Strategic project management
Strategic project management, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.15, with 90 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 76 reviews, and has 3252 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn strategic tools: SWOT analysis, balanced scorecard, growth-share matrix, maturity model You will learn how to analyze new situations: lean management, value stream mapping, total quality management You will be able to establish enterprise project management office and how report by using earned value management You will successfully explain complex strategies to others by using practical techniques This course is ideal for individuals who are To make your project management into next level, you must think it strategic or For a new manager who must lead several business units or Project manager eager to learn new methodologies and tools It is particularly useful for To make your project management into next level, you must think it strategic or For a new manager who must lead several business units or Project manager eager to learn new methodologies and tools.
Enroll now: Strategic project management
Title: Strategic project management
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.15
Number of Lectures: 90
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 94
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn strategic tools: SWOT analysis, balanced scorecard, growth-share matrix, maturity model
- You will learn how to analyze new situations: lean management, value stream mapping, total quality management
- You will be able to establish enterprise project management office and how report by using earned value management
- You will successfully explain complex strategies to others by using practical techniques
Who Should Attend
- To make your project management into next level, you must think it strategic
- For a new manager who must lead several business units
- Project manager eager to learn new methodologies and tools
Target Audiences
- To make your project management into next level, you must think it strategic
- For a new manager who must lead several business units
- Project manager eager to learn new methodologies and tools
Hey! I have recently updated this coursewith project types. You can learn the top difference for planning your own project successfully to meet your strategic targets and customer expectations. Enroll today!
By completing this course you have learnt advanced techniques and skills for strategic project management.
Welcome to learn Strategic Project Management!
This course will help you to become strategic project manager!
Course will start with going through what’s strategic project management and how you as a project manager can become strategic. You will learn how management is different, how organization need to change. There are strengths and weaknesses in all of us. This course will help you to make a winning from your existing strengths and how to work with your weaknesses, even change them to your strengths!
Understand the essentials!
Course will start with the most important skills needed in strategic project management. You will know how the strategic project management process will flow. This will put all the learned skills and techniques together at the end of the course.
To know which areas you need more improvement and practice we will start with analyzing current situations: strengths and weaknesses. People are different, knowing better your start it’s easier to take next level in your career!It’s not only about you, learn about your team skills as well. Project success depends on whole team!
Successful, strategic projects!
Do you have any issues in completing your projects in budget, schedule and scope which were decided? Did you know that by advanced techniques you can reach your targets easier? This course is about strategic project management: what it means and how you can take your projects into next level.
Each projects have successes and failures. I will share you tips how to change, how to do and manageand go to strategic level from the beginning of your project. This is the basis. First you analyze the current level.
You can learn all this
Make strategic project plan
Keep your strategic project budget
Finish your strategic project within given schedule
The course starts with basics and goes deeper!
In this course you will learn to how to establish enterprise project management office. It will start with basic level and continue to more strategic. Our starting point is often project office, then we start using same templates and methodologies across teams and departments. This will link project management into enterprise strategy process. You will get sample tools and templates in this course.
You will get to know needed tools, frameworks and strategic decision making process. You will also learn how to put your exact project into program context and later all of the projects and programs as a part of enterprise project management office. You will learn strategic decision makingin order to make strategic portfolio management.
How to link all into one
Understand and study enterprise expectations
Link desired outcomes to enterprise level
Follow templates, tools and methodologies in all projects and programs
Evaluate each project and program, take input to enterprise level
Cycle from enterprise level to projects and take KPI results back to strategy process
Get instant start with this course!
To make it simple: you will be able to evaluate your current level after completing this course. This is important in the journey of taking your management to the next level. To become better leader and change the future,enterprise thinking.Through out the course you get more and more tools and techniques in an easy way.
Continuous updates!
Recently this course has examples ofhow to differentiate project strategy around the world. This helps you to make successful strategy in each and every time you go to other countries or work with different nationalities. Strategy is always part of background and it gets input from people around. Learning this helps you to be always on top.
Your instructor will be available throughout the course and you can ask questions. Whenever there’s a need new materials and lectures will be added. Keep updated!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What you'll learn in this course
Lecture 2: Motivation
Lecture 3: Introduction
Chapter 2: Let's start strategic project management
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about starting strategic project management
Lecture 2: Start strategic project management
Lecture 3: Recognize your strengths
Lecture 4: Recognize your weaknesses
Lecture 5: Do you see opportunities
Lecture 6: Is there any threats
Chapter 3: Strategic Project Management Essentials
Lecture 1: Strategic Project Management Essentials
Lecture 2: Strategic Project Management Process Flow
Lecture 3: Strategic Project Management Framework
Lecture 4: How to select projects to execute
Lecture 5: Comparison of Project, Strategic and Strategic Project Management
Lecture 6: How this course will continue
Chapter 4: Strategic Project Management Methodologies
Lecture 1: Project Methodologies
Lecture 2: Project Methodologies Introduction
Lecture 3: Waterfall
Lecture 4: Agile
Lecture 5: Hybrid
Lecture 6: Critical Path Method
Lecture 7: Critical Chain Project Management
Lecture 8: Six Sigma
Lecture 9: Scrum
Lecture 10: Lean Development
Lecture 11: Lean Six Sigma
Lecture 12: Kanban
Lecture 13: Scrumban
Lecture 14: Event Chain Methodology
Lecture 15: Xtreme Programming
Lecture 16: Crystal
Lecture 17: Feature Driven Development
Lecture 18: Dynamic Systems Development Method
Lecture 19: Adaptive Software Development
Lecture 20: Rapid Application Development
Lecture 21: Rational Unified Process
Lecture 22: Spiral
Chapter 5: Project office
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about project office
Lecture 2: About project office
Lecture 3: Project practice
Lecture 4: Risk matrix
Lecture 5: Lean management
Lecture 6: Value stream mapping
Lecture 7: Case: Model for feature development
Chapter 6: Project management office
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about project management office
Lecture 2: About project management office
Lecture 3: Project methodology
Lecture 4: Status reporting in program
Lecture 5: SWOT analysis
Lecture 6: Case: New product or product line
Lecture 7: Total Quality Management
Lecture 8: Case: Benefits for Using Total Quality Management
Chapter 7: Enterprise project management office
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about enterprise project management office
Lecture 2: About enterprise project management office
Lecture 3: Decision making structure
Lecture 4: Strategic communication: Linkages
Lecture 5: Linear responsibility chart
Lecture 6: Case: Linking people and their decision making power
Lecture 7: Balanced scorecard
Lecture 8: Case: Balanced Scorecard in Action
Chapter 8: Strategic portfolio management
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about strategic portfolio management
Lecture 2: About strategic portfolio management
Lecture 3: Vision/Mission/Strategic plan/Strategic objectives
Lecture 4: Earned Value Management
Lecture 5: Maturity model
Lecture 6: Growth-share matrix
Chapter 9: Project strategy around the world
Lecture 1: Project strategy around the world
Lecture 2: Project strategy in Asia
Lecture 3: Indonesia and project strategy
Lecture 4: Singapore and project strategy
Lecture 5: Taiwan and project strategy
Lecture 6: Thailand and project strategy
Lecture 7: Vietnam and project strategy
Lecture 8: Project strategy in Europe
Lecture 9: Finland and project strategy
Lecture 10: Germany and project strategy
Lecture 11: Italy and project strategy
Lecture 12: Poland and project strategy
Chapter 10: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: About the instructor
Lecture 3: Bonus lecture
Lecture 4: Strategic thinking
Jouni Ruotanen
Strategic Project Management and Business Process Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 31 votes
- 4 stars: 21 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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