Quality Engineering Statistics
Quality Engineering Statistics, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.28, with 131 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 108 reviews, and has 993 subscribers.
You will learn about Collecting and summarizing data including type of data, measurement scales, collection methods, visualization techniques, and descriptive statistics Statistics and probability terminology and concepts Statistical decision making including point estimates, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, paired comparison tests, goodness of fit tests, ANOVA and more Tools for examining the relationships between variables such as linear regression, correlation, and time series analysis. Control charting: Objective and benefits, common and special causes, variable charts, attribute charts, interpreting the results, and short run SPC Process capability analysis: Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk, control limits, specification limits, and interpreting actual histograms and capability indices Design and analysis of experiments: Terminology, planning and organizing experiments, replication, balance, order and more; full and fractional factorial All topics in the "Quantitative Methods and Tools" section of the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer Body of Knowledge This course is ideal for individuals who are Quality engineers, quality technicians, quality managers or Industrial engineers, manufacturing engineers or Manufacturing managers, operations managers or Students studying for the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer exam It is particularly useful for Quality engineers, quality technicians, quality managers or Industrial engineers, manufacturing engineers or Manufacturing managers, operations managers or Students studying for the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer exam.
Enroll now: Quality Engineering Statistics
Title: Quality Engineering Statistics
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.28
Number of Lectures: 131
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 131
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 139
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 139
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Collecting and summarizing data including type of data, measurement scales, collection methods, visualization techniques, and descriptive statistics
- Statistics and probability terminology and concepts
- Statistical decision making including point estimates, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, paired comparison tests, goodness of fit tests, ANOVA and more
- Tools for examining the relationships between variables such as linear regression, correlation, and time series analysis.
- Control charting: Objective and benefits, common and special causes, variable charts, attribute charts, interpreting the results, and short run SPC
- Process capability analysis: Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk, control limits, specification limits, and interpreting actual histograms and capability indices
- Design and analysis of experiments: Terminology, planning and organizing experiments, replication, balance, order and more; full and fractional factorial
- All topics in the "Quantitative Methods and Tools" section of the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer Body of Knowledge
Who Should Attend
- Quality engineers, quality technicians, quality managers
- Industrial engineers, manufacturing engineers
- Manufacturing managers, operations managers
- Students studying for the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer exam
Target Audiences
- Quality engineers, quality technicians, quality managers
- Industrial engineers, manufacturing engineers
- Manufacturing managers, operations managers
- Students studying for the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer exam
Are you familiar with basic statistical concepts, but need a better understanding of them?
Have you tried to learn more advanced topics like Design of Experiments (DOE) and probability distributions, but couldn’t find an instructor that explained without a bunch of obscure jargon?
Would you prefer performing common statistical operations in Microsoft Excel instead of an expensive software program?
Would you like to advance your analytical problem-solving skills?
If you said “Yes” to any of these questions, then look no more!! Quality Engineering Statisticsis the course you need because a strong foundation in quality statistics doesn’t have to be difficult to learn.
Quality Engineering Statisticsis the most comprehensive course of its kind on Udemy. Featuring over 100 videos, this course covers all the analytical methods you need to succeed as a quality engineer, quality technician or quality manager. Plus, its analytical methods — many of which are detailed in Microsoft Excel — will also serve industrial, manufacturing and process engineers and managers very well.
For those interested in preparing for the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer’s exam, this course covers all topics in the “Quantitative Methods and Tools” section of their July 2022 Body of Knowledge.
But for those not interested in taking a certification exam, this course covers a very wide range of topics that will certainly help advance your career as a quality professional.
Topic covered include:
A. Collecting and Summarizing Data
1. Types of data
2. Measurement scales
3. Data collection methods
4. Data accuracy and integrity
5. Data visualization techniques
6. Descriptive statistics
7. Graphical methods for depicting distributions
B. Quantitative Concepts
1. Terminology
2. Drawing statistical conclusions
3. Probability terms and concepts
C. Probability Distributions
1. Continuous distributions
2. Discrete distributions
D. Statistical Decision-Making
1. Point estimates and confidence intervals
2. Hypothesis testing
3. Paired-comparison tests
4. Goodness-of-fit tests
5. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
6. Contingency tables
E. Relationships Between Variables
1. Linear regression
2. Simple linear correlation
3. Time-series analysis
F. Statistical Process Control (SPC)
1. Objectives and benefits
2. Common and special causes
3. Selection of variable
4. Rational subgrouping
5. Control charts
6. Control chart analysis
7. Short-run SPC
G. Process and Performance Capability
1. Process capability studies
2. Process performance vs. specifications
3. Process capability indices
4. Process performance indices
H. Design and Analysis of Experiments
1. Terminology
2. Planning and organizing experiments
3. Design principles
4. Full-factorial experiments
5. Two-level fractional factorial experiments
Far more than a simple exam prep class, Quality Engineering Statistics is taught by two “hands-on”, senior manufacturing professionals that share DOZENS of real-life examples and case studies drawn from their decades of experience.
And in addition to the 13+ hours of video-based instruction, you also get:
Lifetime access to all course materials including everything we might add after your purchase.
50 quiz questions (5 to 7 at the end of each section).
A set of detailed practice problems at the end of each section.
Answer keys for each of the problem sets.
Q&A access to the course instructors through Udemy.
Certificate of Completion that includes your name, the course title, and the number of course hours.
Plus read what former students have said about Quality Engineering Statistics:
“This class is very comprehensive on the subject of statistics as it applies to the field of Quality Engineering. Although I’ve been through many courses over the years on various topics covered in this class, I don’t remember a class consolidating all these topics into one package.” – William F.
“One of the best courses I have seen on this topic.” – Willie C.
“Excellent stuff for SPC. I graduated from Social Sciences and I am terrible at Math, Calculus, etc. … Now I am fully aware of how to use statistics, SPC, and how to successfully interpret the data. Thank you so much. Your style is great.”– Erhan C.
“One of the best Udemy’s courses I’ve ever attended! Well prepared and engaging teachers!” – Andrea T.
If want to advance your analytical skill set and prepare yourself to solve increasingly complex problems in the workplace, then this is the class for you! Quality Engineering Statisticswill give you teach you the skills you need to tackle the toughest problems in industry, and as a result, advance your career as a manufacturing quality professional.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2: Course Contents
Lecture 3: Practice Exercises
Lecture 4: Comments about the Use of Software
Chapter 2: Section A: Collecting and Summarizing Data
Lecture 1: Data Types
Lecture 2: Data Scales
Lecture 3: Data Coding
Lecture 4: Data Integrity
Lecture 5: Introduction to Data Visualizations
Lecture 6: Stem and Leaf Diagram
Lecture 7: The Histogram in Excel
Lecture 8: Dashboards
Lecture 9: Introduction to Descriptive Statistics
Lecture 10: Graphical Depiction of Standard Deviation
Lecture 11: Measures of Dispersion in Excel
Lecture 12: The Shape of Data, Pt 1
Lecture 13: The Shape of Data, Pt 2
Lecture 14: Median, Quartiles, and IQR in Excel
Lecture 15: The Box Plot in Excel
Lecture 16: Practice Problems, Section A
Chapter 3: Section B: Quantitative Concepts
Lecture 1: Statistics and Probability Concepts, Pt 1
Lecture 2: NORM.DIST in Excel
Lecture 3: Statistics and Probability Concepts, Pt 2
Lecture 4: Practice Problems, Section B
Chapter 4: Section C: Probability Distributions
Lecture 1: Overview of Probability Distributions, Pt 1
Lecture 2: Overview of Probability Distributions, Pt 2
Lecture 3: Overview of Probability Distributions, Pt 3
Lecture 4: Poisson in Excel
Lecture 5: Using Test Statistics
Lecture 6: Practice Problems, Section C
Chapter 5: Section D: Statistical Decision Making
Lecture 1: Point Estimates
Lecture 2: Point Estimates in Excel
Lecture 3: Confidence Intervals, Pt 1
Lecture 4: Confidence Intervals, Pt 2
Lecture 5: Confidence Intervals in Excel
Lecture 6: Standard Error of the Mean
Lecture 7: Z Score and Z Table
Lecture 8: Confidence Intervals for Variance
Lecture 9: Chi Squared Coordinates
Lecture 10: Tolerance Intervals
Lecture 11: Why Hypothesis Testing
Lecture 12: The Statistical View of Data
Lecture 13: Sampling and the Hypothesis Test
Lecture 14: Errors in Hypothesis Testing
Lecture 15: Statistical Power
Lecture 16: Statistical vs Practical Significance
Lecture 17: Tools and Requirements of Statistical Design, Pt 1
Lecture 18: Tools and Requirements of Statistical Design, Pt 2
Lecture 19: T-test Examples in Hypothesis Testing
Lecture 20: T Tests in Excel
Lecture 21: Z-tests in Hypothesis Testing, Pt 1
Lecture 22: Z-tests in Hypothesis Testing, Pt 2
Lecture 23: More Z-Test Examples
Lecture 24: Z Test in Excel
Lecture 25: Z Tests of Proportions
Lecture 26: Goodness of Fit
Lecture 27: Goodness of Fit in Excel
Lecture 28: The Normal Probability Plot in Excel
Lecture 29: ANOVA and the F Distribution
Lecture 30: ANOVA in Excel
Lecture 31: Two-way ANOVA Overview
Lecture 32: Two-way ANOVA in Excel, Rev 1
Lecture 33: Contingency Tables
Lecture 34: Practice Problems, Section D
Chapter 6: Section E: Relationships Between Variables
Lecture 1: Understanding Linear Regression, Pt 1
Lecture 2: Understanding Linear Regression, Pt 2
Lecture 3: Correlation and the Coefficient of Determination
Lecture 4: Linear Regression in Excel
Lecture 5: Overview of Time Series Analysis
Lecture 6: Practice Problems, Section E
Chapter 7: Section F Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Lecture 1: Introduction to SPC Section
Lecture 2: Overview of SPC
Lecture 3: Control Chart Terminology
Lecture 4: What to Chart
Lecture 5: Variation and Subgrouping
Lecture 6: X-bar and R Chart, Pt 1
Lecture 7: X-bar and R Chart, Pt 2
Lecture 8: X-bar and R chart, Pt 3
Lecture 9: X-bar and s Chart, Pt 1
Lecture 10: X-bar and s Chart, Pt 2
Lecture 11: IXMR Chart, Pt 1
Lecture 12: IXMR Chart, Pt 2
Lecture 13: p Chart, Part 1
Lecture 14: p Chart, Part 2
Lecture 15: np Chart, Pt 1
Lecture 16: np Chart, Pt 2
Lecture 17: c Chart, Pt 1
Lecture 18: c Chart, Pt 2
Ray Harkins, The Manufacturing Academy
Senior Manufacturing Professional, Online Educator -
Michael J. Vella
Instructor with the Manufacturing Academy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 38 votes
- 5 stars: 54 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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