The Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Master Class
The Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Master Class, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.73, with 108 lectures, based on 2186 reviews, and has 14462 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to build dynamic, institutional-grade real estate pro forma investment models from scratch Learn how to build customizations and triggers to maximize flexibility for any investment scenario Learn how to create institutional, professionally formatted models to present pro forma calculations to investors and partners This course is ideal for individuals who are Real estate investors and professionals who want to learn how to create dynamic, institutional-quality real estate pro forma models from scratch or Aspiring real estate investment professionals who want to begin a lucrative career in private equity real estate or Single-family home and duplex investors who are looking to go bigger with their investment properties and want to have the skill set to confidently analyze return projections on big deals It is particularly useful for Real estate investors and professionals who want to learn how to create dynamic, institutional-quality real estate pro forma models from scratch or Aspiring real estate investment professionals who want to begin a lucrative career in private equity real estate or Single-family home and duplex investors who are looking to go bigger with their investment properties and want to have the skill set to confidently analyze return projections on big deals.
Enroll now: The Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Master Class
Title: The Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Master Class
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.73
Number of Lectures: 108
Number of Published Lectures: 108
Number of Curriculum Items: 108
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 108
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to build dynamic, institutional-grade real estate pro forma investment models from scratch
- Learn how to build customizations and triggers to maximize flexibility for any investment scenario
- Learn how to create institutional, professionally formatted models to present pro forma calculations to investors and partners
Who Should Attend
- Real estate investors and professionals who want to learn how to create dynamic, institutional-quality real estate pro forma models from scratch
- Aspiring real estate investment professionals who want to begin a lucrative career in private equity real estate
- Single-family home and duplex investors who are looking to go bigger with their investment properties and want to have the skill set to confidently analyze return projections on big deals
Target Audiences
- Real estate investors and professionals who want to learn how to create dynamic, institutional-quality real estate pro forma models from scratch
- Aspiring real estate investment professionals who want to begin a lucrative career in private equity real estate
- Single-family home and duplex investors who are looking to go bigger with their investment properties and want to have the skill set to confidently analyze return projections on big deals
Want to learn how to build professional, dynamic, institutional-quality real estate pro forma models in Microsoft Excel? This course will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process. This is a project-based course, meaning you’ll start with a blank Excel workbookand walk away with a fully-functional, dynamic, eight-tab pro forma model that YOU’VE created – from scratch.
When I was first learning real estate financial modeling, I would download real estate investment models or real estate investment calculators on the internet, only to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the complex functions and formulas everywhere in the Excel file. And once I felt like I was getting used to one of these things, I still was petrified to touch or change anything because I didn’t want to “break” the model. And honestly, even if I understood it and I believed the model was working correctly, I still had no idea if I could even trust the calculations in the first place.
If you’ve ever felt any of these things, this course will pull back the curtain and uncover the “Black Box” that most real estate financial models appear to be. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build a dynamic, professional-quality real estate pro forma model from scratch, and your first one will be done by the time you finish the last lecture.
This course will teach you how to build a real estate pro forma investment model the way the largest and most sophisticated private equity real estate firms look at deals. At the end of this course, you will be able to:
Build aninstitutional-quality, dynamic real estate pro forma investment model from scratch
Learn key Excel shortcuts todouble your real estate financial modeling speed
Modify and customize existing real estate pro forma models to fit your specific investment scenario and needs
Confidently model key investment metrics such as theXIRR, Equity Multiple, and Cash-on-Cash returns, and calculate these metrics automatically as you change manual input drivers
Build adynamic renovation budget that captures exactly when and how you plan to renovate the property
Modelrenovation premiums and timing for a property renovation
Build outdynamic loan schedules and refinancing scenarios to accurately model any financing structure
Build formula “checks” toerror-proof your work and feel confident your calculations are accurate and can be trusted
This course is perfect for you if:
You’re a college student or graduate student looking to break into real estate investment after graduation, and you’re looking to add the key technical skill sets to your arsenal that will put youhead and shoulders above the competition and allow you to land a lucrative career opportunity in the field
You’re a professional in a different field, but looking tobuy real estate on the side and want to be able toconfidently analyze a deal
You’re an existing real estate professional looking toadvance your career, increase your compensation, and break into the real estate investment industry.
You’ve bought rental homes or duplexes, and now you’re looking to move intobigger properties and want to feelconfident in your ability to analyze deals.
Here’s what some of our students have had to say:
★★★★★ “Great Course! I really enjoyed the pace, the content and the explanations. I have worked on complex real estate models before but still learned a lot in this course. Will definitely take another course from Justin. Highly recommended.”
★★★★★ “Justin does a great job of explaining how to underwrite a deal with this MBA-level course. Coming from Asset Management I thought I had a solid background into financial modeling, but later realized I was missing many of the advanced skills that are covered in this course. I recommend this course to anyone that wants to sharpen it’s skills and move into the acquisition world. Justin is a great teacher and a very responsive one as well. (Usually responds the Q&A section within a day or two). As a bonus, I’ve sharpened my excel “shortcut” skills to another level! Thank you.”
★★★★★ “Justin, Is a very effective instructor. This course is well organized and he lays out the material at just the right pace. His responsiveness to all student questions makes the class feel interactive and shows that he’s engaged in this with you. This master class was excellent! He walks you step-by-step through everything, so even if you don’t understand certain things you can at least build the muscle memory by doing the steps to build the model and then review the reason behind the steps later, if you need to. I definitely built some neural pathways through this one!”
★★★★★ “The course is very on par with my education in MRED. It covers a great deal of the real estate pro-forma modeling, with great insights and ‘checks’. It is a great foundation and practical experience brought to the masses.”
★★★★★ “These classes are hands down the most valuable real estate modeling tools available online. The finished models themselves are useful, but the techniques you’ll learn will give you the skillset to model any type of scenario you need. I work at a boutique investment and development firm and our principals and investment partners have been extremely impressed by the models I built based on Justin’s coursework. I look forward to more classes in the future.”
★★★★★ “Great course! Very helpful in both demonstrating the nuts and bolts of constructing an in-depth CRE financial model, and discussing some KPIs important to an institutional investor or lender. The instructor was concise, articulate and very responsive to questions posed in the Q&A section. While the instructor takes you step-by-step, this is still a very technical course. A solid knowledge of finance, plus some background in real estate and light programming will go a long way in helping you understand what’s happening while he’s explaining. If you’re an aspiring developer or looking to do more modeling for work, I highly recommend this course.”
If you have a basic understanding of real estate finance, and you’re looking to apply that knowledge to analyze new real estate investment opportunities, enroll now and let’s get started building this model together today. Looking forward to having you in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What You'll Get Out of This Course
Lecture 2: A Sneak Peek Into What You'll Build
Lecture 3: The Pro Forma Outline – Part 1
Lecture 4: The Pro Forma Outline – Part 2
Lecture 5: The Pro Forma Outline – Part 3
Lecture 6: Setting Expectations
Lecture 7: About The Instructor & Student Success Stories
Lecture 8: Disclaimer
Chapter 2: Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Real Estate Pro Forma Modeling Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Pro Forma Components & Dynamic Financial Modeling
Lecture 3: Monthly vs. Annual Cash Flow Modeling
Lecture 4: Error-Checking on Autopilot
Lecture 5: Professional Design Fundamentals
Lecture 6: Gridlines
Lecture 7: Font Changes & Introduction To "Alt" Shortcuts
Lecture 8: Iterative Calculation
Lecture 9: Advanced Excel Settings
Lecture 10: Excel Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Chapter 3: Part 1 – Building Out The Summary Dashboard
Lecture 1: Summary Tab Setup
Lecture 2: Table Formatting
Lecture 3: Parking Information
Lecture 4: Acquisition Information
Lecture 5: Acquisition Loan Information – Part 1
Lecture 6: Acquisition Loan Information – Part 2
Lecture 7: Refinance Information
Lecture 8: Building Out The Summary Details
Lecture 9: Renovation Detail Build-Out
Lecture 10: Modeling Sale Details – Part 1
Lecture 11: Modeling Sale Details – Part 2
Lecture 12: Building Out The Sources & Uses Table
Lecture 13: Modeling Additional Equity Requirements
Lecture 14: The Key Return Metrics Table
Chapter 4: Part 2 – Revenue Modeling
Lecture 1: Revenue Tab Setup
Lecture 2: Building Out The In-Place Rent Schedule
Lecture 3: Modeling The In-Place Rent Roll
Lecture 4: Total Units & Weighted Average Rent
Lecture 5: Building Out The Stabilized Rent Schedule
Lecture 6: Modeling Renovation Premiums
Lecture 7: Modeling Other Income
Lecture 8: Dynamic Rent Increase Timing
Lecture 9: Building Out Variable Annual Assumptions
Lecture 10: Physical Vacancy, Bad Debt, & Concessions
Lecture 11: Modeling Market Rent Growth Assumptions
Lecture 12: Building Out Potential Revenue
Lecture 13: In-Place vs. Stabilized Rents
Lecture 14: Modeling Dynamic Rent Increase Timing
Lecture 15: Modeling Weighted Average Potential Rent
Chapter 5: Part 3 – Expense Modeling
Lecture 1: Expenses Tab Setup
Lecture 2: Modeling T-12 Operating Expenses
Lecture 3: Modeling Hold Period Operating Expenses
Lecture 4: Building Out Property Tax Information
Lecture 5: Property Tax Information Finalization & Dynamic Drop-Down Menus
Lecture 6: Capital Reserves & Property Management Fees
Lecture 7: Modeling Property Tax Growth Rates
Lecture 8: Building Out The Hold Period Property Taxes Table
Lecture 9: Modeling Dynamic Assessed Value
Chapter 6: Part 4 – Construction Modeling
Lecture 1: Construction Budget Tab Setup
Lecture 2: Building Out The Exterior Renovation Budget
Lecture 3: Modeling Construction Costs
Lecture 4: Construction Cost Timing
Lecture 5: Straight-Line Construction Cost Modeling
Lecture 6: Construction Funding Checks
Lecture 7: Building Out The Interior Renovation Budget
Lecture 8: Contingencies & Overall Construction Budget Finalization
Chapter 7: Part 5 – Debt Modeling
Lecture 1: Financing Tab Setup
Lecture 2: Acquisition Financing Build-Out
Lecture 3: Modeling Acquisition Principal, Interest, & Total Loan Payments
Lecture 4: Modeling The Acquisition Loan Payoff
Lecture 5: Acquisition Financing Checks
Lecture 6: Refinance Modeling
Lecture 7: Modeling Refinance Principal, Interest, & Total Loan Payments
Lecture 8: Modeling The Refinance Loan Payoff
Chapter 8: Part 6 – Building Out The Monthly Cash Flows
Lecture 1: Monthly CF Tab Setup
Lecture 2: Monthly CF Timing
Lecture 3: Building Out Net Rental Income
Lecture 4: Dynamic HLOOKUP & MATCH Modeling
Lecture 5: Modeling Bad Debt, Concessions, & Other Loss
Lecture 6: Modeling Other Income
Lecture 7: Operating Expense Build-Out & Freezing Panes
Lecture 8: Modeling Operating Expenses
Lecture 9: PM Fees, Insurance, & Capital Reserves
Lecture 10: Modeling Dynamic Property Tax Resets
Lecture 11: Construction Expenses & CF Before Debt Service
Lecture 12: Dynamic Loan Funding
Lecture 13: Loan Payments, Payoffs, & Fees
Lecture 14: Working Capital
Lecture 15: Modeling Dynamic Working Capital Funding
Lecture 16: Acquisition & Sale Modeling
Lecture 17: Finalizing The Property Tax Reset
Lecture 18: Monthly CF Tab Finalization
Chapter 9: Part 7- Building Out The Annual Cash Flows
Lecture 1: Annual CF Tab Setup
Justin Kivel
Real Estate Investing & Financial Modeling
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 83 votes
- 4 stars: 544 votes
- 5 stars: 1530 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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