Self-Publishing Amazon Kindle Expert – Eight Courses in One
Self-Publishing Amazon Kindle Expert – Eight Courses in One, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 160 lectures, based on 115 reviews, and has 5633 subscribers.
You will learn about How to discover endless book ideas that will really sell How to write nonfiction books in simple steps How to write so readers understand How to write in a way most readers love How to create top quality books that sell themselves How to format your books so they look professional The top three things that sell most books Kindle book marketing methods that get results The ultimate way to get Kindle book reviews… that sell This course is ideal for individuals who are Existing and aspiring nonfiction authors on Amazon Kindle or Writers interested in self-publishing Kindle books It is particularly useful for Existing and aspiring nonfiction authors on Amazon Kindle or Writers interested in self-publishing Kindle books.
Enroll now: Self-Publishing Amazon Kindle Expert – Eight Courses in One
Title: Self-Publishing Amazon Kindle Expert – Eight Courses in One
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 160
Number of Published Lectures: 159
Number of Curriculum Items: 160
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 159
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to discover endless book ideas that will really sell
- How to write nonfiction books in simple steps
- How to write so readers understand
- How to write in a way most readers love
- How to create top quality books that sell themselves
- How to format your books so they look professional
- The top three things that sell most books
- Kindle book marketing methods that get results
- The ultimate way to get Kindle book reviews… that sell
Who Should Attend
- Existing and aspiring nonfiction authors on Amazon Kindle
- Writers interested in self-publishing Kindle books
Target Audiences
- Existing and aspiring nonfiction authors on Amazon Kindle
- Writers interested in self-publishing Kindle books
For nonfiction authors.
Hi, my name is Ian Stables. I wrote more than 50 Kindle books and made around $1K a month on Amazon all while holding a full-time job using easy, fast and highly effective methods I alone created. These book writing and marketing methods are different to what other authors were using. All these methods work… and they will work for you.
What I discovered
I thought my first book would sell well. I had spent a lot of time on it. Sadly, it just got a few sales a month. I had a lot to learn.
I used to find the whole process a struggle. It was hard and time consuming.
First was the hours of trying to decide on a subject to write about.
Then came the long process of writing.
Next came the headache of editing. I did my best to get rid of spelling mistakes and poor wording. I was meticulous. Imagine how frustrated I was when I still found errors existed.
After the editing was done, I still had to format the text, titles, and create a clickable table of contents.
When the book was finished, I then had to write the book blurb to sell it. However, I was fairly good at this, as I had spent years learning.
At last, I would publish my book. I sat back expecting the sales to flood in. But no. I got very few sales with my first efforts.
I was determined to be a success. Others were getting results. Why not me?
I’ve lost count of how many books I read, not to mention the endless hours of brain numbing Youtube videos.
Gradually, I discovered new ideas and methods. But I still wasn’t satisfied. So I spent a lot of time thinking as well as testing lots of different methods.
Was it worth all the effort? You bet.
My second Kindle book made 66 sales in less than 12 hours after my free promotion ended. It stayed a best-seller for more than two years.
Get these eight self-publishing courses in one(15 hours of video training):
Endless Nonfiction Book Ideas – You’ll Never Run Out Again
Write In Steps: The Amazing Nonfiction Book Writing Formula
How to Write a Nonfiction Bestselling Book or eBook
How to Create Nonfiction Books That Sell Themselves
Format Professional Kindle Books Easily and Quickly
The Top Three Things That Sell Most Kindle Nonfiction Books
The Book Marketing System That Never Fails
Ultimate Way to Get Kindle Book Reviews… That Sell
In these eight courses, I’m going to teach you everything I know so you can be successful too
You’ll be able to come up with a nonfiction book idea in minutes. A subject you know will sell.
You’ll be able to write books in simple steps.
There is no long editing process. I know a way to catch every error.
You’ll be able to quickly format your books and create a clickable table of contents.
You’ll know how to set it up to sell. So when someone sees your book, they’re very likely to buy.
You’ll know the few marketing methods that really work.
Course 1 – Endless Nonfiction Book Ideas – You’ll Never Run Out Again
Do you struggle finding a book idea that will sell? I did too. Until now.
I’ll give you the method I used to get best-selling book ideas in minutes.
I use to struggle and spend many hours trying to find an idea for my next book. I tested many different methods. Most were not very effective and took far too long. I discarded the ones that didn’t give great results. What was left was a few methods that were easy and quick at finding profitable book ideas.
When you’ve finished this course, you will always be able to come up with book ideas quickly and easily.
Course 2 – Write In Steps: The Amazing Nonfiction Book Writing Formula
Do you wish there was an easier and faster way to write your Kindle books?
Well now you can. My unique step-by-step system makes book writing far simpler. So simple that anyone can do it.
Like most, writing a book was time consuming and far from easy. I set out to read every book I could find on the subject. I also spent many hours watching countless Youtube videos.
I started creating a step-by-step book writing system using what I learned. It still wasn’t perfect so I moved things around, replaced steps with others until I finally had a super simple effective way of writing books. One I could use again and again.
With this process, you’ll be able to quickly plan and write your books in simple steps.
Course 3 – How to Write a Nonfiction Bestselling Book or eBook
Do you want to know what makes the difference between a top best-seller to other books?
There is one thing that separates best-sellers from other books. All the top books include it.
I was reading a very famous book. It has sold more copies than any other book apart from the Bible. I then read another book by the same author. In it, he referred to the book and explained how the book would have not done well without a certain ingredient.
This course will not only tell you what this is but also how to do it effectively. This one thing will make the book your own and stand out amongst others.
Course 4 How to Create Nonfiction Books That Sell Themselves
There are other things you need to do to get ultimate book sales results. You’re about to learn how to ramp up your results. I had a book that outsold every other book I published. It was a top seller for more than two years. It had certain ingredients. I’m going to show you what these are and how to do it.
Course 5 – Format Professional Kindle Books Easily and Quickly
With this unique method, you’ll be able to quickly format your work into professional looking books. Ones that will attract more sales.
If a book it not formatted to look professional, if will put many people off from reading it. This course will show you a simple quick way of formatting your book.
Formatting can be very time consuming. This course shows how to do this quickly and make the text look professional.
I used to spend a lot of time formatting my first Kindle books. I always knew I had this to do when I had finished writing and editing.
I decided to make this process not only simpler but a lot faster. So I came up with a system that created a template. Every time I wrote a new book I simply used this template.
Course 6 – The Top Three Things That Sell Most Kindle Nonfiction Books
The book page is what will get people to buy your book. If it isn’t done right, you will struggle to get buyers. This course shows you how to make your book page sell well.
Like you, I wanted to get as many sales as possible from my books. I spent a long time studying what get people to buy. I found there were three main things.
With the know how in this course, you will always be able to get book sales.
Course 7 – The Book Marketing System That Never Fails
There are many book marketing methods being taught online. This course will teach you the few that get the best results.
I spent weeks and months learning all the different methods and testing each one. Most of them didn’t get much results if any. However, I found that a handful did. I decided to use just these. They always served me well, as they will you.
Course 8 – Ultimate Way to Get Kindle Book Reviews That Sell
Readers use book reviews to help them decide to buy or not. This will show you how to get those important reviews. Genuine reviews.
If you use tricks to get reviews, they won’t be genuine or convincing.
This popular course shows you how to get them.
If you want to write quality books faster and sell more books, enroll now and join more than 5,000 students who have already enrolled.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Endless Nonfiction Book Ideas – You'll Never Run Out Again
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: It must be…
Lecture 3: Write a book that can't be copied
Lecture 4: What do people want to learn about? – Ideas are no good without this
Lecture 5: The book idea people jump for
Lecture 6: How to get great ideas from book product pages
Lecture 7: The place with huge lists of book ideas
Lecture 8: The place of ideas, knowledge, and secrets… and the two special words
Lecture 9: Let the professionals tell you what to write about
Lecture 10: The product ideas that are very enjoyable to write about
Lecture 11: Try this new one
Lecture 12: The targeting trick
Lecture 13: The three steps that make your book better than the rest
Lecture 14: New: The final biggie
Lecture 15: All the ideas
Lecture 16: The secret sauce that sells more books
Lecture 17: Easy way to spot book ideas
Chapter 3: Write In Steps: The Amazing Nonfiction Book Writing Formula
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Step one – The first simple two minute step
Lecture 3: Step two – Add a list to each item on your main list (You must do this next)
Lecture 4: Step three – The final lists that make sure everything is in your book
Lecture 5: Get it sorted – It's important to have your lists in order before you move on.
Lecture 6: My top 'Conversation Method' – You always know what to say (A game changer)
Lecture 7: The easy way to word it the way readers love
Lecture 8: You must answer these questions and the most effective way to do it – Pt 1
Lecture 9: You must answer these questions and the most effective way to do it – Pt 2
Lecture 10: You must answer these questions and the most effective way to do it – Pt 3
Lecture 11: You must answer these questions and the most effective way to do it – Pt 4
Lecture 12: Two things you should do that make your book top quality
Lecture 13: Add More Quality Content… With Little Writing (Secret of Professional Books)
Lecture 14: You need to understand this first
Lecture 15: Steps 1 and 2 – Save time and find every error and poor wording
Lecture 16: Step 3 – This makes your words sound natural
Lecture 17: What I always look for
Lecture 18: How to finish the rest of your points
Lecture 19: What is the purpose of your introduction and what to offer readers
Lecture 20: The hook – You must have this first
Lecture 21: I reveal the very powerful story of discovery
Lecture 22: The powerful feature/benefit formula
Lecture 23: The super easy conclusion – It's simplicity itself (Readers love it)
Lecture 24: I walk you through all the simple steps
Lecture 25: How to Write Your Entire Book in a Mindmap #1
Lecture 26: How to Write Your Entire Book in a Mindmap #2
Lecture 27: How to Write Your Entire Book in a Mindmap #3
Lecture 28: The Little Books Method – Make Big Books Easy To Write
Lecture 29: Mind map used in the course – PDF format
Lecture 30: Mind map used in the course – Freemind format file type
Chapter 4: How to Write a Nonfiction Bestselling Book or eBook
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course – Must watch first
Lecture 2: What is this golden nugget that makes books top best-sellers?
Lecture 3: Need to know this first
Lecture 4: The best way to teach
Lecture 5: How to EASILY demonstrate anything
Lecture 6: The best way to warn your readers
Lecture 7: The top way to persuade readers
Lecture 8: How to get readers to believe what you say and trust you
Lecture 9: A mistake you must avoid
Lecture 10: What I strongly recommend you have
Lecture 11: The best way to remember them
Lecture 12: Time travel method
Lecture 13: The places method
Lecture 14: The people method
Lecture 15: The things method
Lecture 16: The done method
Lecture 17: The events method
Lecture 18: Other goldmines you need to take advantage of
Lecture 19: The easiest way to write them
Lecture 20: The structure
Lecture 21: To make it more powerful, you must…
Lecture 22: The technique for explaining things and giving readers Ah Ha moments
Lecture 23: In a nutshell
Chapter 5: How to Create Nonfiction Books That Sell Themselves
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Secret to High Long-Term Sales
Lecture 3: The Top Three Things Your Book Must Have
Lecture 4: Without This, They Won't Understand Your Book
Lecture 5: Powerful Tool to Help Them Understand Anything
Lecture 6: How to Clearly Explain Everything
Lecture 7: The Ingredient Readers Love in All Top Selling Books
Lecture 8: Write Your Book the Way Readers Love
Lecture 9: What Makes Your Book Awesome
Lecture 10: Don't Make This Mistake
Lecture 11: What You Should Do Differently
Lecture 12: What to Improve
Lecture 13: Easily Produce the Best Book Out There
Lecture 14: Create Better Methods and Systems Than Others – Part One
Lecture 15: Create Better Methods and Systems Than Others – Part Two
Lecture 16: Create Better Methods and Systems Than Others – Part Three
Lecture 17: How to Easily Know What Readers Want – Guaranteed
Lecture 18: Without This, Little or No Sales
Lecture 19: Make Sure of Long Term Book Sales
Lecture 20: Do This to Make Your Book Sell More
Lecture 21: The Best Way to Get Raving Fans
Lecture 22: How to Jumpstart Your Book Sales
Lecture 23: How to Sell Without Selling
Lecture 24: You must do this
Ian Stables
Kindle author. More than 100,000 students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 52 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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