The Change Facilitator: Dynamic Group Facilitation Skills
The Change Facilitator: Dynamic Group Facilitation Skills, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.29, with 103 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 258 reviews, and has 1278 subscribers.
You will learn about Design for high impact facilitation sessions Audience engagement techniques Advanced frames for facilitation Group dynamics Managing energy in groups Dealing with difficult participants Advanced facilitation skills Confidence as a facilitator This course is ideal for individuals who are Existing coaches or change professionals looking to move from 1:1 work to 1:group or Learning and development professionals looking to develop more in-depth facilitation skills or Existing trainers or consultants looking to add facilitation to their portfolio or Self-taught facilitators who wish to broaden their exposure to models or ideas or Charity professionals who need to facilitate change or engagement with stakeholders or New facilitators who want to 'be' a impactful facilitator, not just learn knowledge It is particularly useful for Existing coaches or change professionals looking to move from 1:1 work to 1:group or Learning and development professionals looking to develop more in-depth facilitation skills or Existing trainers or consultants looking to add facilitation to their portfolio or Self-taught facilitators who wish to broaden their exposure to models or ideas or Charity professionals who need to facilitate change or engagement with stakeholders or New facilitators who want to 'be' a impactful facilitator, not just learn knowledge.
Enroll now: The Change Facilitator: Dynamic Group Facilitation Skills
Title: The Change Facilitator: Dynamic Group Facilitation Skills
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.29
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 102
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 108
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 107
Original Price: £94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Design for high impact facilitation sessions
- Audience engagement techniques
- Advanced frames for facilitation
- Group dynamics
- Managing energy in groups
- Dealing with difficult participants
- Advanced facilitation skills
- Confidence as a facilitator
Who Should Attend
- Existing coaches or change professionals looking to move from 1:1 work to 1:group
- Learning and development professionals looking to develop more in-depth facilitation skills
- Existing trainers or consultants looking to add facilitation to their portfolio
- Self-taught facilitators who wish to broaden their exposure to models or ideas
- Charity professionals who need to facilitate change or engagement with stakeholders
- New facilitators who want to 'be' a impactful facilitator, not just learn knowledge
Target Audiences
- Existing coaches or change professionals looking to move from 1:1 work to 1:group
- Learning and development professionals looking to develop more in-depth facilitation skills
- Existing trainers or consultants looking to add facilitation to their portfolio
- Self-taught facilitators who wish to broaden their exposure to models or ideas
- Charity professionals who need to facilitate change or engagement with stakeholders
- New facilitators who want to 'be' a impactful facilitator, not just learn knowledge
One of my clients, a learning and development manager from a major mobile company, stopped me recently (after I’d been facilitating a strategy session for a group of her senior executives), “How did you do that Neil? There are so many big egos in that room. How did you read them? They’re not normally creative, how did you get them working together to come up with all those innovative ideas? And then, what magic did you use to get them to align and agree to a path forward? That’s never happened before. I wish I could learn to do that.”
“You could do it easily” I replied, knowing her skill as a coach and L&D consultant, “I’m happy to mentor you if you like.”
She looked a little confused. “Mentor? You mean teach don’t you?” She knew, after all, that I run one of the UK’s most successful change facilitation schools.
“No, I think mentoring is much more appropriate for developing facilitation skills, don’t you? The trick, I believe, is ‘trying on skills and attitudes’, assimilating the ones that work for you until you become a very best facilitator you can be. It’s a continual learning process. It’s not just about just learning skills or a set formula, it’s about ‘being’ and ‘doing’. That way you have true behavioural flexibility when you’re working with a group and you can flex to their needs rather than forcing them to play by your rules. Like great coaching, great facilitation is a conversation with a purpose. It’s more a set of ideas and principles working together, rather than a rigid plan. I’m willing to share the bits that I think make the most difference if you like.”
My client was delighted and over the next few months I mentored her to become a really effective facilitator. And I’d like to make the same offer to you here on Udemy. I’d really love to have the opportunity to share what I believe are the most important ideas, tools and distinctions for a facilitator to have at their disposal. And I’d like to encourage you to try them on. I really do believe that if you throw yourself into this programme you can significantly increase your effectiveness in working with groups and in facilitating learning or change.
Mentoring, after all, is simply about me saying ‘I’ve walked this path before. And I’ve been pretty successful at it. I’ve learnt a great deal, and have tried on even more. Would you be interested in hearing about the best bits of what I’ve learnt? And would you then, like to try on those ideas to see if you can get similar results in your professional life?’
If this sounds of interest, then I’d love to get to know you better and do my very best through these videos to help you accelerate your facilitation journey.
Now, you may have already noticed that this isn’t the shortest course on Udemy. In fact it runs to over 7 hours of video and that’s without time for the exercises and practice that we suggest throughout. This isn’t for the fainthearted. It’s for people who really want to step up and facilitate. We’ve put in a huge amount of effort to develop a programme that layers skills in much the same ways as I’d do it face to face if we had the opportunity to work together in person. We’ve also updated it to include ideas for facilitating online or in a hybrid environment.
If you are only curious about facilitation and want a bluffers guide, or you want someone to be prescriptive and tell you what to do, then this course probably isn’t for you – you’d possibly be better off starting with one of the lighter, shorter courses available on Udemy. Then, after that, if you want to ramp up your skills and accelerate your skills, then we’d be delighted to welcome you here onto our mentoring programme.
Why have we made it so long? Well the simple answer is we had a lot to say. But that doesn’t really do the question justice. It would have made more commercial sense to make it shorter or to chop it into four courses, but we have a bigger mission. I really do believe that the world needs incredible facilitators right nowand this course is intended to add value to people who share our vision and want to be part of making a positive difference in the world. I believe that facilitation skills really are that powerful. The world and business is changing at an ever increasing pace and highly skilled facilitators are already at the heart of helping people navigate change and find ways to thrive personally and professionally.
You are very welcome to join us if you’re a complete beginner as long as you have a facilitation project in mind that you can apply the learning to. This material comes to life through application. It isn’t intended as just theoretical knowledge. And also please remember this is mentoring not a formulaic programme. You need to be willing to layer your own learning and experiment to build your skills.
Of course having some sort of experience as a coach, trainer, consultant, youth worker, manager, counsellor, learning and development professional, charity support worker, change activist, project manager, or similar, will be massively useful.
There are five key categories of student that we tend to attract to this programme.
Coaches, consultants, L&D professionals and 1:1 change agents who wish to develop their ability to work with groups
Trainers who are recognising that the training landscape has changed and less and less classroom based training courses are being commissioned because students don’t have time to attend, theirs an increased environmental impact to travelling to courses and most important here on Udemy is that traditional classroom learning is increasingly being replaced by e-learning. But these challenges are also what makes high quality facilitation skills so valuable – facilitation is about so much more than skills.
Existing facilitators who are self-taught who want to compare their skills against other industry experts. It is sometimes hard to improve when you don’t have anyone to benchmark against.
Charity professionals and civil servants who are increasingly being asked to facilitate focus groups and stakeholder engagement sessions
People changing profession who want to gain a deep understanding of facilitation and have an inkling it might play a role in their future career.
Of course, you might not fit into any of those categories, but at least it’s nice to know the amazing company you are keeping.
So what do we hope you’ll get by the end of the programme? Well here are a few things that we think you should be able to do:
Develop a personalised framework for facilitation that enables you to elegantly structure a facilitation session
Structure frames to help steer a group towards positive change or learning and avoid potential pitfalls that could have derailed your facilitation
Differentiate between surface and deep structure language and recognise when and how to challenge the words used by group members to unlock learning
Build and cleanly set up group exercises so they run cleanly and maximise their impact
Set clean learning or change objectives that help you align the needs of sponsors with those of individuals within a group
Given the over 6.5 hours of video, you can probably guess already that there will be so much more than that available on the programme, from opening the session with impact through to challenging dominant group members so everyone can speak. Sarah and I have tried our best to download everything we think you need to consider to build a powerful facilitation profile.
Let me tell you a little bit about me. I’m a professional executive coach and facilitator. I specialise in managing effective change and supercharging high performing teams. But previously, I’ve also facilitated a lot of personal development experiences. I’ve facilitated groups of disenfranchised young people through to blue chip boards. I work with charities, start-ups and international brands. I’ve facilitated sessions at 10 and 11 Downing Street with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and have had the privilege of working with industry leaders such as Sir Richard Branson.
But what’s even better, is the mentoring on this programme doesn’t just come from me. I’ve invited Sarah Smith, one of the most extraordinary facilitators I know, to join me and share her knowledge and experience too. Sarah is an incredible coach and positive psychologist and former Head of Development at Cranfield University. Like me, she has huge experience working for some of the world’s top organisations and blends a number of different modalities in order to maximise her impact with groups.
The programme varies between taught modules recorded especially with this programme in mind and classroom recordings from our 14 day NLP Trainer Training and Change Facilitation programmes. This makes the course feel much more interactive. It also saves you a lot of money. Students on the course in Bristol paid up to £3500 to attend and you get to share much of the same material for a fraction of the price. And of course you’ll have a 30 day money back guarantee, so there is no real risk, other than the investment of your valuable time, if the course isn’t for you. We really want you to be successful, and experience shows the skills and attitudes we’re sharing really can make a massive difference.
Thank you so much for considering joining us on this journey. I look forward to the adventure ahead.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Adventure
Lecture 2: How the Course Works
Lecture 3: Your Course Workbook
Lecture 4: Modelling Skills
Lecture 5: Try on Your Facilitator Hat
Lecture 6: You Can't Step in the Same River Twice
Lecture 7: Course Manual
Chapter 2: What is Facilitation
Lecture 1: What is Facilitation?
Lecture 2: A Process of Co-creation
Lecture 3: Going Deeper
Lecture 4: Chairing, Training or Facilitation?
Lecture 5: Responsibilities of a Facilitator
Lecture 6: Maps of the World
Lecture 7: The Game Changing Power of Responsibility for Results
Lecture 8: Expert
Lecture 9: The Quiz-master Hat
Lecture 10: A Useful Glossary
Chapter 3: Why Are You Here?
Lecture 1: Why are you here?
Lecture 2: The Incredible Impact of Applied Learning
Lecture 3: Stake in the Ground
Chapter 4: Cause > Effect
Lecture 1: Introducing Cause and Effect
Lecture 2: Cause and Effect in Action
Lecture 3: Class Feedback on Cause and Effect
Lecture 4: Cause and Effect in Facilitation
Lecture 5: The Importance of a Facilitator Being at Cause
Lecture 6: Getting the Group to Cause
Chapter 5: Creating a Powerful Learning Space
Lecture 1: Creating the Perfect Facilitation Space
Lecture 2: Maximising the Physical Environment
Lecture 3: Crafting Your Culture of Learning
Lecture 4: Recognising the Importance of Status
Chapter 6: Getting in Their Heads
Lecture 1: Stepping into Your Audience's Shoes
Lecture 2: The 2nd Positioning Revolution
Lecture 3: Understanding the Needs of Your Client
Lecture 4: Dove-tailing Outcome
Chapter 7: Setting Strong Learning Outcomes
Lecture 1: PESEO and Well-Formed Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: The Importance of Pre-facilitation Diagnostics
Lecture 3: Your Own Personal Well-Formed Outcomes
Lecture 4: Student Feedback on Well-formed Outcomes Exercise
Lecture 5: Trainer Box
Chapter 8: Designing Facilitation Programmes
Lecture 1: Creating a Syntax
Lecture 2: The 4Mat System
Lecture 3: Mental Rehearsal
Lecture 4: REPRISE
Chapter 9: Opening Sessions
Lecture 1: Opening Sessions
Lecture 2: Ground Rules Vs Agenda
Lecture 3: Why Are You Here?
Lecture 4: The Time Challenge With Group Participation
Chapter 10: Framing
Lecture 1: The Value of Framing
Lecture 2: Practical Examples of Facilitation Frames
Lecture 3: Frames For This Programme
Lecture 4: The Communications Model
Chapter 11: Coaching Skills for Facilitators
Lecture 1: The importance of Coaching Skills within Facilitation
Lecture 2: Surface vs Deep Structure of Language
Lecture 3: The Value of Neurological Levels
Chapter 12: The Art of Questions
Lecture 1: Asking Great Questions
Lecture 2: Introduction to the Metamodel
Lecture 3: Metamodel Feedback
Lecture 4: Softening the Impact
Lecture 5: Neurological Questioning
Lecture 6: Reprise
Chapter 13: Games, Exercises and Experiences
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Beyond Conversation
Lecture 3: Models and Templates
Lecture 4: Designing Skill-Building Exercises & Games
Lecture 5: Games
Lecture 6: Crafting A Quality Debrief
Lecture 7: The Challenge With Setting Up Exercises
Lecture 8: A Deliberately Bad Exercise Setup
Lecture 9: Feedback On Bad Exercise Setup
Chapter 14: Facilitation Skills
Lecture 1: Be Purposeful or Shut Up
Lecture 2: Listening for the Deeper Structure Within Questions
Lecture 3: Group Language Observed
Lecture 4: When to Challenge the Group
Lecture 5: Learning from Cats and Dogs
Lecture 6: The Magic of Stagecraft
Lecture 7: Break State & Managing Energy
Lecture 8: Closing Down A Dominant Group Member
Lecture 9: The Importance of Clean Endings
Chapter 15: Feedback & Tasking
Lecture 1: Tracking Where The Group is At
Lecture 2: Delivering High Quality Feedback
Neil Almond
Award winning change facilitator and coach -
Sarah Smith
Applied Positive Psychologist and Master Facilitator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 97 votes
- 5 stars: 126 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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