Stress Management Coaching Certification CGRSC Stress Coach
Stress Management Coaching Certification CGRSC Stress Coach, available at $124.99, has an average rating of 4.77, with 134 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 997 reviews, and has 6622 subscribers.
You will learn about September 2024 Course Updated + All Inclusive Certification on Udemy Level 1 Complete + Level 2 Practicums in Stress Management Coaching. Stress Management Assessment, Ready to Use Stress Management Coaching Sessions Plus a Plan to Enroll Clients & Effectively Run Coaching Sessions. Stress Management Coaching Training using our Proprietary Stress Management Coaching System Prepares You to Coach Anyone Today. Stress Management Coaching Course is Comprehensive! Scroll Down & Click on SHOW FULL OVERVIEW to Discover the Benefits of Joining Today. This course is ideal for individuals who are Current Life Coaches, Business Coaches, Career Coaches, Executive Coaches, Transformation Coaches, Wellness Coaches and Corporate Employees who are looking for a complete stress coaching system to use with people who are overwhelmed by stress and want natural ways to deal with stress. or New Coaches who want to focus on the niche area of stress coaching and use a complete done-for-you system. or We invite you to read the course description to take our Stress Management Coaching Certification Course Self-Assessment before joining. It is particularly useful for Current Life Coaches, Business Coaches, Career Coaches, Executive Coaches, Transformation Coaches, Wellness Coaches and Corporate Employees who are looking for a complete stress coaching system to use with people who are overwhelmed by stress and want natural ways to deal with stress. or New Coaches who want to focus on the niche area of stress coaching and use a complete done-for-you system. or We invite you to read the course description to take our Stress Management Coaching Certification Course Self-Assessment before joining.
Enroll now: Stress Management Coaching Certification CGRSC Stress Coach
Title: Stress Management Coaching Certification CGRSC Stress Coach
Price: $124.99
Average Rating: 4.77
Number of Lectures: 134
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 134
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 138
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 137
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- September 2024 Course Updated + All Inclusive Certification on Udemy Level 1 Complete + Level 2 Practicums in Stress Management Coaching.
- Stress Management Assessment, Ready to Use Stress Management Coaching Sessions Plus a Plan to Enroll Clients & Effectively Run Coaching Sessions.
- Stress Management Coaching Training using our Proprietary Stress Management Coaching System Prepares You to Coach Anyone Today.
- Stress Management Coaching Course is Comprehensive! Scroll Down & Click on SHOW FULL OVERVIEW to Discover the Benefits of Joining Today.
Who Should Attend
- Current Life Coaches, Business Coaches, Career Coaches, Executive Coaches, Transformation Coaches, Wellness Coaches and Corporate Employees who are looking for a complete stress coaching system to use with people who are overwhelmed by stress and want natural ways to deal with stress.
- New Coaches who want to focus on the niche area of stress coaching and use a complete done-for-you system.
- We invite you to read the course description to take our Stress Management Coaching Certification Course Self-Assessment before joining.
Target Audiences
- Current Life Coaches, Business Coaches, Career Coaches, Executive Coaches, Transformation Coaches, Wellness Coaches and Corporate Employees who are looking for a complete stress coaching system to use with people who are overwhelmed by stress and want natural ways to deal with stress.
- New Coaches who want to focus on the niche area of stress coaching and use a complete done-for-you system.
- We invite you to read the course description to take our Stress Management Coaching Certification Course Self-Assessment before joining.
Why take a Certification to Become a Stress Management Coach?
What will a Stress Management Coach Certificate and Accredited Credentials + Stress Management Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?
If you are searching for a coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Stress Management Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?
FACT:Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you don’t feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills. How can you compete?
FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?
These facts don’t have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Stress Management Coach Certification Course so that you can learn, achieve and master this high-demand niche coaching area.
There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this Coaching Program. Which one describes you?
GOAL #1 – You don’t care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Coach through accreditation. You want to learn this process yourself for your own personal and professional needs. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.
GOAL #2 – You are already a Coaching Professional. You don’t care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited coaching session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 “right of use” fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.
GOAL #3– You are completely new to coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach or you simply want to be listed in our coaching directory on Get Results Coach Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of 1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in the coaching directory on Get Results Coach Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.
You can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:
Stress Management Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.
Stress Management Coaching People: Who will be your coaching clients? You discover the inside track so that you can understand people better than they understand themselves.
Stress Management Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.
Stress Management Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Coaching Session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every coaching session.
Stress Management Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you don’t have to do the research or create the resources yourself.
Stress Management Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our coaching course from others.
Stress Management Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge coaching clients? Do you know how to find coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.
Stress Management Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.
Included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.
WE COVER THE 995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.
PLEASE NOTE: A “right-of-use fee” is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.
1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.
2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.
3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.
In addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of 1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you purchase this one course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.
WE COVER THE 995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.
WE COVER THE 199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.
WE COVER THE 99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Get Results Coach Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.
WE COVER THE 199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific coaching directory on Get Results Coach Academy.
WE COVER THE 299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.
Now you might be thinking “this sounds too good to be true; what’s the catch?” or you might be saying “Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price?” There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!
Joining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a coach but only you can do the work. We can’t guarantee your success or that you will make money as a coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemy’s terms for details.
But when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the 1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.
Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.
If you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question “what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up”? My response is always “ALL OF IT” because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.
You see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.
But that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I can’t do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Get Results Coach Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.
Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesn’t love a deal! More importantly though, I hope you’re fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.
I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the “Buy now” button to enroll.
I will see you in the first lecture.
Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Get Results Coach Academy
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Stress Management Coaching: Understand the Impact of Stress
Lecture 1: Stress Management Coaching Intro
Lecture 2: [Tutorial] Stress Impact Starts Here
Lecture 3: Stress Impact Part 1
Lecture 4: Stress Impact Part 2
Lecture 5: Stress Impact Part 3
Lecture 6: Stress Impact Part 4
Lecture 7: Stress Impact Part 5
Lecture 8: Stress Impact Part 6
Lecture 9: Stress Impact Part 7
Lecture 10: Stress Impact Part 8
Lecture 11: Stress Problem/Solution
Lecture 12: Stress Impact Summary
Lecture 13: Certification + FAQ
Chapter 2: Stress Test: How to Use a Stress Test in Coaching
Lecture 1: [2 Downloads] Stress Test Assessment
Lecture 2: Stress Test Set-Up
Lecture 3: Stress Test Part 1
Lecture 4: Stress Test Part 2
Lecture 5: Stress Test Part 3
Chapter 3: Stress Management Group Coaching Program
Lecture 1: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Intro
Lecture 2: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 1
Lecture 3: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 2
Lecture 4: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 3
Lecture 5: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 4
Lecture 6: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 5
Lecture 7: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 6
Lecture 8: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 7
Lecture 9: Workplace Wellness and Group Coaching Program Stress-Less Now Part 8
Chapter 4: Stress Management Coaching: Top 6 Client Case Studies
Lecture 1: Stress Management Coaching Clients
Lecture 2: [Download] Client Case Study #1
Lecture 3: [Download] Client Case Study #2
Lecture 4: [Download] Client Case Study #3
Lecture 5: [Download] Client Case Study #4
Lecture 6: [Download] Client Case Study #5
Lecture 7: [Download] Client Case Study #6
Lecture 8: QS Session Helpful Practice Activity
Lecture 9: QS Session Application
Chapter 5: Stress Management Coaching Session #1
Lecture 1: Stress Management Coaching Success
Lecture 2: [Download] S of the S-T-R-E-S-S-U Storm
Lecture 3: F of the F-R-E-E-D-O-M Formula
Lecture 4: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 1
Lecture 5: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 2
Lecture 6: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 3
Lecture 7: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 4
Lecture 8: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 5
Lecture 9: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 6
Lecture 10: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 7
Lecture 11: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 8
Lecture 12: Stress Management Coaching 1 Step 9
Lecture 13: Session #1 Helpful Practice Activity
Lecture 14: Stress Management Coaching Session 1 End
Chapter 6: Stress Management Coaching Session #2
Lecture 1: [Download] T of the S-T-R-E-S-S-U Storm
Lecture 2: R of the F-R-E-E-D-O-M Formula
Lecture 3: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 1
Lecture 4: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 2
Lecture 5: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 3
Lecture 6: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 4
Lecture 7: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 5
Lecture 8: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 6
Lecture 9: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 7
Lecture 10: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 8
Lecture 11: Stress Management Coaching 2 Step 9
Lecture 12: Session #2 Helpful Practice Activity
Chapter 7: Stress Management Coaching Session #3
Lecture 1: [Download] R of the S-T-R-E-S-S-U Storm
Lecture 2: E of the F-R-E-E-D-O-M Formula
Lecture 3: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 1
Lecture 4: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 2
Lecture 5: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 3
Lecture 6: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 4
Lecture 7: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 5
Lecture 8: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 6
Lecture 9: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 7
Lecture 10: [PDF] Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 8
Lecture 11: Stress Management Coaching 3 Step 9
Lecture 12: Session #3 Helpful Practice Activity
Chapter 8: Stress Management Coaching Session #4
Lecture 1: Stress Management Coaching Session 4 Tips with Louise
Lecture 2: [Download] E of the S-T-R-E-S-S-U Storm
Lecture 3: E of the F-R-E-E-D-O-M Formula
Lecture 4: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 1
Lecture 5: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 2
Lecture 6: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 3
Lecture 7: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 4
Lecture 8: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 5
Lecture 9: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 6
Lecture 10: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 7
Lecture 11: [PDF] Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 8
Lecture 12: Stress Management Coaching 4 Step 9
Lecture 13: Session #4 Helpful Practice Activity
Lecture 14: Stress Management Coaching Session 4 End
Chapter 9: Stress Management Coaching Session #5
Get Results Coach Academy
Management Coach Certifications|Management Coaching Training -
Louise Anne Maurice Coaching Training
Practicums | Certifications | Ongoing Pro-D | Mentoring
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 33 votes
- 2 stars: 35 votes
- 3 stars: 133 votes
- 4 stars: 292 votes
- 5 stars: 504 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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