Psychology for Coaches: Life Coach, Sports, Business & More
Psychology for Coaches: Life Coach, Sports, Business & More, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 77 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 41 subscribers.
You will learn about Know how to use the tools & concepts of psychology in your coaching Understand and use the power of words Know how coachees can create good habits Be able to use the universal coaching process Be able to use the 10 critical coaching behaviors This course is ideal for individuals who are For current coaches and those that want to become a coach or Be in other roles that use coaching: parents, teachers, medical providers, etc. It is particularly useful for For current coaches and those that want to become a coach or Be in other roles that use coaching: parents, teachers, medical providers, etc.
Enroll now: Psychology for Coaches: Life Coach, Sports, Business & More
Title: Psychology for Coaches: Life Coach, Sports, Business & More
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 77
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Know how to use the tools & concepts of psychology in your coaching
- Understand and use the power of words
- Know how coachees can create good habits
- Be able to use the universal coaching process
- Be able to use the 10 critical coaching behaviors
Who Should Attend
- For current coaches and those that want to become a coach
- Be in other roles that use coaching: parents, teachers, medical providers, etc.
Target Audiences
- For current coaches and those that want to become a coach
- Be in other roles that use coaching: parents, teachers, medical providers, etc.
Enhance your insights with a solid foundation in the science of human behavior.
This course: Psychology for Coaches: Life Coach, Sports, Business & More
By the end of this course:
You will have valuable insights into how people think, feel and act. This knowledge will give you an edge when it comes to coaching clients and helping them achieve their goals.
Course Design
This course is not introductory psychology or psychological fundamentals. I examined my work as a coach and identified what in my psychologist training and experience enhanced my coaching abilities. This course includes all that I found to be important to a coaching career. This will give you a strong grounding for any type of coaching.
Almost anyone can become a good coach. All you need are the right skills and the right attitude. And now is the right time to become a coach. The field is booming. Coach what you love, coach what you know. Help others achieve their dreams. This course will teach you the core skills of all successful coaches. Start from the beginning or add to your coaching knowledge.
You can coach a kid to kick a ball, adults to find purpose, the uncertain to become confident. You can change lives.
You will develop:
· The ability to gain trust
· The skills to encourage change
· The ability to teach the right things, at the right time, in the right way
· The skills to inspire others
You will also learn:
· How to overcome personal biases
· How to set the right goals and expectations
· How to communicate effectively
No matter what the situation, business office, playing field, or anywhere else, you and your coachee will form a partnership based on what you learn here. Together you will explore new territory and discover ways to success. There are no “secrets,” no special abilities, no rare qualities needed.
To succeed as a coach and in this course, you should have a strong desire to help others, knowledge in your field, and the awareness to guide others, not direct them.
If this sounds like you, take a look at the preview material to see if we are a good fit. If so, please join me. There is a money back guarantee in the first 30 days. Coaching might become the most rewarding thing you do.
What makes this course different? As a clinical psychologist for the first twenty years of my career, I guided people through some of life’s most difficult times. For the next thirty years in organizational development, I supported managers in their employee coaching efforts and created a coaching lab. to help them learn. And, to top it off, I’ve coached elite athletes and sports beginners. This is about as broad a coaching career a person can have, and it is fifty years long. This course is a concise presentation of important psychological elements. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skill to succeed at just about every coaching eventuality.
Rock Solid Soft Skills
My LIFE SKILLS courses are ideal if you want to live a unique, independent life, separate from the herd. They’re for you if you seek a full and meaningful life but aren’t sure how to do that.
Life isn’t easy. How can you know with confidence you’re doing it right? You have searched, but don’t yet feel totally confident. A thousand books and courses offer a thousand ideas. My courses go a step farther. I don’t tell you what to think, but what to think about.
My courses follow that old saying, “if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” I teach both skills and concepts. If you want both training and an education, this is the place, tools and ideas. Each course provides ideas to explore and skills to try out. You choose the topic and in about three hours or less, you’ll acquire advanced life skills, enabling you to build a life unique to you.
This set of courses is ideal for these topics: Coaching, Personal Development, Life Purpose, Motivation, Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Relationship Building, Positive Psychology and Spirituality.
My set of MANAGEMENT SKILLS courses is ideal if you want to significantly improve your soft skills as a leader, manager or coach Each course presents a specific topic; you’ll dive deeply into the content and emerge with newly acquired ideas and rock-solid soft skills. Many of the ideas and skills are unique to this set of courses.
Business is a balancing act of controlling and enabling others. As a leader/manager, you must be in charge, but also encourage the best from every worker. As you know, this isn’t easy. Make a mistake or two and everyone suffers. Rock solid skills have clear steps, easily followed and measured. And if you aspire to leadership, these skills will propel you upward.
This series of Business Management courses is ideal for these topics: Entrepreneurship, Communication Skills, Management Skills, Business Fundamentals, Leadership Skills, Manager Training, Conflict Management, and Influence.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Learn About Your Instructor and His Courses Here
Lecture 1: Your Doctor Bob Advantage
Lecture 2: Leadership Skills Series
Chapter 2: Introduction to Psychology for Coaches
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: The Eight Billion Rule
Lecture 3: The Biopsychosocial Human
Lecture 4: Emotions vs. Logic
Lecture 5: 2 Words & 2 Questions to Know
Chapter 3: The Five Forces of Psychology
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Psychodynamic
Lecture 3: Biological
Lecture 4: Behavioral
Lecture 5: Cognitive
Lecture 6: Humanistic
Chapter 4: Human Experience
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Emotions
Lecture 3: Intelligence
Lecture 4: Learning
Lecture 5: Insight & Creativity
Lecture 6: Change
Lecture 7: Symbolic Interactionism
Lecture 8: Attitude & Motivation
Lecture 9: Habit Formation
Lecture 10: Cognitive Biases
Chapter 5: Other Helping Approaches
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Mentoring
Lecture 3: Counseling
Lecture 4: Psychotherapy
Lecture 5: Training
Lecture 6: Consulting
Lecture 7: Teaching
Chapter 6: The Psychological Foundation for Coaching
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: P = p – i
Lecture 3: A Coach is…
Lecture 4: Trusting Partnership
Lecture 5: Direction vs. Path
Lecture 6: Coach as Catalyst
Lecture 7: Insight vs. Information
Lecture 8: Choose the Right Word
Lecture 9: Why No "Why?"
Lecture 10: Psychologically, Coaching is Philosophy
Chapter 7: The Universal Coaching Steps
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Identify the Issue (Opportunity)
Lecture 3: Define the Goal(s)
Lecture 4: List Hurdles & Concerns
Lecture 5: List Possible Solutions
Lecture 6: Choose Best Solution(s)
Lecture 7: The Role of Pure Dumb Luck
Lecture 8: Overcoming Setbacks
Chapter 8: 10 Vital Coaching Behaviors
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Coaching Partnership
Lecture 3: Coaching Agreement
Lecture 4: Empathize
Lecture 5: Self-reference
Lecture 6: Stories
Lecture 7: Supporting Judgements
Lecture 8: Listening & Questioning
Lecture 9: Reframing
Lecture 10: Mistakes
Lecture 11: Feedback
Chapter 9: Life Coaching
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Importance of Empathy, Etc.
Lecture 3: Meaning & Spirituality
Chapter 10: Executive Coaching
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Practical Considerations
Lecture 3: Bullet Points vs. Exploration
Chapter 11: Sports Coaching
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Coach as Leader
Lecture 3: Team & Individual
Chapter 12: Putting Coaching into Perspective
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Who is Responsible for Success? Part 1
Lecture 3: Who is Responsible for Success? Part 2
Lecture 4: Who is Responsible for Success? Part 3
Chapter 13: The End
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Your Journey So Far
Lecture 3: Next Steps
Lecture 4: Thank You
Robert Brown, Ph.D.
Unique Insights for Personal and Business Success
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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