The Business-side of Voice Over-Make Money w/your Skills
The Business-side of Voice Over-Make Money w/your Skills, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 23 lectures, based on 2 reviews, and has 1008 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to build a smoothly functioning small business around your voice so that VO jobs fill up your calendar AND your bank account Where to find voice over work and how to submit/audition for it How to execute the job How to do billing and invoicing Learn what you need to do when you're not doing voice over so you can keep the work coming in. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring VO Talent: Have you taken voice over classes on technique before? You finished the class excited and ready to work but didn't know where to begin to book work? With The Workflow of VO, we'll give you the blueprint to find the right jobs and how to execute them so you can apply your new-found techniques to paid voice over work. or VO Talents that are unsatisfied with their agent: Are you a voice over actor with an agent that you never seem to get any auditions from? With The Workflow of VO, we'll show you how to secure multiple agents and fill up your client list. So you can diversify your income and always have money coming in. It is particularly useful for Aspiring VO Talent: Have you taken voice over classes on technique before? You finished the class excited and ready to work but didn't know where to begin to book work? With The Workflow of VO, we'll give you the blueprint to find the right jobs and how to execute them so you can apply your new-found techniques to paid voice over work. or VO Talents that are unsatisfied with their agent: Are you a voice over actor with an agent that you never seem to get any auditions from? With The Workflow of VO, we'll show you how to secure multiple agents and fill up your client list. So you can diversify your income and always have money coming in.
Enroll now: The Business-side of Voice Over-Make Money w/your Skills
Title: The Business-side of Voice Over-Make Money w/your Skills
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 23
Number of Published Lectures: 23
Number of Curriculum Items: 23
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 23
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to build a smoothly functioning small business around your voice so that VO jobs fill up your calendar AND your bank account
- Where to find voice over work and how to submit/audition for it
- How to execute the job
- How to do billing and invoicing
- Learn what you need to do when you're not doing voice over so you can keep the work coming in.
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring VO Talent: Have you taken voice over classes on technique before? You finished the class excited and ready to work but didn't know where to begin to book work? With The Workflow of VO, we'll give you the blueprint to find the right jobs and how to execute them so you can apply your new-found techniques to paid voice over work.
- VO Talents that are unsatisfied with their agent: Are you a voice over actor with an agent that you never seem to get any auditions from? With The Workflow of VO, we'll show you how to secure multiple agents and fill up your client list. So you can diversify your income and always have money coming in.
Target Audiences
- Aspiring VO Talent: Have you taken voice over classes on technique before? You finished the class excited and ready to work but didn't know where to begin to book work? With The Workflow of VO, we'll give you the blueprint to find the right jobs and how to execute them so you can apply your new-found techniques to paid voice over work.
- VO Talents that are unsatisfied with their agent: Are you a voice over actor with an agent that you never seem to get any auditions from? With The Workflow of VO, we'll show you how to secure multiple agents and fill up your client list. So you can diversify your income and always have money coming in.
It’s time to stop hoping that your voice over agent will bring you enough work. It’s time to secure multiple, diverse income streams
It’s time to stop letting days go by without a clear plan of what to do each day to move your voice over career forward
It’s time to stop wishing you could use your voice over skills to earn money.
It’s time to stop being afraid of the technical side of running your home studio.
Introducing, the Workflow of VO
Inside The Workflow of VO, you’ll get everything you need to build a smoothly functioning small business around your voice so that VO jobs fill up your calendar AND your bank account.
If you sign up for this course, you will learn how to set up your home studio space, what to do for your demos, where to find the work, how to audition and submit for jobs, how to execute voice over jobs, and how to collect payment for your jobs, as well as how to maintain your business when you are not actually recording voice over work. If you have taken a class on voice over technique, this is the next step you need to learn how to actually make money with your voice over skills!
Tell me if this sounds like you…
You want to be a working voice over talent.
You need to sit down in your studio to a full plate of jobs and quality auditions every day.
You have too much advice coming at you to learn voice over skills but not enough telling you how to actually make money with them.
You’re over trying to figure it out on your own, day after unproductive day.
You’re tired of feeling stuck, broke, and like you’re not doing what you want to do professionally.
You wish there was a way to know what to do each day to move your career forward.
Good News!
I help my students with those same problems every single day.
if you’re like any of them, you’ve probably bought into some of the same limiting myths and mindsets.
Myths like –
1. “All I need is an agent to do consistent voice over work”
This should actually be worded “all you need is consistent voice over work, to ever be considered by a reputable agent.”
How do you book consistent voice over work from your own home on your own time? That’s exactly what The Workflow of VO teaches.
2. “I’m too old to work in voice over”
NEVER!!!! You have an age-range you can learn to grow and stretch.I can still sound like you 20’s or younger from the skills I’ve learned in voice over classes.
As I grow older, I may let go of younger roles, but I gain new genres for older voices. There’s plenty of work out there that will never care about your age.
3. “Unless you’re a celebrity, you can’t really make any money doing voice over work.”
I know lots of voice over talents making six figures year over year that started out with nothing but a background in performance, audio, or singing.
Imagine, like actually picture it, if…
You knew what to do every day to move your voice over career forward.
You knew a start to finish workflow for where to find the jobs, how to book them, and how execute them.
You had a full client list and enough work going that you could snag a top tier voice over agent
You earned a sustainable income with flexible hours doing voice over work while pursuing a career in entertainment in a big city
You could do creative work, no matter where you live as long as you have a decent space to record and an internet connection
ALL of that is totally possible inside the Workflow of VO
Hi. I’m Naomi
I’ve been a working voice over professional for over 17 years. I’m also a multi-passionate entreprenuer who works with voice over talents to help them create a daily workflow so they can build a money making business.
I started my voice over career in Los Angeles, though I have been living in Seattle the last six years, with my husband. I’m also a mother to two boys that are even bigger characters than I am!
We are now in the Dominican Republic – because voice over allows you to live where you want now! We moved here in 2021 so I can help other voice over talents create the life they want from their VO income, watch my boys grow up bilingual, and lose my mind over the tropical gardening and landscaping.
Why I created this:
I wanted to create a course that taught my method–the same one that turned me from an aspiring voice over talent, into a working voice over professional. I wanted to help fellow voice over talents have the blueprint I was looking for when I was in their position. The blueprint that moves your voice over career forward to becoming a working voice over talent.
I also believe that anyone with talent shouldn’t feel like having a voice over career is an unattainable dream simply because they don’t have the right steps to follow.
Who is this right for?
Aspiring Voice over Talent
Have you taken voice over classes on technique before? You finished the class excited and ready to work but didn’t know where to begin to book work? With The Workflow of VO, we’ll give you the blueprint to find the right jobs and how to execute them so you can apply your new-found techniques to paid voice over work.
Unsatisfied with their agent
Are you a voice over actor with an agent that you never seem to get any auditions from?
With The Workflow of VO, we’ll show you how to secure multiple agents and fill up your client list.
So you can diversify your income and always have money coming in.
Hey so, if you’ve read this far, you have two choices really:)
1. Continue to sit on your voice over skills and try to figure out what to do next to earn some money with them…
2. Finally have a proven system for getting your voice over career up and running with regular work.
If you sign up for this course, you will learn how to set up your home studio space, what to do for your demos, where to find the work, how to audition and submit for jobs, how to execute voice over jobs, and how to collect payment for your jobs, as well as how to maintain your business when you are not actually recording voice over work. If you have taken a class on voice over technique, this is the next step you need to learn how to actually make money with your voice over skills!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Lesson 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Getting Started – Your Studio Space
Lecture 2: Getting Started – Computer n Software
Lecture 3: Getting Started – Microphone
Lecture 4: Getting Started: Wrap Up
Chapter 2: Lesson 2: Demos
Lecture 1: 2-1 Demos Today
Lecture 2: Other Demo Tips
Lecture 3: Demo Wrap Up and Assignment
Chapter 3: Finding the Work
Lecture 1: Finding the Work – Agent
Lecture 2: Finding the Work – Word of Mouth and Networking
Lecture 3: Finding the Work – Roster
Lecture 4: Finding the Work – P2P
Chapter 4: Auditioning
Lecture 1: Choosing and Prioritizing
Lecture 2: Recording and Editing Auditions
Lecture 3: Submitting Auditions
Lecture 4: Auditioning Wrap-Up
Chapter 5: Executing the Job
Lecture 1: Doing a Job
Lecture 2: Job Editing Tips
Lecture 3: Billing and Invoicing
Lecture 4: Doing a Job Wrap Up
Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Business
Lecture 1: Mailings and Advertising
Lecture 2: Things to do when you're not working
Lecture 3: Maintaining Your Business Wrap-Up
Chapter 7: Extra – Warm-ups and Negotiation tips
Lecture 1: Warm-ups, exercises and tips on negotiation
Naomi Mercer McKell
Voice Over Talent and Business Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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