The Solar PV System Design Comprehensive Course //P1
The Solar PV System Design Comprehensive Course //P1, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 64 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 318 reviews, and has 1268 subscribers.
You will learn about Have a professional understanding of solar cell and solar panel datasheets Compare between any datasheets very easily and take the right decisions whether to buy, use, or discuss with the manufacturer for more details Conduct the necessary calculations in order to understand your panel performance more Understand the relationship between the solar panel and other components in the system, and the performance effect of solar panel on the overall system performance and safety Get familiar with the different data and numbers in the panel datahseet and make a link between the datasheet different parts for an easy and flexible walk through Solar Panel datasheet will not be any more alien for you, it will be the step one to start your system design, components selection, and purchase decision. Be happy, and that is what I want you to be at the end of this course Become ready for the next steps on PV systems design and datasheets understanding This course is ideal for individuals who are interested in PV world or in the solar business field and want to build up your confidence and understand your stuff from a different angle or beginner but at least have seen a solar panel or a home solar system owner and you want to understand more about your panels as the source of power It is particularly useful for interested in PV world or in the solar business field and want to build up your confidence and understand your stuff from a different angle or beginner but at least have seen a solar panel or a home solar system owner and you want to understand more about your panels as the source of power.
Enroll now: The Solar PV System Design Comprehensive Course //P1
Title: The Solar PV System Design Comprehensive Course //P1
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 69
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Have a professional understanding of solar cell and solar panel datasheets
- Compare between any datasheets very easily and take the right decisions whether to buy, use, or discuss with the manufacturer for more details
- Conduct the necessary calculations in order to understand your panel performance more
- Understand the relationship between the solar panel and other components in the system, and the performance effect of solar panel on the overall system performance and safety
- Get familiar with the different data and numbers in the panel datahseet and make a link between the datasheet different parts for an easy and flexible walk through
- Solar Panel datasheet will not be any more alien for you, it will be the step one to start your system design, components selection, and purchase decision.
- Be happy, and that is what I want you to be at the end of this course
- Become ready for the next steps on PV systems design and datasheets understanding
Who Should Attend
- interested in PV world
- in the solar business field and want to build up your confidence and understand your stuff from a different angle
- beginner but at least have seen a solar panel
- a home solar system owner and you want to understand more about your panels as the source of power
Target Audiences
- interested in PV world
- in the solar business field and want to build up your confidence and understand your stuff from a different angle
- beginner but at least have seen a solar panel
- a home solar system owner and you want to understand more about your panels as the source of power
The course goal is to develop the critical thinking and the quick approach of asking and answering questions by telling you where to focus on the datasheets and how to relate data together to make solid decisions or ask for more details.
The course content is mainly:
1. Videos which are the main content of the course
2. Quizes. One quiz at the end of each section
3. PDF files made particularly for you. Notes and challenge files at the end of each section organized in a table for your reference.
The course is divided in two main sections covering solar cells and solar panels. In the solar cell section you will :
1. Know more in depth about the solar cells in relation to solar panels.
2. Calculate the 100% efficient solar cells as well as any solar cell efficiency.
3. Cut and reconnect solar cells and notice the changes.
4. Compare between different panels using different size and number of cells.
5. Make your first solar panel and estimate your panel efficiency and size.
At the end of this section, you will know a lot of how to build different panels by just using different solar cell sizes, efficiency, quantity, and circuit connection method.
The other section is about solar panels. In this parts, you will :
1. Understand the solar panel standard datasheet different parts.
2. Compare between the mono and poly panel datasheets.
4. Count the panel efficiency and size per 1m2 based on STC and NOCT types of test.
5. Figure out the impact of ambient temp. and radiance on the solar panel and how they effect the panel performance and safety.
6. Know the different circuit wiring methods in order to make your first PV array.
7. Make your first solar array.
8. Calculate your panel max. current and max. series fuse rating and the fundamentals behind that.
Not only that but to pass this course successfully, during the course you will
1. Be challenged several times to think more and solve problems that you have not thought about before.
2. Use the calculator, the pen and the notebook.
3. Pose the lessons several times and compare with other datasheets that you might have faced some problems to understand before.
4. Answer the quiz at the end of each section.
5. Go through the notes file I have arranged for you.
6. Take the final challenge to end this course as you expected to.
If any problem or doubts, me and all other students will be on your side to support you in the course discussion. This course is the first step in a series where you will cover mostly everything on your way up to stand out on top of all others in the field. Roll up your sleeves and wish you all the best.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Welcome To The Course
Chapter 1: Solar Cells
Lecture 1: The 100% Efficient Solar Panel
Lecture 2: The 100% Efficient Solar Cell
Lecture 3: Solar Cell Datasheet Overview
Lecture 4: Smaller Cells vs. Bigger Cells – Part 1
Lecture 5: Smaller Cells vs. Bigger Cells – Part 2
Lecture 6: Cutting and Reconnecting Solar Cells
Lecture 7: Smaller Cells vs. Bigger Cells – Part 3
Lecture 8: Solar Cell Busbars
Lecture 9: Making Solar Panel
Lecture 10: Panel Efficiency vs. Cell Efficiency
Lecture 11: Section Notes & Final Challenge PDF Files Introduction
Chapter 2: Solar Panels
Lecture 1: Solar Panel Datasheet Overview
Lecture 2: Mono vs. Poly Silicon Solar Panels
Lecture 3: STC and NOCT Panel Power Output/m2
Lecture 4: High Temperature Impact on Solar Panels
Lecture 5: Solar Panel Min. Voltage
Lecture 6: Mono vs. Poly High Temperature Performance
Lecture 7: Solar Panel Max. Voltage
Lecture 8: NEC Solar Panel Max. Voltage
Lecture 9: The Min. and Max. Number of Panels in Series
Lecture 10: Connect Solar Panels Together To Make A PV Array
Lecture 11: Max. Current and Max. Series Fuse Rating
Lecture 12: Section Notes & Final Challenge PDF Files Introduction
Chapter 3: Understand Your Location. (NEW)
Lecture 1: Latitudes and Longitudes Intro
Lecture 2: Coordinates' Position Indicators
Lecture 3: More About Hemispheres and Latitudes
Lecture 4: Coordinates In Different Spheres: Reading and Writing
Lecture 5: Time Zone
Lecture 6: Time Difference Between Two Locations
Lecture 7: Latitudes & Seasonal Changes
Lecture 8: The Azimuth & Zenith
Lecture 9: The Sun Path Chart
Lecture 10: Get Your Location Sun Path Chart In Only 6 Steps
Lecture 11: Section Notes & Final Challenge PDF Files Introduction
Chapter 4: Get PV System Optimal Power Production (NEW)
Lecture 1: Magnetic & True Azimuth
Lecture 2: Solar Panel Optimum Orientation
Lecture 3: Tilting Solar Panel – Default Method ( From Horizontal & Vertical )
Lecture 4: Tilting Solar Panel – More Methods
Lecture 5: Solar Irradiance & Power Production In Different Orientations – A Location In NH
Lecture 6: Solar Irradiance & Power Production In Different Orientations – A Location In SH
Lecture 7: Quick Walk Through: A location In South Hemisphere & Another In North Hemisphere
Lecture 8: Fixed Tilt Setting – Solar Irradiance & Power Production
Lecture 9: Adjustable Tilt Setting – Solar Irradiance & Power Production
Chapter 5: Geometry & Right Triangles (NEW)
Lecture 1: Geometry In Brief
Lecture 2: Triangles Introduction
Lecture 3: Right Triangle – The Sides – 1
Lecture 4: Right Triangle – The Sides – 2
Chapter 6: The Shadow – Three Different Sources (NEW)
Lecture 1: Shadow Introduction
Lecture 2: Shadow Length In Summer Solstice
Lecture 3: Shadow Length In Winter Solstice
Lecture 4: Shadow Length On Equinoxes
Lecture 5: Solar Panel Shadow At Any Tilt, Location & Time
Chapter 7: Useful Online Tools (NEW)
Lecture 1: Geographical Coordinates
Lecture 2: Peak Sun Hours (PSH)
Lecture 3: Sunrise & Sunset
Lecture 4: Magnetic Declination
Lecture 5: Azimuth & Zenith
Tingdong E-learning
Online Academy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 17 votes
- 3 stars: 73 votes
- 4 stars: 116 votes
- 5 stars: 101 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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