Quick Service Restaurant Management Certificate Course
Quick Service Restaurant Management Certificate Course, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.96, with 80 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 150 reviews, and has 955 subscribers.
You will learn about Core functions of a Quick Service Restaurant. Understanding of Guest Expectations & how to meet them Understand of Guest Service and how to achieve guest satisfaction. Enhance your skills in sales building, learn different sources of sales generation (including Delivery system, Online Aggregators, marketing & merchandising). Enhance your skills quality control, food safety, and all processes related to safety and security. Develop communication skills, with specific focus on inter-personal communication. Increase your ability of Inventory management (maintaining stock sheet, preparing indent, understanding food cost, Controlling Cost ). Understand Profit and Loss statement, get to know all possible types of expenses, and how to manage the same. Improve your skill sets in Shift Management, and all administrative tasks. Become more self aware and improve your skills in conducting training sessions, delegating tasks, taking reviews, conducting counseling sessions. Enhance your skills in time management. Become a promoter in bringing change. Plus join the Private " Stepping Stones" community group. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge in Restaurant Management. or This course is designed of everyone, from a fresher who wants to learn about QSR industry, to a seasoned restaurant employee who wants to develop their management skills and gain deeper understanding of restaurant management, or a person inclined towards starting their own business with a need to have a better understanding of all core functions of a QSR. or This course is also suitable for any restaurant chain who are planning to start a leadership development program for their employees. or This course will benefit those who planning to join QSR industry. or This course will benefit those who are already working in the QSR industry and are looking for a growth in their career. or This course will benefit those who are planning to start or have already started their own Fast food restaurant. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge in Restaurant Management. or This course is designed of everyone, from a fresher who wants to learn about QSR industry, to a seasoned restaurant employee who wants to develop their management skills and gain deeper understanding of restaurant management, or a person inclined towards starting their own business with a need to have a better understanding of all core functions of a QSR. or This course is also suitable for any restaurant chain who are planning to start a leadership development program for their employees. or This course will benefit those who planning to join QSR industry. or This course will benefit those who are already working in the QSR industry and are looking for a growth in their career. or This course will benefit those who are planning to start or have already started their own Fast food restaurant.
Enroll now: Quick Service Restaurant Management Certificate Course
Title: Quick Service Restaurant Management Certificate Course
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.96
Number of Lectures: 80
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 80
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 85
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 85
Original Price: ₹3,999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Core functions of a Quick Service Restaurant.
- Understanding of Guest Expectations & how to meet them
- Understand of Guest Service and how to achieve guest satisfaction.
- Enhance your skills in sales building, learn different sources of sales generation (including Delivery system, Online Aggregators, marketing & merchandising).
- Enhance your skills quality control, food safety, and all processes related to safety and security.
- Develop communication skills, with specific focus on inter-personal communication.
- Increase your ability of Inventory management (maintaining stock sheet, preparing indent, understanding food cost, Controlling Cost ).
- Understand Profit and Loss statement, get to know all possible types of expenses, and how to manage the same.
- Improve your skill sets in Shift Management, and all administrative tasks.
- Become more self aware and improve your skills in conducting training sessions, delegating tasks, taking reviews, conducting counseling sessions.
- Enhance your skills in time management.
- Become a promoter in bringing change.
- Plus join the Private " Stepping Stones" community group.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge in Restaurant Management.
- This course is designed of everyone, from a fresher who wants to learn about QSR industry, to a seasoned restaurant employee who wants to develop their management skills and gain deeper understanding of restaurant management, or a person inclined towards starting their own business with a need to have a better understanding of all core functions of a QSR.
- This course is also suitable for any restaurant chain who are planning to start a leadership development program for their employees.
- This course will benefit those who planning to join QSR industry.
- This course will benefit those who are already working in the QSR industry and are looking for a growth in their career.
- This course will benefit those who are planning to start or have already started their own Fast food restaurant.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge in Restaurant Management.
- This course is designed of everyone, from a fresher who wants to learn about QSR industry, to a seasoned restaurant employee who wants to develop their management skills and gain deeper understanding of restaurant management, or a person inclined towards starting their own business with a need to have a better understanding of all core functions of a QSR.
- This course is also suitable for any restaurant chain who are planning to start a leadership development program for their employees.
- This course will benefit those who planning to join QSR industry.
- This course will benefit those who are already working in the QSR industry and are looking for a growth in their career.
- This course will benefit those who are planning to start or have already started their own Fast food restaurant.
If you are interested in broadening your understanding of Quick Service Restaurant Management? QSR industry is one of the fastest growing sector of hospitality industry, if there are people, they will need food and since people need their food fast, this industry will continue to thrive.
This course has been tailor made for everyone’s consumption, whether your a fresher, a seasoned employee or an aspiring entrepreneur if you are interested in expanding your knowledge this course is just for you. It has been carefully crafted to make sure everyone gets to understand every aspect of QSR Management. The course starts from the basic core functions of a QSR and unpacks every detailed aspect of QSR Management, from guest service, quality control, maintaining safety & security, shift management, administrative tasks, team training, Cost control, Inventory Management up to leadership development.
Even if you are looking for a course to develop the skill sets of your own restaurant employees, this course will satisfy all your needs, as this course has been designed in such a way that it will fit QSRs dealing in different types of cuisines. In order to explain operations excellence and Inventory management and cost control a separate Menu, restaurant Layout, Equipment list, delivery invoice with product pricing have been prepared, so that no matter which cuisine of food a QSR serves anyone enrolled in this course will have no difficulty in understanding any of the above mentioned subjects.
To help students keep track of their level of understanding every section of the course ends with a Quiz, so that they are able to see their performance understand their opportunity areas and revisit the chapters they had doubts with.
This course is not only designed to train you on QSR management but is also well equipped with personality development contents, so that you can become more self-aware, aware of your surrounding and aware of reactions and responds of others around you, so that you can understand a life event better and become more able in inter personal interactions.
In short if you are a human being who hopes to learn more about QSR management and expand your horizon, studying Quick Service Restaurant Management will be an invaluable investment of your time.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to QSR & Basic Operational Functions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Course
Lecture 2: QSR Vs Fine Dine
Lecture 3: Story of Richard & Maurice
Lecture 4: Barriers to Effective Listening
Lecture 5: Art of Avoiding Distraction
Lecture 6: Core Functions of a Restaurant
Lecture 7: CHAMPS
Lecture 8: 6 Steps of Guest Service
Lecture 9: Grooming & Personal Hygiene
Lecture 10: Restaurant Layout Part 1
Lecture 11: Restaurant Layout Part 2
Lecture 12: LAST METHOD
Lecture 13: Handling Different Types of Guest Concerns
Lecture 14: Introduction to Demo menu Items
Lecture 15: Demo Menu Items
Lecture 16: Invitation to Facebook group
Lecture 17: Travel Path
Chapter 2: Quality Control & Safety Protocols
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 2
Lecture 2: Food Safety Part 1
Lecture 3: Food Safety Part 2
Lecture 4: Hand Wash & Hand Gloves Policy
Lecture 5: Receiving Guidelines
Lecture 6: Storage & Stacking Process Part 1
Lecture 7: Storage & Stacking Process Part 2
Lecture 8: Cleaning & Sanitizing
Lecture 9: Colour Coding
Lecture 10: First Aid
Lecture 11: Chemical Hazards
Lecture 12: Fire Safety Procedure
Chapter 3: Sales Excellence
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 3
Lecture 2: Communication Part 1
Lecture 3: Communication Part 2
Lecture 4: 6 Steps Of Order Taking
Lecture 5: Sales Building
Lecture 6: Delivery Sale part 1
Lecture 7: Delivery Sale Part 2
Lecture 8: Aggregator sales
Lecture 9: Sales Terms
Lecture 10: Marketing
Lecture 11: Merchandising
Chapter 4: Management & Admin Tasks
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 4
Lecture 2: Steps of Shift Management
Lecture 3: Team Briefing
Lecture 4: Preparing Schedule
Lecture 5: Cash Management
Lecture 6: Debit Voucher Part 1
Lecture 7: Voucher Preparation Part 2
Lecture 8: E-mail Etiquette Part 1
Lecture 9: E-mail Etiquette Part 2
Lecture 10: Inventory Management part 1
Lecture 11: Inventory Management Part 2
Lecture 12: Waste Management & Control
Lecture 13: Planned Maintenance
Lecture 14: Food Cost Part 1
Lecture 15: Food Cost Part 2
Lecture 16: Food Cost Part 3
Lecture 17: indenting part 1
Lecture 18: indenting part 2
Lecture 19: Profit & Loss Part 1
Lecture 20: Profit & Loss Part 2
Chapter 5: Leadership
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 5
Lecture 2: Training & Coaching
Lecture 3: Sharing Feedback
Lecture 4: Training Need Analysis
Lecture 5: Leadership
Lecture 6: Shadow of A Leader
Lecture 7: ABC Model
Lecture 8: CCTV View
Lecture 9: Team Motivation
Lecture 10: Reviewing Team
Lecture 11: Counseling Team
Lecture 12: Rewards & Recognition part 1
Lecture 13: Rewards & Recognition part 2
Lecture 14: Communication Style Inventory
Lecture 15: Communication Style Inventory Debrief
Lecture 16: Cockroach Theory
Lecture 17: Circle of Control
Lecture 18: Time Management Part 1
Lecture 19: Time Management Part 2
Lecture 20: Course Completion Message
Neelabha Chatterjee
Restaurant Management & Behavioral Skills Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 44 votes
- 5 stars: 77 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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