The Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat
The Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 46 lectures, based on 3 reviews, and has 48 subscribers.
You will learn about Create your vision for your work or business over the next 12 plus months Create a Vision Roadmap for where you want to go Develop an Activity Roadmap of key activities for each month over the next 12 months Identify your top 3-5 key goals for the coming year Identify resources (WHO and WHAT) will help you be successful with your key goals Identify your unique strengths and values as a leader or business owner Undertake a SWOT to explore your strengths and weakesses along with the threats and opportunities existing in your context Identify your own unique ecosystem as a leader or business owner – what distinguishes you and makes you unique Develop and build onto a One-Page Plan for the next 12 months Get into action with Focus, Experimentation, Momentum and Celebration Identify What's Next? This course is ideal for individuals who are The Virtual Business planning retreat is geared for business leaders and owners who want an opportunity to stop, pause, and focus on identifying their goals, strengths and options. or The emphasis in this retreat process is on YOU, what you can leverage and where you want to go! or This is a business retreat. As such, it is as much about scheduling the time to focus on the activities geared for your business. or The focus in the retreat is on your personal leadership foundations, and will apply to both business owners and leaders (new, experienced and aspiring) or Two main audiences will find this program of interest – business leaders and business owners or The retreat can be completed in one day (approximately 7-8hours) or you can spread it out over mutliple days or weeks. or The program is geared so both leaders and owners will be able to apply the learning to their work right away or The program will be of interest to leaders and business owners looking to build a solid foundation for their work, and want to focus on what's next for them in the next 12 months. or The program will not be of benefit to business owners who are looking for the tactical ins and outs of building a business (cash flow, marketing etc). or The program WILL NOT be of benefit to those who want to leave with a budget, or marketing plan in hand. or The Inner Biz Leader Virtual Business Planning Retreat will provide you with enhanced knowledge about yourself, clarity about key activities, and 3-5 prioritized SMART-E goals for the next year. It is particularly useful for The Virtual Business planning retreat is geared for business leaders and owners who want an opportunity to stop, pause, and focus on identifying their goals, strengths and options. or The emphasis in this retreat process is on YOU, what you can leverage and where you want to go! or This is a business retreat. As such, it is as much about scheduling the time to focus on the activities geared for your business. or The focus in the retreat is on your personal leadership foundations, and will apply to both business owners and leaders (new, experienced and aspiring) or Two main audiences will find this program of interest – business leaders and business owners or The retreat can be completed in one day (approximately 7-8hours) or you can spread it out over mutliple days or weeks. or The program is geared so both leaders and owners will be able to apply the learning to their work right away or The program will be of interest to leaders and business owners looking to build a solid foundation for their work, and want to focus on what's next for them in the next 12 months. or The program will not be of benefit to business owners who are looking for the tactical ins and outs of building a business (cash flow, marketing etc). or The program WILL NOT be of benefit to those who want to leave with a budget, or marketing plan in hand. or The Inner Biz Leader Virtual Business Planning Retreat will provide you with enhanced knowledge about yourself, clarity about key activities, and 3-5 prioritized SMART-E goals for the next year. .
Enroll now: The Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat
Title: The Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create your vision for your work or business over the next 12 plus months
- Create a Vision Roadmap for where you want to go
- Develop an Activity Roadmap of key activities for each month over the next 12 months
- Identify your top 3-5 key goals for the coming year
- Identify resources (WHO and WHAT) will help you be successful with your key goals
- Identify your unique strengths and values as a leader or business owner
- Undertake a SWOT to explore your strengths and weakesses along with the threats and opportunities existing in your context
- Identify your own unique ecosystem as a leader or business owner – what distinguishes you and makes you unique
- Develop and build onto a One-Page Plan for the next 12 months
- Get into action with Focus, Experimentation, Momentum and Celebration
- Identify What's Next?
Who Should Attend
- The Virtual Business planning retreat is geared for business leaders and owners who want an opportunity to stop, pause, and focus on identifying their goals, strengths and options.
- The emphasis in this retreat process is on YOU, what you can leverage and where you want to go!
- This is a business retreat. As such, it is as much about scheduling the time to focus on the activities geared for your business.
- The focus in the retreat is on your personal leadership foundations, and will apply to both business owners and leaders (new, experienced and aspiring)
- Two main audiences will find this program of interest – business leaders and business owners
- The retreat can be completed in one day (approximately 7-8hours) or you can spread it out over mutliple days or weeks.
- The program is geared so both leaders and owners will be able to apply the learning to their work right away
- The program will be of interest to leaders and business owners looking to build a solid foundation for their work, and want to focus on what's next for them in the next 12 months.
- The program will not be of benefit to business owners who are looking for the tactical ins and outs of building a business (cash flow, marketing etc).
- The program WILL NOT be of benefit to those who want to leave with a budget, or marketing plan in hand.
- The Inner Biz Leader Virtual Business Planning Retreat will provide you with enhanced knowledge about yourself, clarity about key activities, and 3-5 prioritized SMART-E goals for the next year.
Target Audiences
- The Virtual Business planning retreat is geared for business leaders and owners who want an opportunity to stop, pause, and focus on identifying their goals, strengths and options.
- The emphasis in this retreat process is on YOU, what you can leverage and where you want to go!
- This is a business retreat. As such, it is as much about scheduling the time to focus on the activities geared for your business.
- The focus in the retreat is on your personal leadership foundations, and will apply to both business owners and leaders (new, experienced and aspiring)
- Two main audiences will find this program of interest – business leaders and business owners
- The retreat can be completed in one day (approximately 7-8hours) or you can spread it out over mutliple days or weeks.
- The program is geared so both leaders and owners will be able to apply the learning to their work right away
- The program will be of interest to leaders and business owners looking to build a solid foundation for their work, and want to focus on what's next for them in the next 12 months.
- The program will not be of benefit to business owners who are looking for the tactical ins and outs of building a business (cash flow, marketing etc).
- The program WILL NOT be of benefit to those who want to leave with a budget, or marketing plan in hand.
- The Inner Biz Leader Virtual Business Planning Retreat will provide you with enhanced knowledge about yourself, clarity about key activities, and 3-5 prioritized SMART-E goals for the next year.
Are you a leader or business owner looking to create a plan for the next year? The virtual business planning retreat is geared to support professionals – leaders and business owners – with an opportunity to pause, reflect and focuson developing your vision and a plan for the coming year.
This is not your typical business planning retreat! The focus of the Virtual Business Planning Retreat provides you with an opportunity to create your plan for the next year, as well as deepen awareness of your unique capabilities – your strengths, values and opportunities. We focus on your Inner Biz Leader ™- your own leadership foundations.
The program is divided into several modules. Throughout the program we explore:
- What’s your vision?
- Mapping out a Vision Roadmap(TM) and Activity Timeline for the next year
- Identifying your top 3-5 goals for the next year
- Developing Your Activity Roadmap for the Coming Year
- Creating your One Page Plan
- Who and what do you need to make this happen
- What makes you unique – Your Values
- What makes you unique – Your Strengths
- Your Context – The SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
- Your Unique Ecosystem
- Getting Into Action – Focus, Experimentation, Momentum, Celebration
Throughout each of the sections of the retreat there are structured activities for you to undertake, building a one-page plan for you. Supplemental materials also address topics such as partnering and collaboration, tips for effective delegation and managing interruptions.
This is not your typical business planning retreat! It's geared to focus on YOU as a leader or business owner. These activities will support you in developing your business your business vision and plan for the next year. You will leave with a foundation you can build on as you move forward. We WILL NOT be covering topics such as budgeting or marketing strategy, which you will find in other courses.
You can complete the retreat in the course of one day or over a series of multiple days or weeks.
Each module takes approximately one hour to complete, and includes audio and video components, as well as worksheets you can complete offline.
Without a plan it’s hard to know where you are going, and even harder to know if you’ve gotten there. This program is ideal for your creating your annual business plan and can be revisited quarterly.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introductions
Lecture 1: Introduction To the Inner Biz Leader Virtual Retreat with Retreat Host Jennifer
Lecture 2: Welcome to the Inner Biz Leader Virtual Business Planning Retreat
Lecture 3: Program Overview – Inner Biz Leader(TM) Virtual Business Planning Retreat
Lecture 4: How to Get the Most Out of This Retreat
Chapter 2: Creating Your Business Vision
Lecture 1: Your Vision
Lecture 2: Activity – Creating Your Vision
Lecture 3: Your Vision – Audio
Lecture 4: Creating Your Vision – Part 2
Lecture 5: At the Desk… Vision MindMapping
Lecture 6: Your Vision Milestones and Roadmap – Part 1 and 2
Lecture 7: Activity – Your Vision Timeline
Lecture 8: Worksheet – Activity Roadmap
Chapter 3: Your Business Milestones
Lecture 1: Goal Setting – Creating SMART-E Goals
Lecture 2: Audio – Prioritizing Your Goals
Lecture 3: Goals Part 2 – Making Your Goals SMART-E
Lecture 4: Goals Part 3 – The One Page Plan
Lecture 5: Activity – One Page Plan
Chapter 4: Support – People, Systems and Resources
Lecture 1: Goals Part 4 – WHO will help you reach your Goals?
Lecture 2: Activity – Your Top 20
Lecture 3: Audio – Partnering and Collaboration
Lecture 4: Goals Part 5 – WHAT Do you need to be successful?
Lecture 5: Goals Part 6 – Wrapping up with Goals
Chapter 5: What Makes You Unique – Strengths
Lecture 1: Introduction to Strengths
Lecture 2: Your Strengths
Lecture 3: Activity – Strengths Worksheet
Chapter 6: What Makes You Unique – Values
Lecture 1: Values Introduction With Jenn
Lecture 2: Your Business Values
Lecture 3: Values – Part Two
Lecture 4: Activity – My Business Values
Chapter 7: What Makes You Unique – SWOT
Lecture 1: Intro to the SWOT With Jennifer
Lecture 2: SWOT
Lecture 3: Activity – SWOT
Chapter 8: Bringing It All Together: Your Unique Ecosystem
Lecture 1: Introduction to Your Ecosystem with Jenn
Lecture 2: Your Unique Ecosystem
Lecture 3: Activity – Ecosystem Worksheet
Lecture 4: Your Unique Ecosystem – Part 2
Chapter 9: Focus, Accountability and What's Next?
Lecture 1: Introduction to Getting Into Action with Jenn
Lecture 2: Getting Into Action – Focus
Lecture 3: Audio – Interruptions
Lecture 4: Audio – Delegation
Lecture 5: Experimentation
Lecture 6: Momentum
Lecture 7: Celebration
Chapter 10: Closure
Lecture 1: Closure
Lecture 2: Optional Closure Activity – Metaphors
Lecture 3: Retreat Wrap-up
Jennifer Britton
Author, Head Coach and Trainer at Potentials Realized
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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