Successful cross-cultural management
Successful cross-cultural management, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.65, with 109 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 48 reviews, and has 6358 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn new management skills including design thinking, quality, lean, strategic analysis and interacting with people Helpful techniques for managing different cultures by for example linear responsibility chart, feedback, setting norms and rules to improve communication You get useful templates and tools for your management including spreadsheets to classify steps needed to make real improvement! You can become more successful in interacting with people from different cultures, this course has practical examples too! This course is ideal for individuals who are Managers of all experiences or Future leaders for any size of team or People working in cross-cultural environment or Person in a challenge for working with different nationalities It is particularly useful for Managers of all experiences or Future leaders for any size of team or People working in cross-cultural environment or Person in a challenge for working with different nationalities.
Enroll now: Successful cross-cultural management
Title: Successful cross-cultural management
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.65
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 109
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 114
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 114
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn new management skills including design thinking, quality, lean, strategic analysis and interacting with people
- Helpful techniques for managing different cultures by for example linear responsibility chart, feedback, setting norms and rules to improve communication
- You get useful templates and tools for your management including spreadsheets to classify steps needed to make real improvement!
- You can become more successful in interacting with people from different cultures, this course has practical examples too!
Who Should Attend
- Managers of all experiences
- Future leaders for any size of team
- People working in cross-cultural environment
- Person in a challenge for working with different nationalities
Target Audiences
- Managers of all experiences
- Future leaders for any size of team
- People working in cross-cultural environment
- Person in a challenge for working with different nationalities
Hey! I’m sharing in this course my long experience in many countries. You get to know cultural, managerial and communicationaldifferences to success. It’s not always needed to highlight differences, but in understanding expectations and opportunities you’re more ready for challenges. Whatever is your next career step or location, this course is your kick start to success!
Learn essentials skills needed with cross-cultural management!
This course is build up with three dimensions for success. The most important skills are in communication, culture and structure. You will learn practical skills to improve all the areas with tools and techniques. You don’t need to be an expert when you start. Follow the steps and become!
We are living in multi-cultural world
Do you have a cross-cultural team to manage? Do you need to move to another country? Look no further, enroll to this course and you will learn perfect skill set to manage people from different background successfully. In today’s working life we have our history and background, you as a manager need to understand how it affects to your team success.
It can be difficult to meet new people, get to know about culture and be in new situations. Cross-cultural management is often underestimated, but it’s something we are constantly working in. We are no longer in one location, we come from different backgrounds, experiences and cultures. People also move to new locations.
Take this course to be ready for your next position. Take this course to understand people.
How to communicate
How to be advance leader
How to setup targets and follow results
During the course you will learn management tools, techniques and strategic perspective for cross-cultural management. You’re not only learning to understand, but also to make next movement fast in cross-cultural environment. While you take these lectures, you will get to know more and more about the differences and how you should manage it out.
Take this course to learn how to manage. Take this course to have new mindset, strategic mindset.
Tools for management
Techniques to master leadership
Ways to be strategic manager, future leader
I will teach you not only theories, but also best practice in different countries. You will see how countries with different history have affections to current culture, management and communication. Combined by effective tools, you learn to how deal with people and structures. You must be better in understanding, but also in putting yourself into new situations. Be more open.
Take this course to learn about culture. Take this course to get keen on new ways to do things.
Best practice, learn from others
Examples from different cultures
Get new job, change a career path
The course has all you need to be a next generation cross-cultural manager
Methodology – as a key to start
Tools and practice – to become better
Examples – to understand more
Tips – not to fail
Background – as a context.
Continuous updates and new materials!
Course has recently more content tolearn how to avoid failures and reach success since beginningof your new assignment or team change. New section describes typical problems and gaps in cross-cultural management and tips. And once you know this, you are able to avoid any issues later.
Latest updates
You will start this course with recognizing your strengths and weaknesses to become better manager. These will help you to improve and know which areas need more training. Learn about these examples and become better.
If you ever need advice or want to ask your instructor is available. New materials and lectures are added all the way your learning, come back often.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What you'll learn in this course
Lecture 2: Motivation
Lecture 3: Introduction
Chapter 2: Let's start better management
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about starting better management
Lecture 2: Start better management
Lecture 3: Recognize your strengths
Lecture 4: Recognize your weaknesses
Lecture 5: Do you see opportunities
Lecture 6: Is there any threats
Chapter 3: Cross-cultural Management Essentials
Lecture 1: Cross-cultural Management Essentials Introduction
Lecture 2: Cross-cultural Management Triangle
Lecture 3: Typical Problems in Multicultural Teams
Lecture 4: Improve Your Cultural Fluency
Lecture 5: How this course will continue
Chapter 4: Understanding cultures in management
Lecture 1: Understanding cultures in management
Lecture 2: Cross-cultural management in Europe
Lecture 3: Finland
Lecture 4: Germany
Lecture 5: Italy
Lecture 6: Poland
Lecture 7: Cross-cultural management in Asia
Lecture 8: Indonesia
Lecture 9: Singapore
Lecture 10: Taiwan
Lecture 11: Thailand
Lecture 12: Vietnam
Chapter 5: Understanding differences
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about differences
Lecture 2: Cultures are different
Lecture 3: People are different
Lecture 4: Countries are different
Lecture 5: Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Lecture 6: SWOT analysis
Lecture 7: Practice: SWOT analysis
Lecture 8: Case: New product or product line
Chapter 6: Examples about culture
Lecture 1: Introduction for culture examples
Lecture 2: Finnish culture
Lecture 3: German culture
Lecture 4: Indonesian culture
Lecture 5: Italian culture
Lecture 6: Polish culture
Lecture 7: Singaporean culture
Lecture 8: Taiwanese culture
Lecture 9: Thai culture
Lecture 10: Vietnamese culture
Chapter 7: Management processes
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about management processes
Lecture 2: Build trust
Lecture 3: Understand relationships
Lecture 4: Have a plan
Lecture 5: Common norms and rules
Lecture 6: Total Quality Management
Lecture 7: Practice: Total Quality Management
Lecture 8: Case: Benefits of using Total Quality Management
Lecture 9: Change readiness survey
Lecture 10: Lean management
Lecture 11: Value stream mapping
Lecture 12: Practice: Value stream mapping
Lecture 13: Case: Model for feature development
Chapter 8: Examples about management
Lecture 1: Introduction for management examples
Lecture 2: Finnish management
Lecture 3: German management
Lecture 4: Indonesian management
Lecture 5: Italian management
Lecture 6: Polish management
Lecture 7: Singaporean management
Lecture 8: Taiwanese management
Lecture 9: Thai management
Lecture 10: Vietnamese management
Chapter 9: Communication processes
Lecture 1: What you'll learn about communication processes
Lecture 2: Use right ways
Lecture 3: Use localized material
Lecture 4: Connect people
Lecture 5: AIDA approach
Lecture 6: Practice: AIDA approach
Lecture 7: Case: Communicate bigger change
Lecture 8: Feedback
Lecture 9: Practice: Feedback
Lecture 10: Case: Use feedback to solve problem in one team
Lecture 11: Strategic communication: Linkages
Lecture 12: Linear responsibility chart
Lecture 13: Practice: Linear responsibility chart
Lecture 14: Case: Linking People and Their Decision Making Power
Chapter 10: Examples about communication
Lecture 1: Introduction for communication examples
Lecture 2: Finnish communication
Lecture 3: German communication
Lecture 4: Indonesian communication
Lecture 5: Italian communication
Lecture 6: Polish communication
Jouni Ruotanen
Strategic Project Management and Business Process Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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