Startup 101: Fundamentals for Starting a New Business
Startup 101: Fundamentals for Starting a New Business, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 61 lectures, based on 29 reviews, and has 330 subscribers.
You will learn about Smart planning to start up your health or life coaching business so you can become financially independent and live your dream Business taxes and deductions and what sales taxes apply in the US and internationally – if you are planning to go online with your services How to get the necessary funds to start your coaching business by learning what is needed for investors, small business grants, or even bank loans if necessary Register your business with the legal authorities, and about licenses, permits, trademarks and copyrights What legal entity is best for your business to operate, based on your tax and liabilities protection needs, as well as the insurance necessary to have Create your own business plan, in the format of your choice: traditional or simple, 1- page plan, and your strategic to project your business growth This course is ideal for individuals who are Startup entrepreneurs who want to be prepared for success in their coaching business or Entrepreneurs who want to maximize their profits by following their dream and knowing their numbers or Small Business Owners who need a boost in their path towards financial independence or Current employees who would like to start their own business and work for themselves or Self-employed individuals who operate as sole-proprietors and would like to take their business to the next level It is particularly useful for Startup entrepreneurs who want to be prepared for success in their coaching business or Entrepreneurs who want to maximize their profits by following their dream and knowing their numbers or Small Business Owners who need a boost in their path towards financial independence or Current employees who would like to start their own business and work for themselves or Self-employed individuals who operate as sole-proprietors and would like to take their business to the next level.
Enroll now: Startup 101: Fundamentals for Starting a New Business
Title: Startup 101: Fundamentals for Starting a New Business
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 61
Number of Published Lectures: 61
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Smart planning to start up your health or life coaching business so you can become financially independent and live your dream
- Business taxes and deductions and what sales taxes apply in the US and internationally – if you are planning to go online with your services
- How to get the necessary funds to start your coaching business by learning what is needed for investors, small business grants, or even bank loans if necessary
- Register your business with the legal authorities, and about licenses, permits, trademarks and copyrights
- What legal entity is best for your business to operate, based on your tax and liabilities protection needs, as well as the insurance necessary to have
- Create your own business plan, in the format of your choice: traditional or simple, 1- page plan, and your strategic to project your business growth
Who Should Attend
- Startup entrepreneurs who want to be prepared for success in their coaching business
- Entrepreneurs who want to maximize their profits by following their dream and knowing their numbers
- Small Business Owners who need a boost in their path towards financial independence
- Current employees who would like to start their own business and work for themselves
- Self-employed individuals who operate as sole-proprietors and would like to take their business to the next level
Target Audiences
- Startup entrepreneurs who want to be prepared for success in their coaching business
- Entrepreneurs who want to maximize their profits by following their dream and knowing their numbers
- Small Business Owners who need a boost in their path towards financial independence
- Current employees who would like to start their own business and work for themselves
- Self-employed individuals who operate as sole-proprietors and would like to take their business to the next level
We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries and territories.
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<<<<If you are or want to be a LIFE COACH, we have an advanced version of this course called “Business Fundamentals and Startup Life Coach Certification”, which you can enroll in instead.>>>
Welcome to the Startup Fundamentals for a Health or Life Coaching Business course!
Are you passionate about starting and growing a successful business?
Do you want to elevate your purpose and your desire of helping others to the next levels and would like to become an entrepreneur but don’t know where to start?
Do You want a hands-on, Practical guide to use to set-up your health or life coaching business?
Do you want to learn what would be the best legal business structure to use, what accounting systemsto employ and what you need to consider when opening a business bank account?
Do you want to learn about different possible business loans and other business money options?
Would you like to know how to choose your perfect health or life coaching business name and registering it with the authorities in your state or country?
Do you want to learn about available Business Funding methods, both private and institutional, about business credit and creditworthiness, as specific necessary tools to your business success?
Do you want to be prepared for business tax seasonand be aware of all the benefits and all small business tax deductions you can apply to your health or life coaching enterprise?
Are you concerned about potential business Liability and are you interested in finding out more about the legal aspectsof being in the business as a health or life coach?
Do you want to set up healthy and strong roots for a successful business life coaching practice by knowing and implementing the correct business principles, by learning how and why to create a business plan – in any format: traditional or simple, as well as why a strategic plan is a must for your business’s growth?
You have a dream to own a profitable health or life coaching business and you would love the help of an A to Z course on how to make this happen and how to make money with it?
DO you want to learn how you can create your legacy and protect your intellectual property, by understanding trademarks and copyrights?
Being a successful entrepreneur in a health and life coaching business becomes much easier and satisfying when you have the right knowledge and structure in place.
Develop a strong foundation of business knowledge related to the health and life coaching enterprises especially focused on the details of setting up your business properly, planning for your success from the start, understanding business accounting and the importance of the numbers.
Learn how and why to plan for your business’s future, developing a strategic business plan, as well as financial projections for a traditional business plan and different business strategies.
Develop a strong understanding and knowledge of the business legal aspects, taxes and insurance –needed in order to be successful and to grow your revenue and profits.
Know to calculate your health or life coaching business startup costs, as well as your monthly personal livings costs so you are not take by surprise my unexpected expenses.
Learn about business assets, liabilities and owner’s equity, where to find them on the financial reports and why are they important.
Learn the difference between sole proprietorships, corporations, partnerships and LLCs,how they are taxed and what advantages or disadvantages they offer in the long run.
Preform your business SWOT Analysis to determine your strengths and where do you need improvement or help in your journey.
Prepare for growth to overcome potential business challenges that may appear along the way.
In summary, this Startup Fundamentals for a Health or Life Coaching Business course will provide the following:
The necessary business tools needed for starting your own health or life coaching business
How to build your Business Plan and which plan format to choose from as a coach entrepreneur
How to create and read financial statements for your life coaching business
How to plan for success from the start and overcome personal fear and other obstacles
How to structure your business entity and make it profitable
Excerpts from the Course:
Section 5: BUSINESS ESSENTIALS – Taxes and Insurance
Lecture – Tax Deductions for a Small Business
“…will talk about the write-offs commonly available to small businesses that are organized as sole proprietorships, partnerships, or limited liability companies (LLCs). Some of these are directly related to running a business, and some are more personal deductions that a small business owner should be aware of because making the most of all your available tax deductions can save you hundreds—even thousands—of dollars when is tax time. We’ll get into details, but first, let’s look at a real example.
Jennifer is a self-employed, sole proprietor life coach who made $60,000 in self-employment taxable income in 2020. For simplicity we will say that she is single, not married with no children and no other types of taxable income to take in consideration. This is her full-time occupation. Based on her income, she must pay 15.3% self-employment tax plus income tax based on her individual tax rate – we’re assuming she doesn’t live in Florida or in another state without income tax. Therefore, the self-employment tax on $60,000 is $9,180 and the income tax is $4,865, for a total of $14,045 that she needs to pay in taxes at first glance. But Jennifer likes the idea of not paying in taxes more than necessary, therefore, in January 2021, Jennifer went to see an accountant for the first time and by looking at her books, the accountant identified $6,000 worth of contractor expenses that Jennifer’s business had in 2020. These expenses count as tax deductions and reduce Jennifer’s net self-employment income to $54,000 instead of the initial $60,000.00. Now, with $54,000 in taxable self-employment income, Jennifer has to pay $8,262 in self-employment tax and $4,200 in income tax, for a total of $12,462. That’s $1,583 in savings after including the contractor tax deduction. What other tax deductions are there?***”
Section 2: BUSINESS ESSENTIALS – Planning the Business
Lecture – The Executive Summary
“Here’s a suggested format for an executive summary:
1. What’s the business idea, what problem does it solve and how does it fit into the marketplace?
You’ll need to explain why your idea has merit and how it can solve a common problem by making things easier, faster, or cheaper for the prospective customer(s). No matter how brilliantly crafted, written and presented your business plan is, it will be difficult to win your investors, and customers, with a bad idea. Therefore, you want to wow them first with your idea! If they’re not interested in your idea, no matter how well is all written or what your financials are, they won’t help.
2. How much will it cost, and how much financing are you seeking?
Provide a short explanation of how you’ll use any financing you seek. Tell investors why you need the money. Nobody wants to lend you money if they don’t know exactly why you need it. It’s not necessary to get into much detail here—just make it clear that you need it for this, this and that. You should also let the reader know how the investment will help the company grow and/or increase its profits. Why else would you be seeking funding? The best use of somebody else’s money is to buy or build something that will make more money, both for you and for that person.
3. What will the return be to the investor? Over what length of time?
In your executive summary, consider the following:
Friends and family want to get their money back, but often are not very interested in timing and returns.
Bankers look for free cash flow to pay back the principal and interest of their loan. They also look closely at management experience and marketing. They may ask for collateral. By law they must be conservative, that is, risk averse, so they are not great candidates for risky financing.
Angel investors look for moderate rates of return, usually above the prime rate, plus some capital appreciation. They sometimes want to be involved at a hands-on level.
Venture capitalists seek annual compound rates of return in the area of 35 to 50 percent per year. They seldom want to go longer than three to five years to cash out. They always want to know what the exit strategy is.
Don’t forget yourself: It’s a rare company that doesn’t have any investment from the entrepreneur or entrepreneurs who started it.”
This Startup Fundamentals for a Health or Life Coaching Businesscourse is taught by Sanda Kruger, Natalie and Joeel Rivera and the Transformation Academy. Sanda Kruger, is an entrepreneur with more than 20-year experience in business development and project management in the fields of life, health and fitness coaching. She is also a real estate investor and a banker, who learned outstanding adapted business strategies, sales and marketing techniques, communication, and goal setting skills, hands-on, through life and work experiences. All these she has applied successfully numerous times in her career. This practical expertise, her personal desire to continuously learn more, to grow and be better than yesterday, together with a business education achieved in both the United States and Europe and with a history of work in the American banking industry – offer Sanda a well-rounded perspective on business, finances and how to set herself up for success and bring her to the point in her life when she feels ready to live her purpose of sharing knowledge and guide others throughout their journey.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome & Introduction
Lecture 2: Why become an entrepreneur?
Lecture 3: Who is this Course for?
Lecture 4: What to Expect at the End of the Course
Lecture 5: Meet the instructor
Lecture 6: When You Grow, Your Business Grows
Chapter 2: Business Plans – the Why? How? and When?
Lecture 1: Believe in Yourself
Lecture 2: Do Your Research
Lecture 3: Why Write a Business Plan
Lecture 4: The Traditional Business Plan Format
Lecture 5: The One-page Simple Business Plan
Lecture 6: The Strategic Business Plan
Lecture 7: The Executive Summary
Lecture 8: The Mission Statement
Lecture 9: The Vision Statement
Lecture 10: The Purpose of Your Business
Lecture 11: The Description of Your Business
Lecture 12: Business Strategies
Lecture 13: Financial Projections
Lecture 14: Your Business's SWOT Analysis
Chapter 3: Legal Business Structure, Entity, Protection and Permits/Licenses
Lecture 1: Introduction to Different Business Legal Structures
Lecture 2: Sole Proprietorships
Lecture 3: Partnerships
Lecture 4: LLCs
Lecture 5: Corporations
Lecture 6: Choosing the Best Business Name
Lecture 7: Fictitious Name or DBA – Doing Business As
Lecture 8: Register Your Business
Lecture 9: Business Permits and Licenses
Lecture 10: Trademarks
Lecture 11: Copyrights
Chapter 4: Taxation, Taxes and Insurance
Lecture 1: Pass-Through Taxation
Lecture 2: Corporate Taxes and Double Taxation
Lecture 3: The US Income Tax System
Lecture 4: Value Added Tax (VAT)
Lecture 5: The US Sales Taxation
Lecture 6: US Sales Tax Application & Nexus
Lecture 7: Possible Tax Deductions
Lecture 8: Business Insurance
Lecture 9: Risk and Insurance for Home-Based Businesses
Chapter 5: Financial: Bank Accounts, Loans and Credit
Lecture 1: Personal Living Expense List
Lecture 2: Calculate Your Startup Costs
Lecture 3: Funding Your Business – part 1
Lecture 4: Funding Your Business – part 2
Lecture 5: Opening a Business Checking Account
Lecture 6: Business Savings
Lecture 7: Business Credit Cards
Lecture 8: Business Bank Loans
Lecture 9: Business Credit
Chapter 6: Essential Business Accounting Principles
Lecture 1: Accounting and Bookkeeping for a Small Business
Lecture 2: What is a Business Asset?
Lecture 3: What is a Business Liability?
Lecture 4: What is Owner's Equity?
Lecture 5: Profit or Loss – Income Statement
Lecture 6: The Balance Sheet
Lecture 7: The Cash- Flow Statement
Lecture 8: The Break-Even Analysis
Lecture 9: Business Profitability
Chapter 7: Congratulations! Get Started!
Lecture 1: Resources and Recommendations
Lecture 2: Congratulations! Ready to Get Started!
Lecture 3: BONUS Resources You Don't Want to Miss!
Sanda Kruger
Intuitive Life & Health Coach Trainer, Entrepreneur, Author -
Transformation Services
International Academy of Life Coaching & Entrepreneurship -
Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Top instructor with over 700,000 students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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