Sales Coaching Certification (Sales Skills + Life Coaching)
Sales Coaching Certification (Sales Skills + Life Coaching), available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.72, with 90 lectures, based on 292 reviews, and has 1877 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn professional sales coaching skills, such as how to develop a rapport with your clients and work together to set achievable goals You will learn updated Sales and Closing Techniques to help you sale coach others, not only through theory, but also through practical applications How to teach your clients to view sales objections as opportunities in the sales process, and how to turn them into closed sales The art of successful sales prospecting in person, by phone, email, text and social media Specific voice inflection and modulation techniques to use in sales strategies and the closing process Help your clients get past their own limiting beliefs, their undesired habits and mindsets in raport to sales, overcoming resistance This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs and existing coaches who would like to maximize their profits by starting efficiently their own business sales coaching practice or Existing business, life and health coach entrepreneurs who want to make a better living by creating their own sales coaching enterprise or Aspiring coaches who want to learn for themselves and teach others how to identify the reasoning behind client's choices, how to efficiently sale and prospect, and ultimately ho to close the sale or Small Business owners who see the power in sales life coaching and they want to learn how to teach others the sales strategies and methods they apply to themselves in order to create win-win situation and to make a profit by putting the client first and creating long lasting relationships or Certified Coaches and entrepreneurs as in self-employed or independent small business owners who want to know how to build their sales life coaching brand successfully and how to grow their sales and marketing power or Existing Business, Health or Life Coaches who feel overwhelmed with the idea of selling and the sales process and they need to overcome their own fears and holdbacks in order to help others be successful in sales as well It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs and existing coaches who would like to maximize their profits by starting efficiently their own business sales coaching practice or Existing business, life and health coach entrepreneurs who want to make a better living by creating their own sales coaching enterprise or Aspiring coaches who want to learn for themselves and teach others how to identify the reasoning behind client's choices, how to efficiently sale and prospect, and ultimately ho to close the sale or Small Business owners who see the power in sales life coaching and they want to learn how to teach others the sales strategies and methods they apply to themselves in order to create win-win situation and to make a profit by putting the client first and creating long lasting relationships or Certified Coaches and entrepreneurs as in self-employed or independent small business owners who want to know how to build their sales life coaching brand successfully and how to grow their sales and marketing power or Existing Business, Health or Life Coaches who feel overwhelmed with the idea of selling and the sales process and they need to overcome their own fears and holdbacks in order to help others be successful in sales as well.
Enroll now: Sales Coaching Certification (Sales Skills + Life Coaching)
Title: Sales Coaching Certification (Sales Skills + Life Coaching)
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.72
Number of Lectures: 90
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn professional sales coaching skills, such as how to develop a rapport with your clients and work together to set achievable goals
- You will learn updated Sales and Closing Techniques to help you sale coach others, not only through theory, but also through practical applications
- How to teach your clients to view sales objections as opportunities in the sales process, and how to turn them into closed sales
- The art of successful sales prospecting in person, by phone, email, text and social media
- Specific voice inflection and modulation techniques to use in sales strategies and the closing process
- Help your clients get past their own limiting beliefs, their undesired habits and mindsets in raport to sales, overcoming resistance
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs and existing coaches who would like to maximize their profits by starting efficiently their own business sales coaching practice
- Existing business, life and health coach entrepreneurs who want to make a better living by creating their own sales coaching enterprise
- Aspiring coaches who want to learn for themselves and teach others how to identify the reasoning behind client's choices, how to efficiently sale and prospect, and ultimately ho to close the sale
- Small Business owners who see the power in sales life coaching and they want to learn how to teach others the sales strategies and methods they apply to themselves in order to create win-win situation and to make a profit by putting the client first and creating long lasting relationships
- Certified Coaches and entrepreneurs as in self-employed or independent small business owners who want to know how to build their sales life coaching brand successfully and how to grow their sales and marketing power
- Existing Business, Health or Life Coaches who feel overwhelmed with the idea of selling and the sales process and they need to overcome their own fears and holdbacks in order to help others be successful in sales as well
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs and existing coaches who would like to maximize their profits by starting efficiently their own business sales coaching practice
- Existing business, life and health coach entrepreneurs who want to make a better living by creating their own sales coaching enterprise
- Aspiring coaches who want to learn for themselves and teach others how to identify the reasoning behind client's choices, how to efficiently sale and prospect, and ultimately ho to close the sale
- Small Business owners who see the power in sales life coaching and they want to learn how to teach others the sales strategies and methods they apply to themselves in order to create win-win situation and to make a profit by putting the client first and creating long lasting relationships
- Certified Coaches and entrepreneurs as in self-employed or independent small business owners who want to know how to build their sales life coaching brand successfully and how to grow their sales and marketing power
- Existing Business, Health or Life Coaches who feel overwhelmed with the idea of selling and the sales process and they need to overcome their own fears and holdbacks in order to help others be successful in sales as well
Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency(Provider No: 50134), and 30 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request.
We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development and Life Coach certification category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.
We have a thriving community for life coaches in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.
The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group for life coaches.
Whether you’re a sales professional OR you have your own business OR are a life coach or health coach, this course provides a strong foundation of understanding of sales psychology and proven sales skills and techniques.
Are you interested in increasing your life coach training revenueand coaching clientele numbers by learning new and established prospecting, sales skills and closing techniques?
Do you want to help people enhance their confidence in their selling skillsand closing techniques like never before (as a Sales Coach)?
Would you like to learn proven sales skills and sales processes, as well as powerful sales toolsfor helping your clients reach their desired sales performance results?
Do you want to understand how your customers think and why people buy what they buy so you can use that in coaching others and/or to be successful in sales?
Do you want to help yourself and your clients stand out from the crowd with verified successful sales prospecting techniques?
Would you like to earn a sales coaching certification and create your own sales coaching practice with the skills learned here?
Selling has been around for thousands of years, but even to this day, most people are scared of it, or simply dislike it. Or they associate sales with negative emotions, manipulation and bad experiences. Many people call sales a “necessary-evil,” when in fact is a natural activity we all perform daily without even knowing!
Sales can be done successfully, creating win-win situationsand long lasting relationships. Learn how you can do that by taking the Sales Coaching: Life Coach Certification Course today and Become a Sales Coach, perfecting your sales skills and teaching others to do the same.
Learn powerful sales skills and hands-on practical tools to guide your clients to either support or create from scratch a positive emotional connection to the selling process both from a seller and a buyer perspective.
Develop a strong foundation of consumer motivational theory related to what makes a person purchase things, by understanding supply and demand and its direct connection to buyer psychology, neuromarketing, retail therapy, religion, rituals and habits, subliminal messaging and other factors influencing our decisions.
Learn core, professional sales coaching skills, such as how to develop a rapportwith your clients, work together to set achievable goals, and support them using powerful communicationand questioning techniques as well as hands-on practical tools.
Learn proper sales skills and sales coaching techniques and coaching evaluation methods designed to help you determine a client’s needs and their readiness to develop their emotional intelligence as pertaining to sales and to life, build sales relationships and leaving their ego aside to become the best salespeople they can be.
Learn proper sales and closing techniquesdesigned to help you sale coach others, not only through theory, but also through practical applications, daily sales exercises, creating real-life scenarios and role-playing with your clients.
Learn the tools to teach your clients to look at sales objections as positive factors in the sales process, and how to turn the most popular objections around and close the sale.
Learn the art of prospecting for both you as the sales coach and to teach it to your clients, as it is one of the least perfected and properly used tools in selling to this day, and mastering it will automatically make you and your clients stand out from the crowd.
Develop specific voice inflection techniques to use during the sales process and learn the difference between responding vs reacting in any situation, and how beneficial this can be in sales and sales coaching.
Plus, you’ll receive samples of sales coaching evaluation questionnaires and rapports to use with your clients, allowing you to develop a customized step-by-step sales coaching programthat will get them the results they are looking for.
Develop a strong understanding of the psychology of the successful salesperson so that you can help your clients get past their own limiting beliefs, their undesired habits and mindsets in rapport to sales, overcoming resistance so they can create lasting sales relationships through practical changes and the satisfaction of mastering new sales skills.
This sales coaching certification program will give you everything you need to design your own sales coaching packages based on your own experience and knowledge in a field that is not only necessary, but now, by taking this course you will also be passionate about.
At the end of the course you will be a Certified Sales Coach and you will become an advocate for effective sales practices, a sales coaching educator, and an active partner that helps each client unlock their potential through new understanding, new mindset, better communication skills and new techniques they can apply in their sales career with pride and integrity.
In summary this sales coaching certification will provide the following:
This sales coaching: life coach certification will assist you in creating a step-by-step sales, prospecting and closing the sale packages to use with your clients
This sales coaching: life coach certification program will give you the tools to design a custom sales coaching packagethat is focused and in alignment with YOUR unique passions and experience in the sales world
Begin your sales coaching practice with done-for-you questionnaires and rapport templates, as well as proven tools and processes to use with your clients, saving you time, stress, and money.
This sales coaching: life coach certification will also provide proven sales skills and coaching recommended practices, including sales coaching models, personality theory, sales and consumer psychology, and professional sales coaching communication techniques.
Through this sales coaching: life certification course you will learn how to screen clients by assessing their readiness, mindset, communication skills, openness to create a positive relationship with sales and the sales process despite their past experiences.
Learn sales coaching skills and psychological principles of sales behavioral change and how to motivate your clients to achieve their sales goals, increasing their numbers and feeling more confident in their potential as salespeople.
This sales coaching life certification training will leave you feeling confident as a sales coach because you have developed a strong foundation both of theory and practical application.
By earning your sales coaching: life coach certification you will also have the credibilitythat your clients are looking for by being able to say that you are a Certified Sales Life Coach.
So, are you ready to help your clients transform their future through learning new sales, prospecting and closing techniques and the foundational mindset for success? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!
Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.
This course is brought to you by Joeel and Natalie of Transformation Academy (who have 700,000 students from 200 countries and territories), who are excited to partner with Sanda Kruger, who is the instructor in this course.Sanda is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, business, sales and health life coach.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Sales Coach Certification (Learn Sales Skills)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Who is This Course for?
Lecture 3: What to Expect at the End of The Course?
Lecture 4: Meet the Instructor
Lecture 5: REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics
Chapter 2: Sales Skills and Behaviors of Successful Sales Coaches
Lecture 1: Why Become a Sales Coach?
Lecture 2: Sales Coaching Models
Lecture 3: The Stages of the Sales Coaching Preparation
Lecture 4: The Characteristics of a Successful Sales Coach
Lecture 5: Measuring Sales Coaching Performance
Chapter 3: Sales Skills – Understanding the Mindset of the Consumer
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to Use the Material in this Section
Lecture 2: We Are All Buyers
Lecture 3: About Supply and Demand
Lecture 4: Neuromarketing
Lecture 5: The " Mirror Neurons" and the Concept of Immitation
Lecture 6: Dopamine and Retail Therapy
Lecture 7: Rituals and Habits
Lecture 8: Faith and Religion
Lecture 9: Somatic Markers
Lecture 10: Speaking to Our Senses
Lecture 11: Product Placement
Lecture 12: Subliminal Messaging
Lecture 13: Think Like a Buyer When You Sell
Chapter 4: Sales Skills – Understanding the Sales Psychology
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to use the Material in this section
Lecture 2: Everybody Sells
Lecture 3: You Are Your Biggest Sale
Lecture 4: Building Credibility
Lecture 5: Leaving the Ego Aside
Lecture 6: Selling is a Transference of Emotions
Lecture 7: Emotional Intelligence in Sales Part 1
Lecture 8: Emotional Intelligence in Sales Part 2
Lecture 9: Building a Sales Relationship
Lecture 10: Goals vs Quota
Lecture 11: How to Avoid Procrastination
Lecture 12: How to Avoid Perfectionism
Lecture 13: How to Avoid Analysis Paralysis
Chapter 5: Sales Skills – Communication Skills
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to Use the Materials in this section
Lecture 2: Understanding Different Personality Types (DISC)
Lecture 3: How to Make a Positive First Impression
Lecture 4: Listen to Understand Not Only to Reply
Lecture 5: Do You Respond or Do You React?
Lecture 6: Asking the Right Questions
Lecture 7: Choosing the Right Attitude
Lecture 8: Voice Inflection and Voice Modulation is Sales
Lecture 9: Creating Win-Win Situations
Chapter 6: Sales Skills – Effective Sales Strategies for Coachees
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to Use the Materials in this section
Lecture 2: Convince vs Persuade
Lecture 3: Creating a Sense of Urgency
Lecture 4: The Decoy Package Technique
Lecture 5: Selling as a Storyteller
Lecture 6: The Foot in the Door and the Door in The Face Strategies
Lecture 7: The Anchoring Technique
Lecture 8: Handling Objections
Chapter 7: Sales Skills – Closing the Sale
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to Use the Materials in this section
Lecture 2: Intro to the Closing Process
Lecture 3: How to Lead to the Closing Using the Alternative of Choice Method
Lecture 4: The Presumptive Closing Technique
Lecture 5: The Second Question Close
Lecture 6: The Balance Sheet Close
Lecture 7: The 5 Questions Closing Strategy
Lecture 8: Completing the Sale is Only the Beginning
Lecture 9: Bonus: Handling Price Objections and Closing the Sale
Chapter 8: Sales Skills – The Art of Prospecting for a Life Coaching Business
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to Use the Material in this Section
Lecture 2: The Importance of Using the Right Message Part 1
Lecture 3: The Importance of Using the Right Message Part 2
Lecture 4: Social Media Prospecting
Lecture 5: Phone Prospecting
Lecture 6: Voicemail Prospecting
Lecture 7: Email Prospecting Part 1
Lecture 8: Email Prospecting Part 2 – Practical Examples
Lecture 9: Text Messaging Prospecting
Lecture 10: Prospecting Face to Face
Lecture 11: Responding to Prospecting Objections
Chapter 9: Marketing Your Sales Coaching Business
Lecture 1: Sales Coach – How to Use the Materials in this Section
Lecture 2: What is Marketing?
Lecture 3: Market Research Part 1
Lecture 4: Market Research Part 2
Lecture 5: Identifying Your Customer Base
Lecture 6: Finding Your Niche
Lecture 7: Core Competencies
Lecture 8: Creating Your Unique Selling Proposition
Lecture 9: Creating a Compelling Elevator Pitch Part 1
Lecture 10: Networking at Its Best
Lecture 11: Leveraging Your Community
Lecture 12: Creating Sale Coaching Packages
Lecture 13: Sales Assessments and Questionnaires
Chapter 10: It's a wrap!
Lecture 1: Congratulations!
Lecture 2: Resources and References
Lecture 3: Bonus
Sanda Kruger
Intuitive Life & Health Coach Trainer, Entrepreneur, Author -
Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Top instructor with over 700,000 students -
Transformation Services
International Academy of Life Coaching & Entrepreneurship
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 100 votes
- 5 stars: 157 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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