Real Estate Agent Training in Persuasion and Influence
Real Estate Agent Training in Persuasion and Influence, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 312 lectures, based on 56 reviews, and has 3784 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll learn how to use powerful influence weapons with prospective buyers and sellers You'll learn how to more easily sell your services compared to other agents, standing out using a myriad of techniques for comparisons or context changing You'll learn how to properly filter and qualify prospects/targets, not wasting your time with people who are not serious – and converting the others You'll learn how to more effectively establish a connection with prospective buyers and sellers, obtaining leads more easily – and closing them more easily This course is ideal for individuals who are You're a current (or prospective) Real Estate agent wanting to both originate and close more deals or You're a Real Estate broker who wants to more effectively motivate and lead their team It is particularly useful for You're a current (or prospective) Real Estate agent wanting to both originate and close more deals or You're a Real Estate broker who wants to more effectively motivate and lead their team.
Enroll now: Real Estate Agent Training in Persuasion and Influence
Title: Real Estate Agent Training in Persuasion and Influence
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 312
Number of Published Lectures: 227
Number of Curriculum Items: 312
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 227
Original Price: €114.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll learn how to use powerful influence weapons with prospective buyers and sellers
- You'll learn how to more easily sell your services compared to other agents, standing out using a myriad of techniques for comparisons or context changing
- You'll learn how to properly filter and qualify prospects/targets, not wasting your time with people who are not serious – and converting the others
- You'll learn how to more effectively establish a connection with prospective buyers and sellers, obtaining leads more easily – and closing them more easily
Who Should Attend
- You're a current (or prospective) Real Estate agent wanting to both originate and close more deals
- You're a Real Estate broker who wants to more effectively motivate and lead their team
Target Audiences
- You're a current (or prospective) Real Estate agent wanting to both originate and close more deals
- You're a Real Estate broker who wants to more effectively motivate and lead their team
Learn 56 state-of-the-art elite persuasion and influence techniques from my 5 years of influence and performance coaching of top real estate brokers and agents in all different types of situations. I’m a 2x MIT-backed entrepreneur turned persuasion psychology coach who has worked with (and made better negotiators of) different profiles, and this course is for you if you’re seeking real estate agent training in terms of selling and closing more.
Real estate agents trying to close more buyers or sellers;
Real estate agents trying to convince existing clients of something (how to accept a buyer offer that is below a seller’s desired price, for example;
Real estate brokers that want to teach these concepts to their own team of agents;
Throughout my experience in persuasion psychology coaching and training for influencing, I’ve compiled a framework with my most elite persuasion and influence techniques to use for sales, and I’ll share all of them with you on this course. Besides just pure influence and technique, there are multiple bonuses included to help consolidate these influence lessons.
The technique in this real estate agent training use similar psychological principles leveraged by persuasion scientists and master salesmen. You will see many techniques similar to Robert Cialdini’s, Chris Voss’s and/or Grant Cardone’s, for example, but these will be the deeper, more general psychological persuasion elements (don’t be scared by the “general” – we will apply them and explore very specific applications of these, for example for closing a prospect on the phone, or getting someone to accept an exclusivity deal). Field-tested and proven in the most extreme situations.
Some people – including me – love to know what they’re getting in a package.
And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.
So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:
How making something seem more exclusive makes it more persuasive, limiting access to it or creating more scarcity;
How limited access and scarcity work, by making people fight for something due to not having enough time or openings, by pressuring them into making a decision, or by seeming to be associated with exclusive or elite people or entities;
How the psychological effect of “removing licenses” work, by cutting of someone’s exit before they even think about it;
How artificial scarcity can be created by using “rolling limitations” – periods of scarcity combined with periods of non-scarcity;
How specialization makes something seem more targeted and “just for you”, even if the thing is, in fact, generic;
How reducing the number of tasks that you do and the people you do them for (using, for example, the 80/20 rule) can help you become more specialized;
How the “advanced effect” works – people always prefer the “advanced” material, even if they are newbies;
How secrecy works, by having non-public or confidential steps to a formula – or its variations of mystique – having an aura of secrecy around yourself, and not your work – or vanguard knowledge, being the first person to reveal something;
How the technique of “the diagnostic” works, obtaining information and seeming an authority while maintaining a “trusted advisor” frame;
How non-attachment works, by signaling abundance, and the extreme technique of “costly signaling” – hurting yourself on purpose just to show that you can do it);
How adverse transparency works – being honest even about things that go against you, which makes you more of an authority, and specific variations (small flaws, other opportunities, or the opportunity cost of going with you);
Advanced applications of adverse transparency, including being more self-demanding, blaming yourself for mistakes you make, or unsatisfactory backtracking (going back to correct something incorrect you said in the past);
How displayed authority works – by having an object or another person sing your praises instead of you yourself, you make it seem less biased;
The different forms of displayed authority, including introductions by other people, objects such as trophies/diplomas, associations with people or institutions of high value, your image itself, and your behavior in terms of status;
The manipulative tactic of “weaving” – picking a group of experts, for example for an interview series, and then inserting your opinion together with theirs to try and seem like you are in the same league or group;
The concept of “theaters”, including security theaters – situations where nothing may be actually done, but the appearance of something is everything;
How naming and labeling fallacies work – attributing specific labels to reduce a person or thing to that label, and how the presence or absence of a name has an effect in terms of personalizing or depersonalizing someone or something;
(30 technique descriptions ommitted due to Udemy text length constraints);
How to use streamlining to make something seem less effortful, by using words (such as “simple”, “quick”, “fast”, “just 2 steps”, “instant access”), by bringing structure (“It’s 3 easy steps”) or by preempting issues and removing them (“If you don’t know how to pay, visit ABC page”);
How the principle of implementation intention forces a person to visualize how to do something, which makes them more likely to do it because it’s less mental effort;
How to illustrate progress and loss to change the mental effort of something (both illustrating all the progress done so far, triggering sunk cost biases, or illustrating loss to trigger loss aversion);
How removing exits works, by removing the person’s licenses to do something;
How to use framing to change the apparent value of something (is a barebones application a “basic” one, or one where you can “focus” and “do a few things very well”?);
How to use context to change the relative value of something (Something that’s $1000 seems expensive. But if it’s $2000 at 50% discount, it’s suddenly very valuable);
The role of perceptual contrast in making something seem valuable;
How to use extreme anchoring to strengthen your framing (Instead of mentioning a $10k price, mentioning a $30k price that is lowered to $10k just for the person. The price is the same, but they will value it much more);
How changing the option set changes the value of something (Compare a $20 book to $10 books – expensive. Compare it to technical manuals worth $70 – very cheap);
How the middle option effect works – people usually pick the middle option in a group – so the options can be manipulated to guide the person, using “decoy options”;
How to change the option set to strengthen your positioning in terms of the best/the first/the only (You may be “one of the best” workers in your department, but you may be “the best” 40-year-old-plus worker in your department);
The role of salience in something’s value – the more it stands out, the more people remember it. Using bold propositions, bold names, supranatural stimuli or the bizzareness effect;
How salience works in presentations through the peak-end effect (people remember the highlight and the end) or the recency-primacy effect (people remember the beginning and end);
The role of intent labeling in closing (forcing a person to state what they are going to do, either actively, or by using active choice – “I will do this” instead of just replying “Yes”);
The effect of future lock-in, which results from time discounting bias. Giving a person a small advantage in the present in return for them being locked for the future;
How justifications make something more persuasive – ideally, tailored justifications, but how even simple justifications – “I need this just because” always persuade more;
Considerations in persuading both emotional and logical people (focusing on improving the “basket” of things offered, regardless of their value, versus improving logical elements of the offer such as the price);
How eliciting multiple reasons or examples work, by making someone like something more or less;
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction v3.0
Lecture 1: Why Persuasion?
Lecture 2: Useful Information
Lecture 3: Disclaimers and Course Structure
Lecture 4: All 56 Techniques
Lecture 5: A 7-Star Course
Chapter 2: The Big Five v3.0
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Pre-Framing: Diagnostic
Lecture 3: Priming: The Code of Conduct
Lecture 4: Contact: The D.I.S.C. Personality Types
Lecture 5: Disarmament: "UP" Answers
Lecture 6: Constriction: Implementers
Chapter 3: Pre-Framing 3.0
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Exclusivity: Intro
Lecture 3: Exclusivity: Limited Access
Lecture 4: Exclusivity: Limited Access REA
Lecture 5: Exclusivity: Specialization
Lecture 6: Exclusivity: Specialization REA
Lecture 7: Exclusivity: Secrecy
Lecture 8: Exclusivity: Secrecy REA
Lecture 9: Authority: Intro
Lecture 10: Authority: Diagnostic
Lecture 11: Authority: Diagnostic REA
Lecture 12: Authority: Non-Attachment
Lecture 13: Authority: Non-Attachment REA
Lecture 14: Authority: Adversary Transparency
Lecture 15: Authority: Adversary Transparency REA
Lecture 16: Authority: Displayed Authority
Lecture 17: Authority: Displayed Authority REA
Lecture 18: Authority: Social Proof
Lecture 19: Authority: Social Proof REA
Lecture 20: Characterization: Intro
Lecture 21: Characterization: Eliciting
Lecture 22: Characterization: Eliciting REA
Lecture 23: Characterization: Embodiment
Lecture 24: Characterization: Embodiment REA
Lecture 25: Characterization: Polarization
Lecture 26: Characterization: Polarization REA
Lecture 27: Paradigm
Lecture 28: Outro
Chapter 4: Priming 3.0
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Money
Lecture 3: Money REA
Lecture 4: Effort: Intro
Lecture 5: Effort: Rigidity
Lecture 6: Effort: Rigidity REA
Lecture 7: Effort: The Home Advantage
Lecture 8: Effort: The Home Advantage REA
Lecture 9: Effort: Initiative
Lecture 10: Effort: Initiative REA
Lecture 11: Effort: Obstacles/Testing
Lecture 12: Effort: Obstacles/Testing REA
Lecture 13: Effort: Indoctrination
Lecture 14: Effort: Indoctrination REA
Lecture 15: Effort: Escalation of Commitment
Lecture 16: Effort: Escalation of Commitment REA
Lecture 17: Effort: Code of Conduct
Lecture 18: Effort: Code of Conduct REA
Lecture 19: Desire
Lecture 20: Desire REA
Lecture 21: Characteristics
Lecture 22: Characteristics REA
Lecture 23: Physiology
Lecture 24: Physiology REA
Lecture 25: Outro
Chapter 5: Contact 3.0
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Empathy: Intro
Lecture 3: Empathy: Statements of Empathy
Lecture 4: Empathy: Statements of Empathy REA
Lecture 5: Empathy: D.I.S.C. Personality Types
Lecture 6: Empathy: D.I.S.C. Personality Types REA
Lecture 7: Empathy: Confirmatory Mirroring
Lecture 8: Empathy: Confirmatory Mirroring REA
Lecture 9: Empathy: Past Implementation
Lecture 10: Empathy: Past Implementation REA
Lecture 11: Identity Labeling
Lecture 12: Identity Labeling REA
Lecture 13: Reciprocity: Intro
Lecture 14: Reciprocity: Giving
Lecture 15: Reciprocity: Giving REA
Lecture 16: Reciprocity: Personal Touch
Lecture 17: Reciprocity: Personal Touch REA
Lecture 18: Reciprocity: Return Timing
Lecture 19: Outro
Chapter 6: Disarmament 3.0
Lecture 1: Intro & Common Objections
Lecture 2: Intro & Common Objections for REA
Lecture 3: Provoking: Intro
Lecture 4: Provoking: Exclusion Confirmation
Lecture 5: Provoking: Exclusion Confirmation for REA
Lecture 6: Provoking: Negative Anchoring
Lecture 7: Provoking: Negative Anchoring for REA
Lecture 8: Provoking: Starting with the Neg.
Lecture 9: Provoking: Starting with the Neg. for REA
Lecture 10: Provoking: Preemptive Labeling
Lecture 11: Provoking: Preemptive Labeling REA
Vasco Patrício
Executive Coach, Past MIT Portugal IEI-Backed Founder
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 40 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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