Simple & Easy – Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM)
Simple & Easy – Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM), available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.54, with 13 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 516 reviews, and has 4340 subscribers.
You will learn about You’ll have a precise understanding of logistics and supply chain function and operation. You’ll learn how to design, refine, plan, and execute logistics and supply chain processes. You’ll understand the importance of the roles played by warehouse activities, facilities, processes, and operations. you’ll learn how to maintain, measure, and control inventory costs, economic order quantities, lead times, periodic review systems, and safety stock levels. You will prepare yourself for a high paying supply chain career. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who want to make a career in Supply Chain It is particularly useful for Students who want to make a career in Supply Chain.
Enroll now: Simple & Easy – Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM)
Title: Simple & Easy – Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM)
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.54
Number of Lectures: 13
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 13
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 25
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 25
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You’ll have a precise understanding of logistics and supply chain function and operation.
- You’ll learn how to design, refine, plan, and execute logistics and supply chain processes.
- You’ll understand the importance of the roles played by warehouse activities, facilities, processes, and operations.
- you’ll learn how to maintain, measure, and control inventory costs, economic order quantities, lead times, periodic review systems, and safety stock levels.
- You will prepare yourself for a high paying supply chain career.
Who Should Attend
- Students who want to make a career in Supply Chain
Target Audiences
- Students who want to make a career in Supply Chain
What is this course all about?
This course has been created to give a head start on the Supply chain and its various components. The basic objective of this course is to introduce you to the basic concepts and equip you with the job-oriented supply chain knowledge, that is considered bare minimum for a supply chain professional.
In short. A hand book on Basics of Supply chain management.
Why you need this course?
Because you need to beat the competition. As simple as that! Indian Supply chain Industry is hiring like never before. Jobs are being added every day. The demand for supply chain professionals is going up and the supply for readymade SCM talent is almost non-existent. Companies are looking for trained manpower in the field of supply chain and you could get the first mover’s advantage if you go through this course.
The course has been designed by our SCM experts after going through more than 1500 job descriptions of leading job portals of India.
Listen to our expert’s way of answering questions related to key concepts and speak like a true supply chain professional – just the way they want it!
Who can be benefitted?
Freshers – This course has been designed for freshers who have just cleared their exams and are looking for a head start in Supply chain jobs
Mid-Career shift – People looking to join the logistics and supply chain bandwagon where 1.5 million jobs are there in 2018 itself
Sabbatical Guys – have just come back from a short-term break. You are in for a pleasant surprise.
Anyone in for Supply Chain Management Knowledge – Anyone who needs a guide on supply chain jobs across India. Right from experienced people to Housewife’s- This is for everyone.
Testimonials –
It was helpful in facing my second SCM job interview in Bangalore. I was able to answer most of the questions and got selected.
Rameswar Reddy
Never knew about the existence of jobs Supply Chain management till I reached here. I am not going back to those excel sheets again. Thanks Team Aadini.
Kuljit Singh
First time I got to see something which was easy and beautifully explained. Was going through internet pages for preparing for interview – to check definitions and memorise concepts. This is much easier. Anuj Talwar
Course Contents – Quick Tour
Module 1 – Basics of Supply Chain
This module introduces you to the world of supply chain focusing on its objectives, the every day solutions that it provides and make you feel how you too are a part of supply chain without even realizing it.
In this module, You will learn
What is supply chain?
What is Global supply chain?
Why do we need a global supply chain?
Module 2- Basics Of Demand Management
This module explains you one of the most demanded but less understood facet of supply chain – The demand management. Unblocking the puzzles of demand management would give a competitive advantage over your rivals. A must learn topic if you are serious about a career in SCM.
In this module, You will learn
What is demand management?
Relationship between supply and demand in the SCM arena
Real time examples on Demand Management
Module 3 – Basics Of Manufacturing Processes
This module shows you how manufacturing can be the most crucial part in a supply chain, something which you might not have thought of. After going through this , your views on manufacturing would never be the same again
In this module, You will learn
What is manufacturing
Key roles of manufacturing
Manufacturing companies’ business models
Manufacturing environments
factors influencing the choice of a particular manufacturing environment
Process choices in manufacturing
Module 4 – Basics Of Warehouse management
A simple name with not so simple procedures and guidelines. Warehousing forms the backbone of any manufacturing organization. The more competent your warehouses are in your supply chain, the more equipped your business is for unforeseen events. Something, which no supply chain manager can avoid today.
In this module, You will learn
What is warehousing?
Why is it needed?
Different kinds of warehouses
Warehouse management system
Why Warehouse management systems are needed in 2018?
Module 5- Basics Of Transportation Management
A term that you think you know all about, but as you reach the one-minute mark you would find that, there is more to it than what meets the eye. The concept of transportation is no longer seen as just movement of people and products. It has moved to a different dimension altogether. Time for a reality check!
In this module, You will learn
What is transportation?
Modes of transportation
Mode selection – the deciding factor
Module 6 – Physical Distribution
If you have reached this far and have started to think that now you have a sound understanding about how the global supply chain operates, hold your thoughts right there. Because we are just getting started. Physical distribution shall make you understand how you get something at your door step, which is manufactured thousands of kilometres away. Explore now to find out what you are missing out.
In this module, You will learn
What is physical distribution?
What is global distribution?
Factors influencing the physical distribution system.
Types of physical distribution activities.
Module 7 – Basics Of Logistics Management
One of the most searched concepts on Google after supply chain. This module would tell you all the basic things that you must know before heading out to that all-important job interview. Want to know what you are going to be asked by the leading logistics companies of India and the world? Check this out.
In this module, You will learn
What is Logistics?
Role of logistics professionals.
Why logistics has suddenly become so important?
Role of logistics in supply chain management
Module 8 –Basics Of Inventory Management
How do you add up to your company’s profits without even being part of the sales and marketing team? Simple! By ensuring that your inventory is moving in the righ direction. Because if it is not. Then your company and career are moving in the wrong direction. A few simple steps can make you the most sought-after employee in your organization. Time to find out – How?
In this module, You will learn
What is inventory?
Role of inventory in SCM
Types of inventory
Inventory replenishment
Inventory management
Module 9 – Basics Of Procurement Management
Interviewers across companies would like to know how well you understand the supply chain. Therefore, they would grind you where it matters the most on the ground – the concept of procurement. Gone are the days when purchasing was considered the most advanced way of getting the raw materials for your organization. Find out what’s new?
In this module, You will learn
What is procurement?
Procurement Processes
Maintaining relationships with Suppliers
Module 10 – Integrated supply chain
This is one of the most crucial section of our learning program. Joining all the pieces together and understanding how the concepts work together is an important thing and you would learn how an integrated supply chain works. This topic can throw some big-time surprises for you when it comes to the functioning of the supply chain.
In this module, You will learn
What is an integrated supply chain?
Logistics Vs Supply Chain – The difference
The big picture of supply chain.
How do you learn?
Once you start the course you will be taken through the following steps
Course Video– This would give you all the information that you need to know. Every concept is clearly explained with the help of detailed animations.
Quiz – Each video lecture is followed by a mentally stimulating quiz which would throw 4 options against each question. Based on your understanding about the concept, you ned to pick the correct one.
Is a career in supply chain management worth the hype that it has created?
In the year 2018, more than 1.8 million people are going to join the supply chain industry. Government of India has invested in several projects. With more mega cities coming up and bringing people and businesses closer with an improved supply chain infrastructure it is just the right time to start a career in the supply chain industry. Technology has become affordable and that’s the reason even smaller companies have jumped in the supply chain bandwagon. Big or small, experienced or non-experienced – this sector has got something for everybody who wants to be a part of it.
Why have you opted for a video-based form of learning instead of the conventional methods such as word or ppt?
The feedback that we have received from hundreds of students and professionals is that, it is difficult to understand complex concepts just by plain reading the document or going through the ppt. Learning through video is more convenient as you get lots of information neatly arranged and explained in a better manner. Most importantly, you do not need to flip through hundreds of pages while preparing for an interview.
If I find that something is not there, Can I request for a lesson additionally?
We believe in providing complete information to students so that they jump start their careers in supply chain. However if you have any concerns regarding any particular topic, we would take it up and try to present it before you so that the chain of learning does not stop.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Lecture 1: Introduction to supply chain
Lecture 2: What is Global Supply chain?
Chapter 2: Basics Of Demand Management
Lecture 1: What is Demand Management ?
Chapter 3: Basics Of Manufacturing Processes
Lecture 1: What is manufacturing ?
Lecture 2: Types of Manufacturing Environment
Chapter 4: Basics Of Warehouse Management
Lecture 1: What is warehousing ?
Lecture 2: Warehouse management System
Chapter 5: Transportation Management
Lecture 1: What is transportation ?
Chapter 6: Physical Distribution of Goods
Lecture 1: What is Physical Distribution ?
Chapter 7: Basics Of Logistics Management
Lecture 1: Basics of Logistics Management?
Chapter 8: Basics Of Inventory Management
Lecture 1: What is Inventory ?
Chapter 9: Basics Of Procurement Management
Lecture 1: What is Procurement ?
Chapter 10: Basics Of Integrated Supply Chain
Lecture 1: What is an Integrated Supply chain ?
Aadini Supply Chain School
Preparing Learners for a Supply Chain Career
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 103 votes
- 4 stars: 231 votes
- 5 stars: 165 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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