Professional Podcast Production, Editing & Blueprint
Professional Podcast Production, Editing & Blueprint, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 34 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 646 reviews, and has 6936 subscribers.
You will learn about We will plug in a microphone and a mixer for a light, inexpensive, fully functional and professional quality podcasting studio You will record your solo raw recordings using the free software, Audacity You will record interviews using Skype and Piezo with anyone on earth who has access to a phone Engineer your raw recordings using Audacity and Levelator to quickly and professionally produce professional, great sounding recordings Mix our engineered recordings, sound effects and music with GarageBand to create a podcast that is limited only by your imagination You will create a process for writing consistent tagging information to your podcast .mp3 files for a polished professional end podcast product using a simple and powerful software called ID3 Editor We will build a website using WordPress and the Blubrry podcasting plugin to empower you to own your podcast distribution system (hint: you won't be married to BlogTalk, Podbean or others) After the podcast is built, we will submit your podcast RSS feed to the major podcast platforms like iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and others (note: YES, you'll be a published podcaster at the end of this course) This course is ideal for individuals who are People willing to do the hard work, produce something beautiful and courageously reach out to the world and say, "Hi, I made this." or Those interested in creating a podcast production business (NOTE: works great for those who would like a location-independent or a work-from-home lifestyle) or Do not take this course if you don't like taking action. Without following the steps and doing the work, the lessons will become uninteresting as you won't be following along with real results. or Do not take this course if professional quality is unimportant to you or Do not take this course if you are not passionate about podcasting It is particularly useful for People willing to do the hard work, produce something beautiful and courageously reach out to the world and say, "Hi, I made this." or Those interested in creating a podcast production business (NOTE: works great for those who would like a location-independent or a work-from-home lifestyle) or Do not take this course if you don't like taking action. Without following the steps and doing the work, the lessons will become uninteresting as you won't be following along with real results. or Do not take this course if professional quality is unimportant to you or Do not take this course if you are not passionate about podcasting.
Enroll now: Professional Podcast Production, Editing & Blueprint
Title: Professional Podcast Production, Editing & Blueprint
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 34
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 33
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- We will plug in a microphone and a mixer for a light, inexpensive, fully functional and professional quality podcasting studio
- You will record your solo raw recordings using the free software, Audacity
- You will record interviews using Skype and Piezo with anyone on earth who has access to a phone
- Engineer your raw recordings using Audacity and Levelator to quickly and professionally produce professional, great sounding recordings
- Mix our engineered recordings, sound effects and music with GarageBand to create a podcast that is limited only by your imagination
- You will create a process for writing consistent tagging information to your podcast .mp3 files for a polished professional end podcast product using a simple and powerful software called ID3 Editor
- We will build a website using WordPress and the Blubrry podcasting plugin to empower you to own your podcast distribution system (hint: you won't be married to BlogTalk, Podbean or others)
- After the podcast is built, we will submit your podcast RSS feed to the major podcast platforms like iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and others (note: YES, you'll be a published podcaster at the end of this course)
Who Should Attend
- People willing to do the hard work, produce something beautiful and courageously reach out to the world and say, "Hi, I made this."
- Those interested in creating a podcast production business (NOTE: works great for those who would like a location-independent or a work-from-home lifestyle)
- Do not take this course if you don't like taking action. Without following the steps and doing the work, the lessons will become uninteresting as you won't be following along with real results.
- Do not take this course if professional quality is unimportant to you
- Do not take this course if you are not passionate about podcasting
Target Audiences
- People willing to do the hard work, produce something beautiful and courageously reach out to the world and say, "Hi, I made this."
- Those interested in creating a podcast production business (NOTE: works great for those who would like a location-independent or a work-from-home lifestyle)
- Do not take this course if you don't like taking action. Without following the steps and doing the work, the lessons will become uninteresting as you won't be following along with real results.
- Do not take this course if professional quality is unimportant to you
- Do not take this course if you are not passionate about podcasting
Check out this review from a student who has a show on iTunes now:
(edited to announce I am on iTunes! Thank you, Ian!) Ian has created a Masterpiece of a course! I have an undergraduate and a Master’s degree, and I would have to say this class ranks right up there as one of the best, perhaps the very best class I have ever taken, anywhere. This is a great teacher, folks. Ian has broken down the very technical content of creating a podcast into understandable, manageable lessons that I believe anyone can follow if they put in the time. He even manages to make the technical lessons fun and interesting. The system Ian teaches for post-interview audio engineering is simple yet brilliant, and I would never have figured out these methods without this course. Ian is one of the most responsive, helpful available teachers I have ever encountered. I know he has my back and would do anything to help. I was waiting to write this review until I actually had my podcast up and running, so that I could encourage future students from the position of someone who had made it to iTunes. I am not there yet, but I just realized that reviews on Udemy can be edited, and I will add that part in later. So I am writing this review now because Ian so highly deserves it, and because I want potential students to know that they will highly benefit from enrolling in this course. Ian, thank you for all your help so far!” – Meredith Here (Host of Local Hearted: Asheville Artists | WNC Artists | Art Business on iTunes)
Learn how Freedom Podcasting produces shows like:
- The Tim Ferriss Show
- The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes
- Glambition Radio with Ali Brown
- ShopTalk Radio with Nick Onken
- The Crave Cast by Alexandra Jamieson
- Plus many more…
Despite the superstar quality of these shows, the process we use can be mastered by anyone. You can learn the skill in a weekend and simultaneously produce your first course and get your message on iTunes!
“Ian absolutely rocks this course. It is by far the best content I’ve come across in all the Udemy courses I’ve studied to date. Ian’s content is entertaining, captivating and engaging while still nailing the topic. This course delivers the goods and I can’t recommend it highly enough. 10 out of 10. Well done Ian!” – Tim Cooper host of ECommerce Domination
This course is unique to Udemy and I’ve not shared this process with ANYONE outside of our internal company process documents. Sign up for the course and you’ll be the first to see the inside of our production studio.
“Just wanted to share my progress with my podcast. Started out by meticulously following the Udemy course and it’s just growing and growing now! I’ve had 1400 downloads in 20 countries! And I’m only to episode 8!” – Lily Gold host of Mormon Missionary Stories
Here is a list of people who have taken this course, and used it to create AMAZING shows. All of them are now 100% verified podcasters:
- Lily Gold is now the host of Mormon Missionary Stories
- Tim Cooper is the host of Make Money with Massage
- Robbiej Frye is the host of Frye Show
- Sierra Clarke is the host of OKCarrot
- Plus many, more….
“I loved this course because Ian kept his instructions simple and clear. By having a video demonstration I felt that I could easily navigate each step. This course gave me confidence in what I was doing and moving forward into the podcasting world. As Ian says “Huzzah!” — I’m now ready to rumble.” – Sierra Clarke host of OKCarrot
In the course you will learn AND execute the following skills:
- Set up a recording studio
- Record your podcast introduction
- Record an interview with a guest via Skype
- Engineer the audio to professional standards (Minimum effective dose of learning to ensure rapid skill acquisition)
- Mix your recordings together with music and sound effects. You are limited only by your imagination!
- Label your podcast for a polished, professional feel
- Set up a WordPress website and install plugins so you own your own show (Sorry Podbean and BlogTalk)
- Finally, distribute your podcast RSS feed to the world on platforms like iTunes and Stitcher
“The instructor has done a great job at producing this course, really like the talking head in combination with the screencast. Information is very comprehensive, I already have my own podcast but still learned a lot. Good job!” – Jasper Ribbers host of Get Paid for Your Pad
Upon completion of this course, you will publish your podcast and see it on iTunes! You will have progressed from beginner to published podcaster!
Upon proving your show is published, you will have the opportunity to access our exclusive Facebook group where you can share your podcast with others who have successfully completed the course.
Remember, the opportunity is now. Podcasting is in it’s infancy and cultivating these skills will offer you world class opportunities.
“When I first started this course, I had doubts that I could actually produce a quality podcast on my own. However, after only a few lessons, Ian helped me realize that those fears were only in my head. By following his instructions in the course, I was able to easily setup, record, edit and publish my very own podcast that is now published on iTunes! I can’t recommend this course enough. The way that Ian has put together the learning material makes it extremely simple to learn……and he keeps it fun! Podcasting has helped transform my business by allowing me to access the influencers in my industry. And, by doing so, I am building my own positive reputation along the way. Thank you Ian… are the man!!!” Trevor Turnbull host of The WordPress Authorities Show
Are you deciding between this course and another, longer course? The reason this course is one of the shortest is because the content is carefully curated to deliver value every second. I cut out all the junk so you can learn AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. Don’t spend 2-3 days producing a lower quality podcast and waiting through slow, unhelpful tutorials.
This course is carefully crafted to get you producing FAST.
What are you waiting for? Click “Take This Course” and let’s start podcasting!
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: About: The Instructor, The Course and the Podcast Production Process
Lecture 2: A Call for Feedback: The Fun and the Hilarity of Communicating with Me
Chapter 1: Recording
Lecture 1: How to Set Up a Podcast Recording Studio and Record in 2019
Lecture 2: Set Up: Operating your Recording Equipment (Equipment List Included)
Lecture 3: Recording: Solo and In Person Recordings with Audacity
Lecture 4: Recording: Skype Interviews with Anyone Who Has Access to a Phone
Lecture 5: Wrap Up: ACTION Time! Getting started with your recordings
Chapter 2: Audio Engineering
Lecture 1: Structure: Podcast File Layout Process
Lecture 2: Polishing: Mastering Audio with Audacity and Taking Podcast Notes
Lecture 3: Leveling: Ensuring Excellent Podcast Audio Quality
Lecture 4: Sourcing: Collecting Music and Other Podcast Audio Elements
Lecture 5: Polishing (Again for Clarification): Polishing New Kinds of Audio
Lecture 6: Mixing: Using GarageBand to Create your Podcast 1 of 2
Lecture 7: Mixing: Using GarageBand to Create your Podcast 2 of 2
Lecture 8: Mixing With Audacity PART ONE
Lecture 9: Mixing With Audacity PART TWO
Lecture 10: Mixing With Audacity PART THREE
Lecture 11: Tagging Document: Creating Your Podcast Tagging Document
Lecture 12: Tagging: Digitally Wrapping Your Podcast for Professionalism
Lecture 13: Wrap Up: Inspiration for the Podcast Audio Engineering Section
Chapter 3: Setting up your Podcast Distribution System: iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and More
Lecture 1: Building: Get a Domain and Built a Custom WordPress site from Scratch
Lecture 2: Setting Up: Make your WordPress Blog "Podcast Ready"
Lecture 3: Uploading: Setting up Podcast Media Hosting and Uploading Shows
Lecture 4: Publishing: Go Live with your First Podcast Blog Post
Lecture 5: Submitting: How to Upload your Podcast to iTunes
Chapter 4: Growth, Business, Strategy and Hustle
Lecture 1: Inspiration: The Limitless Potential of Podcasting
Lecture 2: Environment: A Walk through iTunes, the Top Podcasts and the New & Noteworthy
Lecture 3: Join Us: Freedom Podcasting Facebook Group Invite
Lecture 4: How Podcast Statistics Work
Lecture 5: The Podcast Production Business: Profiting with your New Skill
Chapter 5: Podcast Art Design with Photoshop
Lecture 1: Mock Art – Planet Money PART ONE
Lecture 2: Mock Art – Planet Money PART TWO
Chapter 6: Student Questions – Tutorials to Answer Student Questions
Lecture 1: How to Records a Three Person Podcast – Two People in the Same Room, One on Skyp
Ian Robinson
Small Business Owner, Podcast Producer & Software Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 17 votes
- 3 stars: 60 votes
- 4 stars: 175 votes
- 5 stars: 379 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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