Tackling Tough Conversations with Emotional Intelligence
Tackling Tough Conversations with Emotional Intelligence, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 64 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 14 reviews, and has 298 subscribers.
You will learn about Discover how emotional intelligence is used when tackling tough, difficult conversations to build emotional bonds. Identify and analyse the different approaches to tackling tough conversations in the workplace. Develop strategies for initiating, managing, and resolving to challenging conversations using emotional intelligence. Assess approaches for typical situations that require you to influence and communicate with different types of people. Distinguish the transactions between ego states and life positions defining how they influence behaviour. Recognise how to interact with different behavioural styles to manage stress reactions and build effective relationships. Create effective responses to challenging behaviours at work. Evaluate language patterns to influence and persuade through empathetic communication. Construct a plan to approach and manage difficult conversations. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. It will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop an understanding of how to manage tough challenging conversations, the issues involved and ways to approach these confidently. or This course will assist anyone who is regularly involved with challenging, difficult discussions and conversations. or This course will help anyone who feels uncomfortable discussing issues with another person. or This course will be perfect for you if you have a fear of conflict and would like to become more comfortable with managing intense disagreements. It is particularly useful for This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. It will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop an understanding of how to manage tough challenging conversations, the issues involved and ways to approach these confidently. or This course will assist anyone who is regularly involved with challenging, difficult discussions and conversations. or This course will help anyone who feels uncomfortable discussing issues with another person. or This course will be perfect for you if you have a fear of conflict and would like to become more comfortable with managing intense disagreements.
Enroll now: Tackling Tough Conversations with Emotional Intelligence
Title: Tackling Tough Conversations with Emotional Intelligence
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 67
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Discover how emotional intelligence is used when tackling tough, difficult conversations to build emotional bonds.
- Identify and analyse the different approaches to tackling tough conversations in the workplace.
- Develop strategies for initiating, managing, and resolving to challenging conversations using emotional intelligence.
- Assess approaches for typical situations that require you to influence and communicate with different types of people.
- Distinguish the transactions between ego states and life positions defining how they influence behaviour.
- Recognise how to interact with different behavioural styles to manage stress reactions and build effective relationships.
- Create effective responses to challenging behaviours at work.
- Evaluate language patterns to influence and persuade through empathetic communication.
- Construct a plan to approach and manage difficult conversations.
Who Should Attend
- This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. It will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop an understanding of how to manage tough challenging conversations, the issues involved and ways to approach these confidently.
- This course will assist anyone who is regularly involved with challenging, difficult discussions and conversations.
- This course will help anyone who feels uncomfortable discussing issues with another person.
- This course will be perfect for you if you have a fear of conflict and would like to become more comfortable with managing intense disagreements.
Target Audiences
- This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. It will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop an understanding of how to manage tough challenging conversations, the issues involved and ways to approach these confidently.
- This course will assist anyone who is regularly involved with challenging, difficult discussions and conversations.
- This course will help anyone who feels uncomfortable discussing issues with another person.
- This course will be perfect for you if you have a fear of conflict and would like to become more comfortable with managing intense disagreements.
What are effective strategies for resolving a conflict or disagreement?
How do you prepare for a difficult conversation that is going to be challenging and tough?
How can you have a constructive debate around contentious issues?
How can you maintain a respectful and productive dialogue when emotions are running high?
What are the best ways to express your opinion and influence others without coming across as aggressive?
How can you maintain a positive attitude when addressing a difficult topic?
The need for a tough conversations can happen at any time, from the driver who cuts you up on the road this morning to the employee whose negative performance appraisal is coming up, from the neighbour who cut the branch off your prized tree to the member of staff who always has something to complain about.
These situations happen frequently, but dealing with them is something that leaves most of us cold at the prospect.
Ask most people how they feel about tackling tough conversations, and at least 90 % of them will feel intensely uncomfortable, recalling a previous time when they had to deal with one. They will experience the emotional state again as if it was happening right now.
Hostage negotiators and people who do deals for large corporations have months, if not years of training, learning how to deal with the emotions that people might try to provoke in them and instead remain calm. They are able to objectively see the facts and use their emotional intelligenceto manage the conversation appropriately.
The rest of us, well, we need to learn a thing or two about ourselves and try to understand why we respond the way that we do.
Leaders and managers have to tackle tough conversations and have constructive debates on a regular basis in the workplace. These are required in a variety of circumstances.
These include, but are not limited to,
Poor performance
Unprofessional behaviour
Conflict between employees
Inappropriate use of Social Media
Unethical practices
Unreasonable work demands
Unauthorised use of company resources
Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information
Unsafe work practices
Tough, difficult conversations can be challenging and complex for anyone. Avoiding constructive debates and challenging discussions can make situations worse and tackling them without thought, clear goals and effective communication strategies can cause further issue by eroding trust and damaging relationships.
To build your confidence you need to understand how to work with your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence underpins your skills to communicate with different types of people in multiple situations. Your emotional intelligence enables you have to know when and how to communicate using the emotional climate positively to make appropriate decisions and build relationships!
Using your emotional intelligence effectively in managing tough, difficult conversations and constructive debates will improve your well-being, earn you trust and respect from those you work with, improve your relationships and improve the overall atmosphere and productivity of your organisation.
If you want to effectively communicate with your co-workers, employees, boss, family and friends, then this is course for you! Tackling Tough Conversations with Emotional Intelligenceintroduces you to the key tools and insights to effectively communicate in order to use your emotional intelligence to build stronger relationships and better outcomes!
In this course you’ll learn how to prepare for tough, challenging conversations and constructive debates, how to use various channels of communication channels, how to recognise which channel is appropriate for different social interaction styles, the power of influence and persuasion using language patterns and unconscious language, and much more!
You’ll learn how to do all this in ways that are both informative and engaging!
By completing this course, you’ll be able to:
Discover how emotional intelligence is used when tackling tough, difficult conversations to build emotional bonds
Identify and analyse the different approaches to tackling tough conversations in the workplace
Develop strategies for initiating, managing, and resolving challenging conversations using emotional intelligence
Assess approaches for typical situations that require you to influence and communicate with different types of people
Distinguish the transactions between ego states and life positions defining how they influence behaviour
Recognise how to interact with different behavioural styles to manage stress reactions and build effective relationships
Create effective responses to challenging behaviours at work
Evaluate language patterns to influence and persuade through empathetic communication
Construct a plan to approach and manage difficult conversations
All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.
All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.
All videos have grammatically correct English captions.
Latest update – August 2024
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2: Being Emotionally Intelligence about this Course on Udemy
Lecture 3: Tackling Tough Conversations with Emotional Intelligence – Learning Outcomes
Lecture 4: Tips to Develop your Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 5: Leading and Managing Awkward People
Chapter 2: Tough Conversations in the Workplace
Lecture 1: When a Tough Conversation is Needed
Lecture 2: The Challenge of Unchallenged Behaviour
Lecture 3: Emotional Responses Influencing Tough Conversations
Lecture 4: How Assumptions Can Lead to Issues
Lecture 5: Working with our Assumptions and Judgments
Lecture 6: Assumptive Behaviours and Communication Breakdowns
Lecture 7: How to use your Behavioural Flexibility to Prevent Situations from Escalating
Lecture 8: Your Behavioural Agility and your Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 3: Emotionally Intelligent Practices Around Tough, Difficult Conversations
Lecture 1: Preparing for Tough Conversations in an Adult Fashion
Lecture 2: The Importance Of Building Rapport
Lecture 3: Dialogue Versus Debate
Lecture 4: The Levels of Listening
Lecture 5: Empathetic, Active Listening
Lecture 6: Issues around Listening
Lecture 7: Ways to Develop Key Listening Skills
Lecture 8: Managing Fight and Flight Behaviour
Lecture 9: Assertiveness, Emotional Intelligence and Tough Conversations
Lecture 10: Everyone's Right and Responsibilities
Lecture 11: Activity Booklet: The Rules of Assertiveness
Chapter 4: Breaking Bad News
Lecture 1: The Good News about Bad News
Lecture 2: Face the Facts
Lecture 3: Working with Emotions and Identity
Lecture 4: The Stages of Delivering Bad News
Lecture 5: Bad News: Tough Reactions
Chapter 5: Supporting Conversations with Language Patterns
Lecture 1: Introducing Language Patterns
Lecture 2: Ambiguous Language
Lecture 3: Influential Language
Lecture 4: Rules and Power Words
Lecture 5: Unconscious Language
Chapter 6: Exploring Behavioural Styles
Lecture 1: The Four Social Interaction Styles
Lecture 2: The Driver Social Interaction Style
Lecture 3: The Expressive Social Interaction Style
Lecture 4: The Aimable Social Interaction Style
Lecture 5: The Analytical Social Interaction Style
Lecture 6: The Tension Between the Styles
Lecture 7: The Reactions of the Styles to Pressure
Lecture 8: The Pressure Response of the Driver Social Interaction Style
Lecture 9: The Pressure Response of the Expressive Social Interaction Style
Lecture 10: The Pressure Response of the Amiable Social Interaction Style
Lecture 11: The Pressure Response of the Analytical Social Interaction Style
Lecture 12: Ideal Behaviours for Ideal Situations
Chapter 7: Transactional Analysis as a Basis for Understanding Human Interactions
Lecture 1: Activity Booklet: Transactional Analysis Questionnaire
Lecture 2: Introducing Transactional Analysis
Lecture 3: Investigating Transactions
Lecture 4: Further Considerations around Working with Transactional Analysis
Lecture 5: Ten Tips for Maintaining Adult to Adult Transactions
Lecture 6: Understanding Communication with Transactional Analysis
Lecture 7: Activity Booklet: Working with Ego States
Lecture 8: Investigating Strokes
Lecture 9: Stroke Filters
Lecture 10: Activity Booklet: Analysing your Stroking Profile
Lecture 11: Life Positions – Feeling Okay
Lecture 12: Combining Transactional Analysis with Social Interaction Styles
Chapter 8: Conclusion to the Course
Lecture 1: Activity Booklet: Tackling Tough Difficult Conversations
Lecture 2: Do's and Don'ts with Tough Conversations
Lecture 3: Key Takeaways
Lecture 4: Conclusion to the Course
Lecture 5: How to Access your Udemy Certificate
Lecture 6: Bonus Lecture
Robin Hills
Business Psychologist, Emotional Intelligence Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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