Remove GDPR Risk from Your Business – Simply.
Remove GDPR Risk from Your Business – Simply., available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 27 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 34 reviews, and has 192 subscribers.
You will learn about How to identify any processes in your business that put it at risk from a breach of GDPR How to evaluate these risks and devlope a proposal for how they ought to be removed. How to actually remove all identified risks and update all business processes to reflect this. How to make your business compliant with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You will have a clear understanding of GDPR and how it applies to your business. You will know the major legal roles within the GDPR and know which of these your business plays. How to create documentation that will satisfy the requirements of your management team and GDPR regulators. How to create a Privacy Statement for your business that will meet the requirements of GDPR. This course is ideal for individuals who are • Small to Medium Business Owners who need a practical, proven, step by step, approach to getting their business GDPR compliant. or • Consultants and Contractors who are involved with GDPR projects for small & medium businesses. or • Ideal for solopreneurs operating in a global market. or • ALL business owners who run a business based within the European Economic Area. or • Small to Medium Business owners who run hotels, motels, B&Bs and other accommodation businesses. or • Crucial for tourism operators who welcome visitors from around the world. It is particularly useful for • Small to Medium Business Owners who need a practical, proven, step by step, approach to getting their business GDPR compliant. or • Consultants and Contractors who are involved with GDPR projects for small & medium businesses. or • Ideal for solopreneurs operating in a global market. or • ALL business owners who run a business based within the European Economic Area. or • Small to Medium Business owners who run hotels, motels, B&Bs and other accommodation businesses. or • Crucial for tourism operators who welcome visitors from around the world.
Enroll now: Remove GDPR Risk from Your Business – Simply.
Title: Remove GDPR Risk from Your Business – Simply.
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 27
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 27
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to identify any processes in your business that put it at risk from a breach of GDPR
- How to evaluate these risks and devlope a proposal for how they ought to be removed.
- How to actually remove all identified risks and update all business processes to reflect this.
- How to make your business compliant with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- You will have a clear understanding of GDPR and how it applies to your business.
- You will know the major legal roles within the GDPR and know which of these your business plays.
- How to create documentation that will satisfy the requirements of your management team and GDPR regulators.
- How to create a Privacy Statement for your business that will meet the requirements of GDPR.
Who Should Attend
- • Small to Medium Business Owners who need a practical, proven, step by step, approach to getting their business GDPR compliant.
- • Consultants and Contractors who are involved with GDPR projects for small & medium businesses.
- • Ideal for solopreneurs operating in a global market.
- • ALL business owners who run a business based within the European Economic Area.
- • Small to Medium Business owners who run hotels, motels, B&Bs and other accommodation businesses.
- • Crucial for tourism operators who welcome visitors from around the world.
Target Audiences
- • Small to Medium Business Owners who need a practical, proven, step by step, approach to getting their business GDPR compliant.
- • Consultants and Contractors who are involved with GDPR projects for small & medium businesses.
- • Ideal for solopreneurs operating in a global market.
- • ALL business owners who run a business based within the European Economic Area.
- • Small to Medium Business owners who run hotels, motels, B&Bs and other accommodation businesses.
- • Crucial for tourism operators who welcome visitors from around the world.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is ALL about IDENTIFYING, EVALUATING and REMOVING any RISKS in your business associated with the way it gathers and uses the personal information of individuals.
The power of this course lies in the unique structured and staged approach it takes doing just this. This consists of:
Identifying ALL risks that exist in the way that you gather or use personal information.
Evaluating these risks and developing viable actions to remove them.
Removing all of these risks by implementing these actions while, at the same time, creating an audit trail showing what you did and updating relevant business processes to prevent recurrence of these risks.
This course is unique in its blend of the theoretical and the practical.
On the theoretical side, it explains – in plain, non-legalese – all of the major elements and terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that you will need to understand in order to enable you to have confidence that the 5-step approach of the course will lead you safely to GDPR Compliance.
On the practical side, the course starts off by explaining how to establish whether or not GDPR applies to your business. If it does apply, the course then provides you with a highly pragmatic and proven 5-step process to achieve GDPR Compliance. This is laid out step-by-step so that you can follow it without the need to learn any additional special skills or without the need to engage any expensive external consultants.
Broad Audience
This blend of theoretical and practical makes it ideal for a broad audience that includes:
Solopreneurs and small to medium business owners who want to be able to get their own businesses GDPR Compliant without the need for expensive external consultants.
Consultants and contractors who are working on, or about to start, a GDPR project on behalf of their clients.
Consultants and contractors who want to start offering “GDPR Readiness” services to their clients.
Hands-On Activities
The course is packed with practical activities and worked examples to help reinforce your learning at every stage.
It also includes comprehensive templates and example documentation from a real-life GDPR Compliance project to guide and support you.
Not Merely a Training Course
This is not MERELY a Training Course, it is equivalent to a COMPLETE GDPR Project for your business. This means that, if you work through all the lectures and complete all of the assignments then, by the end of this course, not only will you have LEARNED all about how to do a GDPR Compliance project, you will actually have completed one for your own business.
Categories of Personal Data
There are five categories of Personal Data defined within GDPR, which are:
Basic Personal Data
Descriptive Personal Data
Organization-related identifying Personal Data
Absolutely identifying Personal Data
Sensitive Personal Data
The course describes clearly what each of these is.
Risks to Personal Data
GDPR is essentially about identifying and eliminating all potential or actual risks that exist to Personal Data in any business.
The whole approach of this course is to provide you with an easy-to-follow and highly practical process and a set of documentation that will enable you to do precisely this.
Audit Trail
A key component of any successful GDPR Compliance project is a comprehensive Audit Trail that will enable both business management and GDPR regulators to be confident that all risks to Personal Data that existed in the business have been identified, assessed and effectively removed.
The highly effective approach of this course enables you to create a comprehensive audit trail as an integral part of working through the 5-step approach, without any additional, effort.
GDPR Roles
The Course describes all of the key legal Roles within GDPR that all business owners need to be aware and how to identify which of these your business plays.
Automated Processing
GDPR has strict conditions on whether or not a business can use an individuals Personal Data to make automated decisions. The course explains what these are and how they effect the way you use personal data.
Is it Mandatory to Provide Personal Data
The course explains how, under some circumstances, it might mandatory for an individual to provide Personal Data to your business and what you need to do when this is the case.
Transferring Data Internationally
GDPR has very strict conditions regarding transferring Personal Data internationally and the course explains what you need to do to comply with the requirements.
The Rights of the Individual
An individual has eight fundamental rights under GDPR regarding how their personal data can be collected and processed, which are:
The right to be informed.
The right of access.
The right of rectification.
The right to erasure.
The right to restrict processing.
The right to data portability.
The right to object.
Rights regarding automated decision making and profiling.
The course explains each of these rights in detail.
Legal Right to Process Personal Data
Under GDPR, you need to have a lawful basis for processing any Personal Data. There are six available lawful categories and the course explains what each of these is.
Privacy Statement
If you follow all of the steps in the course, your business will be GDPR Compliant. You should now let all your current and prospective clients know this by creating and publishing a privacy statement.
The course walks you step-by-step through how to do this and provides you with a real-life example of what a good Privacy Statement looks like.
Further Information
If you need any further information then please contact us at:
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introductions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to GDPR and Determine if it Applies to your Business or Project
Lecture 3: Know the Major GDPR Roles of Controller and Processor.
Chapter 2: Document the personal data you process, your processes and your process steps
Lecture 1: Define the Data Types that can identify a Data Subject.
Lecture 2: What is a Business Process?
Lecture 3: Listing the Steps that make up your First Business Process
Lecture 4: Begin Your GDPR Documentation
Chapter 3: Document What Personal Data you Process and How and Where this Data is Processed
Lecture 1: What Personal Data are you Collecting, Using or Processing in your business
Lecture 2: Document the Software or Computer System used to process Personal Data
Lecture 3: Document the Type and the Location of Storage Devices used by the Processor
Chapter 4: Defining and Documenting Your Retention Periods for Personal Data
Lecture 1: Retaining Personal Data and your Business Retention Policy
Lecture 2: Define and Document Retention Periods for Personal Data your Business Processes
Lecture 3: Document How Personal Data is Deleted at the end of the Retention Period.
Chapter 5: Document Access to the Personal Data within your Business
Lecture 1: Document the Access to the Personal Data within your Business. Who, What & Why
Lecture 2: Specify the Device the Role uses to Access the Data and how it is protected
Chapter 6: Assess and Document Required Action to Mitigate all Identified Risks.
Lecture 1: Assess and Document the Required Action to Mitigate all Identified Risks.
Lecture 2: Document the Actual Actions taken to Reduce and Mitigate all Identified Risks
Chapter 7: Update Your Processes and Create a GDPR Audit Trail
Lecture 1: Update your Audit Trail for your Management Team and GDPR Regulators
Lecture 2: Update each of the Process Steps to Reflect the Actions that have been taken
Lecture 3: Complete the GDPR Documentation and Audit Trail for all of your Business.
Lecture 4: Activity: Complete the GDPR Documentation and Audit Trail for your Business
Chapter 8: Creating or Updating a Privacy Statement for the Business
Lecture 1: Create an Outline for a Privacy Statement for your Business
Lecture 2: Your Policy regarding Automated Decisions, Mandatory Data and Transfer of Data
Lecture 3: The Individuals Rights under GDPR
Lecture 4: The Legal Basis for your Business to Process Personal Data?
Lecture 5: What Do You Do with your Privacy Statement Now
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
John Owens
Business Mentor and International Author and Speaker -
Pam Walton
Business Mentor – IT Trainer – Business Analyst
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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