Publishing for Writers I
Publishing for Writers I, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 61 lectures, based on 11 reviews, and has 351 subscribers.
You will learn about Clearly define what successful book publication means to you. Identify and evaluate the many publishing outlets and formats — from traditional to revolutionary — available to you today. Choose the publishing outlets and formats best suited to you and your book. Plot your book’s best path to readers. Plan a strategy for success along your chosen publishing path. Speak intelligently with publishing industry professionals. This course is ideal for individuals who are Publishing for Writers I is for you if you have a book you want to publish but want help understanding the revolutionary new landscape of the publishing industry and guidance in choosing your own best path to successful publication. or Writers with any definition of publishing “success” are welcome. We don’t assume that your goal is fame and fortune, though it can be. We also cover publishing options for those whose books are a small-scale labor of love, a family project, a loss leader to promote a speaking or consulting practice, an important contribution to scholarly discussions, or anything else you want your book to be. or This course is for writers who already know how to write well and already have a good book idea, but who aren’t sure how best to publish it. or If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all checklist to publishing your book, you won’t find it in this course. The modern publishing landscape is dynamic and complex. This course is for writers who look at all the new possibilities in publishing, all the new ways of getting your work out there and all the ways that haven’t even been tried yet… look at all of that and respond: “Cooooooool!” or This course focuses on the publishing of books for adults and young adults. Most of the information holds true for children’s book publishing, but this section of the publishing industry does have some unique practices that we don’t cover in this course. If your book is a children’s book, you should seek out additional information about the children’s book industry. (If there’s demand for this, we’ll create a special mini-course on this.) or The business of comic book publishing works very differently from the world of book publishing, and this course does not address the unique aspects of the comic book world. Though some of the material in this course will be relevant for those hoping to publish a comic book, there’s much more you’ll need to learn from other sources and you may not find this course well suited to your needs. or If you already know a lot about your publishing options, you may be better served by one of our forthcoming advanced publishing courses. If, for example, you already know for sure that you want to pursue traditional publication of your nonfiction book with a Big Five publisher, and you’re looking for comprehensive advice on how to write an effective nonfiction book proposal to an agent (and you understood all the preceding terms in this sentence), you’ll be better served by our advanced course in traditional publishing. But if you’re open to considering the many alternative and unconventional paths to publishing available today, you’ll find this course well suited to your needs. It is particularly useful for Publishing for Writers I is for you if you have a book you want to publish but want help understanding the revolutionary new landscape of the publishing industry and guidance in choosing your own best path to successful publication. or Writers with any definition of publishing “success” are welcome. We don’t assume that your goal is fame and fortune, though it can be. We also cover publishing options for those whose books are a small-scale labor of love, a family project, a loss leader to promote a speaking or consulting practice, an important contribution to scholarly discussions, or anything else you want your book to be. or This course is for writers who already know how to write well and already have a good book idea, but who aren’t sure how best to publish it. or If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all checklist to publishing your book, you won’t find it in this course. The modern publishing landscape is dynamic and complex. This course is for writers who look at all the new possibilities in publishing, all the new ways of getting your work out there and all the ways that haven’t even been tried yet… look at all of that and respond: “Cooooooool!” or This course focuses on the publishing of books for adults and young adults. Most of the information holds true for children’s book publishing, but this section of the publishing industry does have some unique practices that we don’t cover in this course. If your book is a children’s book, you should seek out additional information about the children’s book industry. (If there’s demand for this, we’ll create a special mini-course on this.) or The business of comic book publishing works very differently from the world of book publishing, and this course does not address the unique aspects of the comic book world. Though some of the material in this course will be relevant for those hoping to publish a comic book, there’s much more you’ll need to learn from other sources and you may not find this course well suited to your needs. or If you already know a lot about your publishing options, you may be better served by one of our forthcoming advanced publishing courses. If, for example, you already know for sure that you want to pursue traditional publication of your nonfiction book with a Big Five publisher, and you’re looking for comprehensive advice on how to write an effective nonfiction book proposal to an agent (and you understood all the preceding terms in this sentence), you’ll be better served by our advanced course in traditional publishing. But if you’re open to considering the many alternative and unconventional paths to publishing available today, you’ll find this course well suited to your needs.
Enroll now: Publishing for Writers I
Title: Publishing for Writers I
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 61
Number of Published Lectures: 61
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Clearly define what successful book publication means to you.
- Identify and evaluate the many publishing outlets and formats — from traditional to revolutionary — available to you today.
- Choose the publishing outlets and formats best suited to you and your book.
- Plot your book’s best path to readers.
- Plan a strategy for success along your chosen publishing path.
- Speak intelligently with publishing industry professionals.
Who Should Attend
- Publishing for Writers I is for you if you have a book you want to publish but want help understanding the revolutionary new landscape of the publishing industry and guidance in choosing your own best path to successful publication.
- Writers with any definition of publishing “success” are welcome. We don’t assume that your goal is fame and fortune, though it can be. We also cover publishing options for those whose books are a small-scale labor of love, a family project, a loss leader to promote a speaking or consulting practice, an important contribution to scholarly discussions, or anything else you want your book to be.
- This course is for writers who already know how to write well and already have a good book idea, but who aren’t sure how best to publish it.
- If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all checklist to publishing your book, you won’t find it in this course. The modern publishing landscape is dynamic and complex. This course is for writers who look at all the new possibilities in publishing, all the new ways of getting your work out there and all the ways that haven’t even been tried yet… look at all of that and respond: “Cooooooool!”
- This course focuses on the publishing of books for adults and young adults. Most of the information holds true for children’s book publishing, but this section of the publishing industry does have some unique practices that we don’t cover in this course. If your book is a children’s book, you should seek out additional information about the children’s book industry. (If there’s demand for this, we’ll create a special mini-course on this.)
- The business of comic book publishing works very differently from the world of book publishing, and this course does not address the unique aspects of the comic book world. Though some of the material in this course will be relevant for those hoping to publish a comic book, there’s much more you’ll need to learn from other sources and you may not find this course well suited to your needs.
- If you already know a lot about your publishing options, you may be better served by one of our forthcoming advanced publishing courses. If, for example, you already know for sure that you want to pursue traditional publication of your nonfiction book with a Big Five publisher, and you’re looking for comprehensive advice on how to write an effective nonfiction book proposal to an agent (and you understood all the preceding terms in this sentence), you’ll be better served by our advanced course in traditional publishing. But if you’re open to considering the many alternative and unconventional paths to publishing available today, you’ll find this course well suited to your needs.
Target Audiences
- Publishing for Writers I is for you if you have a book you want to publish but want help understanding the revolutionary new landscape of the publishing industry and guidance in choosing your own best path to successful publication.
- Writers with any definition of publishing “success” are welcome. We don’t assume that your goal is fame and fortune, though it can be. We also cover publishing options for those whose books are a small-scale labor of love, a family project, a loss leader to promote a speaking or consulting practice, an important contribution to scholarly discussions, or anything else you want your book to be.
- This course is for writers who already know how to write well and already have a good book idea, but who aren’t sure how best to publish it.
- If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all checklist to publishing your book, you won’t find it in this course. The modern publishing landscape is dynamic and complex. This course is for writers who look at all the new possibilities in publishing, all the new ways of getting your work out there and all the ways that haven’t even been tried yet… look at all of that and respond: “Cooooooool!”
- This course focuses on the publishing of books for adults and young adults. Most of the information holds true for children’s book publishing, but this section of the publishing industry does have some unique practices that we don’t cover in this course. If your book is a children’s book, you should seek out additional information about the children’s book industry. (If there’s demand for this, we’ll create a special mini-course on this.)
- The business of comic book publishing works very differently from the world of book publishing, and this course does not address the unique aspects of the comic book world. Though some of the material in this course will be relevant for those hoping to publish a comic book, there’s much more you’ll need to learn from other sources and you may not find this course well suited to your needs.
- If you already know a lot about your publishing options, you may be better served by one of our forthcoming advanced publishing courses. If, for example, you already know for sure that you want to pursue traditional publication of your nonfiction book with a Big Five publisher, and you’re looking for comprehensive advice on how to write an effective nonfiction book proposal to an agent (and you understood all the preceding terms in this sentence), you’ll be better served by our advanced course in traditional publishing. But if you’re open to considering the many alternative and unconventional paths to publishing available today, you’ll find this course well suited to your needs.
This isn't a course about how to write a good book; it's about everything after that – what you need to know to get your book on its best possible course to readers. The good news is, you have more options than at any other time in history. Bad news? You have so many options that it can get really confusing. This course will help you make a well informed choice about how best to proceed.
Plot Your Own Best Path to Publishing Your Book
- Learn about the many publishing options available to you today.
- Learn about all the work that goes into publishing a book.
- Learn about modern revolutions currently underway in publishing and what they mean for you.
- Evaluate the benefits and demands of each publishing option.
- Clarify for yourself what kind of success you're seeking in publishing.
- Decide what kind of publishing process is the best fit for you.
Empower Yourself With the Knowledge You Need to Succeed as an Author
There was a time when authors could succeed without knowing very much about publishing. That time has passed. We're in the midst of a great disruption of the publishing industry, and where once there was one path to publishing, now there are many, with new paths being cut through the wilderness all the time.
It's an exciting time, with many new ways to share what you have to say. But authors can no longer type away in blissful ignorance of the publishing process. You need to come to publishing empowered with knowledge about the process… about the many processes that can successfully bring your book to readers.
Contents and Overview
How do publishers decide which books to publish? How can you best pitch your book to publishers? How can you succeed at self-publishing your book? How do editors work with authors, and what do they add to the book? How are books designed? How are they printed, if they are printed? How are e-books created? Where are books warehoused? How are they sold to retailers? How are they distributed? How do books make it onto the shelves of your local bookstore? How do they show up on Amazon and other online retailers? How do book critics find out about books and choose which ones to review? How do bloggers and other influential people end up recommending books to their followers?
In this course, we'll answer these questions and many more. And we'll help you clarify for yourself what kind of success you're seeking and what type of publishing process will be a good fit for you. When you complete the course, you won't walk away with a one-size-fits-all, step-by-step instruction sheet for publishing. Rather, with a deep understanding of the many possibilities, you'll have the power to make your own best choices to get your book to your readers.
What You Will Not Get Out of This Course
This is not a course about how to write. The success that this course can help you achieve depends on you writing well, and writing well is not something we teach in this course.
It's also not a course about how to come up with a good idea for a book, whether “good” means to you “critically acclaimed,” “instant classic,” or “I can now buy my own island and Scarlett Johansson or George Clooney will play me in the movie.” None of what you learn in this course will make a success of a bad book idea. This course may, however, help you assess whether your book idea is likely to be successful.
What You Will Get Out of This Course
What this course offers you is knowledge, and the power to succeed that comes with it: the power to succeed on your own terms, by making a well informed decision about what path to publishing is best suited to you and to your book.
The modern landscape of the publishing industry is vast, complex, and rapidly changing. This course will give you the map and the compass you need to navigate your way through it to the particular kind of success you're seeking for you and your book. It's an exhilarating age in which to be a writer. We think you're going to enjoy the journey.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: An Overview of Publishing Today
Lecture 1: The Big Picture
Lecture 2: The Big Picture: Summary
Lecture 3: Self-Assessment
Lecture 4: Self-Assessment: Summary
Lecture 5: A Brief History of Publishing
Lecture 6: A Brief History of Publishing: Summary
Lecture 7: Major English-Language Publishing Houses (aka “The Big 5”)
Lecture 8: Major English-Language Publishing Houses (aka "The Big Five"): Summary
Lecture 9: University Presses
Lecture 10: University Presses: Summary
Lecture 11: Indie/Small Presses
Lecture 12: Indie/Small Presses: Summary
Lecture 13: Amazon as Your Publisher
Lecture 14: Amazon as Your Publisher
Lecture 15: Self-Publishing
Lecture 16: Self-Publishing: Summary
Chapter 2: Publishing Formats
Lecture 1: Is “The Book” Dying?
Lecture 2: Is "The Book" Dying?: Summary
Lecture 3: Modern Revolutions in Publishing: Digital Print-on-Demand
Lecture 4: Modern Revolutions in Publishing: Digital Print-on-Demand: Summary
Lecture 5: Modern Revolutions in Publishing: The Internet and Electronic Publishing
Lecture 6: Modern Revolutions in Publishing: Internet and Electronic Publishing: Summary
Lecture 7: Mass-Produced Books: Hardcover Books
Lecture 8: Mass-Produced Books: Hardcover Books: Summary
Lecture 9: Mass-Produced Books: Paperback Books
Lecture 10: Mass-Produced Books: Paperback Books: Summary
Lecture 11: Print-on-Demand Books
Lecture 12: Print-on-Demand Books: Summary
Lecture 13: Handcrafted Books
Lecture 14: Handcrafted Books: Summary
Lecture 15: Electronic Books
Lecture 16: Electronic Books: Summary
Lecture 17: Audiobooks
Lecture 18: Audiobooks: Summary
Lecture 19: Guerrilla Publishing
Lecture 20: Guerilla Publishing: Summary
Chapter 3: The Journey of the Book
Lecture 1: Pitching Your Book to Publishers and Agents
Lecture 2: Pitching Your Book to Publishers and Agents: Summary
Lecture 3: Contracts
Lecture 4: Contracts: Summary
Lecture 5: Copyright
Lecture 6: Copyright: Summary
Lecture 7: ISBNs
Lecture 8: ISBNs: Summary
Lecture 9: Editing/Proofreading
Lecture 10: Editing/Proofreading: Summary
Lecture 11: Book Design
Lecture 12: Book Design: Summary
Lecture 13: Book Design: E-Book Document Preparation
Lecture 14: Book Design: E-Book Document Preparation: Summary
Lecture 15: Printing
Lecture 16: Printing: Summary
Lecture 17: Sales & Distribution
Lecture 18: Sales & Distribution: Summary
Lecture 19: Marketing
Lecture 20: Marketing: Summary
Chapter 4: What’s Your Best Path to Publishing Your Book?
Lecture 1: Self-Assessment Revisited
Lecture 2: Self-Assessment Revisited: Summary
Lecture 3: What’s the Right Path to Publishing for You?
Lecture 4: What's the Right Path to Publishing for You?: Summary
Lecture 5: Good Luck!
Thomas Bell
Writer, Publishing Consultant, and Web Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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