Set Up a Simple Quality Improvement System
Set Up a Simple Quality Improvement System, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 4, with 22 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 29 reviews, and has 225 subscribers.
You will learn about Set up a complete quality management system Implement this system immediately Get all employees actively participating in this system Identify problems, needs or concerns Measure the degree of the issue to be improved Develop possible solutions based on data measurements Implement and test solutions Identify solutions that contribute to improvement Implement these solutions Manage an ongoing improvement system to identify and resolve issues and improve procedures Use this system to save thousands of wasted dollars from inefficient policies and procedures Streamline the transition from one department to another (i.e. sales dept. to billing dept.) Smooth conflict where responsibilities fall into the gray areas of "whose responsibility is it?" Connect the dots between every policy and procedure in your organization. Your systems will connect and flow smoothly. Or use this system to manage your sole proprietorship and quality improvements simultaneously. Create specific, measurable criteria for grant proposals, tracking progress and outcomes This course is ideal for individuals who are You are an ideal student for this course if you want to implement a simple continuous quality improvement or total quality management system for a service business of any size, from a sole proprietorship to thousands of employees. or You won't need any prior knowledge of quality improvement and management techniques to implement this simple and highly effective system that can be used by anyone with as little as a 10th grade education. or This is a system that works well and gets all employees involved. (We implemented this at our 250 employee hospital district over 15 months, at a time when other quality improvement systems were "boasting" seven-year "fast" implementations.) or You can get your system started tomorrow, literally, and see results within weeks. It takes less than two hours to learn everything you need to know to use this system. or You don't need to wait until your entire organization is trained to start making improvements that make a difference. or This course consists of two parts: 1) Philosophy: You will learn the simple things that make an improvement system work while also improving your working environment 2) You will learn a simple, 3-form, non-blaming system for identifying a root-cause of a problem, identifying, implementing and testing solutions, and working with problems that originate or spill over to other departments without causing conflict. or Need a promotion! You'll look like an absolute genius to your boss when you show them how this system works. or This course is great for any service business of any size. or Anyone who needs to write measurable criteria for surveys, root cause analysis, & measuring degree of problems and improvements or This course may not have enough detail for manufacturing or other businesses that have product inspections as part of their quality program. But it is still a great place to start, and is flexible enough to add the required tasks. It is particularly useful for You are an ideal student for this course if you want to implement a simple continuous quality improvement or total quality management system for a service business of any size, from a sole proprietorship to thousands of employees. or You won't need any prior knowledge of quality improvement and management techniques to implement this simple and highly effective system that can be used by anyone with as little as a 10th grade education. or This is a system that works well and gets all employees involved. (We implemented this at our 250 employee hospital district over 15 months, at a time when other quality improvement systems were "boasting" seven-year "fast" implementations.) or You can get your system started tomorrow, literally, and see results within weeks. It takes less than two hours to learn everything you need to know to use this system. or You don't need to wait until your entire organization is trained to start making improvements that make a difference. or This course consists of two parts: 1) Philosophy: You will learn the simple things that make an improvement system work while also improving your working environment 2) You will learn a simple, 3-form, non-blaming system for identifying a root-cause of a problem, identifying, implementing and testing solutions, and working with problems that originate or spill over to other departments without causing conflict. or Need a promotion! You'll look like an absolute genius to your boss when you show them how this system works. or This course is great for any service business of any size. or Anyone who needs to write measurable criteria for surveys, root cause analysis, & measuring degree of problems and improvements or This course may not have enough detail for manufacturing or other businesses that have product inspections as part of their quality program. But it is still a great place to start, and is flexible enough to add the required tasks.
Enroll now: Set Up a Simple Quality Improvement System
Title: Set Up a Simple Quality Improvement System
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 22
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 22
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Set up a complete quality management system
- Implement this system immediately
- Get all employees actively participating in this system
- Identify problems, needs or concerns
- Measure the degree of the issue to be improved
- Develop possible solutions based on data measurements
- Implement and test solutions
- Identify solutions that contribute to improvement
- Implement these solutions
- Manage an ongoing improvement system to identify and resolve issues and improve procedures
- Use this system to save thousands of wasted dollars from inefficient policies and procedures
- Streamline the transition from one department to another (i.e. sales dept. to billing dept.)
- Smooth conflict where responsibilities fall into the gray areas of "whose responsibility is it?"
- Connect the dots between every policy and procedure in your organization. Your systems will connect and flow smoothly.
- Or use this system to manage your sole proprietorship and quality improvements simultaneously.
- Create specific, measurable criteria for grant proposals, tracking progress and outcomes
Who Should Attend
- You are an ideal student for this course if you want to implement a simple continuous quality improvement or total quality management system for a service business of any size, from a sole proprietorship to thousands of employees.
- You won't need any prior knowledge of quality improvement and management techniques to implement this simple and highly effective system that can be used by anyone with as little as a 10th grade education.
- This is a system that works well and gets all employees involved. (We implemented this at our 250 employee hospital district over 15 months, at a time when other quality improvement systems were "boasting" seven-year "fast" implementations.)
- You can get your system started tomorrow, literally, and see results within weeks. It takes less than two hours to learn everything you need to know to use this system.
- You don't need to wait until your entire organization is trained to start making improvements that make a difference.
- This course consists of two parts: 1) Philosophy: You will learn the simple things that make an improvement system work while also improving your working environment 2) You will learn a simple, 3-form, non-blaming system for identifying a root-cause of a problem, identifying, implementing and testing solutions, and working with problems that originate or spill over to other departments without causing conflict.
- Need a promotion! You'll look like an absolute genius to your boss when you show them how this system works.
- This course is great for any service business of any size.
- Anyone who needs to write measurable criteria for surveys, root cause analysis, & measuring degree of problems and improvements
- This course may not have enough detail for manufacturing or other businesses that have product inspections as part of their quality program. But it is still a great place to start, and is flexible enough to add the required tasks.
Target Audiences
- You are an ideal student for this course if you want to implement a simple continuous quality improvement or total quality management system for a service business of any size, from a sole proprietorship to thousands of employees.
- You won't need any prior knowledge of quality improvement and management techniques to implement this simple and highly effective system that can be used by anyone with as little as a 10th grade education.
- This is a system that works well and gets all employees involved. (We implemented this at our 250 employee hospital district over 15 months, at a time when other quality improvement systems were "boasting" seven-year "fast" implementations.)
- You can get your system started tomorrow, literally, and see results within weeks. It takes less than two hours to learn everything you need to know to use this system.
- You don't need to wait until your entire organization is trained to start making improvements that make a difference.
- This course consists of two parts: 1) Philosophy: You will learn the simple things that make an improvement system work while also improving your working environment 2) You will learn a simple, 3-form, non-blaming system for identifying a root-cause of a problem, identifying, implementing and testing solutions, and working with problems that originate or spill over to other departments without causing conflict.
- Need a promotion! You'll look like an absolute genius to your boss when you show them how this system works.
- This course is great for any service business of any size.
- Anyone who needs to write measurable criteria for surveys, root cause analysis, & measuring degree of problems and improvements
- This course may not have enough detail for manufacturing or other businesses that have product inspections as part of their quality program. But it is still a great place to start, and is flexible enough to add the required tasks.
This quality management system will engage you quickly by breaking your improvement down into chewable bits that you can correct with little effort. It’s also a program that’s just plain fun to do, and at the same time super simple, and proven to be highly effective?
How to Set Up a Simple Quality Improvement Systemis a fun, simple and effective way to find solutions of almost any kind. It will rival any CQI or TQM program you’ll find. Not only can you learn all you need to know in 2 hours, you could start implementing it while you’re taking this course. And I’ll guide you, so you can use your own improvement as your course project.
Set Up An Easy, Productive QM System Overnight, Literally
This complete quality improvement and quality management system can be used to generate:
New revenue opportunities
Complete improvement and risk management plans
Plans to resolve problems, needs and concerns
and does this just by letting people do what they do best ~ their jobs.
Whether you’re a sole proprietor, or have hundreds, even thousands of employees, this system will help you tap the latent resources that lie within your employees, clients, and even your critics, and convert that knowledge into growth, improvement and profits for you and your company.
And talk about simplifying risk management: This is a program we used with great success in our rural hospital district. We not only used this CQI system to develop a very successful fall-prevention program for our elderly residents that reduced falls 40% over 8 months, but extended that program to a community-wide program designed to improve safety for all residents. That program was designed to interconnect all health care discharge planning with all fitness, health, and recreation programs in the community, right down to the public swimming pool. The point being that this simple system enabled us to create a very complex program involving a number of internal and external entities.
But our internal fall-prevention program was entirely the work of the staff from four different departments: Long Term Care Center, Physical Therapy, Dietary and Laundry.
Other improvements recovered $16,000 in fraudulent overcharges from a vendor to just one department for a single year; one month’s salary equivalent plus another $7,200 in administration expenses, by installing a convenience and safety device for employees; countless dollars and improved safety by improving medication storage; and many, many more improvements ~ all developed by employees. We also created dozens of new, grant-fundable programs that expanded our services and met needs that weren’t previously met. I’ll tell you how they did it, and teach you to do this for your business.
You’ll learn how the LTCC reduced their employee turnover of 135% to about 5% per year. No one wanted to leave anymore. Employees were happy. Patients (customers) were happy. You, too, can have happy employees.
And you’ll learn how to overcome the most common reasons to resist change.
You’ll get:
Our timeless 92-page ebook “CQI/TQM for the Rest of Us”
All the forms we discuss
Flow maps to help you picture the flow of everything
All of the preparation steps to take
Detailed how-to’s for identifying root causes, and developing improvements
Instructions on how to train employees and implement this program
One-to-one support from me as you set your program up.
Just post your questions in the discussion area of the course and I’ll guide you in applying this system to your situations.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Quality Management
Lecture 1: Welcome and Introduction to Continuous Quality Management
Lecture 2: CQI Textbook Download
Lecture 3: Analyze Your Market or Other Potential
Lecture 4: CQI Course Objectives
Chapter 2: Foundations for a Successful Quality Management Program
Lecture 1: Results of an effective CQI system
Lecture 2: The Importance of CQI Philosophy
Chapter 3: Features and Benefits of this CQI System
Lecture 1: Features and Benefits of CQI
Lecture 2: The Customer is Always Right
Lecture 3: CQI Empowers Employees
Lecture 4: CQI: The Hub of Quality Service
Lecture 5: More Benefits of CQI
Chapter 4: Preparing to Set Up a CQI Management System
Lecture 1: Initial Steps to Set Up a CQI Management System
Lecture 2: More Initial Steps; Wrap-Up
Chapter 5: Resistance to Change
Lecture 1: Overcoming Resistance to Change
Chapter 6: CQI System: This is the "How-To" Part
Lecture 1: Setup for Success: Breaking Things Down to Chewable Chunks
Lecture 2: CQI Worksheet
Lecture 3: Data Collection Forms
Lecture 4: Audit Summary Form
Lecture 5: Reporting
Chapter 7: Writing Criteria
Lecture 1: How to write specific and measurable criteria
Chapter 8: Review and Flow Map of this System
Lecture 1: CQI/TQM for the Rest of Us: Course Review
Lecture 2: Further Reading and Next Steps to Implementation
Michele Boyer, RRT
Grant Professional ~ Writing, planning, managing since 1989
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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