The Beginner’s and Intermediate's (Complete) Guide to M&A
The Beginner’s and Intermediate's (Complete) Guide to M&A, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 26 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 15 reviews, and has 75 subscribers.
You will learn about Get a "Crash Course" in the accounting, finance, and legal principles underlying M&A. Understand the difference between a “merger" and an "acquisition”, what drives M&A activity, and how value is created (or destroyed) through an M&A transaction. Know the difference between a public and private company and the process by which a private company "goes public". Recognize the potential impact of state and federal laws on M&A transactions. Understand what's meant by a company's "capital structure". Learn the steps in the M&A process. Understand "deal structuring" and the structures used in an M&A transaction (Asset Purchase, Stock Purchase, and Merger). Learn what makes an M&A transaction “friendly” or “hostile,” the steps and tactics for each, and what takeover defenses are available to a Target company. Appreciate the importance of business valuation in the M&A process and the three most common methods used to value a Target company in an M&A transaction. Answer the question: "Do M&A transactions create shareholder value?" This course is ideal for individuals who are Someone with an intermediate level of business knowledge who is interested in learning more about M&A transactions through a basic, but thorough, introduction to the subject. or Current business and law students who are taking/planning to take an M&A course. or Those currently working in a business or legal position who want to accelerate their career and/or expand their base of knowledge. or Those with an advanced level of business knowledge who want to focus on M&A. It is particularly useful for Someone with an intermediate level of business knowledge who is interested in learning more about M&A transactions through a basic, but thorough, introduction to the subject. or Current business and law students who are taking/planning to take an M&A course. or Those currently working in a business or legal position who want to accelerate their career and/or expand their base of knowledge. or Those with an advanced level of business knowledge who want to focus on M&A.
Enroll now: The Beginner’s and Intermediate's (Complete) Guide to M&A
Title: The Beginner’s and Intermediate's (Complete) Guide to M&A
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Get a "Crash Course" in the accounting, finance, and legal principles underlying M&A.
- Understand the difference between a “merger" and an "acquisition”, what drives M&A activity, and how value is created (or destroyed) through an M&A transaction.
- Know the difference between a public and private company and the process by which a private company "goes public".
- Recognize the potential impact of state and federal laws on M&A transactions.
- Understand what's meant by a company's "capital structure".
- Learn the steps in the M&A process.
- Understand "deal structuring" and the structures used in an M&A transaction (Asset Purchase, Stock Purchase, and Merger).
- Learn what makes an M&A transaction “friendly” or “hostile,” the steps and tactics for each, and what takeover defenses are available to a Target company.
- Appreciate the importance of business valuation in the M&A process and the three most common methods used to value a Target company in an M&A transaction.
- Answer the question: "Do M&A transactions create shareholder value?"
Who Should Attend
- Someone with an intermediate level of business knowledge who is interested in learning more about M&A transactions through a basic, but thorough, introduction to the subject.
- Current business and law students who are taking/planning to take an M&A course.
- Those currently working in a business or legal position who want to accelerate their career and/or expand their base of knowledge.
- Those with an advanced level of business knowledge who want to focus on M&A.
Target Audiences
- Someone with an intermediate level of business knowledge who is interested in learning more about M&A transactions through a basic, but thorough, introduction to the subject.
- Current business and law students who are taking/planning to take an M&A course.
- Those currently working in a business or legal position who want to accelerate their career and/or expand their base of knowledge.
- Those with an advanced level of business knowledge who want to focus on M&A.
Overview.The Beginner’s and Intermediate’s (Complete) Guide to M&A is a course in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and the M&A market. We will be covering all of the important aspects of M&A transactions, using real-world business examples and case studies wherever possible to make the connection between learning and application. And we’ll have a lot of fun doing it! I have been fortunate in my career to have worked on many “headline deals” that involved some big personalities (and egos). They make for great case studies to review during class, but make for even better behind-the-scenes stories. In addition, we’ll cover some areas that aren’t addressed in most M&A courses, but that I think you’ll find both fascinating and entertaining. For example, “Hostile Takeovers” and “Poison Pills” have been in the news for much 2022, but what exactly are they? We’ll talk about those, and many other current trends in the M&A market.
Who is this Course For?The Beginner’s and Intermediate’s (Complete) Guide to M&A is intended for beginners and intermediates and provides a basic (but thorough) overview of the entire M&A process. For those with no business background, and anyone who could benefit from a review, I have included a “Crash Course” (see below) that covers many concepts related to M&A.
Crash Course. Mergers & Acquisitions is a subject that brings together multiple disciplines, including accounting, finance, and corporate law. For anyone with no background in these topics or who would benefit from a review, the course includes a comprehensive “Crash Course” that covers concepts that are applicable to this course.
Downloadable Materials. The course includes a significant amount of content that you are free to download and keep, including recorded lectures, a PowerPoint Slide Deck for every lecture, Case Studies, and Study Aids.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course!
Lecture 1: Introduction & Course Overview
Lecture 2: Why do Companies Combine with Other Companies?
Chapter 2: * CRASH COURSE: The Life (and Death?) of a U.S. Public Company *
Lecture 1: The Birth of a Business I
Lecture 2: The Birth of a Business II
Lecture 3: Public vs. Private Companies
Lecture 4: Going Public!
Lecture 5: Capital Structures
Lecture 6: The Death of a Business?
Chapter 3: The M&A Regulatory Environment
Lecture 1: M&A and the U.S. Antitrust Laws
Chapter 4: Structuring an M&A Transaction
Lecture 1: Deal Structuring: The M&A Process
Lecture 2: Deal Structuring: Asset Purchases
Lecture 3: Deal Structuring: Stock Purchases
Lecture 4: Deal Structuring: Mergers
Lecture 5: Deal Structuring: Paying for the Target
Chapter 5: Friendly vs. Hostile Transactions
Lecture 1: Friendly Takeovers
Lecture 2: Hostile Takeovers: The Tactics
Lecture 3: Hostile Takeovers: Two-Step Transactions
Lecture 4: Hostile Takeovers: Proxy Contests
Lecture 5: Takeover Defenses I
Lecture 6: Takeover Defenses II
Chapter 6: Valuing a Public Company
Lecture 1: Why Value a Business?
Lecture 2: Measures of Value
Lecture 3: Business Valuation: DCF Analysis
Lecture 4: Business Valuation: CCA
Lecture 5: Business Valuation: CTA
Chapter 7: Do M&A Transactions Create Shareholder Value?
Lecture 1: The Goal of M&A
Jerome ("J") Egan
Professor of Business, Law & Economics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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