The Complete Online Teaching Masterclass: 5 Courses in 1
The Complete Online Teaching Masterclass: 5 Courses in 1, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 49 lectures, based on 144 reviews, and has 4508 subscribers.
You will learn about Generate a reoccurring 6-figure income from your online video courses Master the art of planning, creating, promoting and selling online video courses Dominate on video course publishing platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific & Gumroad Find your online teaching niche & generate bestselling course ideas Promote your courses via Facebook ads to millions of people from all over the world Set up your own video course recording studio at home with very little money and much more! This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone who wants to generate a re-occurring 6-figure income with online video courses or (Upcoming) Entrepreneurs who would like to become location-independent and want to be able to manage their business from anywhere in the world or People who have a strong passion for teaching and want to build a brand in that regard or Everyone who wants to quit their 9-5 job and wants to make a living from teaching online It is particularly useful for Everyone who wants to generate a re-occurring 6-figure income with online video courses or (Upcoming) Entrepreneurs who would like to become location-independent and want to be able to manage their business from anywhere in the world or People who have a strong passion for teaching and want to build a brand in that regard or Everyone who wants to quit their 9-5 job and wants to make a living from teaching online.
Enroll now: The Complete Online Teaching Masterclass: 5 Courses in 1
Title: The Complete Online Teaching Masterclass: 5 Courses in 1
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 49
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Generate a reoccurring 6-figure income from your online video courses
- Master the art of planning, creating, promoting and selling online video courses
- Dominate on video course publishing platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific & Gumroad
- Find your online teaching niche & generate bestselling course ideas
- Promote your courses via Facebook ads to millions of people from all over the world
- Set up your own video course recording studio at home with very little money
- and much more!
Who Should Attend
- Everyone who wants to generate a re-occurring 6-figure income with online video courses
- (Upcoming) Entrepreneurs who would like to become location-independent and want to be able to manage their business from anywhere in the world
- People who have a strong passion for teaching and want to build a brand in that regard
- Everyone who wants to quit their 9-5 job and wants to make a living from teaching online
Target Audiences
- Everyone who wants to generate a re-occurring 6-figure income with online video courses
- (Upcoming) Entrepreneurs who would like to become location-independent and want to be able to manage their business from anywhere in the world
- People who have a strong passion for teaching and want to build a brand in that regard
- Everyone who wants to quit their 9-5 job and wants to make a living from teaching online
Would you like to generate a re-occurring six figure income with online video courses?And do you want to know how I did exactly that by selling my courses on Udemy, Thinkific, Gumroad, DigiStore24and Skillshare? Then this course is for you!
My name is Leon Chaudhari and I now already serve more than 23.000 students in 27 courses on Udemy. With my company Teaching Hero, I now already published more than 20 BESTSELLING courses on Udemy!
In this course, I will show you step by step how to plan, create, sell and promote online video courses! We will cover 5 different online video course publishing platforms and I will lay out how I generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in pure profits off these platforms.
We will start off by learning how to generate massive profits on Udemy. I will give my success strategies and I will show you step by step how I created more than 20 bestselling courses here on Udemy.
Afterwards we will talk about Gumroad. You will learn how to create your own subscription and membership side, how to generate leads with free products, generate massive upsells, create course landing pages and promote your courses via Facebook Ads.
Then, we will cover Thinkific,a online course hosting platform. I will show you how to set up your own online school, look for and generate affiliates for your products, create course, promote them and build your brand.
Then, we will focus on Skillshare. We will together learn how to create courses, publish and brand them successfully, how to promote them via Facebook groups & generate thousands of minutes in monthly watch time which will results in considerable profits.
What will you be able to do after you finished watching this course?
- Generate a reoccurring 6-figure income from your online video courses
- Master the art of planning, creating, promoting and selling online video courses
- Find your online teaching niche & generate bestselling course ideas
- Dominate on video course publishing platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific & Gumroad
- Promote your courses via Facebook ads to millions of people from all over the world
- Set up your own video course recording studio at home with very little money
- and much more!
In this course, I will for the first time reveal my teaching secretsand show you how I make 6 figures every single year selling online courses.
When you are finished with this course, you will have your online teaching business set up and ready to go.
Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.
Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!
It’s time to take action. This offer won’t last forever.
Go ahead and click the ‘take this course’ button right now and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!
Yours sincerely,
Leon Chaudhari
– instructor –
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How you can introduce yourself in the Udemy Q&A section
Lecture 3: What will you learn in this course?
Lecture 4: Why should you teach online?
Chapter 2: Niching & Getting started creating online courses
Lecture 1: How much money can you make teaching online?
Lecture 2: How to find your online teaching niche
Lecture 3: 10 factors for a great online course
Lecture 4: 5 mistakes that most people make when creating online courses
Lecture 5: How to step by step make 6 figures teaching online
Lecture 6: Which is the most profitable online teaching platform?
Lecture 7: Comparison Udemy, Skillshare & Thinkific + skills you need to succeed on them p1
Lecture 8: Comparison Udemy, Skillshare & Thinkific + skills you need to succeed on them p2
Chapter 3: Udemy Mastery: Step by step to 6 figures on Udemy
Lecture 1: How to set your premium instructor account on Udemy
Lecture 2: My course research formula
Lecture 3: How to use the Udemy insights tool effectively
Lecture 4: Hack #1: Asking people to introduce themselves in the Q&A section
Lecture 5: Hack #2: Get as many positive reviews in the first 24 hours as possible
Lecture 6: Hack #3: Promote your course coupons via Facebook groups
Lecture 7: Hack #4: Promote your courses via Facebook ads
Lecture 8: Hack #4 (part 2): Promote your courses via Facebook ads
Lecture 9: Hack #5: Building your own Facebook group
Lecture 10: Hack #6: Bestblackhatforum
Chapter 4: Course Creation Mastery: How to create amazing courses
Lecture 1: How to create amazing promotional videos
Lecture 2: My setup – How do I record online video courses?
Lecture 3: How to properly structure your course
Chapter 5: Speed Hacks – How to create Udemy courses more quickly
Lecture 1: The two best editing software for quick movie production
Lecture 2: Splitscreen recordings in iMovie – how to save time and add substance
Lecture 3: How to use talking head videos to save time
Lecture 4: Using the same/similar welcome chapter videos for each course
Lecture 5: How to create a course outline
Lecture 6: How to create course descriptions 10x faster
Chapter 6: Teaching with Thinkific: A Step by Step Guide on how to succeed with Thinkific
Lecture 1: Thinkific pricing comparison – What plan would I recommend?
Lecture 2: Step by Step Tutorial: How to set up your Thinkific account
Lecture 3: How to create your first course on Thinkific
Lecture 4: How to promote your online Thinkific school with Facebook ads
Chapter 7: Skillshare Domination: How to make money on
Lecture 1: What is Skillshare? How does it compare to Udemy and Thinkific?
Lecture 2: How to create a course on Skillshare
Lecture 3: How to promote your Skillshare courses in Facebook groups
Lecture 4: 5 advice to keep viewers watching
Chapter 8: Website Builder Tutorial: How to set up your own website to sell courses
Lecture 1: What exactly is Why should I host my website with them?
Lecture 2: A complete tutorial on how to build a website and sell your courses with it
Chapter 9: Gumroad: How to sell your products via Gumroad
Lecture 1: What exactly is Gumroad?
Lecture 2: How to sell a simple digital product with Gumroad
Lecture 3: How to sell a subscription product on Gumroad
Lecture 4: How to sell a membership product on Gumroad
Lecture 5: How to sell a pre-order product on Gumroad
Chapter 10: Thank you!
Lecture 1: How to download the course slides
Lecture 2: Final words
Lecture 3: Thank you!
Leon Chaudhari
Entrepreneur & Bestselling Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 97 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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