Project Management: The Planning Phase
Project Management: The Planning Phase, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 73 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 77 reviews, and has 1389 subscribers.
You will learn about Complete the planning phase of a project making sure the project can be executed, monitored and controlled to a successful conclusion using solid repeatable methods and processes. Be able to create the five critical documents every successful project manager needs Astonish your project stakeholders by demonstrating your new found project management skills and knowledge This course is ideal for individuals who are This training program will be beneficial to all project team members, project sponsors and stakeholders. Giving them a thorough understanding of the fundamental methods and processes that all projects need or Project team members wanting to get more more involved in the management of their projects and wanting to know how best to support their project manager or Aspiring project managers wanting to enhance their career prospects by practicing solid repeatable project management processes or Steering team members who want to know what all the fuss is about It is particularly useful for This training program will be beneficial to all project team members, project sponsors and stakeholders. Giving them a thorough understanding of the fundamental methods and processes that all projects need or Project team members wanting to get more more involved in the management of their projects and wanting to know how best to support their project manager or Aspiring project managers wanting to enhance their career prospects by practicing solid repeatable project management processes or Steering team members who want to know what all the fuss is about.
Enroll now: Project Management: The Planning Phase
Title: Project Management: The Planning Phase
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Complete the planning phase of a project making sure the project can be executed, monitored and controlled to a successful conclusion using solid repeatable methods and processes.
- Be able to create the five critical documents every successful project manager needs
- Astonish your project stakeholders by demonstrating your new found project management skills and knowledge
Who Should Attend
- This training program will be beneficial to all project team members, project sponsors and stakeholders. Giving them a thorough understanding of the fundamental methods and processes that all projects need
- Project team members wanting to get more more involved in the management of their projects and wanting to know how best to support their project manager
- Aspiring project managers wanting to enhance their career prospects by practicing solid repeatable project management processes
- Steering team members who want to know what all the fuss is about
Target Audiences
- This training program will be beneficial to all project team members, project sponsors and stakeholders. Giving them a thorough understanding of the fundamental methods and processes that all projects need
- Project team members wanting to get more more involved in the management of their projects and wanting to know how best to support their project manager
- Aspiring project managers wanting to enhance their career prospects by practicing solid repeatable project management processes
- Steering team members who want to know what all the fuss is about
Project Management
Project Management Courses: Planning Phase is designed for aspiring project managers and project team members wanting to get more involved in project management.
This project management course is structured around the premise that all projects have a beginning, a middle and an end and that all successful projects follow a standardised project management methodology.
Learn how to plan your projects using simple, repeatable processes guided by an easy to implement project management methodology.
Project Management as a Career
Enhance your career prospects, supercharge your project management skills and bring all your projects to successful conclusions – in time, under budget and to the delight of your key stakeholders.
- Learn all the project management processes needed to complete the planning phase of your projects making sure all aspects of project execution and closing are included
- Discover a project management methodology that is easy to implement, manage and control
- Download a complete set of the only project management document templates you will ever need to manage your projects successfully
Project Management Methodology
Become a successful and practical project manager by introducing My Practical Project Management Methodology into your projects today so that you can plan, implement and bring all your projects to a successful conclusion.
Project Management Training
In this project management course you will learn:
- What project management is all about
- The characteristics of a successful project manager
- How projects fit into organisations
- What is and what is not a project life cycle
- Why some organisations do not want and do not need a project management office
- What is and what is not a project management methodology – The attributes of a practical and useful project management methodology
- The five critical project management documents every successful project manager needs
You will learn the project management processes and techniques used during the planning phase of every successful project
This project management course will teach you:
- How to initiate a project correctly with a sponsor and an approved project assignment
- How to identify the key stakeholders and engage with them to make sure they are on your side
- How to identify your key project team members
- How to make sure all the project scope is included in the scope of work
- How to define your project organisation
- How to develop your project schedule through activity sequencing and duration estimating
- How to identify the critical path through a project network diagram
- How to estimate project costs and convert the costs into a time phased cost baseline, a budget
- How to manage a risk identification workshop and identify the risks involved in the project
- How to “plan-in” quality into your project
- How to develop your procurement strategy for all the goods and services you will need to buy
- How to decide what information is to be distributed to what stakeholder at what times
The project management course consists of:
- Video presentations
- Easy to do quizzes to keep your attention alive
- Complete set of downloadable project management document templates
Students can ask and comment on questions in the discussion area and I will also be available to advise on any aspects of the planning phase of a project.
See you on the inside…
Jeb Riordan, PMP
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 1: 1.1 Hi, I'm Jeb Riordan and Why Is This Training Program Necessary
Lecture 2: 1.2 Project Manager Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Chapter 2: What Exactly is Project Management?
Lecture 1: 2.0 Introduction to Section 2 What is Project Management?
Lecture 2: 2.1 What Exactly is a Project?
Lecture 3: 2.2 So, if that’s a Project, What is Project Management? And Why Do We Need It?
Lecture 4: 2.3 Stakeholders: Seek Them Out, Know Them, Satisfy Expectations or You Fail
Lecture 5: 2.4 Project Manager: By Accident or Design. The Skills You Will Need to Succeed
Lecture 6: 2.5 Projects and the Organisations that Surround Them
Lecture 7: 2.6 Functional, Projectized, Matrix: What Structure is Right for Your Project?
Lecture 8: 2.7 Project Management Offices: What are They and are They Really Necessary?
Lecture 9: 2.8 PIMS: Project Information Management System. Knowledge Base. Take Care of It
Lecture 10: 2.9 What are Project Phases? And What is the Project Life Cycle?
Lecture 11: 2.10 Project Phases Produce Project Deliverables. What is NOT a Project Phase?
Lecture 12: 2.11 No Need to Reinvent the Wheel When Using a Project Management Methodology
Lecture 13: 2.12 The International Standard ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management
Lecture 14: 2.13 Employ the KISS When developing Your Project Management Methodology
Lecture 15: 2.14 Guided Tour of My Very Practical Project Management Methodology
Lecture 16: 2.15 Project Management Methodology, Milestone Reviews and Decision Gates
Lecture 17: 2.16 Five Critical Documents Every Successful Practical Project Manager Needs
Lecture 18: 2.17 Section 2 Review: Including the Three Musketeers and a PIMs
Chapter 3: Project Initiation and First Things First
Lecture 1: 3.0 Introduction to Section 3 Project Initiation in the Planning Phase
Lecture 2: 3.1 Selecting the Right Project- A Business Decision Based on Economic Factors
Lecture 3: 3.2 The Project Assignment Authorises the Project Manager to Mobilise Resources
Lecture 4: 3.3 “Keep your Friends Close and Your Stakeholders Closer”
Lecture 5: 3.4 Recruit Your Key Project Team Members, You Will Need Their Expertise Now
Lecture 6: 3.5 Section 3 Review: Start the Project With a Steering Team Approved Assignment
Chapter 4: Project Planning
Lecture 1: 4.0 Introduction to Section 4 Project Planning
Lecture 2: 4.1 Now is the Time to Write the Plan, the Whole Plan and Nothing But the Plan
Lecture 3: 4.2 Project Plan Template: The Second of the Critical Project Documents
Lecture 4: 4.3 Sect 4 Review: Start the Project Correctly With a Sponsor Approved Project
Chapter 5: Scope Planning
Lecture 1: 5.0 Introduction to Section 5: Scope Planning
Lecture 2: 5.1 What Are “Requirements”? And Where Do We Find Them?
Lecture 3: 5.2 Define the Scope in a Well Written Scope Statement that All Can Understand
Lecture 4: 5.3 Follow the Three Golden Rules When Creating Your Work Breakdown Structure
Lecture 5: 5.4 WBS Elements are Nouns Whilst Activities are Verbs Don’t Get Them Mixed Up
Lecture 6: 5.5 Section 5 Review: Freeze the Project Scope on Day 1 or Miss an Moving Target
Chapter 6: Resource Planning
Lecture 1: 6.0 Introduction to Section 6: Resource Planning
Lecture 2: 6.1 Resources can be People, Materials or Equipment. How Much of What is Needed?
Lecture 3: 6.2 We Identify the Resources Required to Complete Each Element of the WBS
Lecture 4: 6.3 A Project Organisation Chart is Key to Project Team Motivation
Lecture 5: 6.4 Section 6 Review: In which We Talk About how We Estimate the Resources
Chapter 7: Time (Schedule) Planning
Lecture 1: 7.0 Introduction to Section 7: Time (Schedule) Planning
Lecture 2: 7.1 Activity Sequencing: Figuring Out the Order We Will Do the Work
Lecture 3: 7.2 Activity Duration Estimating: Figuring Out How Long Each Activity Will Take
Lecture 4: 7.3 Developing the Project Schedule: It’s an Iterative Process for Sure
Lecture 5: 7.4 Calculating the Critical Path: An Example in Real Time
Lecture 6: 7.5 Section 7 Review: Schedule Planning, Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do
Chapter 8: Cost Planning
Lecture 1: 8.0 Introduction to Section 8: Cost Planning
Lecture 2: 8.1 Estimating Costs: Of Everything and Remember the Project Management Costs
Lecture 3: 8.2 Developing the Project Budget: Spreading the Cost Over the Schedule
Lecture 4: 8.3 Budget Example in MS Excel: From Cost Estimate to Key Performance Indicators
Lecture 5: 8.4 Section 8 Review: Estimating Costs Produce a Budget and How to Monitor Cost
Chapter 9: Risk Planning
Lecture 1: 9.0 Introduction to Section 9: Risk Planning
Lecture 2: 9.1 Planning for Risk: Risk Identification is a Team Thing
Lecture 3: 9.2 Planning for Risk: Risk Assessment is also a Team Thing
Lecture 4: 9.3 Section 9 Review: Working Projects is a Really Risky Business
Chapter 10: Quality Planning
Lecture 1: 10.0 Introduction to Section 10: Quality Planning
Lecture 2: 10.1 Planning for Quality: Or Grade? Product or Project? Or all of the Above?
Lecture 3: 10.2 Section 10 Review: A Quality Product and a Quality Project is Our Goal
Chapter 11: Procurement Planning
Lecture 1: 11.0 Introduction to Section 11: Procurement Planning
Lecture 2: 11.1 Procurement Planning: Where We Decide What, How and When to Buy
Lecture 3: 11.2 Contracts: And Why Some are More Favourable to the Seller then the Buyer
Lecture 4: 11.3 Section 11 Review: Planning for the Money We Will Spend
Chapter 12: Communication Planning
Lecture 1: 12.0 Introduction to Section 12: Communication Planning
Lecture 2: 12.1 Communication Planning: Communication an Important Skill for all Managers
Lecture 3: 12.2 Section 12 Review: What How and When We Need to Communicate Project Status
Chapter 13: What Happens Now?
Lecture 1: This 3-part Training Program Covers the Whole Project Life Cycle
Lecture 2: My Practical Project Management Methodology on One Slide, or Maybe Three
Lecture 3: Review This Course
Lecture 4: Decision Gate Check Lists
Lecture 5: On Why PMBoK is Not a Project Management Methodology
Lecture 6: Compare ISO21500 with PMBoK Guide 5th Edition
Lecture 7: Change Control Templates
Jeb Riordan
PMP, Project Management Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
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