
Lecture 4: Best Practices I
Lecture 5: Best Practices II
Lecture 6: Messaging Apps I
Lecture 7: Messaging Apps II
Lecture 8: Livechats
Lecture 9: Ideal Customer Journey Framework
Lecture 10: Congratulations with finishing of a course
Lecture 11: Course Full Reading and Presentation (Optional)
Chapter 3: Interactive Part (Optional)
Lecture 1: Interactive Part
Lecture 2: Bonus Section: Next Steps
MTF Institute of Management, Technology and Finance
Institute of Management, Technology and Finance
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 46 votes
- 5 stars: 76 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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