The complete MBA in IT-Project Management
The complete MBA in IT-Project Management, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3, with 112 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 2 reviews, and has 17 subscribers.
You will learn about This course is designed for students interested in learning the fundamental issues related to technology ventures Foster entrepreneurial mindset in engineering professionals Link entrepreneurial and innovative behavior to education and career pathways Mentor and support students to launch their own ventures Describe an environment experience for creating investable technology based startups. Apply the language of business, enabling effective participation in cross-functional teams Demonstrate how to create and capture customer value Ascertain Economic fundamentals for Business Creation and Growth Apply Project and Operations Management Describe Team building and leadership Demonstrate how technical and business decision making come together to enable commercially viable innovation Relate the concepts to business situations and helps leaners to develop skills so as to effective national and international business strategy. Describe methods used to evaluate business opportunities Expose the learners to the challenges in the merging technology-based business competitive environment. Explain how to use creative thinking to generate ideas. Assess, evaluate, raise and manage sources of funds and investment in local and international context. Analyze financial statements to determine technology-based business sustainability. course encourages students to consider how technology can solve economic and socially oriented problems. This course is ideal for individuals who are engineers, entrepreneurs, students, managers, new business operators It is particularly useful for engineers, entrepreneurs, students, managers, new business operators.
Enroll now: The complete MBA in IT-Project Management
Title: The complete MBA in IT-Project Management
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3
Number of Lectures: 112
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 125
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 125
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- This course is designed for students interested in learning the fundamental issues related to technology ventures
- Foster entrepreneurial mindset in engineering professionals
- Link entrepreneurial and innovative behavior to education and career pathways
- Mentor and support students to launch their own ventures
- Describe an environment experience for creating investable technology based startups.
- Apply the language of business, enabling effective participation in cross-functional teams
- Demonstrate how to create and capture customer value
- Ascertain Economic fundamentals for Business Creation and Growth
- Apply Project and Operations Management
- Describe Team building and leadership
- Demonstrate how technical and business decision making come together to enable commercially viable innovation
- Relate the concepts to business situations and helps leaners to develop skills so as to effective national and international business strategy.
- Describe methods used to evaluate business opportunities
- Expose the learners to the challenges in the merging technology-based business competitive environment.
- Explain how to use creative thinking to generate ideas.
- Assess, evaluate, raise and manage sources of funds and investment in local and international context.
- Analyze financial statements to determine technology-based business sustainability.
- course encourages students to consider how technology can solve economic and socially oriented problems.
Who Should Attend
- engineers, entrepreneurs, students, managers, new business operators
Target Audiences
- engineers, entrepreneurs, students, managers, new business operators
This course is designed for those who are interested in learning about the fundamental issues related to starting and managing technology-based new ventures. The course encourages students to consider how technology-based solutions can solve economic and socially oriented problems. This course introduces the fundamentals of technology entrepreneurship, pioneered in global competitive environment that now spreading across the world. You will learn the process technology entrepreneurs use to start companies that involves taking a technology idea and finding a high-potential commercial opportunity, gathering resources such as talent and capital, figuring out how to sell and market the idea, and managing rapid growth. The students will be able to understand roles of Economic and business fundamentals for technology-based new ventures Creation and Growth.
This course is designed to give a practical introduction to IT project management principles and techniques, which will be related to IS Project Management. more over this course has been designed to give clear picture on how both IT and IS related projects can be operated, so it is not just IT developers who have to grapple with IT projects: users often have to bear the brunt of IT-driven business change and have their own project responsibilities that can have a decisive impact on project success. An additional aim was to give these IT users some insights into IT project management issues.
Finance is the life blood of business. Without adequate finance, no business can server and without efficient finance management, no business can prosper and grow. Finance is required for establishing developing and operating the business efficiently. The success of business depends upon supply of finance and its efficient management.
Finance is called science of money. It is not only act of making money available, but its administration and control so that it could be properly utilized. The world “Financial Management” is the composition of two words ie. „Financial‟ and „Management‟. Financial means procuring or raising of money supply (funds) and allocating (using) those resources (funds) on the basis of monetary requirements of the business. The word „Management‟ means planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling human activities with reference to finance function for achieving goals/ objectives of organization. Besides raising and utilization of funds, finance also includes distribution of funds in the form of dividend to share holders and retention of profit for growth and developments.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Overview of Project
Lecture 2: Introduction IT entrepreneurship
Lecture 3: The Entrepreneurship Subject Domain
Lecture 4: Entrepreneurship Defined
Lecture 5: Process perspective of Entrepreneurship
Lecture 6: Behavioral/Activities Perspective of Entrepreneurship
Lecture 7: The complexity of entrepreneurship
Lecture 8: Individual and corporate entrepreneurship
Lecture 9: A entrepreneurial culture
Lecture 10: Innovation
Lecture 11: Innovation and entrepreneurship
Lecture 12: Definition of Techno-Entrepreneurship
Lecture 13: Unlocking of Entrepreneurial Competencies
Lecture 14: Technology and Development
Lecture 15: Technology components
Lecture 16: Matching Person with Project (Idea Generation)
Lecture 17: Idea Screening
Lecture 18: Understanding Technology Innovation
Lecture 19: Technology innovation management process
Lecture 20: Opportunity Recognition
Lecture 1: Introduction to Enterprise resource Planning System
Lecture 2: Cyber Security Basics for small business
Lecture 3: Types of Cyber Attacks
Lecture 4: Information Security
Lecture 5: Threats to Information Security
Lecture 6: Enterprisewide Security Program
Lecture 1: Technology Assessment (TA) and Choice
Lecture 2: The Marketing Process
Lecture 3: Marketing Research
Lecture 4: Marketing Research Process
Lecture 5: International Market Research
Lecture 6: Marketing Information System
Lecture 7: Approaches of studying market and consumer buying behaviour
Lecture 8: Introduction to market segmentation
Lecture 9: Methods of Marketing Segmentation
Lecture 10: Marketing Analysis
Lecture 11: Demand analysis
Lecture 12: Supply analysis
Lecture 13: Competitive Analysis
Lecture 14: Marketing Plan
Lecture 15: Business Forecasting Techniques
Lecture 16: Types Business Forecasting Approaches
Lecture 1: Introduction to Project management
Lecture 2: System development life cycle
Lecture 3: Project management and the development life cycle
Lecture 4: Elements of project management
Lecture 5: Development process models
Lecture 6: The project plan
Lecture 7: The business case
Lecture 1: Appropriate Technology: Concept and Application
Lecture 2: Technology Transfer: Some Basic Issues
Lecture 3: Problems and Issues with TNCs (Trans-national corporations )
Lecture 4: Essential Requirements for Buyers of Technology in a Developing Country
Lecture 5: The Operations Systems
Lecture 6: Project Management
Lecture 7: Project management organization
Lecture 8: Quality management
Lecture 9: Factors influencing quality approach
Lecture 10: Stages towards improving quality
Lecture 11: Techniques for measuring quality-Kaizen
Lecture 12: Ways of creating a quality organization
Chapter 6: Organising and Managing a Technology-Based Enterprise
Lecture 1: Designing an Organogram
Lecture 2: Human resource planning
Lecture 3: Recruitment Process
Lecture 4: Selection Process
Lecture 5: Production system
Lecture 6: Intellectual Property Management
Lecture 7: Facility planning and Break-Even Analysis
Lecture 8: Strategic Management Process
Lecture 9: Fomulation of Mission and Objectives
Lecture 1: Basics of Accounting
Lecture 2: Introduction to Accounting Concepts
Lecture 3: Debit and Credit with Tally package
Lecture 4: Introduction to Financial management
Lecture 5: Financial Management Objectives
Lecture 6: Capital Needs and Sources
Lecture 7: Generating Finance
Lecture 8: Financial Projections
Lecture 9: Strategies for Raising Finance
Akili Rashidi Ngomage
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
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