SQL Data Analyst – SQL , Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL
SQL Data Analyst – SQL , Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 109 lectures, based on 243 reviews, and has 15831 subscribers.
You will learn about Analyse and manipulate data Create Database and Tables Analyse data using aggregate functions Analyse data using analytic functions Analyse data using ranking functions Analyse data using various operators Analyse data using sub queries Analyse data using views This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Data Analyst or Beginner Data Scientist It is particularly useful for Beginner Data Analyst or Beginner Data Scientist.
Enroll now: SQL Data Analyst – SQL , Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Title: SQL Data Analyst – SQL , Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Published Lectures: 108
Number of Curriculum Items: 109
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 108
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Analyse and manipulate data
- Create Database and Tables
- Analyse data using aggregate functions
- Analyse data using analytic functions
- Analyse data using ranking functions
- Analyse data using various operators
- Analyse data using sub queries
- Analyse data using views
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Data Analyst
- Beginner Data Scientist
Target Audiences
- Beginner Data Analyst
- Beginner Data Scientist
A SQL data analyst is a data scientist that uses the SQL language to interpret data.
This analysis is used to improve business information and provide new insights to managers.
SQL data analysts design scripts and programs to perform specific database functions and to analyse and maintain data.
Some SQL Data Analyst Duties and Responsibilities
Duties vary for SQL data analysts based on the specific needs of the hiring company and the amount of data being analysed. However, these core tasks are commonly associated with this job:
Integrate Data
SQL data analysts integrate data from multiple data sets into o:ne database system to streamline information.
Create Database Functions
SQL data analysts program specific database functions to create database triggers and design data tables.
Design Reports
After reviewing and analysing data, SQL data analysts design reports to show statistics and other information about specific database topics.
Clean Database
SQL data analysts remove dead data files and other irrelevant information to free up database space.
Write Scripts
SQL data analysts write scripts to analyse data and perform specific data queries.
Resolve Data Issues
SQL data analysts isolate and resolve issues with data and databases.
Add Data
SQL data analysts collect data from multiple sources and add it to the database.
We will be performing data analysis using SQL on relational databases like: MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server.
A relational database is a type of database. It uses a structure that allows us to identify and access data in relation to another piece of data in the database. Often, data in a relational database is organized into tables. A relational database includes tables containing rows and columns. For example, a typical business order entry database would include a table that describes a customer with columns for name, address, phone number and so forth.
SQLor Structured Query Language is a critical tool for data professionals. It is undoubtedly the most important language for getting a job in the field of data analysis or data sciences. Millions of data points are being generated every minute. And raw data does not have any story to tell. After all this data gets stored in databases and professionals use SQL to extract this data for further analysis.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is SQL
Lecture 3: What is a Data Analyst
Lecture 4: What is MySQL
Lecture 5: What is PostgreSQL
Lecture 6: What is SQL Server
Lecture 7: What is T-SQL
Lecture 8: Basic Database Concepts
Lecture 9: What is a Schema
Lecture 10: Database Schema
Chapter 2: MySQL Database Server Setup
Lecture 1: MySQL Download & Installation on Windows
Lecture 2: MySQL Workbench for windows
Lecture 3: MySQL Installation on Macs
Lecture 4: Creating a new MySQL Connection
Lecture 5: Managing Server Connections
Lecture 6: Client Connections
Lecture 7: Checking MySQL Server Status
Lecture 8: MySQL Data Types
Lecture 9: Creating a database in MySQL
Lecture 10: Using IF NOT EXIST DROP
Lecture 11: Creating a table in MySQL Database
Lecture 12: Setting Default MySQL Database
Lecture 13: Using Primary Keys
Lecture 14: Using Foreign Keys
Lecture 15: SQL Statement and Query
Chapter 3: Data Analysis & Manipulation with MySQL
Lecture 1: Query Data
Lecture 2: SUB Queries
Lecture 3: Nested Sub queries
Lecture 4: Derived Tables
Lecture 5: Insert Data
Lecture 6: Update Data
Lecture 7: Delete Data
Lecture 8: Removing duplicate records
Lecture 9: Grouping Data
Lecture 10: Separating Grouped Data
Lecture 11: Sorting Data
Lecture 12: Filtering Data
Chapter 4: MySQL Data Analysis using Table Joins & Views
Lecture 1: MySQL INNER Join
Lecture 2: MySQL LEFT Join
Lecture 3: MySQL RIGHT Join
Lecture 4: MySQL SELF Join
Lecture 5: MySQL VIEWS
Lecture 6: Creating MySQL Views
Lecture 7: Query MySQL Views
Lecture 8: Modify Views
Lecture 9: Dropping a View
Chapter 5: MySQL Data Analysis using Aggregate Functions & Operators
Lecture 1: What are aggregate Functions
Lecture 2: AVG Aggregate Function
Lecture 3: COUNT Aggregate Function
Lecture 4: SUM Aggregate Function
Lecture 5: MIN Aggregate Function
Lecture 6: MAX Aggregate Function
Lecture 7: BETWEEN Operator
Lecture 8: IN Operator
Lecture 9: LIKE Operator
Lecture 10: UNION Operator
Chapter 6: PostgreSQL Setup
Lecture 1: PostgreSQL Installation on Windows
Lecture 2: PostgreSQL Installation on Macs
Lecture 3: PgAdmin Installation on Macs
Lecture 4: Connecting to PostgreSQL Database Server
Lecture 5: Download Sample Database
Chapter 7: Data Analysis with SQL on PostgreSQL Database
Lecture 1: Filtering Data
Lecture 2: Sorting Data
Lecture 3: SUB Queries
Lecture 4: Comparison Operators
Lecture 5: NOT Operators
Lecture 6: OR Operators
Lecture 7: AND Operators
Lecture 8: Combining AND | OR Operators
Chapter 8: SQL PostgreSQL Data Analysis with Analytic Functions
Lecture 1: What are Analytic Functions
Lecture 2: Creating tables
Lecture 3: Using AVG as Window Function
Lecture 4: Row Number Functions
Lecture 5: Rank Functions
Lecture 6: DENSE RANK Functions
Lecture 7: FIRST Value Function
Lecture 8: LAST Value Function
Lecture 9: LAG Function
Lecture 10: LEAD Function
Chapter 9: Microsoft SQL Server Setup
Lecture 1: SQL Server Installation Requirements
Lecture 2: SQL Server Editions
Lecture 3: SQL Server Downloads
Lecture 4: SQL Server Installation
Lecture 5: Installing SSMS
Lecture 6: Connecting to SQL Server with SSMS
Lecture 7: Install Sample Database
Chapter 10: Data Analysis with Microsoft SQL
Lecture 1: Filtering Data with equality filters
Lecture 2: Filtering Data with comparison filters
Lecture 3: Filtering Data with logical filters
Lecture 4: Filtering Data with string comparison filters
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 37 votes
- 4 stars: 79 votes
- 5 stars: 119 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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