The Complete MBA in Risk Management
The Complete MBA in Risk Management, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 144 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 21 reviews, and has 364 subscribers.
You will learn about Risk Management, Business Strategies Financial Risk Management Risk Governance, Risk Aware Culture Financial management, Financial Analysis Upon completion of the MBA in Risk Management programme, you will be able to analyze the business trend and possible threats nationally and internationally 1. Demonstrate key personal and inter-personal skills for effective management and implementation of solutions in organisations. 2. Show understanding of the significance of recent theoretical developments in business, in financial risk management and their strategic implications. 3. Understand the concepts and contexts of risk, uncertainty and hedging. 4. Develop skills and methods for identifying risk signals and communicate these to stakeholders. This course is ideal for individuals who are Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Engineers, Managers, Prospective Managers, Mid-level Managers It is particularly useful for Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Engineers, Managers, Prospective Managers, Mid-level Managers.
Enroll now: The Complete MBA in Risk Management
Title: The Complete MBA in Risk Management
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 144
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 144
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 149
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 149
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Risk Management, Business Strategies
- Financial Risk Management
- Risk Governance,
- Risk Aware Culture
- Financial management, Financial Analysis
- Upon completion of the MBA in Risk Management programme, you will be able to analyze the business trend and possible threats nationally and internationally
- 1. Demonstrate key personal and inter-personal skills for effective management and implementation of solutions in organisations.
- 2. Show understanding of the significance of recent theoretical developments in business, in financial risk management and their strategic implications.
- 3. Understand the concepts and contexts of risk, uncertainty and hedging.
- 4. Develop skills and methods for identifying risk signals and communicate these to stakeholders.
Who Should Attend
- Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Engineers, Managers, Prospective Managers, Mid-level Managers
Target Audiences
- Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Engineers, Managers, Prospective Managers, Mid-level Managers
Management of risk is now a key issue for all major businesses and effective risk management is an essential element of successful organizational performance. Assessment and formal treatment of risk and uncertainty is needed in all aspects of management including: investment decisions, business continuity, corporate security and strategic decision making.
Effective risk management is increasingly becoming recognized as a necessary condition for successful organizational performance. The complete MBA in Risk Management will train managers to deal with risks internally, inter-organizationally by skillfully financing it. Attention will also be paid to international dimensions of risks which have become growing aspect of risk management with continued globalization.
This risk management course intends to build and nurture necessary competence for Risk Management strategist. It provides knowledge and skills in the use and application of risk management tools and nurtures the details of Risk management and internal control framework. It covers the knowledge and skills on utilization of Risk Management techniques for effective decision making and provides competence and proficiency necessary for identifying and solving complex Risk situations such as fraud, project, procurement and other corporation areas in a multi discipline business environment.
The examination scheme intends to cover the meaning, scope and purpose of Risk Management, Risk Management framework, risk governance, risk aware culture, risk assessment, risk response and insurance, operational risk management, risk assurance, risk analytics and future of risk management.
The course is designed for students who want to develop organizational and analytical skills in a number of financial risk management roles in industrial, commercial and governmental organizations. The course will enable students to critically evaluate and utilize new and established risk management tools in national and international contexts and measure the effectiveness of risk policy implementation.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Risk Management
Lecture 1: Introduction to Risk
Lecture 2: Objective and Subjective elements of Risk
Lecture 3: Stakeholders and Business Risk
Lecture 4: The nature and classification of risk
Lecture 5: Costs associated with risk
Lecture 6: The importance of Risk Management
Lecture 7: Risk Identification
Lecture 8: Risk Management Systems in Banks
Lecture 9: The risk management process
Lecture 10: Techniques of Managing corporate Risks
Lecture 11: Risk control
Lecture 12: Risk evaluation
Lecture 13: venture creation environment
Lecture 14: Recent Global developments in risk management
Lecture 15: Risk managers in organizations
Lecture 16: Corporate Risk Financing
Lecture 17: Risk and Quality Management
Lecture 1: HRM- Concept and Philosophy
Lecture 2: HRM functions
Lecture 3: HRD Instruments, Processes and Outcomes
Lecture 4: Human Resource Planning – Concept, Quantitative and Qualitative dimensions
Lecture 5: HRM in the changing environment
Lecture 6: Job Analysis, Manpower Search
Lecture 7: Introduction to recruitment process
Lecture 8: Introduction to Selection Process
Lecture 9: Recruitment and Selection procedures
Lecture 10: Induction and orientation
Lecture 11: Human Resource Training
Lecture 12: Compensation, Pay, Incentives, Benefits
Lecture 13: Performance and potential appraisal
Lecture 14: Grievance and Dispute
Lecture 15: Participation and Employee Empowerment.
Chapter 3: Marketing Management
Lecture 1: Introduction to Marketing
Lecture 2: An overview of marketing
Lecture 3: Marketing Analysis
Lecture 4: Marketing Process
Lecture 5: Marketing Planning
Lecture 6: The marketing environment
Lecture 7: Understanding consumer behaviour
Lecture 8: Understanding organizational buying behaviour
Lecture 9: Marketing Research and Information system
Lecture 10: Marketing Research Design
Lecture 11: market segmentation and positioning
Lecture 12: Marketing strategy
Lecture 13: Analysing competitors and creating competitive advantage
Lecture 14: Marketing Information System
Lecture 15: International marketing strategies
Lecture 16: International Market Research
Lecture 17: Advertising, Public Relations & Publicity
Chapter 4: Corporate Financial Management
Lecture 1: The goal of the firm
Lecture 2: Capital Budgeting decisions
Lecture 3: Business Angels and Venture capital
Lecture 4: Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions; Introduction
Lecture 5: Introduction to International Financial Management
Lecture 6: Working capital Financing
Lecture 7: Management of cash and marketable securities
Lecture 8: Inventory management
Lecture 9: Sources of Finance
Lecture 10: Stock exchange operations
Lecture 11: Introduction Financial Analysis
Lecture 12: Capital structure and agency relationships
Lecture 13: Optimal dividend and capital structure policies
Lecture 14: The uses of standard option contracts for modifying corporate risk exposure
Lecture 1: Financial risk management:an overview
Lecture 2: Measuring Financial Risk
Lecture 3: Credit risk management
Lecture 4: Managing Credit Risk in Inter-bank Exposure
Lecture 5: Liquidity risk management
Lecture 6: Interest risk management
Lecture 7: Foreign Exchange marketing
Lecture 8: Foreign exchange risk management
Lecture 9: Market risk management
Lecture 10: Financial Risk Identification on the balance sheet
Lecture 11: Risk Management Framework: Policy and Hedging
Lecture 12: Operational risk management
Lecture 13: Receivables management
Lecture 14: Financial risk management in international operations
Lecture 1: Introduction in corporate Governance
Lecture 2: Corporate Governance Theories
Lecture 3: Role of Board of Directors
Lecture 4: roles of CEOs and board members is managing risk
Lecture 5: Board Committees
Lecture 6: Role of Chairman
Lecture 7: Role of CEO
Lecture 8: Creating an Effective Board
Lecture 1: Investment Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to Business analysis
Lecture 3: Risk and Returns
Akili Rashidi Ngomage
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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