Sales Transformation Mastery: Dynamics of Modern Sales
Sales Transformation Mastery: Dynamics of Modern Sales, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 74 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 8652 subscribers.
You will learn about You will understand the sales process, and how to handle sales situations. You will learn crucial psychological methods to make more sales Acquire essential skills and strategies to excel in the field of sales, including effective persuasion, presentation, and storytelling techniques. Overcome Shyness To Sell By Backing Your Confidence In This Proven Sales Technique Understand the selling process and how to master it Understand your prospect and the problems they're trying to solve Sell your idea, service, product to anyone with confidence. This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Managers, Young Professionals, B2B sales people, B2C sales people, Sales Executives, Business Directors. or Aspiring and experienced salespeople looking to improve their sales techniques, increase their closing rates, and excel in their sales careers. Individuals running their own businesses or startups who want to enhance their sales abilities, generate more revenue, and drive business growth. or Professionals responsible for managing client relationships and driving sales within existing accounts. This course can help them deepen client connections, expand business opportunities, and increase customer retention. or Anyone who has to deal with customers face-to-face It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Managers, Young Professionals, B2B sales people, B2C sales people, Sales Executives, Business Directors. or Aspiring and experienced salespeople looking to improve their sales techniques, increase their closing rates, and excel in their sales careers. Individuals running their own businesses or startups who want to enhance their sales abilities, generate more revenue, and drive business growth. or Professionals responsible for managing client relationships and driving sales within existing accounts. This course can help them deepen client connections, expand business opportunities, and increase customer retention. or Anyone who has to deal with customers face-to-face.
Enroll now: Sales Transformation Mastery: Dynamics of Modern Sales
Title: Sales Transformation Mastery: Dynamics of Modern Sales
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will understand the sales process, and how to handle sales situations. You will learn crucial psychological methods to make more sales
- Acquire essential skills and strategies to excel in the field of sales, including effective persuasion, presentation, and storytelling techniques.
- Overcome Shyness To Sell By Backing Your Confidence In This Proven Sales Technique
- Understand the selling process and how to master it
- Understand your prospect and the problems they're trying to solve
- Sell your idea, service, product to anyone with confidence.
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Managers, Young Professionals, B2B sales people, B2C sales people, Sales Executives, Business Directors.
- Aspiring and experienced salespeople looking to improve their sales techniques, increase their closing rates, and excel in their sales careers. Individuals running their own businesses or startups who want to enhance their sales abilities, generate more revenue, and drive business growth.
- Professionals responsible for managing client relationships and driving sales within existing accounts. This course can help them deepen client connections, expand business opportunities, and increase customer retention.
- Anyone who has to deal with customers face-to-face
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Managers, Young Professionals, B2B sales people, B2C sales people, Sales Executives, Business Directors.
- Aspiring and experienced salespeople looking to improve their sales techniques, increase their closing rates, and excel in their sales careers. Individuals running their own businesses or startups who want to enhance their sales abilities, generate more revenue, and drive business growth.
- Professionals responsible for managing client relationships and driving sales within existing accounts. This course can help them deepen client connections, expand business opportunities, and increase customer retention.
- Anyone who has to deal with customers face-to-face
Embark on a transformative journey in the realm of sales with our comprehensive course, “Sales Transformation Mastery.” Delve into the intricacies of contemporary sales strategies, exploring innovative approaches and critical components that redefine success in the dynamic business landscape. we will be learning the followings;
Section 1: Introduction to Sales Transformation Get acquainted with the fundamental principles of sales transformation, setting the stage for a deep dive into its exploration landscape.
Section 2: Sales Transformation Exploration Landscape Delve into the action scopes and the 4E Agile Transformation Matrix, uncovering the essential components of effective sales transformation.
Section 3: Transformation Method Dialogise Unlock the structural DNA pyramid, solutions matrix, and the 3S Six Stage Stack, gaining insights into the dialogues that drive successful transformation methods.
Section 4: Critical Classifying Complements Understand key elements such as sales strategy, CRM, and target universe classification. Explore the role of marketing, smart sales targets, and ROI in the transformation process.
Section 5: Descriptive Enunciation of 3S Explore the 3S framework: Elementary, Energized, Equipped, Enabling, Evolved, and Effective. Understand how each stage contributes to a comprehensive sales transformation.
Section 6: Explore People Gain insights into various business and sales leadership structures, talent lifecycle management, and the evolution of skill matrices. Explore talent identification, engagement, and acquisition.
Section 7: Perceptions Understand the dynamics of brand matrices, services solutions, and perceptions that play a crucial role in the sales transformation process.
Section 8: Playground Explore the universal target spectrum, geography, industry, domain, and vertical-based sales playgrounds. Understand the diversity of platforms in the sales landscape.
Section 9: Platforms Understand the intricate systems and infrastructure supporting sales, including BD sales systems, BCP DR, data warehousing, infosec, and IT infrastructure.
Section 10: Processes Delve into the intricacies of sales processes, customer-centric approaches, and the pivotal role of efficient processes in driving successful sales transformations.
Section 11: Policies Explore key policies, reward and remuneration structures, competitive environments, corporate social responsibility, and protocols shaping the sales ecosystem.
Section 12: Performance Analyze and optimize performance metrics, understand objective summarization, and gain insights into the course structure information.
This course is designed for individuals aiming to master the complexities of modern sales transformation, providing a comprehensive guide to navigate the evolving landscape of the sales industry.
by the end of the course, you will be armed with strategic insights, critical skills, and a nuanced understanding of the sales ecosystem, you will be poised for success in the ever-evolving world of sales. Go forth, apply your knowledge, and elevate your sales prowess to unprecedented heights. Best wishes on your journey to sales excellence!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sales Transformation
Chapter 2: Sales Transformation Exploration Landscape
Lecture 1: Explore Action Scopes
Lecture 2: 4E Agile Transformation Matrix
Chapter 3: Transformation Method Dialogise
Lecture 1: Structural DNA Pyramid
Lecture 2: Structural DNA Pyramid Continue
Lecture 3: Solutions Matrix
Lecture 4: Solutions Matrix Continue
Lecture 5: The 3S The Six Stage Stack
Chapter 4: Critical Classifying Complements
Lecture 1: Sale Strategy
Lecture 2: CRM
Lecture 3: Target Universe and Clusters
Lecture 4: Sales Orientation
Lecture 5: Timeline Driven Business Focus
Lecture 6: Marketing
Lecture 7: Smart Sales Targets
Lecture 8: ROI
Chapter 5: Descriptive Enunciation of 3S
Lecture 1: Descriptive Enunciation
Lecture 2: Elementary
Lecture 3: Energized
Lecture 4: Energized Continue
Lecture 5: Equipped Part 1
Lecture 6: Equipped Part 2
Lecture 7: Enabling
Lecture 8: More on Enabling
Lecture 9: Evolved
Lecture 10: Evolved Continue
Lecture 11: Effective
Lecture 12: More on Effective
Chapter 6: Explore People
Lecture 1: Business Leadership
Lecture 2: Sales Leadership
Lecture 3: Conservative Structure
Lecture 4: Compartmentalized Structure
Lecture 5: Complex Structure
Lecture 6: Complex Structure Continue
Lecture 7: Geo Specific Structure
Lecture 8: Industry Specific Structure
Lecture 9: Lone Wolf Structure
Lecture 10: Talent Lifecycle Management
Lecture 11: Talent Identification
Lecture 12: Talent Engagement
Lecture 13: Talent Acquition
Lecture 14: Compensatory Protocols
Lecture 15: Skill Matrix Evolution and Enhancement
Lecture 16: Tal Perf Role mat
Lecture 17: Sales Introduction
Lecture 18: Sales Development
Chapter 7: Perceptions
Lecture 1: Brand Matrix
Lecture 2: Brand Matrix Continue
Lecture 3: Services Solutions
Lecture 4: Services Repository
Chapter 8: Playground
Lecture 1: Universal Target Spectrum
Lecture 2: Geography Based
Lecture 3: Industry Based
Lecture 4: Domain Based
Lecture 5: Vertical Based
Chapter 9: Platforms
Lecture 1: BD Sales Systems
Lecture 2: BCP DR
Lecture 3: Data WH Data RET
Lecture 4: InfoSec
Lecture 5: IT Infrastructure
Chapter 10: Processes
Lecture 1: Explain on Processes
Lecture 2: Explain on Customer
Chapter 11: Policies
Lecture 1: Policies
Lecture 2: Reward and Remuneration
Lecture 3: Competitive Environment
Lecture 4: Corporate Social Responsibility
Lecture 5: Protocols
Lecture 6: Paradigms
Lecture 7: Potential
Chapter 12: Performance
Lecture 1: Performance
Lecture 2: Performance Continue
Lecture 3: More on Performance
Lecture 4: Objective Summarization
Lecture 5: Course Structure Information
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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