The Complete Podcasting Course with Brendan Davis
The Complete Podcasting Course with Brendan Davis, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 63 lectures, based on 24 reviews, and has 113 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a smart, well thought-out, and technically solid podcast from scratch. Those with little technical or creative experience can use the course as a one-stop resource to learn or review all of the essential concepts and terminology needed to excel. Savvy podcasters will learn new tricks and gain insights to make their work better, regardless of current experience. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginning podcasters who are ready to get started, intermediate podcasters who want to get better, and experienced podcasters who want a new perspective to improve their existing show(s). or My mission is to provide comprehensive, memorable lessons in minimal time. or I've taught filmmaking in Masters programs for years and I know the value of keeping students engaged, so I also wanted to make the course as entertaining and honest as possible, so I do my best to keep things from getting too tedious. or So if you want to learn from someone who really knows what he's doing, who is sincerely interested in helping you make the best show you can make, AND who doesn't take himself overly seriously in the process, this is the course for you. I'm not playing a role here; for better or worse, this is really me. I hope you enjoy it! It is particularly useful for Beginning podcasters who are ready to get started, intermediate podcasters who want to get better, and experienced podcasters who want a new perspective to improve their existing show(s). or My mission is to provide comprehensive, memorable lessons in minimal time. or I've taught filmmaking in Masters programs for years and I know the value of keeping students engaged, so I also wanted to make the course as entertaining and honest as possible, so I do my best to keep things from getting too tedious. or So if you want to learn from someone who really knows what he's doing, who is sincerely interested in helping you make the best show you can make, AND who doesn't take himself overly seriously in the process, this is the course for you. I'm not playing a role here; for better or worse, this is really me. I hope you enjoy it!.
Enroll now: The Complete Podcasting Course with Brendan Davis
Title: The Complete Podcasting Course with Brendan Davis
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a smart, well thought-out, and technically solid podcast from scratch.
- Those with little technical or creative experience can use the course as a one-stop resource to learn or review all of the essential concepts and terminology needed to excel.
- Savvy podcasters will learn new tricks and gain insights to make their work better, regardless of current experience.
Who Should Attend
- Beginning podcasters who are ready to get started, intermediate podcasters who want to get better, and experienced podcasters who want a new perspective to improve their existing show(s).
- My mission is to provide comprehensive, memorable lessons in minimal time.
- I've taught filmmaking in Masters programs for years and I know the value of keeping students engaged, so I also wanted to make the course as entertaining and honest as possible, so I do my best to keep things from getting too tedious.
- So if you want to learn from someone who really knows what he's doing, who is sincerely interested in helping you make the best show you can make, AND who doesn't take himself overly seriously in the process, this is the course for you. I'm not playing a role here; for better or worse, this is really me. I hope you enjoy it!
Target Audiences
- Beginning podcasters who are ready to get started, intermediate podcasters who want to get better, and experienced podcasters who want a new perspective to improve their existing show(s).
- My mission is to provide comprehensive, memorable lessons in minimal time.
- I've taught filmmaking in Masters programs for years and I know the value of keeping students engaged, so I also wanted to make the course as entertaining and honest as possible, so I do my best to keep things from getting too tedious.
- So if you want to learn from someone who really knows what he's doing, who is sincerely interested in helping you make the best show you can make, AND who doesn't take himself overly seriously in the process, this is the course for you. I'm not playing a role here; for better or worse, this is really me. I hope you enjoy it!
Your instructor Brendan Davis shows you all the podcasting ropes in a conversational but highly focused style. Watch and listen as we create an episode of a showtogether, in close to real time,and learn how it’s done – from the initial concept to distribution. Real-world examples use familiar, popular shows to make the course relatable, and Davis uses his radio and teaching chops to make it fun to watch and listen toalong the way.
* July 2020 UPDATE: all those who purchase the course can request a private 20-minute Zoom call with the Instructor to answer specific questions! *
The course is designed to help the beginner get started, to fill in knowledge gapsfor the developing podcaster who wants to get better, and to give new ideas and insights to help even an experienced host with their show(s).
The material is organized into 10 sections, outlined below and detailed in the videos, in order to lead you through the entire process with success. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to produce and publish your very own podcast, too, or to significantly improve the show or shows you are already doing.
Some topics – such as the more subjective, philosophical ones, the “whys” – are covered in a very concise way, while many of the objective, technical parts – the “hows” – are given a much deeper look. In the Case Study sections in particular, we get VERY detailed. The raw interview and the subsequent edit are both presented in REAL TIMEso that you can hear and see EXACTLY how every creative and technical decision was made, and learn how to apply this type of thinking to YOUR show.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Why Create A Podcast?
Lecture 1: Overview: meet the Instructor, and let's have some FUN doing this
Lecture 2: Have Fun!
Lecture 3: To gain experience
Lecture 4: Organically expand your network
Lecture 5: Enhance your "street cred"
Lecture 6: Earn money
Lecture 7: Section 1 EXERCISE
Chapter 2: The Big Picture: An Overview of Everything You Need to Know
Lecture 1: Refining your show concept
Lecture 2: Learn by example
Lecture 3: Guests: their care and feeding
Lecture 4: Recording: quality and content are both important
Lecture 5: Editing: use the best, lose the rest
Lecture 6: Distribution: choosing and using a syndication platform
Lecture 7: Marketing and Monetizing: get the word out, get paid
Lecture 8: Section 2 EXERCISE
Chapter 3: Creative Prep: Finding Guests, Research, and The Power of a Good Outline
Lecture 1: Creative Prep Overview
Lecture 2: Guest search: start with your network, then expand outward
Lecture 3: Research Part 1: learn enough about potential guests to identify the best ones
Lecture 4: Making contact: how to reach out
Lecture 5: Scheduling: the art and science of timing
Lecture 6: Research, Part 2: do a deep dive and learn what makes the guest unique
Lecture 7: Outlining: organize your questions into a STORY
Lecture 8: Section 3 EXERCISE
Chapter 4: Technical Prep: Your Recording Setup, Hosting Options, & Distribution
Lecture 1: Technical Prep Overview
Lecture 2: Recording options: standalone recording, laptop, desktop, smartphone
Lecture 3: Editing software: Mac vs. PC – Garageband, QuickTime, Audacity, others
Lecture 4: Microphones: learn the basics + good options at every price
Lecture 5: Monitoring: earbuds, headphones, speakers
Lecture 6: Hosting: Libsyn, Anchor, DIY
Lecture 7: Distribution
Lecture 8: Section 4 EXERCISE
Chapter 5: Case Study: Creating An Episode!
Lecture 1: The Case Study: Overview
Chapter 6: Case Study: The Interview
Lecture 1: Prep: technical and creative
Lecture 2: Precall: the importance of a good "pregame" chat with your guest
Lecture 3: The Interview: a real-time talk with an actual guest. PLUS: doing pickups, wrap
Lecture 4: Section 6 EXERCISE
Chapter 7: Case Study: The Edit
Lecture 1: Edit Prep: the universal editing concepts
Lecture 2: Cutting the Case Study: our goals, the process, and the real-time edit
Lecture 3: Music & Mixing: adding production value
Lecture 4: Mastering: a little EQ and compression to make it sound great
Lecture 5: Outputting: creating your master audio file. PLUS: Proofing, revising
Lecture 6: Section 7 EXERCISE
Chapter 8: Case Study: Posting The Show
Lecture 1: Posting Overview
Lecture 2: Assembling the elements: gather links, write Show Notes, create social posts
Lecture 3: Create a Blog post
Lecture 4: Upload: getting the show on LibSyn (example); also discuss other options
Lecture 5: Final proof: download and listen like a consumer. What's their experience?
Lecture 6: Triage: what to do if you've screwed up badly and need to pull the show
Lecture 7: Section 8 EXERCISE
Chapter 9: Marketing & Monetizing
Lecture 1: Marketing & Monetizing Overview
Lecture 2: Branding: determine the identity you want to establish
Lecture 3: Logo: creating a visual signifier that matches the tone & content of your show
Lecture 4: Social accounts: build and populate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others
Lecture 5: Getting Fans: start with friends, expand to their friends, then tell the world
Lecture 6: Network: like and listen to similar shows, participate in their groups, be cool
Lecture 7: Promote: Facebook ads, Google +, Google Ads, and the important of Google Search
Lecture 8: Word of Mouth: your best advertising & how to effectively encourage it
Lecture 9: Monetizing: Get money, get paid.
Lecture 10: Section 9 EXERCISE
Chapter 10: Wrapping Up: Your "Getting Started" Guide To Making Your Very Own Show!
Lecture 1: Answer The 6 Magic Questions about your show: Who, What, When, Where, How, Why
Lecture 2: Your "Getting Started" Checklist: fill in the blanks, check boxes, make the show
Lecture 3: In Conclusion: last thoughts and staying in touch
Chapter 11: NEW Bonus module: making the Blue Yeti sound AMAZING!
Lecture 1: Get the BEST sound from a Blue Yeti!
Brendan Davis
Film & TV Producer-Director, Podcaster
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 15 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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