The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!
The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!, available at $139.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 66 lectures, based on 11267 reviews, and has 43941 subscribers.
You will learn about Create beautiful spreadsheets with amazing formatting tricks Learn to manipulate text in formulas Connect multiple Google Sheets together using a single formula Analyze data sets with ease using complex functions & formulas Learn to build incredible data visualizations using charts Feel completely comfortable in a spreadsheet environment Learn formulas that work in both Google sheets & Excel! This course is ideal for individuals who are Spreadsheet users of all levels, those who want to get better at analyzing data or building spreadsheets for personal use! or This course is not for you if you are an experienced data analyst or power spreadsheet user. or Students who want to start a career in management consulting or tech operations! It is particularly useful for Spreadsheet users of all levels, those who want to get better at analyzing data or building spreadsheets for personal use! or This course is not for you if you are an experienced data analyst or power spreadsheet user. or Students who want to start a career in management consulting or tech operations!.
Enroll now: The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!
Title: The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!
Price: $139.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Curriculum Items: 66
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 66
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create beautiful spreadsheets with amazing formatting tricks
- Learn to manipulate text in formulas
- Connect multiple Google Sheets together using a single formula
- Analyze data sets with ease using complex functions & formulas
- Learn to build incredible data visualizations using charts
- Feel completely comfortable in a spreadsheet environment
- Learn formulas that work in both Google sheets & Excel!
Who Should Attend
- Spreadsheet users of all levels, those who want to get better at analyzing data or building spreadsheets for personal use!
- This course is not for you if you are an experienced data analyst or power spreadsheet user.
- Students who want to start a career in management consulting or tech operations!
Target Audiences
- Spreadsheet users of all levels, those who want to get better at analyzing data or building spreadsheets for personal use!
- This course is not for you if you are an experienced data analyst or power spreadsheet user.
- Students who want to start a career in management consulting or tech operations!
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Google Sheets (some of which translates to Microsoft Excel!). You will not only learn the basics, like adding and subtracting. But you will also learn valuable advanced formulas like VLOOKUP, INDEX(MATCH()MATCH()), and IMPORTRANGE.
Never heard of those before? Don’t worry! I start from the beginning – so those terms will become clear when the time is right.
Along the way, you will develop an amazing spreadsheet toolkit. Wondering what tools will be in that toolkit? Check out the list below for some highlights of the course:
Learn the basics like how to create a Google Account and a Google Spreadsheet
Arithmetic Functions like SUM, COUNT, and AVERAGE
Shortcuts like filling formulas across THOUSANDS of cells
Advanced charts & Beautiful Visualizations
PIVOT TABLES– though I don’t particularly like them…
Advanced functions like INDEX MATCH MATCH and IMPORT RANGE
QUERY, the function that DOES IT ALL!
Ultimately, the point of this course is to get some awesome skills for professional or personal use. And – above all – have fun doing it!
My course isn’t like a lot of other online Excel or Google Sheet courses. Most of these courses force you to watch them build things and hope that you understand what they are doing. Instead of that old model, I’ve incorporated everything I’ve learned from my experience in the real professional world to make this the best online Google sheets course. The course includes:
Comprehensive Workbooks WITH Answer Keys
Extra Learning Resources
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding web development can be!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Spreadsheet Basics! What are they and how do they work?
Lecture 1: Introduction: MANDATORY PLEASE READ
Lecture 2: Pre-Work: Creating a Google Drive Account
Lecture 3: Pre-Work: Creating a copy of my Spreadsheet Templates!
Lecture 4: Spreadsheet Basics! What are they and how do they work?
Lecture 5: Toolbar Walkthrough
Lecture 6: Data Types in a Spreadsheet
Lecture 7: Navigating Spreadsheets with Shortcuts!
Lecture 8: Simple Formatting Tricks – Beautify your Spreadsheets!
Chapter 2: Introduction to Functions!
Lecture 1: Get Familiar with SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, & MORE!
Lecture 2: More Simple Functions: COUNTA, MIN & MAX
Lecture 3: Intro to Activity: Your First Day at the Dumpling Stand
Lecture 4: Solution to Activity: Your First Day at the Dumpling Stand
Chapter 3: Conditional Functions
Lecture 1: The IF Statement
Lecture 2: AND/OR Statements
Lecture 3: Nesting IF Statements & the IFS Statement
Lecture 4: Solution to Activity & Crash Course in Conditional Formatting!
Lecture 5: Conditional Arithmetic Functions (ie. SUM + IF)
Lecture 6: HW Problem Solution & Wrap Up
Chapter 4: Pivot Tables, Sorting, and Filtering!
Lecture 1: Introduction to Raw data and the new Section Format
Lecture 2: Crash Course in Pivot Tables Part I
Lecture 3: Crash Course in Pivot Tables Part II
Lecture 4: Intro to Activity: Building a Pivot Table for the Dumpling Business
Lecture 5: Sorting & Filtering Part I
Lecture 6: Sorting & Filtering Part II
Lecture 7: Sorting & Filtering Part III
Lecture 8: NOTE: There is a small error in the next lecture!
Lecture 9: Solution to Activity: Sorting & Filtering!
Lecture 10: Wrapping Up: Cool Applications of Sort & Filter
Chapter 5: Charts & Graphs: Visualizing Data in Spreadsheets!
Lecture 1: Intro to Charts & Graphs
Lecture 2: Creating Charts in Google Sheets
Lecture 3: Intro to Activity: Creating AMAZING Visuals
Lecture 4: Solution to Activity: Creating AMAZING Visuals
Chapter 6: Data Validation & an Introduction to Dynamic Models
Lecture 1: What is Data Validation?
Lecture 2: Data Validation: Hands on Activities
Lecture 3: Creating Basic Dynamic Models
Lecture 4: Intro to Activity: Beginner Data Validation & Intermediate Modeling
Lecture 5: Solution to Activity: Beginner Data Validation & Intermediate Modeling
Chapter 7: Errors, IFERROR, and creating Named Ranges
Lecture 1: Every error you need to know, and how to fix 'em
Lecture 2: The IFERROR formula. A machine to keep your spreadsheets clean!
Lecture 3: Named Ranges – Prehabbing before you mess up your formulas!
Lecture 4: Activity with Solutions – Another Day at the Dumpling Stand!
Chapter 8: The Infamous VLOOKUP, Lookups, and INDEX(MATCH(),MATCH())
Lecture 1: Let's get into the VLOOKUP Function! Also HLOOKUP…I guess
Lecture 2: Activity: Housing Info with VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP
Lecture 3: The BEST Lookup Formula! (INDEX(MATCH()MATCH()))
Lecture 4: Activity: Finding Information with VLOOKUP & INDEX(MATCH,MATCH())
Chapter 9: Working with Text Functions: Becoming a Wordsmith!
Lecture 1: Introduction to Text Functions: Adding words together and changing their case!
Lecture 2: Using LEFT, RIGHT, LEN and more to extract characters from cells!
Lecture 3: Activity: Extracting First & Last Names from a cell!
Lecture 4: TRIM & Final Activity with Solutions!
Chapter 10: Date & Time Functions
Lecture 1: Simple, but essential date & time functions: TODAY & NOW!
Lecture 2: Date Functions Continued! EDATE, EOMONTH, and MORE!
Lecture 3: Exercise Solution: The Countdown Clock!
Lecture 4: Synthesizing Sections: An Interactive Calendar
Chapter 11: Rounding & Randomizing: Keeping your spreadsheets SPICY!
Lecture 1: Randomizing using RAND & RANDBETWEEN!
Lecture 2: Rounding Out the Numbers with ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN!
Lecture 3: Activity Intro: Build a Meal Randomizer!
Lecture 4: Activity Solutions: Build a Meal Randomizer!
Chapter 12: Stock Picking & Real-time Translators with GOOGLEFINANCE & GOOGLETRANSLATE!
Lecture 1: Introduction to GOOGLEFINANCE: Get Stock Information INSTANTLY!
Lecture 2: Introduction to GOOGLETRANSLATE: Become a Polyglot!
Lecture 3: Activity: Creating the Stock Picker & Translator!
Chapter 13: The Final Quest: IMPORTRANGE & QUERY!
Lecture 1: Pull Spreadsheets together from ALL OVER the Google sheets universe!
Lecture 2: CRASH Course in SQL! Introduction to SQL jargon and logic!
Lecture 3: Building QUERY() in your Spreadsheet!
Lecture 4: Mixing QUERY() with IMPORTRANGE(): Achieve Greatness.
Lecture 5: QUERY() with IMPORTRANGE() Activity: Apply EVERYTHING to Analyze some Data!
Lecture 6: The Final Lecture: Create Cell References within QUERY()!
Evan Ramsey
Professional Spreadsheet Nerd -
Sansone Partners
Teaching Strategic & Operational Excellence
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 66 votes
- 2 stars: 96 votes
- 3 stars: 744 votes
- 4 stars: 3488 votes
- 5 stars: 6882 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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