Punctuation Mastery
Punctuation Mastery, available at $149.99, has an average rating of 4.46, with 40 lectures, based on 6205 reviews, and has 32895 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to apply punctuation stylishly Write with more confidence and flair Spruce up your reports, essays, resumes, books, blogs and articles This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone unsure of how to use punctuation or Anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of punctuation or Marketers, salespeople, communications professionals or Writers and journalists or Students It is particularly useful for Anyone unsure of how to use punctuation or Anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of punctuation or Marketers, salespeople, communications professionals or Writers and journalists or Students.
Enroll now: Punctuation Mastery
Title: Punctuation Mastery
Price: $149.99
Average Rating: 4.46
Number of Lectures: 40
Number of Published Lectures: 39
Number of Curriculum Items: 40
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 39
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to apply punctuation stylishly
- Write with more confidence and flair
- Spruce up your reports, essays, resumes, books, blogs and articles
Who Should Attend
- Anyone unsure of how to use punctuation
- Anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of punctuation
- Marketers, salespeople, communications professionals
- Writers and journalists
- Students
Target Audiences
- Anyone unsure of how to use punctuation
- Anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of punctuation
- Marketers, salespeople, communications professionals
- Writers and journalists
- Students
From the creator of one of Udemy’s most popular courses, Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer, comes Punctuation Mastery,a non-technical guide to using commas, dashes and other types of punctuation more stylishly.
“Every once in a while, you find that one person who understands you, and teaches you exactly what you wanted to know…” — JAYANTH S, UDEMY STUDENT
“Didn’t realize punctuation could be so cool…” — RYAN, UDEMY STUDENT
“Exactly what I needed to clear up all confusions I had about punctuation without reading through boring grammar lessons…” — NIKKI BRUSOE, UDEMY STUDENT
PLEASE NOTE: This program is not for you if you’re seeking a strict guide to formal punctuation rules, which can be obtained from any number of books and grammar experts. It offers the author’s personal, often unorthodox, take on punctuation based on decades of experience in the news business. The program adopts mostly a non-technical, intuitive approach to the subject with the aim, above all, of fostering clear and elegant writing that is easy (and pleasurable) for readers to navigate.
Are you among the growing army of people seeking to make a mark on the world by writing an outstanding book or creating a magnificent blog read by thousands?
If so, you will find it easier to make an impact once you discover how to use punctuation more stylishly.
Conversely, if you don’t yet know how to use commas, colons, semi-colons, hyphens, apostrophes and dashes with a certain kind of flair, you may never be able to weave magic with your words.
While studying all aspects of grammar in a formal setting is highly recommended, a strictly technical approach to punctuation can often leave students bored and uninspired.
That’s why, here, you will find a more intuitive and flexible approach: one that focuses exclusively on the purpose of communicating powerfully and beautifully, rather than on just blindly following rules.
The goal is to help make your writing more effective, while steering clear of the dense jungle of jargon that can destroy your enthusiasm.
“One of the best courses I have ever taken…”— RICHARD HAKE, UDEMY STUDENT
“Good for any writer looking to work on their clarity and form…”— BRENDAN TERRY, UDEMY STUDENT
“Will agonize less when editing…”— JOAN SALANITRI, UDEMY STUDENT
“Puts you behind the steering wheel…”— CHRIS HEMMES, UDEMY STUDENT
“Take this course if you want to write like a pro…” — AARON LEBLANC, UDEMY STUDENT
“Thought I knew how to effectively use punctuation…”— IGOR MILOSAVLJEVIC, UDEMY STUDENT
“Covers just about everything…”— KNOWLEDGE GATHERING, UDEMY STUDENT
“Will now write with more confidence…”— DEVON HALL, UDEMY STUDENT
“Clarified a lot of questions…”— ARIEL JACOBY, UDEMY STUDENT
“One of those people whose products I don’t even think about buying. I just buy them…”— IVAN JURAS, UDEMY STUDENT
So, if you spend ages wondering whether a comma should go here or there, and then doubt yourself straight afterwards because of all the complex rules around comma placement… Or, if you frequently end up with a random mess of semi-colons littering the page and distracting from your message… Or, if you don’t yet know how to use a dash or colon to create dramatic tension in your writing….
Then this course, developed by someone who has written edited for top news organisations, including The Wall Street Journal, should help put you on a firmer footing.
To reiterate, this course isNOT for those interested in a “purist” approach to punctuation based on traditional grammar rules. There is certainly a place for such an approach, and you can, if you want, find it elsewhere. The program is for nonfiction writers seeking a more intuitive and commonsense guide to punctuation, as well as for those interested in learning about some of its more hidden aspects.
Some of the best professional writers don’t treat punctuation as a set of rigid rules to obediently follow. They see it, rather, as a tool for making their communication more engaging and captivating.
Your school and college tutors may have discussed punctuation in a largely jargon-laden way that may have left you bored or mystified. You may even dread going back to the subject.
This course steers clear of all that. By the end, you may wonder why nobody told you punctuation could be so interesting.
You’ll discover, for instance, that a commadoesn’t just help create useful pauses in a sentence, but that it can be a mighty weapon letting you express your ideas with more clarity and gracefulness. You’ll discover that colonsdon’t just give you a neat way of introducing lists; they can be used to heighten drama and anticipation.
In fact, you’ll come to see that each little symbol that you thought was so mundane has its own unique power to create special effects right across your writing.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Why Punctuation Matters
Lecture 1: How To Use Punctuation Like A Pro
Lecture 2: Punctuation: Why Bother?
Chapter 2: Clever Commas
Lecture 1: Commas For Clarity
Lecture 2: Commas To Aid Comprehension
Lecture 3: Commas To Add Elegance
Lecture 4: Commas To Extend A Point
Lecture 5: Commas To Insert A Point
Lecture 6: Quiz
Chapter 3: Comely Colons
Lecture 1: Colons To Introduce Lists
Lecture 2: Colons To Answer A Thought
Lecture 3: Colons To Create Anticipation
Lecture 4: Quiz
Chapter 4: Suave Semi-Colons
Lecture 1: Semi-Colons To Tidy Up Lists
Lecture 2: Semi-Colons To Complete Thoughts
Lecture 3: Quiz
Chapter 5: Exciting Exclamations
Lecture 1: The Function Of Exclamation Marks
Lecture 2: Quiz
Chapter 6: Killer Quote Marks
Lecture 1: Quote Marks (Or Inverted Commas) For Speech
Lecture 2: Other Uses For Quote Marks
Lecture 3: Dangers Of Quote Marks
Lecture 4: Quiz
Chapter 7: Ace Apostrophes
Lecture 1: How To Use Apostrophes
Lecture 2: Apostrophes To Sound Less Formal
Lecture 3: Quiz
Chapter 8: Boring Brackets
Lecture 1: Why Brackets Aren't So Cool
Lecture 2: Brackets To Aid Comprehension
Lecture 3: Quiz
Chapter 9: Daring Dashes
Lecture 1: Dashes To Add Drama
Lecture 2: Dashes For Definition & Significance
Lecture 3: Dashes To Prevent Getting Lost
Lecture 4: Quiz
Chapter 10: Handy Hyphens
Lecture 1: Hyphens Can Be Tricky
Lecture 2: Hyphens To Prevent Confusion
Lecture 3: Hyphens To Quicken Comprehension
Lecture 4: Quiz
Chapter 11: Summary & Conclusion
Lecture 1: Review Of What You've Learnt
Lecture 2: Punctuation Mastery Quiz (PDF)
Lecture 3: Where Next?
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture: Time Magazine Article
Shani Raja
Ex-Wall Street Journal editor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 46 votes
- 2 stars: 91 votes
- 3 stars: 658 votes
- 4 stars: 2128 votes
- 5 stars: 3282 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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