Scrivener |Full Course on How to Write a Book in Scrivener 2
Scrivener |Full Course on How to Write a Book in Scrivener 2, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 41 lectures, based on 911 reviews, and has 5573 subscribers.
You will learn about How to open a project and customize your Scrivener workspaces. Toggle between Scrivener’s normal Text Editing Mode, Cork Board Mode and Outlining Mode and how to use each of them as well as how to use Scrivener’s distraction free Full Screen Mode. Split your Scrivener screen to have two documents or two versions of the same document open at once. Manage your files and folders, whether you are starting from scratch in Scrivener or want to import your content from another writing application pre-sorted into chapters or sections. Make use of Scrivener’s editing tools like collections and snapshots (which takes a snap shot of the current state of a document so that you can revert to it if you don’t like your subsequent edits). Compile your work for export to your agent, as a paperback or as an eBook right inside your Scrivener software. How to download some tools so that you can preview your content before you send it out. Customize your visual preferences for the Scrivener user interface as well as the cork board feature Import directly into Scrivener from a mind map application Keep track of tasks via the comments, notes and annotations features in the Scrivener inspector pane Back up and sync your Scrivener projects to Dropbox and work directly from Dropbox if you want to switch between computers This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone wishing to learn how to use Scrivener writing software to write: or A novel or a series, non fiction books, a dissertation or a research proposal or Any kind of transcript for movies, gaming development or even their own videos that they plan to use here on Udemy or share to social media sites or And of course anyone gathering research and writing a blog or Also useful for Internet Marketers who want to organize their whole campaign from sales letters to scheduled emails It is particularly useful for Anyone wishing to learn how to use Scrivener writing software to write: or A novel or a series, non fiction books, a dissertation or a research proposal or Any kind of transcript for movies, gaming development or even their own videos that they plan to use here on Udemy or share to social media sites or And of course anyone gathering research and writing a blog or Also useful for Internet Marketers who want to organize their whole campaign from sales letters to scheduled emails.
Enroll now: Scrivener |Full Course on How to Write a Book in Scrivener 2
Title: Scrivener |Full Course on How to Write a Book in Scrivener 2
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Curriculum Items: 41
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 41
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to open a project and customize your Scrivener workspaces.
- Toggle between Scrivener’s normal Text Editing Mode, Cork Board Mode and Outlining Mode and how to use each of them as well as how to use Scrivener’s distraction free Full Screen Mode.
- Split your Scrivener screen to have two documents or two versions of the same document open at once.
- Manage your files and folders, whether you are starting from scratch in Scrivener or want to import your content from another writing application pre-sorted into chapters or sections.
- Make use of Scrivener’s editing tools like collections and snapshots (which takes a snap shot of the current state of a document so that you can revert to it if you don’t like your subsequent edits).
- Compile your work for export to your agent, as a paperback or as an eBook right inside your Scrivener software.
- How to download some tools so that you can preview your content before you send it out.
- Customize your visual preferences for the Scrivener user interface as well as the cork board feature
- Import directly into Scrivener from a mind map application
- Keep track of tasks via the comments, notes and annotations features in the Scrivener inspector pane
- Back up and sync your Scrivener projects to Dropbox and work directly from Dropbox if you want to switch between computers
Who Should Attend
- Anyone wishing to learn how to use Scrivener writing software to write:
- A novel or a series, non fiction books, a dissertation or a research proposal
- Any kind of transcript for movies, gaming development or even their own videos that they plan to use here on Udemy or share to social media sites
- And of course anyone gathering research and writing a blog
- Also useful for Internet Marketers who want to organize their whole campaign from sales letters to scheduled emails
Target Audiences
- Anyone wishing to learn how to use Scrivener writing software to write:
- A novel or a series, non fiction books, a dissertation or a research proposal
- Any kind of transcript for movies, gaming development or even their own videos that they plan to use here on Udemy or share to social media sites
- And of course anyone gathering research and writing a blog
- Also useful for Internet Marketers who want to organize their whole campaign from sales letters to scheduled emails
(This course covers both Windows and Mac versions of Scrivener from before Scrivener 3.)
Do you want to know how to use Scrivener to fulfill your writing dreams? Well Scrivener is not nearly as hard to learn as you have been lead to believe. I highly recommend binge watching the first four hours so that you have a good understanding of what Scrivener is capable of.
The first section will take you on a complete walkthrough of how Scrivener works with plenty of real examples, a thorough explanation of the regions of the user interface and arrows pointing directly at the buttons mentioned in the transcript making it easy to find them.
Once you know the basics you can go back, dig in to the Scrivener features that suit your writing style best and start creating your awesome content. If you forget how to use a Scrivener feature you can pop back and watch its clearly labeled lecture again.
Once your project is underway you can go on to investigate some really cool Scrivener features that you don’t necessarily need — but are fun to use — like customizing your work spaces, importing from mind map software or backing up and storing your projects to Dropbox in the cloud.
Here’s what an early reviewer had to say:
Melinda Kraft — “I learned several new things that are already helping me to make my project better organized and efficient and has given me some ideas on how I can be more creative in the process. I’ve watched a lot of online training videos, and Karen’s is among the best. She clearly illustrates the differences between Windows and Mac versions. And where she elects to save information for later in the course, or leave it out altogether, she tells you why. Highly recommended!”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Udemy Interface Explained
Lecture 2: Welcome
Chapter 2: Setting Up
Lecture 1: Opening a Project
Lecture 2: Menus + Customizing Your Toolbars
Lecture 3: An Overview of the User Interface and View Modes
Lecture 4: Setting Your Font Style
Lecture 5: Setting Your Language and Spelling
Chapter 3: Binder Basics
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Binder
Lecture 2: Creating and Arranging Files and Folders
Lecture 3: Changing Files, Folders and Icons
Lecture 4: How to Import Documents and Research Material Into Your Scrivener Project
Lecture 5: Importing Your Manuscript From Another Writing Application
Chapter 4: Writing Your Book
Lecture 1: Free Style Writing and Compose/Full Screen Mode
Lecture 2: Plotting Loosely or Using the Cork Board
Lecture 3: How to Plot or Track Your Progress Using the List Style Outliner View
Lecture 4: How to Split Your Editing Window in Two
Lecture 5: Page View (Mac Only)
Chapter 5: Sorting and Editing Your Work
Lecture 1: Find and Replace Text and Project Search
Lecture 2: The Extremely Useful Collections Function
Lecture 3: Making Revisions – Revision Mode – (Mac Only)
Lecture 4: Making Revisions – Snapshots
Lecture 5: The Simple Way I do Most of My Revisions
Lecture 6: Tips For Editing on the Fly and Using Some Very Useful Tools
Chapter 6: Compiling Your Book for Export
Lecture 1: An Overview of the Compile Function in the Windows Version of Scrivener
Lecture 2: An Overview of the Compile Function in the Mac Version of Scrivener
Lecture 3: How to Compile a Standard Manuscript for Your Agent or Publisher
Lecture 4: How to Compile a Paperback Novel
Lecture 5: How to Compile an eBook
Lecture 6: How to Preview Your eBook Before Publishing
Chapter 7: SECTION TWO Customizing Your Visual Preferences
Lecture 1: Adjusting the Colors of Your User Interface for Windows version of Scrivener
Lecture 2: Adjusting the Colors of Your User Interface for the Mac version of Scrivener
Lecture 3: Showing Label Colors in Your Binder and Your Outliner Rows
Lecture 4: Customizing the Cork Board Interface in the Windows version of Scrivener
Lecture 5: Customizing the Cork Board Interface in the Mac version of Scrivener
Chapter 8: Interesting Extras that are Well Worth Knowing
Lecture 1: Importing From a Mind Map Application
Lecture 2: Keeping Track of Notes, Images and Links in the Inspector Window
Lecture 3: Inline Comments, Notes and Annotations
Lecture 4: Adding Footnotes to Your Documents
Lecture 5: Making Your Own Text Format Presets
Lecture 6: The Extra Options in the Mac Project Targets Menu
Lecture 7: Backing up and Synchronizing with DropBox
Karen Prince
Author, Writing Software Teacher and Book Cover Designer.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 64 votes
- 4 stars: 211 votes
- 5 stars: 616 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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